FD02e Year Book 2002-REV - Fremantle Football Club

FD02e Year Book 2002-REV - Fremantle Football Club

FD02e Year Book 2002-REV - Fremantle Football Club


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year book <strong>2002</strong> contentsSPONSORS IN <strong>2002</strong>Major SponsorPremier Sponsors© 2003 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ‘Coca-Cola’,the Dynamic Ribbon device and ‘Real Refreshment’are trade marks of the Coca-Cola Company.Corporate SponsorsAustralia PostPeters & Brownes GroupBenny’s Bar and CafeXanadu WinesRick Hart Electrical RetailersFoxtelThe West AustralianThe Sunday Times92.9WinTVTelstraChannel 9Channel 10COPYRIGHT:<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 2003.All rights reserved. Without limitingthe rights under copyright above,no part of this publication shall bereproduced, stored in or introducedinto a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means(electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording orotherwise) without the priorpermission of the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.FREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB LTD<strong>2002</strong> YEAR BOOKABN 83 066 055 249www.fremantlefc.com.auPRODUCED BY:Atticus CommunicationsSuite 7, 154 Hampden Road,Nedlands WA 6009T: (08) 9386 8966For the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>A Product of the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Communications Departmentmedia@fremantlefc.com.auFREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB:<strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval, Parry Street,<strong>Fremantle</strong> WA 6160P.O. Box 381, <strong>Fremantle</strong> WA 6959T: (08) 9433 7000F: (08) 9433 7001FREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUBCOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER:Keith BlackEDITORIAL:Keith Black, David Zampatti, Les Everitt,Rick Hart, Cameron Schwab,Chris Connolly, Peter BellPHOTOGRAPHY:All photography by Getty Images, OfficialAFL Photographic Agency unless creditedotherwiseDESIGN AND PRODUCTION:Scout CreativeSuite 7, 154 Hampden Road,Nedlands WA 6009T: (08) 9386 8966info@scoutcreative.com.auADVERTISING ENQUIRIES:Atticus CommunicationsSuite 7, 154 Hampden Road,Nedlands WA 6009T: (08) 9386 8966PRINTING:Lamb Print9 Robertson Street, Perth WA 6000T: (08) 9328 1533CONTENTSChairman’s Message .............................. 3CEO’s Message ...................................... 4Coach’s Message .......... 7Captain’s Message ........ 9<strong>2002</strong> Awards ....................................... 10<strong>2002</strong> Recruits ...................................... 15Dale Kickett Tribute ..... 16Jason Norrish Tribute ... 17<strong>Year</strong> in Review ..................................... 18<strong>Year</strong> Ahead ........................................... 19<strong>2002</strong> Season in Profile ... 21<strong>2002</strong> Team .................. 33<strong>2002</strong> Stats .......................................... 34Excitement .................. 36Farewells ..................... 382003 AFL Season ................................. 39Off the Field ......................................... 40<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 1

the chairmanThe <strong>2002</strong>season was acritical year forthe <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>THE STRUCTURE, operations and businessprocesses of the <strong>Club</strong> were subjected tosubstantial scrutiny and change over thecourse of the year. All operating divisionsof the <strong>Club</strong> were significantly restructuredunder the stewardship of our new ChiefExecutive Officer Cameron Schwab.We have indeed come a long way in <strong>2002</strong>but we still have an equally long way to goto set the foundations for a great football<strong>Club</strong>. We have clearly identified thechallenges facing us and have earnestlybegun the task of addressing thosechallenges head-on.The Board of Management and the seniorexecutives have developed a StrategicPlan for 2003 to 2005 and we havegathered quality people to deliver theobjectives of that plan.While we are very much focused on thefuture, we can look back on season <strong>2002</strong>with pride as the first step our <strong>Club</strong> hasmade on its quest to be a consistentfinals contender and earn respect inthe AFL competition.The <strong>Club</strong>’s on-field performancesdemonstrated why the <strong>Club</strong> is regardedas having one of the most exciting youngplaying lists in the AFL. Senior coachChris Connolly has developed strong,professional team structures together withtraining programmes and a game plan thatearned the respect of the players andopposition teams. These are the strongfoundations for the <strong>Club</strong>’s continued onfield development.While Subiaco Oval was restored asaground to be feared by visiting clubs,with memorable victories against grandfinalists Collingwood, finalists Melbourneand Essendon, and 2001 finalistsHawthorn, our performances away fromhome did not yield success. <strong>Fremantle</strong>travelled more than any other AFL clubin <strong>2002</strong> and faced an extremely difficulttravel schedule playing games in Adelaide,Melbourne, Launceston, Geelong,Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane – but noexcuses, we must bridge the gap betweenour best and worst, home and away.Financially, <strong>2002</strong> saw the <strong>Club</strong> achievea significant turnaround of approximately$1.0m from the 2001 loss of $2.5 million.This was achieved in a season that saw allclubs under significant financial pressuresand further reflects the real inroads wehave made off the field in <strong>2002</strong>. However,we still have work to do to achieve a result“in the black” and all our efforts over thecoming 12 months will focus on ourstrategic priority of long term financialstability to allow us to make thecontribution to WA football required of us.While the past has not yielded the successthat the <strong>Club</strong>’s stakeholders may haveexpected, especially the <strong>Club</strong>’s loyal andpassionate supporters, the foundationshave been laid with the strategy,objectives and people to successfullyaddress every challenge facing the <strong>Club</strong>.RICK HART<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 3

the CEOI think it wasBryce Courtenaywho wrote:“If you’reskating onthin ice,you may aswell tapdance”.YES, WE HAVE taken many risks sinceSeptember 2001 as the <strong>Club</strong> embarked onthe process of getting better. They wererisks taken knowing the depth of changerequired to turn this thing around, to breakthe cycle of mediocrity, but with also anunderstanding and respect for thistoughest of competitions.Ultimately the passage of time will be thebest judge of decisions taken, all of whichwill have a profound effect on the mediumto long term future of the club.In the meantime many sit in judgment…kick by kick… quarter by quarter… gameby game and season by season.This type of scrutiny can promote a type of‘short-termism’ that requires those withwhom decision making responsibility isvested to stay focused, to stick thick,to trust each other, even when it appearswe are challenging the natural order andthe discomfort that will inevitably bea consequence.This will include our owners, our board, ourmanagement and players – and ultimatelyour supporters.We have said many times that the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> will have its day –provided we can maintain that sense ofunity and it is supported at all levels.Let there be no doubt that thefundamentals are in place and we can beconfident that we are on track, but therewill be times when our patience and beliefwill be tested.In <strong>2002</strong> we won seven more games andimproved our financial performance byapproximately $1 million though our poortrading performance cannot continue.But it is turning around – it is turningaround on the back of a renewed senseof hope and positivity.Encouraged by our talented young coachto play positive football, our young playersgrew in confidence and belief, and withthat started to build an overwhelmingsense of optimism that has so often eludedthe <strong>Club</strong> in its short history.And our supporters shared some excitingmoments with us.Our after-the-siren victory againstMelbourne courtesy of a wobbly JeffFarmer kick, and our win againstCollingwood in our first true Blockbustermatch and the coach directing the teamto hug the boundary line as they did theirwarm-up lap in the Western Derby, in frontof the biggest ever AFL crowd at SubiacoOval, take it all in, and running away witha convincing victory.4 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

the CEOWe also said goodbye to Jason Norrish,who was admired by supporters andgenuinely respected by his teammates andcoaches, and there was not a dry eye inthe ground when we said goodbye to DaleKickett who played every game as thoughit was his last and completed the slowestever lap at Subiaco.And the effect was contagious. Not onlydid our members and supporters getcaught up in the excitement and thepromise of the future, but so did ourplayers. Let us not underestimate thesignificance of the re-signing of JustinLongmuir, Paul Hasleby and our firstAll Australian Matthew Pavlich.And we did not lose our focus during thetrading and drafting period. Our prioritywas to land Brisbane Premiership playerand former number one draft choiceDes Headland and we did, and we did soknowing that we had the signatures of ourbest young talent locked away. We canalso have confidence in our draft choices,they are well researched and selected tocomplement our emerging team structures.But we cannot get carried away with ourimproved performances in <strong>2002</strong>, there isstill a hell of a long way to go. The seasonwas promising – that is all – nothing more,nothing less.The great moments of <strong>2002</strong> are nowconsigned to history and we move forward.We understand that <strong>Fremantle</strong> still has along way to go to build real respect in thiscompetition and that will come. The signsare good and we have great reason foroptimism, but we are not getting aheadof ourselves.Rest assured – <strong>Fremantle</strong> will have its day.CAMERON SCHWAB<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 5

the coachThe single bestfeature of<strong>2002</strong> was theattitude of theplayersSEASON <strong>2002</strong> was a positive year.It allowed our newly restructured footballdepartment the opportunity to assess allareas of football operations while at thesame time our developing team playedsome exciting, winning football.The single best feature of <strong>2002</strong> was theattitude of the players. They are desperateto improve their own individual games,hardworking and hungry for team success.Make no mistake, <strong>Fremantle</strong> players careabout <strong>Fremantle</strong>; they embrace theirsupporters to the best of their ability andfully support all departments of the <strong>Club</strong> toassist our financial stability. Their effortshave made a great contribution to the <strong>Club</strong>in <strong>2002</strong> and I thank them for that.To those players who have moved on afterthe season, the <strong>Club</strong>’s appreciation isextended with a special thank you tostalwarts Dale Kickett and Jason Norrishfor their loyal service over the years. LeighBrown and Adam McPhee were a pleasureto coach and were traded with a heavyheart. They will be given betteropportunities at their new clubs and haveassisted <strong>Fremantle</strong> in staying on track toachieve its long term on-field goals.We are an emerging team, on the rise ifyou like. Opposition teams are clearlyaware of this and will try to dismantle usat every turn. Our team will be challengedon all fronts and I look forward to 2003 tosee how our young players respond. Asindividuals they may struggle at times buttogether they will be difficult to hold back.Our football department has a hugeresponsibility in creating an environmentwhere our team continually develops andindividual players grow as footballers.I thank each member of our staff for theirefforts in <strong>2002</strong> and I am personallymotivated by the energy and excitementthey bring every day with a view to 2003and beyond.At <strong>Fremantle</strong> the light at the end of thetunnel is not an on-coming train but anopening to something special. How quicklyour team can get there and what it holdsin store I am not exactly sure. But I amsure if we remain diligent in all areas,channel our passion in the same directionand are aggressive in our attitude<strong>Fremantle</strong> will have its day.CHRIS CONNOLLY<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 7

the captainThe team iswithout doubtone of themost excitingin thecompetitionIT HAS BEEN a long time since I signed asthe first <strong>Fremantle</strong> player way back in1995. Returning to the <strong>Club</strong> in 2001 wasnot the best homecoming as our seasonwas one that I, my team mates and the<strong>Club</strong> would sooner forget.We took stock of ourselves as a club atthe end of 2001 and began the process ofdeveloping a team and a record that the<strong>Club</strong> and our supporters could be proud of.Under the leadership of Senior Coach ChrisConnolly and the other members of thecoaching staff, the <strong>2002</strong> season was onethat has proved that we have the attitude,capabilities and ability to deliver success.While the scoreboard will show us withnine wins, though none on the road, weneed to look beyond this as we look at theseason just gone.The team is without doubt one of the mostexciting in the competition. Withexperienced players Trent Croad, JeffFarmer, Troy Simmonds, and LukeMcPharlin joining the <strong>Club</strong> at the end of2001 to complement our established groupand then add to that an exciting band ofemerging young talent, I believe we have ateam for the future.With the key players Matthew Pavlich,Justin Longmuir and Paul Hasleby resigningat season’s end, the addition ofpremiership player Des Headland to thesquad, and coach Chris Connollycommitting to the <strong>Club</strong> for another threeyears, the team has the stability to matchits talent.We are hungry to make our own piece ofhistory to take <strong>Fremantle</strong> into its first everfinals campaign. We are hungry forsuccess and we all want to be a part of itand set the foundations for a great football<strong>Club</strong>. The <strong>2002</strong> season was one step onthat path and it will be an exciting journeyfor the players, the <strong>Club</strong> and supporters.The attitude of the players is fantastic andit has been a privilege and honour to bethe Captain of the <strong>Club</strong> in these excitingtimes. We are continually striving to buildrespect for the club and we know all toowell that the future is in our own hands.With the fantastic support of ourpassionate supporters we know that oneday <strong>Fremantle</strong> will have its day.PETER BELL<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 9

the awardsPAVLICH STORMS HOMEIt was a wild night in the giant marquee on <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval, but even the gale force winds that struck the port couldn’tdampen the enthusiasm of nearly 1,000 Freo supporters who braved the elements to acclaim our new <strong>Club</strong> Champion.The awards – the first telecast by media partner Channel 9 – confirmed the dynamic mix emerging in <strong>Fremantle</strong> football,with players from the class of ’95 joining <strong>2002</strong> recruits among the winners.The new <strong>Club</strong> champion voting system gave each player a vote from zero to seven for each game, rewarding consistencythrough the season and ensuring a close, exciting finish.Before the announcement of the winners, the <strong>Club</strong> paid tribute to retiring club champions Dale Kickett and Jason Norrish.Earlier in the evening, the <strong>2002</strong> Anchor for contribution to the <strong>Club</strong> was presented to <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s Deckchair Theatre.THE CHAMPION: MATTHEW PAVLICH<strong>2002</strong> was a stellar season for <strong>Fremantle</strong>’semerging superstar. His class was evident in anumber of dominating performances in defencewhile his potential was revealed in crucialmidfield roles during the season.Matthew revelled in the leadershipresponsibilities of the vice-captaincy, andshowed great maturity off field dealing withthe pressures of speculation about his future.Supporters were buoyed when Matthew decidedto re-sign with the cub for three years andfollowed up with an outstanding performanceagainst James Hird and Essendon at ColonialStadium. It was one of 14 games during theyear that earned him five or six votes fromthe match committee.Matthew’s <strong>2002</strong> performances were rewardedwith selection in the All-Australian team,the first player for <strong>Fremantle</strong> to achieve thathonour. He was the game-breaker and best onground in his one International Rules test forAustralia after the season.“Matthew is a super-intelligent player withexcellent disposal who is going to be enormousfor this club as he develops into a classmidfielder.” Chris Connolly10 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

the awardsRUNNER-UP AND HARBOUR MASTERS PLAYER OFTHE YEAR: PETER BELLThe club’s new captain produced another top-twoperformance in club championships, his fourth inas many years.Peter remains the AFL’s premier endurancerunner, and it was little surprise that he toppedthe league in disposals in <strong>2002</strong>.His extraordinary work ethic and commitment wasevident as he marshalled the team’s emerginggroup of young players and led them to a muchimprovedperformance through the year.Peter played his 150th AFL game in round six,a long way from the starry-eyed 18-year-old whofronted for <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s first-ever training run onOctober 31, 1994.“Peter leads this team from the front.He combines great running ability withimproving creative disposal.” Chris ConnollyTHIRD PLACE: SHANE PARKER<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s faith in its new leadership group was rewardedwhen the captain and vice-captains filled the top threepositions in club championship voting.For Shane Parker, his third placing was his sixth consecutivetop-ten finish in the club championships, a testament to thestandards he sets for himself on and off the field.Barring a one-week break for injury in round 21 Shane wouldhave played his 150th game for the club this year, a uniqueachievement for the club’s most durable and respected player.“Shane’s excellent attitude to training and the game makeshim the backbone of our defence and rarely beaten.”Chris Connolly<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 11

the awardsFOURTH PLACE: PAUL HASLEBYAfter Paul Hasleby’s stellar debut year in 2000,when he won the AFL’s Rising Star Award andwas runner-up to Troy Cook in the clubchampionship, it was no surprise that he struggledto maintain confidence and fitness in 2001.But the good news was that “Hazey” came backwith a vengeance in <strong>2002</strong>, earning his fourthplace with a series of gritty and skillful mid-fieldperformances, especially through the mid part ofthe season.“Paul has excellent ball winning ability and isvery difficult to beat one-on-one. He’ll becomeeven more valuable as his disposal continuesto improve.” Chris ConnollyFIFTH PLACE: TROY SIMMONDSThe least-heralded of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s 2001 tradesdelivered the biggest bonus, as Troy Simmondsproduced 12 five and six point games in aseason shortened by a serious throat injury.Troy performed admirably in the ruck, but itwas his mobility around the ground andpowerful defensive marking which caught theeye of supporters and, obviously, the matchcommittee.A popular and committed clubman, “Snake”has much more to offer in the years to come.“Troy is a fierce competitor with exceptionalathletic ability, and don’t be surprised if hisgame develops further as we push him forwardmore.” Chris Connolly12 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

the awardsBEACON AWARD AND AUSTRALIA POST MOSTPOPULAR PLAYER: PAUL MEDHURSTAn extraordinary debut year saw Paul Medhurstgraduate from the WAFL to goal with his first kickin the AFL and add 35 more before the seasonwas out.Paul’s fan appeal won him the popularity poll, butit was his solid skills that impressed footballafficionados and marked him as potentially oneof the premier small forwards in the AFL and adeserving winner of the Beacon Award.“Paul is a smart player who is usually one stepahead of opponents. He’s got the ability to learnto contribute in a midfield role as well as upforward.” Chris ConnollyBEST CLUBMAN: SHAUN MCMANUSShaun McManus showed that leadership ismore than a title in <strong>2002</strong> by relinquishingthe captaincy but not his role as an inspiring,tenacious player and an enthusiastic andsupportive teammate.The most pleasing part of the equation was onfield,where he produced the best form since hisserious knee injuries in 1997 and ’98 toconvert many of his detractors as the seasonprogressed.“Shaun is a fierce competitor with a spirit thatis infectious for our younger players.”Chris Connolly<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 13

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ecruitsDES HEADLANDThe <strong>Club</strong> entered the <strong>2002</strong> four day PlayerTrade period in October with one objective inmind and successfully secured the signatureof Brisbane premiership player and 1998number 1 National Draft selection,Des Headland.For Des it was a much awaited return hometo WA with partner Chantelle and childrenMadisan aged 2 and Mason 3 months.Having bought a house in Perth during <strong>2002</strong>,Des and his family are delighted to be backhome and especially to be with <strong>Fremantle</strong>.“This is such an exciting <strong>Club</strong> with such anexciting group of players,” Des said. “I amreally looking forward to being a part ofhistory at Freo and be a part of our firstfinals appearance.”“The whole <strong>Club</strong> and the boys in particularhave made me feel very welcome and I havesettled in easily,” said Des. “I feel like arookie again and just can’t wait for theseason to start.”With Brisbane, Des’ improvement wasdramatic emerging from being a fringe seniorplayer at the start of <strong>2002</strong> to playing 16senior games plus 3 finals, including the<strong>2002</strong> grand final. Des’ emergence saw astorming finish in the <strong>2002</strong> Brownlow Medalcount to finish equal sixth with 16 votes.Des will wear the number 11 jumper for<strong>Fremantle</strong>, worn with distinction by DaleKickett since 1995 until his retirementat the end of the <strong>2002</strong> season.Date of Birth: 21/1/81,Perth WAHeight: 187cmWeight: 87kgAFL Debut: 1999, Round 13v Sydney at SCG aged 18AFL Games: 48 (plus 5AFL Finals), AFL Goals: 52No 1 selection 1998 AFLNational Draft; TouredIreland in 1998 with theAIS/AFL Academy sideCareer Highlights:WA and All-AustralianU16 1997; Winner U16B&F Medal AustralianU16 Championships1997; WA U18 1998Winner WAFL Rising StarAward 1998; SubiacoBest and Fairest PlayerAward 1998; Ansett CupGrand Final Side 2001;Brisbane Lions ReservesPremiership Side 2001;Brisbane Lions AFLPremiership Side <strong>2002</strong>;Brisbane Lions MostImproved Player <strong>2002</strong>;Equal sixth, <strong>2002</strong>Brownlow Medal; WAState of Origin <strong>2002</strong>BYRON SCHAMMERHeight: 175cmWeight: 73 kgDate of Birth: 21/6/85National Draft Selection: 13Regarded as a dynamicinside midfielder withexcellent skills on bothsides, Byron won the LarkeMedal in the AFL U18’s andachieved All-Australianhonours in <strong>2002</strong>.<strong>2002</strong> Rookie DraftRICKY MOTTHeight: 200cmWeight: 108 kgDate of Birth: 21/04/81From: South <strong>Fremantle</strong>(WA)/Sydney SwansGREG EDGCUMBEHeight: 186cmWeight: 78 kgDate of Birth: 1/5/84National Draft Selection: 48Greg is a hard workingmidfielder/defender withgood pace and excellentoverall athletic ability. Hecan play tall or small anduses the ball well.STEVEN DODDHeight: 189cmWeight: 78 kgDate of Birth: 20/06/83From: East <strong>Fremantle</strong> (WA)RYAN CROWLEYHeight: 188cmWeight: 83 kgDate of Birth: 5/3/84National Draft Selection: 55A hard working inside player,Ryan was a member of theVictorian Metro team in the<strong>2002</strong> AFL U18 NationalChampionships. He carriesthe ball well, is strongoverhead and athletic.BEN COLREAVYHeight: 181cmWeight: 80 kgDate of Birth: 29/01/82From: Claremont (WA)BRETT DOSWELLHeight: 184cmWeight: 74 kgDate of Birth: 14/1/84National Draft Selection: 63An agile and skillful playerfrom the Wagga Tigers (clubof origin of 1995 BrownlowMedallist Paul Kelly), Brettrepresented NSW/ACT inAFL U18s this year and wasa member of the AIS/AFLAcademy in 2000/2001.DANIEL GILMOREHeight: 188cmWeight: 80 kgDate of Birth: 02/03/83From: South <strong>Fremantle</strong> (WA)<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 15

Dale KickettThe UniqueDale KickettST KILDA fans might remember a skinnyyoung Aboriginal kid who kicked five goalsin the first of his fifteen games for theirclub before homesickness got the betterof him and he returned home to his belovedWestern Australia.That kid had already played for Fitzroy andWest Coast, and was to also representEssendon, before he found a home at theAFL’s newest club, <strong>Fremantle</strong>.His amazing football odyssey finally cameto an end on an emotional night at SubiacoOval on July 6 when <strong>Fremantle</strong> supportersbade farewell to its favourite son, DaleKickett, who announced his retirementafter twelve years and exactly 200 gamesin the AFL.Not surprisingly, Dale played his last game– against Port Adelaide – like he hadplayed the 199 before it, starring in thefirst quarter (during which he kicked his63rd AFL goal) before gritting his teeth fora valiant rear-guard action as the eventualminor premiers ran riot in the second half.Dale had a unique career in the AFL,being the only living player to representfive clubs, but his contribution to football,and <strong>Fremantle</strong> in particular, goes muchdeeper than that statistic.After returning to the West from Essendonin 1995, Dale was a key member of thefirst <strong>Fremantle</strong> squad under his long-timementor Gerard Neesham. His achievementswith the club are notable in themselves:runner up in the club champion award inboth 1995 and 1996, he was a universallypopular winner in 1997. He was for someyears the holder of the record number ofgames played for the club, passed onlyrecently by another <strong>Fremantle</strong> stalwart,Shane Parker.But it is for more intangible attributes thatDale will be remembered at <strong>Fremantle</strong>.His dash and courage off the half-back linewere a constant inspiration to the youngplayers around him. His quiet authority attraining and around the club mirrored hissuccess on field.If the wider football community remembersDale principally for his part in the secondderby of 2000 which landed him a nineweeksuspension (an interview with Dalea year later cast a very different light onthe events of that day than appeared onscreen), for his team-mates and <strong>Fremantle</strong>supporters he was always “Kicketty”,<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s first true legend.16 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

Jason NorrishFarewell JasonNorrishJASON NORRISH played for <strong>Fremantle</strong> withdistinction for eight years and 128 games,winning the 1998 club championship andserving as a vice-captain from 1999-2001.He ends his career as one of only sixoriginal Dockers still at the club and withthe third-highest number of games playedfor <strong>Fremantle</strong> behind Shane Parker andfellow-retiree Dale Kickett.After early football days at Marist CollegeBunbury – from where he achieved StateSchoolboys’ representation – and HaleSchool, Jason made his WAFL debut in1990 and played in Gerard Neesham’s1991 premiership side for the Tigers.While Jason came to typify the nononsense,unglamorous AFL midfielderduring his ten years at the top level, it isworth remembering that he was taken atnumber 5 in the 1991 National Draft aheadof luminaries like Crawford, Dunkley andthe Scholls and played in all three ofMelbourne’s 1994 finals during his twoyears for the Dees.It’s little wonder that Jason was a priorityselection as an uncontracted player for thenewly-formed Dockers in 1995 and, whilehe was occasionally hampered by injury,he rewarded his new club with 34 gamesin his first two seasons at <strong>Fremantle</strong>.Sadly, in 1997, the year that promised somuch for Jason and his team, his seasonwas effectively ended in round 7. Hisabsence from the midfield was a significantfactor in the club’s disappointing finish tothe year, which saw them fall only onegame short of a first finals appearance.Jason made up for it in an injury-free 1998,playing all games and pipping AdrianFletcher by one vote for a popular clubchampionship. He accepted the award withhis usual modesty, claiming that it wasmainly recognition for “doing your jobproperly” – a fitting postscript to hisentire career.Jason maintained good form throughoutthe rest of his career, although hisdetermination and discipline was oftenmissed in the dark days of 2001, when hemanaged only 12 games because of injury.Happily, Jason’s last year was among hisbest, missing only two games – one sothat he could be present at the birth of histwin daughters – and playing an importantsupporting role for the team’s emergingstars and the life of the club off-field.The <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> congratulatesJason on a wonderful career, and wisheshim, Kate, and the twins Molly and Grace,every success in the future.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 17

the year in reviewINTRODUCTIONThe implementation ofsynergy between all areasloss, it is pleasing that thisThe <strong>2002</strong> season was oneof improved performancesnot only on the field butalso through the entireclub. Much has beenachieved during the yearto set the foundations foragreat football <strong>Club</strong>.FOOTBALL OPERATIONSThe structure and operationof the football departmentwas overhauled at the endof the 2001 season. The<strong>Club</strong> appointed a new SeniorCoach, <strong>Football</strong> Manager,Strength and ConditioningCoach, and Player ContractsManager to bring about therequired improvements inthe operations of thefootball department, teammanagement and playercontracts and salary capadministration.The <strong>Club</strong> recruited well atthe conclusion of the 2001season attracting seniorand experienced players aswell as some very promisingyoung talent to the <strong>Club</strong>.The year was all aboutdevelopment. Developingthe players and team into aprofessional operation withnew team structures,training programmes,disciplines and game planimplemented. The footballoperations were focused onrestoring respect for theadvanced trainingprogrammes was theprimary focus at the startof <strong>2002</strong> to develop thephysical capabilities of theplayers to withstand therigours of the season. Theresults could be seen duringthe season with the teamfinishing matches strongly.While on-field performancesat Subiaco restored the<strong>Club</strong>’s home groundadvantage, performancesaway from home continuedto be a key issue.The team travelled to moreparts of Australia than anyother club in the AFL in<strong>2002</strong> and the travelregimes continued to beimproved over the year.New additions to theplaying group and theimproved management ofthe <strong>Club</strong>’s player list in<strong>2002</strong> have positioned thefootball department in asound position to meet itsstrategic priority of being aconsistent finals contender.COMMERCIAL OPERATIONSThe revenue generationdepartments, Membership,Corporate Sales, Eventsand Merchandise, wererestructured during <strong>2002</strong>and consolidated into anew centralisedCommercial Operationsto maximise revenueopportunities in the futureand improve efficiencyof resources.The year was highlighted byan increase in homeattendances at Subiaco Ovalwith <strong>Fremantle</strong> achievingthe highest percentageincrease in the AFL in <strong>2002</strong>of 23 percent, achieved inan environment where homeand away attendancesacross the AFL were at theirlowest level since 1996.The <strong>Fremantle</strong> home gameagainst West Coast Eaglesin the 16th Western Derbyset the record for thelargest AFL crowd at thenew Subiaco Oval, madeeven sweeter with acomprehensive victory.The recruitment of new staffand high profile playersfollowing the dismal 2001season created significantmomentum at all levels ofthe <strong>Club</strong>. With theimprovement in on-fieldperformance in <strong>2002</strong> thisenabled the <strong>Club</strong> to maintainits membership andcorporate clients based onthe new sense of direction.A special thanks must beextended to all our sponsorsfor their continued support.FINANCEFollowing a disastrous 2001figure was reduced byapproximately $1 million inthe <strong>2002</strong> financial year.However, the <strong>2002</strong> financialyear reflected thecontinuing challenge facingthe <strong>Club</strong> as it strives tobalance its financialcommitments with itsoperational objectives.This improvement wasachieved through a mixtureof aggressive costmanagement and increasedrevenue, particularlyimproved attendances athome games.Continuing losses do notprovide sustainability forthe <strong>Club</strong>. Improvementsachieved in <strong>2002</strong> arerequired to be repeatedagain in 2003 for the <strong>Club</strong>to achieve its strategicpriority of being aprofitable, financiallystable football club.To ensure this strategicpriority is achieved, the <strong>Club</strong>has undertaken its mostdetailed budgeting processyet for the 2003 financialyear. All involved at the <strong>Club</strong>are committed to continuingthe improvements made in<strong>2002</strong> and the necessarycontrols, procedures andprocesses to build revenues,judiciously manage costs<strong>Club</strong> within the AFLdivision. This centralisationfinancial year in which theand reduce debt have beencompetition.was completed to deliver a<strong>Club</strong> recorded a $2.5 millionimplemented.18 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

the year aheadINTRODUCTIONWhile everyone involved with the <strong>Club</strong> can take pride inthe improvements achieved in <strong>2002</strong>, the challengesconfronting the <strong>Club</strong> should not be underestimated.Significant efforts have been made by players and staff toensure that these improvements were achieved but at thesame time the future was clearly under the microscope.For over three months, the Board of Management and thesenior executives developed the <strong>Club</strong>’s Strategic Plan for2003 to 2005 – “Every Quarter of Every Match”. The planarticulated four strategic priorities for the <strong>Club</strong>: FinancialViability, On-Field Success. Powerful and Definitive Brandand Ethos, and Successful Decision Making.The Strategic Plan, presented to the Western Australian<strong>Football</strong> Commission, the AFL Commission and AFLExecutive, and other key stakeholders, establishes thepathway for the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> to be aconsistent finals contender and be on track to winthe <strong>Club</strong>’s first premiership.The initiatives and strategies contained within the planhave the commitment of the Board of Management, staffand players. The <strong>Club</strong> has recruited well and now has thepeople, the game plan and unity of commitment to achieveour strategic priorities.The plan demands responsiveness and flexibility to rapidlyrespond to changes and opportunities that presentthemselves at any time without losing sight of thestrategic priorities. It is by managing the <strong>Club</strong> for “everyquarter of every match”, both on and off the field, that the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> will have its day.Stakeholders, members and supporters will enjoy the fruitsof their loyal and passionate commitment to our <strong>Club</strong>.“every quarterof every match”FINANCIAL VIABILITYON-FIELD SUCCESSPOWERFUL ANDSUCCESSFUL DECISIONTo turn <strong>Fremantle</strong> into aTo build a team that is aDEFINITIVE BRANDMAKINGprofitable, financially stableconsistent finals contenderAND ETHOSTo be regarded as the bestfootball club by building netand is on track to winBuilding a national,decision makers in the AFL.revenues, judiciously<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s firstcommercially attractivemanaging costs andpremiership.brand that reflects ourreducing debt.values and traditions,establish a winning andprofessional <strong>Club</strong> culturethat demands respect, andmake an annual contributionto WA football.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 19

the season in profileEarning respectin the AFLIN SEASON <strong>2002</strong>, the<strong>Club</strong>’s improved on-fieldperformances were areflection of an emergingand exciting young teamthat is continuallydeveloping with each game.Under new Senior CoachChris Connolly, the teamprovided clear signs thatthe team is on track to be aconsistent finals contender.The team restored SubiacoOval as a venue to be afeared by visiting teams andattracted more people tothe home and away seasonthan at any other time inthe <strong>Club</strong>’s history.At season’s end, <strong>Fremantle</strong>had achieved the highestgrowth in aggregate homeand away attendances ofany <strong>Club</strong> in the AFL.This achievement wascapped of with the round16 clash with West Coastin the 16th Western Derbythat attracted a recordhome and away crowd atSubiaco Oval of 41,779.And the ever increasingcrowds were treated tosome memorable momentsincluding the resoundingdefeat of <strong>2002</strong> grandfinalists Collingwood in the<strong>Club</strong>’s first true blockbustergame, last gasp wins overSt Kilda and Melbourne, andcomprehensive defeats ofEssendon, Hawthorn andWest Coast.The team delivered somegreat performances duringthe year. There were alsomany outstanding individualperformances during theseason, particularly CaptainPeter Bell who led the AFLin total disposals and TroyCook, the AFL’s leadingtackler.While the <strong>Club</strong> was themost travelled team in theAFL in <strong>2002</strong> spending moretime in the air and atairports than any otherteam, Steven Koops didsome additional flying onhis own taking the AFL’sMark of the Week on threeconsecutive weeks inrounds 14, 15 and 16,a feat never beforeachieved. The screameragainst the Kangaroos inRound 15 was a contenderfor Mark of the <strong>Year</strong>.Everyone will have theirown special memories of<strong>2002</strong>. When the season isreviewed in its entirety,complete with all its upsat home and downs on theroad, there is no doubt thatthe <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>is on track to achieveits objectives.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 21

ounds 1 & 2ROUND 1vs West Coast at Subiaco OvalSunday 31 MarchWest Coast 6.1 9.5 16.6 21.11 (137)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 4.4 8.7 11.9 18.10 (118)Goals: Trent Croad, Shaun McManus,Paul Medhurst 3; Matthew Carr,Ben Cunningham 2; Peter Bell, Troy Cook,Dale Kickett, Matthew Pavlich,James Walker 1Best: Peter Bell, Troy Longmuir, Troy Cook,ShaunMcManus, PaulMedhurst,AntoniGroverCrowd: 39,467ROUND 2vs St Kilda at Subiaco OvalSunday 7 April<strong>Fremantle</strong> 0.1 3.7 7.13 10.16 (76)St Kilda 4.5 8.6 10.7 11.7 (73)Goals: Troy Cook, Ben Cunningham,Justin Longmuir 2; Antoni Grover,Trent Croad, Jason Norrish, Leigh BrownBest: Steven Koops, Paul Hasleby,Brendon Fewster, Troy Cook,Troy Longmuir, Matthew PavlichCrowd: 21,137FREMANTLE went into theFREMANTLE led in thisfirst game of the <strong>2002</strong>game for less than twoseason a couple of weeksminutes. Fortunately theyfrom their best.were the last couple ofThe suspension of Jeffminutes of the match.Farmer, a season endingThe Saints took controlinjury to Clive Waterhouseof this game from theand the unavailability throughearly stages and led byinjury of Steven Koops andseven goals during theTroy Simmonds made thesecond quarter.team look vulnerable.<strong>Fremantle</strong> ran the game outwell kicking seven goals inthe last quarter withoutreally threatening to win.Paul Medhurst kicked a goalwith his first kick and earnedthe round one nomination inthe AFL rising star award.Shaun McManus kicked threegoals in the season opener atSubiaco OvalMilestonesAFL debut: Paul Medhurst,Graham Polak,Andrew Siegert50th AFL game:Matthew Carr(28 games St Kilda)First game for <strong>Fremantle</strong>:Trent Croad(84 games Hawthorn)Some stand-out individualperformances helped theDockers in their slowclimb back.The hero was BenCunningham who markeda Paul Hasleby kick outside50 metres with a coupleof minutes to go and hisset shot sailed through fora goal and sealed asurprise victory.Unlikely hero BenCunningham’s long rangegoal in the dying minutesstole victory22 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

ounds 3 & 4ROUND 3vs Hawthorn at York Park, Launceston TASSunday 7 AprilHawthorn 3.3 7.3 8.8 13.11 (89)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.4 3.7 8.10 11.13 (79)Goals: Paul Medhurst 3; Justin Longmuir 3;Trent Croad 2; Paul Hasleby, Jeff Farmer,Peter Bell 1Best: Peter Bell, Steven Koops, Paul Hasleby,Shaun McManus, Shane Parker,James WalkerCrowd: 15,066ROUND 4vs Richmond at Subiaco OvalSunday 21 April<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.2 8.3 15.7 21.12 (138)Richmond 5.3 7.4 9.4 11.6 (72)Goals: Trent Croad 5; Justin Longmuir 3;Troy Longmuir, Leigh Brown, Peter Bell 2;Paul Hasleby, Jeff Farmer, Antoni Grover,Adam McPhee, Matthew Pavlich,Paul Medhurst, Ben Cunningham 1Best: Troy Cook, Matthew Pavlich, Shane Parker,Trent Croad, Matthew Carr, Antoni GroverCrowd: 23,571ANOTHER game for theTHIS game signalled that“ones that got away” file.the Dockers of <strong>2002</strong> wereAfter an inaccurate firsttruly an improved outfit.half the Dockers foughtAfter kicking the first twostrongly in the third quartergoals the Dockersto gain control of the veryconceded the next five andeven game.were forced to mount aJeff Farmer and TroySimmonds were seen in<strong>Fremantle</strong> colours in acomeback. What followedwas three quarters ofsustained intensity.game for premiership pointsfor the first time.With less than five minutesto go the Dockers led byeight points but the Hawkswere able to gainpossession in spacethrough the midfield andkicked the last three goalsof the game.Trent Croad renews oldacquaintances with a formerHawk team mateMilestonesFirst game for <strong>Fremantle</strong>:Jeff Farmer(118 games Melbourne)Troy Simmonds(39 games Melbourne)By three quarter time theDockers had establishedwhat looked like a matchwinning lead. What pleased<strong>Fremantle</strong> followers wasthat after Richmond startedwell in the last quarter theDockers again put their footdown and ran away withthe game.The annual Len Hall Game, atribute to the ANZAC tradition,was awarded the <strong>2002</strong> AbaFInnovation AwardProud to support the<strong>Fremantle</strong> Dockers<strong>Fremantle</strong> World of CarsA car for every budget and need9335 6777www.fremantleworldofcars.com.auCorner of Hampton and Rockingham Roads, South <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 23

ounds 5 & 6ROUND 5vs Geelong at Kardinia ParkSunday 28 April<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.1 3.4 4.7 6.13 (49)Geelong 4.2 9.4 15.6 17.9 (111)Goals: Jeff Farmer, Troy Longmuir 2; Trent Croad,Ben Cunningham 1Best: Steven Koops, Matthew Pavlich,Shane Parker, Peter Bell, Jeff Farmer,Troy CookCrowd: 20,075ROUND 6vs Essendon at Subiaco OvalSunday 4 May<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.3 5.8 9.9 13.11 (89)Essendon 3.2 5.5 7.6 9.8 (62)Goals: Justin Longmuir, Jeff Farmer 3; Peter Bell,Trent Croad 2; Troy Simmonds,Matthew Pavlich, Paul Medhurst 1Best: Troy Simmonds, Peter Bell, MatthewPavlich, Leigh Brown, Shane Parker, JeffFarmerCrowd: 25,312THE DOCKERS went intoFREMANTLE went into thisthis game confident ofgame looking to ensurevictory against a team withEssendon did not get awaya similar <strong>2002</strong> record.to a flying start and to runThere were no excuses forthe resultant thrashing theyreceived but plenty ofin the hope the warmconditions would take a tollon the visitors.explanations.When the Dockers took aMost notable andfrustrating were thefundamental errors.Almost half of Geelong’sgoals could be directlytraced to unforced<strong>Fremantle</strong> mistakes.Steven Koops continued hisrise as a player withanother strong display indefence while MatthewPavlich played well in avariety of roles.Justin Longmuir on the move atKardinia Parkthree point lead into thehalf time break there wasagrowing belief amongplayers and supporters thatan upset was possible.The game will beremembered for the horrificfacial injury suffered byBombers captain James Hirdwho underwent surgery inPerth on multiple fracturesto the left eye socketand forehead.<strong>Fremantle</strong> Captain Peter Bellchaired from the ground after asuccessful milestone gameMilestones150th AFL game:Peter Bell(123 games Kangaroos)50th AFL game:Troy Longmuir(17 games Melbourne)50th game for <strong>Fremantle</strong>:Troy CookAFL debut: Daniel Haines24 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

ounds 7 & 8ROUND 7vs Adelaide at <strong>Football</strong> ParkSaturday 11 May<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.1 5.3 8.7 13.11 (89)Adelaide 5.2 8.5 14.8 18.10 (118)Goals: Leigh Brown 3; Troy Simmonds,Justin Longmuir, Jeff Farmer, TroyLongmuir, Matthew Carr, Adam McPhee,James Walker, Matthew Pavlich,Paul Hasleby, Ben CunninghamBest: Paul Hasleby, Troy Cook, Peter Bell,Andrew Siegert,LeighBrown,MatthewPavlichCrowd: 44,058ROUND 8vs Melbourne at Subiaco OvalSaturday 18 May<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.4 5.8 11.10 14.10 (94)Melbourne 4.6 6.9 10.10 13.11 (89)Goals: Trent Croad 7; Jeff Farmer 3;Troy Simmonds, Paul Hasleby, Leigh Brown,Andrew Browne 1Best: Paul Hasleby, Trent Croad, Jeff Farmer,Matthew Pavlich, Graham Polak,Troy SimmondsCrowd: 25,022BY MIDWAY through theTHIS WAS a quality gamesecond quarter Adelaidewith a fairy tale ending.had drawn away to a sixgoal lead however theDockers steadied andcontrolled the game for along period to kick fiveunanswered goals.<strong>Fremantle</strong> stayed in touchearly and superb runninggoals from Jeff Farmer andTroy Simmonds againsttheir old team in thesecond quarter filled theWith the game in thefans with hope.balance close to time onin the third quarter, Crowschampion Andrew McLeodstepped forward. He kickedgoals and set up others andat the last break Adelaideled by 37 points.For the sixth time in thefirst seven rounds theDockers outscored theiropponents in thelast quarter.Dion Woods strongarmsAdelaide’s Brett BurtonMilestones50th AFL game:Steven KoopsTrent Croad kicked fourgoals for the third quarterand at the last break hadscored seven of 11.The last quarter was one ofthe most exciting seen atSubiaco Oval.Farmer was pushed inthe back with twoseconds remaining.His kick after the final sirenwon the game for hisAndrew Browne made his AFLdebut against Melbourne,kicking a goal in the thrillingafter-the-siren winMilestones50th AFL game:Leigh BrownAFL debut:Andrew Browne,Scott Thorntonnew club.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 25

ounds 9 & 10ROUND 9vs Brisbane at the GabbaSunday 26 May<strong>Fremantle</strong> 4.4 8.6 9.10 11.13 (79)Brisbane 5.2 9.5 13.10 16.13 (109)Goals: Justin Longmuir 3; Troy Simmonds,Shaun McManus 2; Jeff Farmer,Matthew Carr, Paul Medhurst, Trent Croad 1Best: Matthew Pavlich, Paul Hasleby,Andrew Siegert, Shaun McManus,Antoni Grover, Troy SimmondsCrowd: 21,709ROUND 10vs Carlton at Subiaco OvalSunday 2 June<strong>Fremantle</strong> 1.4 8.6 13.9 14.12 (96)Carlton 4.3 7.5 8.8 10.8 (68)Goals: Justin Longmuir 4; Trent Croad 3;Paul Medhurst 2; Matthew Pavlich,Paul Hasleby, Shaun McManus,Jason Norrish, Jeff Farmer 1Best: Matthew Pavlich, Paul Hasleby,Troy Simmonds, Shaun McManus,Shane Parker, Anthony JonesCrowd: 27,277FREMANTLE approached thecompetition’s most difficulttask – the premiers at home– with cautious optimismafter defeating the Lions ina scratch match.FREMANTLE went into thisgame against the bottomteam as strong favouritesbut started slowly asCarlton seemed to get itsearly match-ups right.There was some drama inThe Dockers reorganised atthe week leading up to thequarter time and a sevengame with Antoni Grovergoal quarter put them onsuspended for one week forthe road to a fifthrough play and then winninga reprieve on appeal.The Dockers playedattacking footballthroughout this gameand for the most partmatched their highlyrated opponents.Matthew Pavlich again showedhis growing stature as a playerwith another strongperformance in BrisbaneMilestones50th AFL game:Paul Haslebyconsecutive home win.It was an unusual game inwhich there was oftennobody in Carlton’s half ofthe ground.Matthew Pavlich wasdamaging in a sweepingrole from defence and JustinPaul Hasleby breaks away fromCarlton’s Andrew McKay inanother consistent display fromthe midfielderHowever the Lions generallyLongmuir made a return toused the ball better thanform and two of his goalsthe Dockers and madeshowed deft soccer skills.better use of their thirdquarter opportunities.26 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

ounds 11 & 12ROUND 11vs Western Bulldogs at Optus OvalSunday 9 June<strong>Fremantle</strong> 3.2 6.4 10.4 12.8 (80)Western 7.3 12.6 16.10 22.13 (145)BulldogsGoals: Justin Longmuir, Trent Croad 3;Daniel Haines, Jeff Farmer, Paul Medhurst,Troy Simmonds, Ben Cunningham,Matthew Carr 1Best: Matthew Pavlich, Paul Hasleby, Peter Bell,Anthony Jones, James Walker, Andrew SiegertCrowd: 11,539ROUND 12vs Collingwood at Subiaco OvalSunday 16 June<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.3 3.11 9.13 12.18 (90)Collingwood 6.1 8.1 10.5 12.7 (79)Goals: Paul Medhurst 4; Justin Longmuir,Paul Hasleby 2; Daniel Haines, Jeff Farmer,Trent Croad, Matthew Carr 1Best: Paul Hasleby, Shane Parker, Troy Cook,Peter Bell, Matthew Carr, Ben CunninghamCrowd: 33, 087THE BIG problem forFOR THE first time in its<strong>Fremantle</strong> in this game wasshort history <strong>Fremantle</strong>wasteful disposal. Thefound itself in a gameDockers had only 13 fewerreferred to as adisposals than the Bulldogsblockbuster.on the day but turned theball over twice as manytimes as their opponents.A record non-derby crowdwas attracted to thecontest and in the earlyFor a period in the thirdstages the Magpiesquarter it looked likelooked very much like<strong>Fremantle</strong> could getback into the game butpoor disposal againproved costly.Peter Bell’s 28 disposals forthe game made him numberone in the league, aposition he retained to theend of round 22.The <strong>Fremantle</strong> side was wellheld all day in a game marredby costly errorsMilestones50th AFL game:Matthew Pavlicha top four team.The first 10 minutes of thethird tipped the balance<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s way as theforwards started findingthe target, the work of themidfield and defence wasrewarded and four quickgoals resulted.A strong win that gave theA record non-derby home crowdwitnessed <strong>Fremantle</strong> at it best,Paul Medhurst starring withfour goalsMilestones50th AFL game:Troy Simmonds(40 games Melbourne)First game for <strong>Fremantle</strong>:Luke McPharlin(12 games Hawthorn)Dockers a 50% record.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 27

ounds 13 & 14ROUND 13vs Sydney at SCGSunday 30 June<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.3 7.4 9.6 9.8 (62)Sydney 6.3 10.5 15.11 20.19 (139)Goals: Jeff Farmer, Justin Longmuir,Troy Simmonds, Paul Medhurst 2;Trent Croad 1Best: Shaun McManus, Troy Simmonds,Jeff Farmer, Steven Koops, Troy Cook,Matthew PavlichCrowd: 16,844ROUND 14vs Port Adelaide at Subiaco OvalSaturday 6 July<strong>Fremantle</strong> 3.5 6.5 7.8 9.9 (63)Port Adelaide 4.5 8.10 14.12 22.15 (147)Goals: Jeff Farmer, Luke McPharlin 2; DaleKickett, Adam McPhee, Justin Longmuir,Paul Medhurst, Andrew Siegert 1Best: Shane Parker, Troy Simmonds,Antoni Grover, Dale Kickett, Peter Bell,Dion WoodsCrowd: 24,194TROY COOK returned to hisAFTER this game coachoriginal AFL home to playChris Connolly observedhis 100 AFL game andthat Port Adelaide was57th in succession forplaying the kind of footballthe Dockers.<strong>Fremantle</strong> aspired toHowever despite a typicallyproduce.hard working effort fromPort was far too good in theCook little went right forsecond half and inflicted<strong>Fremantle</strong> and the secondthe first home loss for thehalf was particularlyseason on the Dockers indisappointing.Sydney was more proficientat getting the ball out ofthe centre and enteredtheir forward 50 on 21more occasions.One bright note for theDockers was the effort ofJeff Farmer who kicked twogoals and was effective asa midfielder at theNot every landing from highflyerSteven Koops wentsmoothlyMilestones100th AFL game:Troy Cook(43 games Sydney)emphatic fashion.The game was DaleKickett’s last in the AFL.The great original Dockerhad the first kick of thegame and scored<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s first goal.Most of the crowd stayedon after the final siren tosay farewell to Dale.In his last game for theDockers, Dale Kickett kickedthe team’s first goal againstPort AdelaideMilestonesAFL 200 club qualification:Dale Kickett(135 games <strong>Fremantle</strong>,15 Fitzroy, 2 West Coast,21 St Kilda, 8 Essendon;17 pre-season,2 state of origin.)stoppages.28 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

ounds 15 & 16ROUND 15vs Kangaroos at Manuka Oval CanberraSaturday 13 July<strong>Fremantle</strong> 5.3 10.5 12.7 12.10 (82)Kangaroos 2.3 6.5 10.9 12.11 (83)Goals: Jeff Farmer, Paul Medhurst 3; Peter Bell,Paul Hasleby, Steven Koops, Leigh Brown,Troy Cook, Justin Longmuir 1Best: Luke McPharlin, Troy Cook, Shane Parker,Troy Simmonds, Matthew Pavlich,James WalkerCrowd: 9,242ROUND 16vs West Coast at Subiaco OvalSaturday 20 July<strong>Fremantle</strong> 3.1 5.5 10.7 15.10 (100)West Coast 5.0 6.1 7.3 11.4 (70)Goals: Paul Medhurst 4; Matthew Carr, TrentCroad 3; Paul Hasleby, Steven Koops,Matthew Pavlich, Leigh Brown, Peter Bell 1Best: Paul Hasleby, Matthew Pavlich,Paul Medhurst, Matthew Carr,Luke McPharlin, Shaun McManus,Roger HaydenCrowd: 41, 776A CHANGE in travel plansA RECORD crowd for an AFLwith the team leaving a daygame in WA was attractedearlier than normal workedto the 16th derby and theywell for <strong>Fremantle</strong> and thewitnessed a classicteam had its best firstencounter.quarter for the season.In the third quarter JeffThe Dockers extended theirFarmer had 10 kicks andlead to 31 points during the<strong>Fremantle</strong> powered awaysecond quarter but theto kick five goals to oneRoos gradually got backand set up victory.and with six minutes togo hit the front for thefirst time.The Dockers dominatedpossession in the closingstages but couldn’t get thegoal they needed.Steven Koops provided theRoger Hayden made his AFLdebut in the nail-biter inCanberraMilestones50th AFL game:Justin LongmuirAFL debut:Roger HaydenWest Coast challenged hardin the final quarter but theirefforts were swiftlyanswered by the confidenthome team.Planning was a key tothis win with a numberof match-ups workingThe AFL’s leading tackler TroyCook was instrumental insetting the foundations for amemorable Derby wingame’s highlight with aperfectly.soaring high mark in thesecond quarter.The Ross GlendinningMedal was awarded toPaul Hasleby.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 29

ounds 17 & 18ROUND 17vs St Kilda at Optus OvalSaturday 28 July<strong>Fremantle</strong> 4.5 6.7 9.11 11.13 (79)St Kilda 3.0 4.3 10.8 18.10 (118)Goals: Justin Longmuir 3; Paul Hasleby,Steven Koops, Luke McPharlin, DionWoods, Matthew Pavlich, Paul Medhurst,Antoni Grover, Troy Simmonds 1Best: Troy Simmonds, Luke McPharlin,Antoni Grover, Shane Parker, Paul Hasleby,Matthew PavlichCrowd: 8,078ROUND 18vs Hawthorn at Subiaco OvalSaturday 3 August<strong>Fremantle</strong> 4.3 8.6 11.11 14.12 (96)Hawthorn 1.1 2.5 2.8 4.11 (35)Goals: Trent Croad, Jeff Farmer, Justin Longmuir,Paul Medhurst 3; Steven Koops, Peter Bell 1Best: Troy Simmonds, Justin Longmuir, PeterBell, Steven Koops, Paul Medhurst,Matthew CarrCrowd: 24,330FOR THE second awayTHE RESULT of this gamegame in a row <strong>Fremantle</strong>was seldom in doubt. Aftergot off to a good start andestablishing a rare quarterled at quarter time.time lead the DockersIn fact the Dockers, withTroy Simmonds incommanding form,dominated the first half butincreased the margin ateach break and keep theHawks to just two goalsby three quarter time.missed a number of simpleTroy Simmonds dominatedscoring opportunities andin the ruck and the forwardgave the Saints a chance.The nature of the gamechanged radically in thesecond half with St Kildawinning the ball away fromthe centre and <strong>Fremantle</strong>regularly wastingAthletic big man TroySimmonds in outstanding formagainst St KildaMilestone100th AFL game:Trent Croad(84 games Hawthorn)line functioned well withPaul Medhurst enterprisingand dangerous and JustinLongmuir marking well.The defence also performedwell to restrict Hawthorn tothe second lowest totalSteven Koops on the attack inthe demolition of finalscontenders Hawthornpossession.ever registered againstAnother loss on the road.Another game that shouldhave been won.<strong>Fremantle</strong>. (Sydney scored3.15 (33) at the WACAin 1997.)30 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

ounds 19 & 20ROUND 19vs Richmond at MCGSaturday 10 August<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.3 3.8 6.11 10.12 (72)Richmond 4.3 7.6 10.10 18.14 (122)Goals: Luke McPharlin 4; Paul Hasleby 2;Peter Bell, Matthew Carr,Ben Cunningham, Jeff Farmer 1Best: Luke McPharlin, Peter Bell, Paul Hasleby,Shane Parker, Troy Simmonds,Shaun McManusCrowd: 19,509ROUND 20vs Geelong at Subiaco OvalSaturday 17 August<strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.3 9.7 13.10 17.15 (117)Geelong 3.3 6.3 8.5 11.6 (72)Goals: Paul Hasleby, Jeff Farmer, Matthew Carr,Trent Croad, Paul Medhurst 2;Troy Simmonds, Dion Woods,Adam McPhee, Justin Longmuir,Matthew Pavlich, Leigh Brown, Peter Bell 1Best: Peter Bell, Shane Parker, Steven Koops,Luke McPharlin, Antoni Grover, Paul HaslebyCrowd: 22,610THIS WAS a curiousTHERE are times whenperformance by <strong>Fremantle</strong>.statistics tell the story of aOverall it was the team’sgame very effectively. Thisinability to curb Richmond’swas one such occasion.big men MatthewRichardson and GregStafford that led to defeat.The Dockers had 52 moredisposals than Geelong andpulled in 26 more marksThe complexion of the gameincluding 18 to five inchanged for a brief period incontested situations.the second half when LukeIn addition the Dockers hadMcPharlin went forwardand it appeared theDockers could pull offan unlikely victory.Luke McPharlin’s move to theforward line was a highlight inan otherwise disappointing rareMCG appearance for theDockers143 handballs for the daywhich was more than anyteam in round 20.Peter Bell made 31Matthew Carr celebrates one ofhis two goals against the CatsHowever when Shanedisposals in a brilliantParker was knocked out indisplay for the winnersthe last quarter it led to awhile Shane Parker wasreshuffling of the defencesuperb in defence.and Richmond took fulladvantage.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 31

ounds 21 & 22ROUND 21vs Essendon at Colonial StadiumSunday 25 August<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.5 5.6 7.8 10.12 (72)Essendon 5.3 7.8 9.12 13.15 (93)Goals: Trent Croad 4; Paul Hasleby 2; Jeff Farmer,Troy Cook, Steven Koops, Paul Medhurst 1Best: Matthew Pavlich, Troy Simmonds,Trent Croad, Luke McPharlin, Paul Hasleby,Peter BellCrowd: 32,667ROUND 22vs Adelaide at Subiaco OvalSunday 1 September<strong>Fremantle</strong> 1.1 3.3 9.6 12.8 (80)Adelaide 8.4 12.9 15.13 17.8 (120)Goals: Paul Medhurst 3; Paul Hasleby, Troy Cook,Matthew Pavlich 2; Troy Simmonds,Justin Longmuir, Ben Cunningham 1Best: Matthew Pavlich, Troy Cook,Shaun McManus, Luke McPharlin,Peter Bell, Justin LongmuirCrowd: 21,609THIS was one of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’sIN 2001 <strong>Fremantle</strong> finishedbetter performances awaya very disappointing seasonfrom home, played in cold andon a high note with a roundslippery conditions with the22 win over Adelaide atColonial Stadium roof closedSubiaco Oval.on a sunny Melbourne Sunday.The <strong>2002</strong> season was moreRuck dominance from Troysuccessful but in round 22Simmonds, attackingthe Crows proved fardefence from Matthewtoo strong.Pavlich and inventiveforward work by TrentCroad ensured the Dockerswere always in the game.Antoni Grover takes a strongmark at Colonial StadiumThe game was decidedin the first quarter withAdelaide kicking eight goalsto lead by 45 points at theAndrew Siegert wraps up hisAdelaide opponent in the finalhome game for <strong>2002</strong>However <strong>Fremantle</strong> paidfirst break.dearly for wasteful kickingfor goal and didn’t make themost of some promisingforward moves.After the game <strong>Fremantle</strong>supporters had theopportunity to say farewellto original Docker JasonThe club received a boostNorrish who retired within the lead up to the game148 AFL games to hiswhen Pavlich announcedcredit including 128 forhe had signed a new threethe Dockers.year contract.32 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

the <strong>2002</strong> team<strong>2002</strong> SeasonAt A GlanceFinished 13th on the PremiershipLadder with 9 wins 13 lossesScored 274 goals, 256 behinds for andconceded 319 goals, 237 behindsThe highest score was 138 points andthe lowest 49 pointsThe average winning margin was 31 pointsThe average losing margin was 36pointsWon 2 games by less than 7 pts andlost 1 game by less than 7 ptsOver the season the club used 34 of itslisted playersBack Row Standing (l-r):Middle Row Standing (l-r):Middle Row Seated (l-r):Front Row Seated (l-r):Not included in photo:Clive Waterhouse, Steven Koops, Trent Croad, Anthony Jones, Daniel Metropolis,Adam McPhee, Brad Dodd, Robert Haddrill, Antoni GroverScott Thornton, Graham Polak, Luke McPharlin, Leigh Brown, Simon Eastaugh,Justin Longmuir, Brendon Fewster, Matthew Pavlich, Dion Woods, Troy SimmondsPaul Hasleby, James Walker, Troy Longmuir, Shaun McManus, Chris Connolly (SeniorCoach), Peter Bell (Captain), Matthew Carr, Troy Cook, Jason Norrish, Dale KickettShane Parker, Ben Cunningham, Jeff Farmer, Luke Toia, Andrew Browne, Paul Medhurst,Brad Bootsma, Andrew Shipp, Daniel HainesRookie Players – Joshua Head, Luke Webster, Roger Hayden, Andrew Siegert,Aaron Sandilands<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 33

<strong>2002</strong> statsIN SEASON <strong>2002</strong>, the <strong>Club</strong>’s improved on-field performances were a reflection of an emerging young team that is continuallydeveloping with each game and in the process Subiaco Oval was restored as a venue to be a feared by visiting teams.The <strong>Club</strong>’s loyal and passionate supporters were treated to some memorable highlights including the resounding defeatof grand finalists Collingwood in the <strong>Club</strong>’s first true blockbuster game, last gasp wins over St Kilda and Melbourne,and comprehensive defeats of Essendon, Hawthorn and the West Coast Eagles.The season was highlighted by many great team and individual performances. Captain Peter Bell led the AFL in totaldisposals in <strong>2002</strong> and Troy Cook was the AFL’s leading tackler. High flyer Steven Koops took the AFL’s Mark of theWeek on three consecutive weeks in <strong>2002</strong> in rounds 14, 15 and 16, a feat never before achieved. The screamer againstthe Kangaroos in Round 15 was a contender for Mark of the <strong>Year</strong>.HONOUR BOARD1995Chairman ........................ Ross KellyCoach .................... Gerard NeeshamCaptain ............................ Ben AllanChampion ...................... Peter MannBeacon Award .......... Scott ChisholmGoal Scorer ............ Peter Mann (33)1996Chairman ........................ Ross KellyCoach .................... Gerard NeeshamCaptain ............................ Ben AllanChampion ............... Stephen O’ReillyBeacon Award ........... Gavin MitchellGoal Scorer ...... Kingsley Hunter (33)1997Chairman ........................ Ross KellyCoach .................... Gerard NeeshamCaptain ......................... Peter MannChampion ..................... Dale KickettBeacon Award ................. Mark GaleGoal Scorer ...... Kingsley Hunter (32)1998Chairman .. Ross Kelly/Ross McLeanCoach .................... Gerard NeeshamCaptain ......................... Peter MannChampion ................... Jason NorrishBeacon Award ................. Brad DoddGoal Scorer ... Clive Waterhouse (30)1999Chairman .................... Ross McLeanCoach ......................... Damian DrumCaptain .......................... Chris BondChampion ................. Adrian FletcherBeacon Award ............ Clem MichaelGoal Scorer ............ Tony Modra (71)2000Chairman .................... Ross McLeanCoach ......................... Damian DrumCaptain ............................................... Adrian Fletcher & Shaun McManusChampion ......................... Troy CookBeacon Award ............. Paul HaslebyGoal Scorer ... Clive Waterhouse (53)<strong>2002</strong> LadderP W D L F A % TOTAL1 Port Adelaide 22 18 0 4 2360 1783 132.36 722 Brisbane Lions 22 17 0 5 2520 1843 136.73 683 Adelaide 22 15 0 7 2308 2007 115 604 Collingwood 22 13 0 9 2081 1897 109.7 525 Essendon 22 12 1 9 1939 1847 104.98 506 Melbourne 22 12 0 10 2243 2245 99.91 487 Kangaroos 22 12 0 10 2241 2269 98.77 488 West Coast 22 11 0 11 2208 2254 97.96 449 Geelong 22 11 0 11 1933 2029 95.27 4410 Hawthorn 22 11 0 11 1938 2107 91.98 4411 Sydney 22 9 1 12 2123 1976 107.44 3812 W. Bulldogs 22 9 1 12 2335 2246 103.96 3813 <strong>Fremantle</strong> 22 9 0 13 1900 2151 88.33 3614 Richmond 22 7 0 15 1801 2172 82.92 2815 St Kilda 22 5 1 16 1785 2271 78.6 2216 Carlton 22 3 0 19 1682 2300 73.13 122001Chairman .................... Ross McLeanCoach ........ Damian Drum/Ben AllanCaptain ............................................... Adrian Fletcher & Shaun McManusChampion ......................... Peter BellBeacon Award ............... Dion WoodsGoal Scorer .......................................Matthew Pavlich & Justin Longmuir (28)<strong>2002</strong>Chairman .......................... Rick HartCoach ....................... Chris ConnollyCaptain ............................ Peter BellChampion .............. Matthew PavlichBeacon Award ........... Paul MedhurstGoal Scorer ............ Trent Croad (42)CLUB RECORDSGames149: Shane Parker (1995-<strong>2002</strong>)Consecutive games66: Troy Cook (2000-<strong>2002</strong>)Goals (overall)164: Clive Waterhouse (1996-<strong>2002</strong>)Goals (season)71: Tony Modra (1999)Goals (game)10: Tony Modra (R10 1999)34 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

<strong>2002</strong> stats<strong>2002</strong> GAMESPeter BELL 22Brad BOOTSMA 0Leigh BROWN 21Andrew BROWN 1Matthew CARR 22Troy COOK 22Trent CROAD 21Ben CUNNINGHAM 19Brad DODD 0Simon EASTAUGH 1Jeff FARMER 20Brendon FEWSTER 7Antoni GROVER 22Robert HADDRILL 0Daniel HAINES 9Paul HASLEBY 22Roger HAYDEN* 5Joshua HEAD* 0Anthony JONES 6Dale KICKETT 4Steven KOOPS 21Justin LONGMUIR 21Troy LONGMUIR 10Shaun McManus 22Luke McPHARLIN 11Adam McPHEE 11Paul MEDHURST 20Daniel METROPOLIS 0Clem MICHAEL 0Jason NORRISH 20Shane PARKER 21Matthew PAVLICH 22Graham POLAK 6Aaron SANDILANDS* 0Andrew SHIPP 1Andrew SIEGERT* 21Troy SIMMONDS 20Scott THORNTON 1Luke TOIA 1James WALKER 22Clive WATERHOUSE 0Luke WEBSTER* 0Dion WOODS 9* Rookie ListTOTAL DISPOSALSPeter BELL* 572Paul HASLEBY 486Troy COOK 440Matthew PAVLICH 411Shaun McMANUS 375* 1st in the AFLREBOUNDS FROM 50Matthew PAVLICH 106Shane PARKER 60Antoni GROVER 60Peter BELL 55Steven KOOPS 49HARD-BALL GETSPaul HASLEBY 74Troy COOK 57Troy SIMMONDS 55Justin LONGMUIR 41Peter BELL 39LOOSE-BALL GETSPeter BELL 116Paul HASLEBY 102Shaun McMANUS 75Troy COOK 72Steven KOOPS 64GENERAL KICKSPeter BELL* 308Matthew PAVLICH** 307Paul HASLEBY 261Troy COOK 224Shaun McMANUS 209* 7th in the AFL** 8th in the AFLHANDBALLS RECEIVEDPeter BELL 276Paul HASLEBY 156Troy COOK 156Matthew PAVLICH 137Shaun McMANUS 127HANDBALLSPeter BELL* 264Paul HASLEBY** 225Troy COOK 216Shaun McMANUS 166Jason NORRISH 156*1st in the AFL** 6th in the AFLTACKLESTroy COOK* 110Paul HASLEBY 54Steven KOOPS 53Shaun McMANUS 51Matthew CARR 50* 1st in the AFLLONG KICKSMatthew PAVLICH 151Peter BELL 119Paul HASLEBY 116Troy COOK 113Shaun McMANUS 99MARKSTroy SIMMONDS* 127Matthew PAVLICH 124Justin LONGMUIR 111Paul HASLEBY 97James WALKER 87* equal 10th in the AFLCONTESTED MARKSJustin LONGMUIR 36Matthew PAVLICH 23Troy SIMMONDS 21Luke McPHARLIN 21Paul MEDHURST 20INSIDE 50Paul HASLEBY 92Troy COOK 72Ben CUNNINGHAM 65Shaun McMANUS 61Jeff FARMER 58FREES FORSteven KOOPS* 32Peter BELL** 28Troy SIMMONDS** 28Justin LONGMUIR 22Shaun McMANUS 21* 6th in the AFL** equal 10th in the AFLSHORT KICKSPeter BELL 139Matthew PAVLICH 112Matthew CARR 97Troy SIMMONDS 88Paul Hasleby 84LEADING GOALKICKERSTrent CROAD* 42Justin LONGMUIR 36Paul MEDHURST 36Jeff FARMER 29Paul HASLEBY 18*14th in the AFLHITOUTSTroy SIMMONDS* 337Justin LONGMUIR 101Brendon FEWSTER 32Trent CROAD 21Leigh BROWN 20* 7th in the AFLFREES AGAINSTTroy SIMMONDS* 30Trent CROAD 28Shaun McMANUS 22Matthew PAVLICH 21Troy COOK 20* 10th in the AFL<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 35

Steven Koops flies high atManuka Oval, Canberra to takeMark of the Week in Round 15against the Kangaroos. Koopscompleted the rare feat oftaking Mark of the Week inRounds 14 and 16, and thiseffort in Round 15 was a finalcontender for Mark of the <strong>Year</strong>.

Justin Longmuir crashesthrough to take another markagainst Adelaide in Round 22.excitementFull Forward Trent Croad took thisscreamer against Essendon atColonial Stadium in Round 21.Croad returned his best goalkicking performance booting42 in his first season with <strong>Fremantle</strong>.In his first year in the AFL, PaulMedhurst was an excitementpackage kicking 36 goals andtaking many strong marks,none better than this effortagainst St Kilda in Round 2.Recruit of the year,Troy Simmondsshowed his athleticismagainst the WesternBulldogs in Round 11seen here soaring overLuke Darcy.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 37

farewellsPLAYERSLeigh BrownTaken at selection 5 in the 1999 NationalDraft, Leigh debuted in Round 1 2000 andplayed 63 of a possible 66 games for<strong>Fremantle</strong>. A loyal and well respectedplayer and person, Leigh was traded to theKangaroos for selection 13 at the <strong>2002</strong>National Draft which was utilised to selectByron Schammer.Adam McPheeAdam was selected by <strong>Fremantle</strong> in the2000 National Draft from the DandenongU18s and debuted in 2001 playing 25games for <strong>Fremantle</strong> over 2001/<strong>2002</strong>.Adam was traded to Essendon as part ofthe arrangement which resulted in DesHeadland becoming a <strong>Fremantle</strong> player.Brad BootsmaAFL debut 2000, 42 AFL gamesBrad DoddAFL debut 1998, 50 AFL gamesSimon EastaughAFL Debut 1998, 29 AFL games(17 Essendon 1998/1999)Brendon FewsterAFL debut 1996, 63 AFL games(33 West Coast 1996/1999)Dale KickettAFL debut 1990, 177 AFL games(15 Fitzroy 1990, 2 West Coast 1991,21 St Kilda 1992, 8 Essendon 1994)see tribute page 16Daniel MetropolisAFL debut 1992, 114 AFL games(108 West Coast 1992/2000)Clem MichaelAFL debut 1998, 43 AFL gamesJason NorrishAFL Debut 1993, 128 AFL games (20Melbourne 1993/1994) see tribute page 17Andrew ShippAFL Debut 1999, 35 AFL gamesBOARD OF MANAGEMENTPeter Phillips (2001)Ron Alexander (2001)John Inverarity (2001)John Fiocco (2001)Jock Clough (2001)Bob Maumill (<strong>2002</strong>)Frank Cooper (<strong>2002</strong>)STAFFEmma Blain –<strong>Football</strong> Department CoordinatorAdam Beard – Assistant Weights CoachMichel Cameron –Events and Promotions ManagerRic Charlesworth – High Performance CoachJohn Cumming – Business ManagerKaren Dawson – <strong>Football</strong> AdministratorGemma Gardiner – Membership OfficerLisa Gindein – Assistant AccountantRoss Glendinning – Chairman of SelectorsNatalie Hancock – ReceptionistPaul Harding – Ruck CoachChristi Martin – Corporate Sales ExecutiveCindy McIntyre – Functions CoordinatorMelissa Miller – Accounts OfficerMick Moylan – Player Contracts ManagerVern Reid – Marketing ManagerSharon Rowley – Corporate Sales ExecutiveDebbie Stirrup – ReceptionistDavid Tasker – Communications ManagerIN MEMORIAMThe club lost one of the membersof its <strong>Fremantle</strong> Hall of Legends,East <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s great full-forwardGeorge Prince, during the year.George made his debut with Old Easts in1939 and was a key figure in their postwarpremiership side of 1945-6. Before heretired in 1952 after 231 games, Georgewon the Lynn Medal for East’s fairest andbest in 1947 and, late in his career, wasthe WAFL’s leading goal scorer in 1949.Our sympathy goes to George’s family andthe East <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> who, in asad year for the Sharks, also lost clublegend Norm Rogers. Norm assisted the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> recruitingdepartment through its formative years.The club also acknowledges the superbcareer of Hall of Legends member JohnTodd, who retired this year after coachingover 700 WAFL and AFL games.38 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

2003 AFL seasonPRE-SEASON MATCH<strong>Fremantle</strong> V West Coast EaglesFriday 21st February, 7.30pm, Subiaco OvalPremiership Season FixturesROUND CLUB DATE TIME VENUE H/A1 Adelaide Sun 30 March 1.10pm AAMI Stadium Away2 Sydney Sat 5 April 5.40pm Subiaco Oval Home3 Richmond Sun 13 April 2.10pm MCG Away4 Kangaroos Sun 20 April 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home5 West Coast Sun 27 April 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home6 Essendon Sun 4 May 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home7 W. Bulldogs Sun 11 May 2.10pm Telstra Dome Away8 St Kilda Sun 18 May 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home9 Melbourne Sat 24 May 2.10pm MCG Away10 Carlton Sat 31 May 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home11 Port Adelaide Sun 8 June 1.10pm AAMI Stadium Away12 Geelong Sat 14 June 5.40pm Subiaco Oval Home13 Hawthorn Sun 29 June 1.10pm York Park Away14 Brisbane Sat 5 July 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home15 Collingwood Sat 12 July 2.10pm MCG Away16 Adelaide Sun 20 July 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home17 Sydney Sun 27 July 1.10pm SCG Away18 Richmond Sat 2 August 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home19 Kangaroos Sun 10 August 2.10pm MCG Away20 W. Bulldogs Sun 17 August 1.40pm Subiaco Oval Home21 Essendon Sat 23 August 2.10pm Telstra Dome Away22 West Coast Sat 30 August 5.40pm Subiaco Oval Away<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 39

off the fieldBOARD OF MANAGEMENTRick Hart (Chairman)Len Hitchen(Deputy Chairman)Tony BuhagiarGary BerrellDavid RawlinsonGreg WallMel AshtonADMINISTRATIONCameron Schwab– Chief Executive OfficerKeith Black– Corporate Affairs andCommunications ManagerAmanda Benny– Executive AssistantFINANCEGary Walton– Chief Financial OfficerPhil Warren– Financial ControllerNicole Hobbs– Assistant AccountantAkshay Nasta– Accounts OfficerMinh Tran – IT ManagerCOMMERCIAL OPERATIONSNarelle Finch– Commercial OperationsManagerMeredith Eddington– Membership ManagerAlana Bagnara– Membership OperationsCoordinatorBianca Craven– Membership <strong>Club</strong>sCoordinatorDebe Daniel– Events CoordinatorJayden Kahl– Sponsorship CoordinatorShelly Jackson– Membership OfficerBeryl Hogan – VolunteerStuart Hogan – VolunteerColin Young– Corporate Sales ManagerDaniel Metropolis– Business DevelopmentManagerMarion Shervington– Sales ExecutiveGordana Sciano– Sponsorship CoordinatorNicole Walker– Sales CoordinatorFOOTBALLSteven Icke– <strong>Football</strong> ManagerChris Connolly– Senior CoachChris Waterman– Assistant CoachKelly O’Donnell– Assistant CoachAdam Larcom– Strength andConditioning CoachKevin Ball– Weights and Skills CoachLee Walker– Player Welfare ManagerPhil Smart– Recruiting ManagerBrent Dawkins– Recruiting OfficerBen Marks– Recruiting AssistantKevin Bryant– Coach’s AssistantNorm Tame– Video & StatisticsManagerNeil McLean– Team PsychologistJulie Meek – DieticianGary Antulov– WAFL CoordinatorFrank Woods – WAFL ScoutMurray McDonald– WAFL ScoutSimon Eastaugh– RehabilitationCoordinator/Ruck CoachStephanie Neesham– Player Liaison OfficerJeff Boyle – PhysiotherapistCraig Allen– Assistant PhysiotherapistPat Watson– Property ManagerFrank Widdicombe– Assistant Property OfficerCon Regan – Team ManagerGary Ingraham– Fitness and BoxingCoach/RunnerJohn Rankin– Fitness/Swimming CoachBrad Ravenscroft– Yoga InstructorDr Ken Withers – DoctorDr David Day – DoctorSteven Jackson – PodiatristIvo Capelinha– Head TrainerTanya Reschke – TrainerBrendan August – TrainerKaren Emery – TrainerMichael McBride – TrainerStephen Platt – TrainerVic Salic – TrainerJason Courtney – TrainerLes Barry– Recruiting Officer/DoormanJohn Nykyforak– Recruiting OfficerGraeme Hadley– Recruiting OfficerTony Fiorentino– StatisticianMike Atkinson– StatisticianLuke Lasscock– StatisticianAndrew Webster– StatisticianFrank Riccelli – StatisticianAndrew Stone – StatisticianBrad Willey – StatisticianVICTORIAN OPERATIONSWayne Hughes– Victorian OperationsManagerGary Burleigh– Opposition Coach/Forward ScoutJeff Morgan– Coach’s AssistantJustin O’Dwyer – RunnerNoel Bosch– Recruiting OfficerShane Rodgers– Recruiting OfficerJohn Burns– Recruiting OfficerColin Cianter – TrainerBarry Kirkwood – TrainerJohn Parker – TrainerRod Yin – TrainerGuy Balmer – TrainerAlbert Latu – TrainerDean Rodgers – TrainerBarrie Herbert– Assistant PropertyOfficerBarry Watson – DoormanPeter Hanna – TransportBernard Brickhill– StatisticianMario Cananzi– StatisticianMichael Gill – StatisticianBernard Magher– StatisticianMike Power – StatisticianDarren Ricketts– StatisticianSOUTH AUSTRALIAGeoff Prest– Recruiting OfficerGraeme Robertson– Recruiting OfficerTim McLeod– Recruiting OfficerBox Fox – StatisticianDavid Fox – StatisticianMark Fitzpatrick– StatisticianGreg Sproule – StatisticianDennis Burchett– Statistician40 <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>2002</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Book</strong>

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