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<strong>RUBRIC</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>ORAL</strong> <strong>COMMUNICATION</strong> <strong>SKILLS</strong>Component Above Satisfactory Satisfactory Below SatisfactoryPoints 2 1 0Organization Contains an introduction,body, and conclusion.Supporting points arepresented logically.Organization, logic, or patternmakes sense.Lacks organization.Points are presented ina random fashion,making it difficult forSupportingMaterialsContentLanguageDeliveryNon verbaldeliveryIdeas are well developedwith the use of examplesor evidence. Informationand/or analysis providedestablishes credibility andauthority on the topic.Responds directly to theassignment.Language is appropriate,professional, and iscompelling to theaudience.Delivery is varied anddynamic. Rate of speech,volume, and tone enhancelistener understanding andinterest.Appears confident and incontrol, makes eyecontact, purposefulgestures and movements,and is vocally expressive.Overall, presentation iscompelling and polished.Examples or evidencegenerally support and developthe topic or ideas.Information and/or analysisare appropriate to the topic.Responds to the assignment.Language is clear, but theremay be some awkwardness or“filler” words used. Containsappropriate language .Vocal delivery is clear andunderstandable. Some vocalexpressiveness is displayed,but it may not be polished.Uses some eye contact,gestures, movement, facialexpressions that enhance thepresentation.the audience to follow.Contains insufficientsupporting material.Information and/oranalysis minimallysupport thepresentation.Does not respond tothe assignment(content may beunrelated).Limited orinappropriatevocabulary used.Delivery detracts fromthe presentation.Speech may be too soft,too fast, or too long.Pauses may distractaudience.Eye contact, gestures,movement, and/orfacial expressions areinappropriate ordistract from thepresentation. Speakermay appearuncomfortable.Note: Some oral presentations may be informal or impromptu in nature and may not require allelements above.Overall Assessment Score = the average component/row score calculated for all rubric componentsassessed. Satisfactory performance is defined as an overall score of 1 or greater on the componentsmeasured.Developed by the Student Learning Outcomes Oversight Committee spring 2012-fall2013. Presented as a first reading to the<strong>Ventura</strong> <strong>College</strong> Academic Senate Oct. 18, 2012; as a second reading and adopted on Nov. 1, 2012.

<strong>RUBRIC</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> SCIENTIFIC/QUANTITATIVE REASONING <strong>SKILLS</strong>ComponentAboveSatisfactorySatisfactoryBelow SatisfactoryPoints 2 1 0QuestionStudent statesquestion in aclear andconcise manner.The question istestableStudent statesquestion in anunclear or lengthymanner. Thequestion is testableThe question is untestableHypothesisStudentcorrectly statesnull andalternativehypothesesappropriate forthe questionand method ofanalysisStudent makes oneof the followingerrors: incorrect nullhypothesis, incorrectalternativehypothesis,hypothesesinappropriate forquestion, hypothesesinappropriate formethod of analysisStudent either misstatesboth null and alternativehypotheses or fails tomatch hypotheses to thequestion and/or methodof analysisProcedure/MethodsAll steps arediscussed in alogical (ordered)and concisemanner suchthat theprocedure couldbe replicatedSteps are discussedbut presented in away that is not logicalor concise; or anecessary step ismissingSteps are discussed in amanner that is neitherlogical nor conciseand/or more than onestep is missingComponentAboveSatisfactorySatisfactoryBelow SatisfactoryDeveloped by the Student Learning Outcomes Oversight Committee spring 2012-fall2013. Presented as a first reading to the<strong>Ventura</strong> <strong>College</strong> Academic Senate Oct. 18, 2012; as a second reading and adopted on Nov. 1, 2012.

<strong>RUBRIC</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> WRITTEN <strong>COMMUNICATION</strong> <strong>SKILLS</strong>Component Above Satisfactory Satisfactory Below SatisfactoryPoints 2 1 0Content Responds directly to theprompt or question asked.Content is accurate.Responds to the prompt orquestion asked. Content isaccurate.Does not respond tothe prompt or questionasked (content may beunrelated) and/orOrganizationDevelopmentUse ofLanguageGrammar andSpellingIntegratesSources (ifapplicable)Contains a clear sense oforder. Includes a thesis ortopic sentence.Supporting points arepresented in a logicalprogression.Develops each point withspecific details orexamples.Uses discipline-specificlanguage and exhibitssome sophistication inword choice.No major grammatical orspelling errors.Incorporates summary,paraphrase, andquotations from sources.Uses source information tosupport own ideas. Citesand documents sourcesper method required byinstructor.May lack a thesis or topicsentence, but points arepresented in a logical manner.Most points are supportedwith some details andevidence.Discipline-specific language isused sparingly. Has clearsentences but there may besome awkwardness.Appropriate language used.Contains some errors, butthey do not interfere withunderstanding.Incorporates someinformation from sources assupporting information. Citesand documents sources permethod required byinstructor.content is inaccurate.Lacks organization.Points are presented ina random fashion,making it difficult forthe reader to follow.Points are unsupportedor supported withsparse details.Limited orinappropriatevocabulary. Slang maybe used.Errors are numerousand/or impairunderstanding.Does not includeinformation fromsources, or sources arenot documented permethod required byinstructor.Overall Assessment Score = the average component/row score calculated for all rubric componentsassessed. Satisfactory performance is defined as an overall score of 1 or greater on the componentsmeasured.Developed by the Student Learning Outcomes Oversight Committee spring 2012-fall2013. Presented as a first reading to the<strong>Ventura</strong> <strong>College</strong> Academic Senate Oct. 18, 2012; as a second reading and adopted on Nov. 1, 2012.

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