Fenilpropanoidok - Szerves Kémiai Tanszék

Fenilpropanoidok - Szerves Kémiai Tanszék Fenilpropanoidok - Szerves Kémiai Tanszék

from szerves.science.unideb.hu More from this publisher

A ligninHidroxi-fahéjalkoholok gyököspoliaddíciójával képződikThe plant polymerlignin is astrengtheningmaterial forthe plant cell wallwhich acts as amatrix for cellulosemicrofibrils.In contrast tomost other naturalpolymeric materials,lignin appearsto be devoid ofordered repeatingunits, though some50–70% of thelinkages are of theβ-arylether type.

A ligninHidroxi-fahéjalkoholok gyököspoliaddíciójával képződikThe plant polymerlignin is astrengtheningmaterial forthe plant cell wallwhich acts as amatrix for cellulosemicrofibrils.In contrast tomost other naturalpolymeric materials,lignin appearsto be devoid ofordered repeatingunits, though some50–70% of thelinkages are of theβ-arylether type.

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