Notes on Poisson Regression and Some Extensions

Notes on Poisson Regression and Some Extensions

Notes on Poisson Regression and Some Extensions


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questi<strong>on</strong> above.∫vE(v|y) = ∫vg(v)f(y|v)dvv g(v)f(y|v)dvThis is referred to the expected a-posteriori estimate of the r<strong>and</strong>om effect, or empirical Bayesestimate for short. In many cases this expressi<strong>on</strong> would have to be solved numerically, or othermethods might need to be used to evaluate it. It turns out to be c<strong>on</strong>venient that that a gammaprior was used. In this case, the posterior distributi<strong>on</strong> is also gamma, but with shape parameterα + y i <strong>and</strong> scale parameter α + µ. If we had observed j multiple events <strong>on</strong> the same individual orcounts am<strong>on</strong>g clusters of j dependent units of analysis, the shape <strong>and</strong> scale parameters would beα + ∑ j y ij <strong>and</strong> α + ∑ j µ ij. Thus, in the case of these types of data structures, we have amultilevel Poiss<strong>on</strong> model. 3Next we fit the full model. Note that the estimated variance in the r<strong>and</strong>om effect is 0.073,which implies almost no variati<strong>on</strong> in the r<strong>and</strong>om effect distributi<strong>on</strong>. A proporti<strong>on</strong>ate reducti<strong>on</strong> inerror statistic can be computed to compare the change in the proporti<strong>on</strong> of variance explained bythis model (indexed by 1) compared to the null model (indexed by 0).R 2 p = var(v) 0 − var(v) 1var(v) 0= 0.242 − 0.073.242 = 0.698This suggests that about 70% of the variance in number of children is accounted for by thewoman-specific variables included in the full model. To gauge the correlati<strong>on</strong> in the individualevents c<strong>on</strong>tributing to total fertility we can c<strong>on</strong>struct a measure a measure asICC =var(u)var(u) + var(y) = 0.0730.073 + 2 = 0.035which is not much. These kinds of r<strong>and</strong>om effects models are much more useful when we haverepeated measures <strong>on</strong> the same set of resp<strong>on</strong>dents (i.e., panel data) or clustered counts data fromindividuals nested in wider c<strong>on</strong>texts (fertility of siblings etc.).R<strong>and</strong>om-effects Poiss<strong>on</strong> regressi<strong>on</strong> Number of obs = 1496Log likelihood = -2537.2144 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000------------------------------------------------------------------------------childs | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% C<strong>on</strong>f. Interval]-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------boomer | -.5613786 .041419 -13.55 0.000 -.6425583 -.4801989married | .3626 .0438245 8.27 0.000 .2767055 .4484945_Ideg_2 | -.2270964 .055744 -4.07 0.000 -.3363527 -.1178401_Ideg_3 | -.4895984 .065998 -7.42 0.000 -.6189521 -.3602448n<strong>on</strong>wht | .2258126 .0484695 4.66 0.000 .1308141 .3208111income | -.0287399 .008614 -3.34 0.001 -.045623 -.0118567_c<strong>on</strong>s | 1.291956 .0876294 14.74 0.000 1.120205 1.463706-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------/lnalpha | -2.615761 .3047629 -3.213085 -2.018436-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------alpha | .0731122 .0222819 .0402323 .1328631------------------------------------------------------------------------------Likelihood-ratio test of alpha=0: chibar2(01) = 13.78 Prob>=chibar2 = 0.0003 This differs from the usual multilevel models that assume normal or multivariate normal r<strong>and</strong>om effects.14

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