Operation Manual - ASSMANN IT-Solutions AG

Operation Manual - ASSMANN IT-Solutions AG

Operation Manual - ASSMANN IT-Solutions AG

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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Notes concerning use / maintenance of a parallel systemECO-mode:If LP units operate in parallel, the ECO-mode feature is not available. See also 5.5.5.No-load shutdown:If LP units operate in parallel, the no-load shutdown function is not available.<strong>Manual</strong> bypass:If you want to switch one of the UPSs to bypass operation using the manual bypass switch (switchis turned into position 2) then all UPSs in the parallel system have to be switched to bypassoperation in order to prevent damage.Maintenance:To isolate a unit from the redundant system:1. Switch off the UPS which has to be isolated,2. Remove the installation fuse from the input of that UPS (F1-4 in figure 10),3. Separate the output of the UPS from the output junction (S1-4 in figure 10).To re-enter the unit into the system:1. Reinstall the installation input fuse,2. Connect the output of the UPS to the output junction,3. Switch on the UPS.OPM_LPE_11X_3K0_10K_1GB_V041 15 GE DE LP 11 UPS: User manual 4.1 (GB)

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