February 2011 - CII

February 2011 - CII

February 2011 - CII


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policy pulse3. AVAILABILITY AND COST OF CREDIT4. VOLUME AND VALUE OF EXPORTSAvailability of Credit (% of Respondents)Volume of Exports (% of Respondents)The survey reveals credit availability as a concern area. 81% ofthe respondents did not witness any increase in credit availabilityin the last three months. 58% of the respondents expect no changein the credit availability as against 59% reporting no change in thelast three months. However, percentage of respondents expectingno increase for the current three months decreased to 66%.As high as 86% of the respondents expect an increase in volumeof exports and another 14% expect status quo. As against this, only52% of the respondents reported an increase in exports duringthe last three months.Cost of Credit (% of Respondents)Value of Exports (% of Respondents)Only 33% of the respondents expect the cost of credit to increaseduring the current three months and another 50% expectingstatus quo.There is similar optimism in terms of value of exports; with 81%of the respondents expecting an increase. This is higher than theexpectation level (68% of the respondents) recorded during theprevious survey for the period October - December 2010.f e b r u a r y 2 0 1 113

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