DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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What are YOU gonna do about…SHOCK?Things to watch for…Pale, cold, <strong>and</strong> clammy skinRapid heartbeat but weak pulseQuick <strong>and</strong> shallow breathingDizziness or confusionBluish color on lips <strong>and</strong> fingertips or nailsSick to their stomach or pukingIntense thirstWhat to do…• Call for an ambulance.• Look for injuries <strong>and</strong> watch ABCs… Airway, Breathing& Circulation.• Position victim using the following tips:alert <strong>and</strong> awake - place victim flat on their back with legsraised slightlypassed out or puking - place victim on side to keep airwayopen• Loosen any tight or restrictive clothing.• Cover victim with a blanket or towel.• Talk calmly to victim until help arrives (whether they arealert or not).206 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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