DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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What are YOU gonna do about…EAR INJURIES?FOREIGN OBJECT IN EARIf something crawls in or gets stuck in the ear...• Keep victim calm <strong>and</strong> have them sit down with headtilted sideways.• Use a flashlight to try to see object in ear...if a bug - turn ear up toward sun or flashlight - most bugsare drawn to light so it might crawl out on it’s ownif a loose item - tilt head <strong>and</strong> try to shake it outif still in but see it - IF you see item, gently try to removewith tweezers, but DO NOT do this if victim is squirmingor item is deep in ear - you could damage the eardrum!• Get medical help if not successful or can’t visuallylocate object (doctors have special tools for ears).NOISE-INDUCED HEARING LOSS (NIHL)Millions of people are exposed to hazardous sound levels daily. Loudimpulse noise (like an explosion) or loud continuous noise at work or playdamage the delicate hair cells of the inner ear <strong>and</strong> the hearing nerve.Sometimes damage can be temporary - like after a concert when your earsring for a bit then go back to normal. But repeated loud noise or a massiveimpulse noise could lead to permanent damage - damage that cannot bereversed. Be aware certain types of disasters like tornadoes, a terrorist’sbomb, or even hurricanes can cause a form of hearing loss.Things to watch for…Bombs, tornadoes, power tools, loud music, jet ski, etc.Having to shout to be heard over noise (too loud)Ringing or buzzing in earsWhat to do…• Avoid loud situations or at least wear ear plugs or muffs.• Have hearing tested annually (esp. if you work aroundloud noises)• Protect children’s ears. (Note: using cotton isn’t enough.)To learn more about NIHL, visit National Institute on Deafness <strong>and</strong> OtherCommunication Disorders’ site at www.nidcd.nih.gov184 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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