Notes on Poisson Regression and Some Extensions

Notes on Poisson Regression and Some Extensions

Notes on Poisson Regression and Some Extensions


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gen a6 = intr==6;egen id = fill(1 2);xtpois d a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 n<strong>on</strong>int m12 adjinc nsibssouth urban fundpro cathol profam selfest,offset(offs) i(cid) noc<strong>on</strong>s;Results.R<strong>and</strong>om-effects Poiss<strong>on</strong> Number of obs = 9359Group variable (i) : cid Number of groups = 1936R<strong>and</strong>om effects u_i ~ Gamma Obs per group: min = 1avg = 4.8max = 23Wald chi2(16) = 2679.28Log likelihood = -1144.5603 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000------------------------------------------------------------------------------d | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% C<strong>on</strong>f. Interval]---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------a1 | -4.854541 .8016085 -6.056 0.000 -6.425665 -3.283418a2 | -2.649949 .7782366 -3.405 0.001 -4.175264 -1.124633a3 | -2.143511 .7772958 -2.758 0.006 -3.666983 -.6200393a4 | -2.185339 .779154 -2.805 0.005 -3.712453 -.6582254a5 | -2.053847 .794188 -2.586 0.010 -3.610427 -.4972672a6 | -2.106344 .8363073 -2.519 0.012 -3.745476 -.4672121n<strong>on</strong>int | .9371541 .1693922 5.532 0.000 .6051515 1.269157m12 | .8770516 .1649014 5.319 0.000 .5538508 1.200252adjinc | -.0000559 .0000168 -3.319 0.001 -.0000889 -.0000229nsibs | .0572207 .0386449 1.481 0.139 -.0185219 .1329633south | -.7573547 .2066934 -3.664 0.000 -1.162466 -.3522431urban | .2083464 .1893081 1.101 0.271 -.1626906 .5793835fundpro | .7688226 .2057846 3.736 0.000 .3654923 1.172153cathol | -.2760485 .1953083 -1.413 0.158 -.6588457 .1067487profam | .5185107 .1837613 2.822 0.005 .158345 .8786763selfest | -1.034571 .1925264 -5.374 0.000 -1.411916 -.6572266offs | (offset)---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------/lnalpha | .2281934 .4508365 -.6554299 1.111817---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------alpha | 1.256328 .5663986 .5192188 3.039876------------------------------------------------------------------------------Likelihood ratio test of alpha=0: chi2(1) = 9.34 Prob > chi2 = 0.0022Imputed Frailties. Suppose you want to know more about the distributi<strong>on</strong> of frailty or wantedto know which observed family-level traits might have an impact <strong>on</strong> a family’s frailty? 6 Theexpressi<strong>on</strong> for ̂v j can be evaluated using Stata as follows:set memory 5000#delimit;6 By assumpti<strong>on</strong>, the x’s are uncorrelated with the v’s so statement is c<strong>on</strong>tradictory. That is, under our model’sassumpti<strong>on</strong>s, frailty should not impact other covariates. However, the variance in frailty could be affected by theinclusi<strong>on</strong> of covariates.20

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