DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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What are YOU gonna do about…CIVIL DISTURBANCES OR CIVIL UNREST?Civil disturbances (also called civil unrest or riots) can happen for manydifferent reasons like frustration with the government, a bad court decision,drunken mayhem after sporting events, or racial tensions in a neighborhood.Or sometimes a peaceful rally, concert or party can turn violent <strong>and</strong>spill over into neighborhoods or business districts. Sometimes authoritiescan block off the affected areas -- other times things may just go crazy.DURING A RIOT OR CIVIL UNREST:Stay calm & be aware - If possible, avoid contact with rioters <strong>and</strong> keep alow profile. And leave the area as quickly <strong>and</strong> safely as possible.Listen - If officials tell you to leave or to shelter-in-place ... DO it! Stayupdated with local radio <strong>and</strong> TV reports since rumors may be flying around.Evacuate? – If you are told to leave - do so ... <strong>and</strong> IF you have time...• Secure your home or business. Lock doors <strong>and</strong> windows,back up files if possible, take valuables <strong>and</strong> importantpapers with you (or lock them up), etc.• Don’t try to drive through a crowd -- find another way out.Things to watch for:• flying objects or gas - rioters may throw rocks, bottles,bricks, cans, fireworks, molatov cocktails ... <strong>and</strong> policemay have to use rubber bullets, bean bags or tear gas forcrowd control• damaged areas - drunks <strong>and</strong> rioters may smash windows,burn tires, overturn cars <strong>and</strong> set buildings or homes on fire• suspicious packages - rioters may call in bomb threatsFirearms - Sometimes looting occurs but be smart about protecting yourproperty, it’s not worth getting hurt or shot defending it. (Learn more aboutfirearm safety from local law enforcement officials or at www.nra.org.)Don’t go there - Stay away from the area until authorities say all is clear.National Guard - If things get out of h<strong>and</strong>, local law enforcement mayrequest the National Guard come in <strong>and</strong> help so don’t be alarmed if you seeuniformed armed forces on the streets.42 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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