DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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BEFORE A NUCLEAR ATTACK:Make a shelter - If you don’t have a basement or underground shelter, thinkabout how you would design a quick shelter with sufficient shielding tokeep you safe from fallout. (see page 120)Make a plan - Review Section 1 to develop a Family <strong>Emergency</strong> Plan <strong>and</strong>Disaster Supplies Kit (but exp<strong>and</strong> supplies to have at least 2 to 4+ weeksworth on-h<strong>and</strong>.) Double check emergency plans for schools, day cares orplaces family may be <strong>and</strong> where they’ll go if evacuated or sheltered.Protect yourself - Purchase radiation detection devices from a reputabledisaster supplies company. There are many that claim they will work butdevices are known to have calibration problems so do your homework. (seepage 116)Protect electronics - An electromagnetic pulse could disrupt or fry systemsthat are not hardened or shielded. Unplugging devices is the best protection,but in most cases you won’t get advance warning of an EMP. Electrical <strong>and</strong>hardware stores carry grounding supplies, surge protectors <strong>and</strong> batterybackup units. Look for the strongest protection available, but realize electronicsmay still get fried. (Tip: Do a web search on “Faraday cage” tolearn more about shielding electronic devices.)Stay current on threats & alerts - The Department of <strong>Homel<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Security</strong>www.dhs.gov <strong>and</strong> Public Safety Canada www.publicsafety.gc.ca postalerts <strong>and</strong> news about national security online.Learn more - Visit www.oism.org/nwss (free eBook called Nuclear WarSurvival Skills), or www.ki4u.com/guide.htm (free 8-page guide withplanning tips), buy a book or CD with long-term survival tips, or google“civil defense” to find tons of online resources.DURING A NUCLEAR ATTACK:Don’t panic... - Try to stay calm <strong>and</strong> ...• Do NOT look at flash, blast or fireball - turn away!• Duck & cover .. <strong>and</strong> watch out for flying debris or fires.Be aware the 2 shock waves have the force of a tornado<strong>and</strong> may take 30 seconds to 2 minutes to reach you.• Take shelter to protect yourself from radioactive fallout.Remember ... distance, shielding <strong>and</strong> time!• Blast could create an EMP <strong>and</strong> fry electronics like cellphones, computers, cars, pacemakers, radios, TVs, etc.122 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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