FD02e Year Book 2002-REV - Fremantle Football Club

FD02e Year Book 2002-REV - Fremantle Football Club

FD02e Year Book 2002-REV - Fremantle Football Club


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the year in reviewINTRODUCTIONThe implementation ofsynergy between all areasloss, it is pleasing that thisThe <strong>2002</strong> season was oneof improved performancesnot only on the field butalso through the entireclub. Much has beenachieved during the yearto set the foundations foragreat football <strong>Club</strong>.FOOTBALL OPERATIONSThe structure and operationof the football departmentwas overhauled at the endof the 2001 season. The<strong>Club</strong> appointed a new SeniorCoach, <strong>Football</strong> Manager,Strength and ConditioningCoach, and Player ContractsManager to bring about therequired improvements inthe operations of thefootball department, teammanagement and playercontracts and salary capadministration.The <strong>Club</strong> recruited well atthe conclusion of the 2001season attracting seniorand experienced players aswell as some very promisingyoung talent to the <strong>Club</strong>.The year was all aboutdevelopment. Developingthe players and team into aprofessional operation withnew team structures,training programmes,disciplines and game planimplemented. The footballoperations were focused onrestoring respect for theadvanced trainingprogrammes was theprimary focus at the startof <strong>2002</strong> to develop thephysical capabilities of theplayers to withstand therigours of the season. Theresults could be seen duringthe season with the teamfinishing matches strongly.While on-field performancesat Subiaco restored the<strong>Club</strong>’s home groundadvantage, performancesaway from home continuedto be a key issue.The team travelled to moreparts of Australia than anyother club in the AFL in<strong>2002</strong> and the travelregimes continued to beimproved over the year.New additions to theplaying group and theimproved management ofthe <strong>Club</strong>’s player list in<strong>2002</strong> have positioned thefootball department in asound position to meet itsstrategic priority of being aconsistent finals contender.COMMERCIAL OPERATIONSThe revenue generationdepartments, Membership,Corporate Sales, Eventsand Merchandise, wererestructured during <strong>2002</strong>and consolidated into anew centralisedCommercial Operationsto maximise revenueopportunities in the futureand improve efficiencyof resources.The year was highlighted byan increase in homeattendances at Subiaco Ovalwith <strong>Fremantle</strong> achievingthe highest percentageincrease in the AFL in <strong>2002</strong>of 23 percent, achieved inan environment where homeand away attendancesacross the AFL were at theirlowest level since 1996.The <strong>Fremantle</strong> home gameagainst West Coast Eaglesin the 16th Western Derbyset the record for thelargest AFL crowd at thenew Subiaco Oval, madeeven sweeter with acomprehensive victory.The recruitment of new staffand high profile playersfollowing the dismal 2001season created significantmomentum at all levels ofthe <strong>Club</strong>. With theimprovement in on-fieldperformance in <strong>2002</strong> thisenabled the <strong>Club</strong> to maintainits membership andcorporate clients based onthe new sense of direction.A special thanks must beextended to all our sponsorsfor their continued support.FINANCEFollowing a disastrous 2001figure was reduced byapproximately $1 million inthe <strong>2002</strong> financial year.However, the <strong>2002</strong> financialyear reflected thecontinuing challenge facingthe <strong>Club</strong> as it strives tobalance its financialcommitments with itsoperational objectives.This improvement wasachieved through a mixtureof aggressive costmanagement and increasedrevenue, particularlyimproved attendances athome games.Continuing losses do notprovide sustainability forthe <strong>Club</strong>. Improvementsachieved in <strong>2002</strong> arerequired to be repeatedagain in 2003 for the <strong>Club</strong>to achieve its strategicpriority of being aprofitable, financiallystable football club.To ensure this strategicpriority is achieved, the <strong>Club</strong>has undertaken its mostdetailed budgeting processyet for the 2003 financialyear. All involved at the <strong>Club</strong>are committed to continuingthe improvements made in<strong>2002</strong> and the necessarycontrols, procedures andprocesses to build revenues,judiciously manage costs<strong>Club</strong> within the AFLdivision. This centralisationfinancial year in which theand reduce debt have beencompetition.was completed to deliver a<strong>Club</strong> recorded a $2.5 millionimplemented.18 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

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