DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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IF INDOORS - Stay inside until the storm passes <strong>and</strong> don’t try to go out<strong>and</strong> protect your property.IF OUTDOORS - Take shelter under the strongest structure you can find(especially if hailstones are large!)IF IN A VEHICLE - Carefully pull over to the shoulder <strong>and</strong> seek shelterunder an overpass or the closest substantial structure available.AFTER A HAILSTORM:Listen - Continue listening to radio or TV for updates on weather.Check it out - Check for damage to trees <strong>and</strong> shrubs because, if damaged,your roof most likely is too. Also check your vehicles <strong>and</strong> structures fordamage but don’t put yourself in danger if storms are still active!Stop leaks - Cover up holes in your roof <strong>and</strong> broken windows in your car<strong>and</strong> home to keep water out.Insurance - Call your insurance agent or representative to set up a visit toyour home or to take your vehicle down for inspection.Recovery tips - Review TIPS ON RECOVERING FROM A <strong>DISASTER</strong> atend of this Section.www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-432561

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