
Bison-Rewilding-Plan-2014 Bison-Rewilding-Plan-2014


Objective Action Result7. Bison protection 7.1 Encourage range states to ensure legal protectionfor European bison, with effective sanctions in place todeter illegal poaching.7.2 Encourage range states to ensure protection of largecarnivores (wolves, lynx, bear) is in place in all bisonreintroduction areasWorkshop on development of effectiveprotection held by 2020, involvingrepresentatives of all European bison rangestates.Protection of large carnivores improved in fiverewilding areas to allow natural predation.7.3 Rewilding Europe to develop formalised responsein the case of poaching of bison in any of its rewildingareas.Anti-poaching strategy available in 2015.7.4 Bison rangers to be recruited in all bisonreintroduction areas, preferably from local people.First wave of rangers recruited in SouthernCarpathians (2014), Eastern Carpathians (2014),Velebit (2014–2015), Rhodope Mountains (2014–2015) and Oder Delta (2015–2016).8. Internationaland national policy8.1 Rewilding Europe to strengthen their links with theIUCN Bison Specialist Group.Annual meetings held with the IUCN BisonSpecialist Group to align European bisonprotection and rewilding activities.8.2 Encourage all governments within the natural rangeof European bison to develop bison rewilding plans by2020.National Bison Rewilding Plans operational inRomania (2015), Poland (2016), Bulgaria (2017),Germany (2018) and Croatia (2019).9. Publicengagement andeducation9.1 Organise field trips for local schools to visit bisonrewilding areas.At least five school classes per year visiting thebison projects in Southern Carpathians (as of2014), Eastern Carpathians (as of 2015), Velebit(as of 2015–2016), Thracian Mountains (as of2015) and Odra Delta (as of 2015–2016).9.2. Education on European bison and rewilding builtinto the curriculum of local schools.Integration into curriculum, with tailor-madematerials, ready and disseminated in SouthernCarpathians (2014), Eastern Carpathians (2015),Velebit (2015–2016), Thracian Mountains (2015)and Odra Delta (2015–2016).9.3 Develop educational materials for and with localschools on European bison and rewilding.Local schools actively using bison and rewildingeducation materials.9.4 Train teachers in European bison ecology andrewilding.First wave of teacher training completedin Southern Carpathians (2014), EasternCarpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016), ThracianMountains (2015) and Odra Delta (2015–2016).9.5 Participation of local community in all bison releaseevents.At least one press release and one local radio PRpublicising release events in local area.9.6 Establish annual ‘Bison day’ in all rewilding areas topromote conservation work with local communities.Bison day established in Southern Carpathians(2014), Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit(2015–2016), Thracian Mountains (2015) andOdra Delta (2015–2016).9.7. Develop a communication strategy for bisonrewilding.Communication strategy, with special attentionto communication with local people, availablein Southern Carpathians (2014), EasternCarpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016), ThracianMountains (2015) and Odra Delta (2015–2016).44

Objective Action Result10. Economicdevelopment10.1 Develop Rewilding Europe Capital (REC) to investin conservation-based businesses across Europe’srewilding bison areas.REC supporting at least one bison relatedbusiness case/area in Southern Carpathians(2014), Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit(2015–2016), Rhodope Mountains (2015) andOder Delta (2015–2016).10.2 Work with local tour operators to establish paidguided tours of rewilding bison areas, recruiting localpeople.Minimum of one paid guided tour outfitoperational in Southern Carpathians (2014),Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016),Rhodope Mountains (2015) and Oder Delta(2015–2016).10.3 Promote bison-related tourism in rewilding areas. At least 500 extra tourists/year coming to thebison projects in Southern Carpathians (as of2014), Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016), Rhodope Mountains (2015) and OderDelta (2015–2016).10.4 Develop training materials for e.g. rangers, tourguides that are being employed as part of the bisonrewilding team in a local area.Minimum of three rangers to be trained perrewilding area. First wave of rangers and tourguides trained, with tailor-made materials,in Southern Carpathians (2014), EasternCarpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016),Rhodope Mountains (2015) and Oder Delta(2015–2016).10.5 Train bison rangers and tour guides in all localrewilding areas.Minimum of two bison rangers and two tourguides trained and active in each rewilding area.10.6 Investigate potential for limited trophy hunting ofEuropean bison.Study on hunting available at the latest in 2018.11. Europeanawareness11.1 Make wider audience in Europe aware of thevulnerable position of European bison and of thestrategy of Rewilding Europe to improve this.As of 2014, at least 10 media outlets per yearrelated to the rewilding of European bison, withan outreach of at least 10 million people peryear.12. ReviewRewilding Plan12.1 Review and update Rewilding Europe’s BisonRewilding Plan.Progress towards achieving rewilding plan to bereviewed annually, with a major five-year reviewin 2019.Rewilding plan to be updated and republishedby 2025.45

Objective Action Result10. Economicdevelopment10.1 Develop <strong>Rewilding</strong> Europe Capital (REC) to investin conservation-based businesses across Europe’srewilding bison areas.REC supporting at least one bison relatedbusiness case/area in Southern Carpathians(<strong>2014</strong>), Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit(2015–2016), Rhodope Mountains (2015) andOder Delta (2015–2016).10.2 Work with local tour operators to establish paidguided tours of rewilding bison areas, recruiting localpeople.Minimum of one paid guided tour outfitoperational in Southern Carpathians (<strong>2014</strong>),Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016),Rhodope Mountains (2015) and Oder Delta(2015–2016).10.3 Promote bison-related tourism in rewilding areas. At least 500 extra tourists/year coming to thebison projects in Southern Carpathians (as of<strong>2014</strong>), Eastern Carpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016), Rhodope Mountains (2015) and OderDelta (2015–2016).10.4 Develop training materials for e.g. rangers, tourguides that are being employed as part of the bisonrewilding team in a local area.Minimum of three rangers to be trained perrewilding area. First wave of rangers and tourguides trained, with tailor-made materials,in Southern Carpathians (<strong>2014</strong>), EasternCarpathians (2015), Velebit (2015–2016),Rhodope Mountains (2015) and Oder Delta(2015–2016).10.5 Train bison rangers and tour guides in all localrewilding areas.Minimum of two bison rangers and two tourguides trained and active in each rewilding area.10.6 Investigate potential for limited trophy hunting ofEuropean bison.Study on hunting available at the latest in 2018.11. Europeanawareness11.1 Make wider audience in Europe aware of thevulnerable position of European bison and of thestrategy of <strong>Rewilding</strong> Europe to improve this.As of <strong>2014</strong>, at least 10 media outlets per yearrelated to the rewilding of European bison, withan outreach of at least 10 million people peryear.12. Review<strong>Rewilding</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>12.1 Review and update <strong>Rewilding</strong> Europe’s <strong>Bison</strong><strong>Rewilding</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Progress towards achieving rewilding plan to bereviewed annually, with a major five-year reviewin 2019.<strong>Rewilding</strong> plan to be updated and republishedby 2025.45

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