DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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• Keep a battery-operated radio with you to hear updates.• Stay inside until authorities tell you it is safe to go out!Clean up - If you were possibly exposed to radiation (or chemicals)...• store clothes & shoes - put clothing <strong>and</strong> shoes in tightlysealed containers or plastic bags <strong>and</strong> ask health officialswhat to do with them• shower - wash body <strong>and</strong> hair to remove particles / toxinsWill I get radiation sickness or cancer...? - Just because you were at the siteof a dirty bomb does not mean you were exposed to radioactive materials.Radiation cannot be seen, smelled, felt, or tasted. Until doctors are able tocheck skin with sensitive detection devices or run blood tests to determinethere was any radiation - no one really knows if they were exposed (unlessyou have your own detection devices - see page 116). And, even if you wereexposed to small amounts of radioactive material, it does not mean you’llbe sick or get cancer. Stay calm -- listen to <strong>and</strong> work with medical healthprofessionals since it depends on each situation or incident.For the CDC’s information on “acute radiation syndrome” (radiationsickness) visit www.bt.cdc.gov/radiation/ars.aspFor more information about radiological emergencies or radiationemergencies, visit the CDC’s <strong>Emergency</strong> Preparedness & Response site atwww.bt.cdc.gov or visit Health Canada’s Emergencies & Disasters site atwww.hc-sc.gc.caABOUT NUCLEAR THREAT OR DEVICENo one wants to think about a nuclear crisis - <strong>and</strong> hopefully it will neverhappen - but we as a nation must accept the fact nuclear tensions are risingglobally (plus Al-Qaeda <strong>and</strong> others are seeking nukes) so we should prepareourselves <strong>and</strong> our loved ones in the event the unthinkable strikes our soil.For decades, movies <strong>and</strong> some in the media have portrayed a nuclear attackas a “doomsday” event implying most people would be killed on impact ...<strong>and</strong> survivors would want to die once they come out of their shelters. Inreality, unless you are actually at ground zero or within a several mileradius of the blast zone (depending on the size of the nuke, of course), thereis a very high probability you will survive as long as you limit yourexposure to the radiation, take shelter with proper shielding, <strong>and</strong> wait forthe most dangerous radioactive materials to decay.In other words, you CAN survive a nuke attack ... but you MUST make aneffort to learn what to do!www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325113

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