DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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What are YOU gonna do about…HEART PROBLEMS?Heart attacks can kill <strong>and</strong> most victims die within 2 hours of the first fewsymptoms. Most people deny they are having a heart attack - even if theyhave chest pains <strong>and</strong> shortness of breath… but DON’T take any chances! Aheart attack can lead to Cardiac Arrest.Cardiac arrest means that the heart stops beating <strong>and</strong> causes victim to passout followed by no sign of breathing <strong>and</strong> no pulse.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is used to help pump oxygenatedblood through the body to the brain until the medical experts arrive.• Conventional CPR - combines chest compressions <strong>and</strong>Rescue Breathing• H<strong>and</strong>s-only CPR - hard <strong>and</strong> fast chest compressions (100per minute ~ do it to the beat of that song “Staying Alive”by the Bee Gees)H<strong>and</strong>s-only CPR should only be used on an adult that suddenly collapses.It should not be used on children <strong>and</strong> infants or on adults whose cardiacarrest is from respiratory causes (like near-drowning or a drug overdose).Those victims all benefit from combined CPR <strong>and</strong> Rescue Breathing.HEART ATTACKThings to watch for…Chest pain that can spread to shoulder, arm, or jawShortness of breath or trouble breathingStrange pulse (faster or slower than normal or sporadic)Pale or bluish skin colorWhat to do…• Tell victim to STOP what they’re doing, sit down <strong>and</strong> rest.• Call for an ambulance immediately!• Loosen any tight clothing, esp. around neck <strong>and</strong> waist.• Ask victim if they are taking any prescribed medicines fortheir heart… <strong>and</strong> if they do, have them take it!• Take a couple of pure aspirin, if available.• Watch victim’s breathing <strong>and</strong> be prepared to give CPR.188 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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