DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOMELAND SECURITYAND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYThe <strong>Homel<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Agency(HSEMA) provides coordination <strong>and</strong> support of the city's response toemergencies <strong>and</strong> disasters of all types, both natural <strong>and</strong> manmade.The mission of the HSEMA is to reduce the loss of life <strong>and</strong> property <strong>and</strong>protect citizens <strong>and</strong> institutions from all hazards by operating <strong>and</strong> maintaininga comprehensive all-hazard community-based, state-of-the-artemergency management infrastructure. This is accomplished by:• Developing plans <strong>and</strong> procedures to ensure emergencyresponse <strong>and</strong> recovery capabilities for all emergencies<strong>and</strong> disasters;• Assessing <strong>and</strong> coordinating disaster resources <strong>and</strong>capabilities;• Conducting training <strong>and</strong> exercises for emergency firstresponders, city employees, <strong>and</strong> the public;• Providing 24-hour emergency operations center capabilities<strong>and</strong> serving as the central communications pointduring regional emergencies;• Coordinating major special events <strong>and</strong> street closures;<strong>and</strong>• Providing public awareness <strong>and</strong> outreach programs.The vision of the HSEMA Hazard Mitigation program is to minimize theimpact of disaster losses by promoting cost-effective, environmentallysound, hazard mitigation measures to address natural, manmade <strong>and</strong>national security threats.The program priorities include all-hazard management, flood control,technology <strong>and</strong> grant development. These activities are supported by otherprogram initiatives including specialized professional development foremergency officials; targeted community-based education <strong>and</strong> outreach;<strong>and</strong> development of projects <strong>and</strong> plans.You <strong>and</strong> your community can be better prepared by learning how toprevent disasters before they strike. Contact HSEMA at 202-727-6161or visit the website at http://hsema.dc.govDistrict of Columbia <strong>Homel<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Security</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Agency2720 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20032

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