DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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how spread, 91signs <strong>and</strong> symptoms of exposure, 91treatment, 91-92cyber attack, 78. See also cyber threatsabout, 86-87computer-based terrorism, 87preparing for, 87-88cyber threatsfiling complaint to Internet Crime Complaint Center, 231learn about internet security, 87protecting your business from, 231sign up for alerts, 87, 231cyclones. See hurricanesDdeathclaiming a body, 125, 155h<strong>and</strong>ling dead bodies, 155in a shelter during or after a nuclear attack, 125loss of a loved one, some things to think about, 155-156decontamination (or clean up)after a biological attack, 108after a chemical attack, 98after a hazardous material disaster or spill, 64after a nuclear emergency or incident, 76, 125after a radiological event (RDD), 113Department of <strong>Homel<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Security</strong>alerts, news & threats on national security, where to find, 78,86, 122, 126color-coded warning system on terrorist threats, 79-86National Response Framework, 217dirty bombabout, 109-113dangers of, 109definition of, 109difference between nuke <strong>and</strong>, 118facts <strong>and</strong> figures, 5, 109radiation sickness, 113, 118radioactive materials, low-level, 109safety information, 111-113disabled personsemployee plan, tips for, 226, 227family emergency plan, tips for, 10National Organization on Disability web site, 10, 226special items to include in disaster supplies kit, 20-21disaster supplies kit. See also kitsexp<strong>and</strong>ing for a nuclear threat or attack, 121250 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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