DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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Pets & livestock - If possible, get them indoors or in shelters, especiallymilk-producing animals. If fallout has already started, don’t even try to savethem -- it’s not worth the risk.Take KI..? - If you are near the blast zone or in the projected fallout path,take your KI according to label instructions.AFTER A NUCLEAR ATTACK:Reduce exposure - Get out of the area quickly <strong>and</strong> into nearest building toreduce chances of being exposed to deadly radioactive materials.Remember ... distance, shielding <strong>and</strong> time.Things to watch out for:• fallout - looks like gray s<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> radiation levels can bedeadly the first few days without proper shielding. About80% of fallout occurs within 24 hours <strong>and</strong> it can startfalling within minutes of a blast.• fires - any size nuke will cause fires due to the intense heat- plus gas lines, chemicals <strong>and</strong> other objects fuel fires• body parts - there may be a lot of dead bodies or bodyparts scattered around from the blasts• weak structures - be careful since floors, stairs, roofs orwalls might be weakened by the blasts• looting, guns & panicked people - be aware people maybecome violent trying to find loved ones, water or food• HAZMAT - watch for areas marked “HAZMAT” or“radiation hazard” <strong>and</strong> don’t go thereStay put – If near the blast zone or in projected fallout path ...• Close doors, windows <strong>and</strong> fireplace damper <strong>and</strong> turn offair conditioner, ventilation fans, furnace <strong>and</strong> other intakessince they can pull in air or fallout from outside.• Go to an underground shelter or make an expedient shelterusing as much shielding as possible (like furniture,appliances, books, boxes of earth, food, water, etc.) inyour basement or the center of room or building.• Grab Disaster Supplies Kit, have detection devices readyto monitor radiation levels, <strong>and</strong> take KI.• Keep battery-operated radio with you to hear updates (ifworking - EMP may knock out communications systems).• Realize it may take a few days or weeks before radiationlevels drop enough for people to move about safely.124 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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