DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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IF IN A VEHICLE - Keep windows up, close vents, use “recirculating” air<strong>and</strong> keep listening to radio for updates. If possible, drive away from site.AFTER A RADIOLOGICAL EVENT OR EXPLOSION:If you are trapped in an area:• light - use a flashlight – never use matches or lighters incase there are gas leaks• be still - try to stay still so you won’t kick up dust• breathing - cover your mouth with a piece of clothing• make noise - tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hearyou (shouting may cause you to inhale a lot of dust)Rescuing others - Untrained persons should not try to rescue people whoare inside a collapsed building… wait for emergency personnel to arrive –then, if they need you, they will ask.Avoid crowds - Be aware large crowds may be targeted for a second attack.Reduce exposure - Get out of area quickly <strong>and</strong> into nearest building toreduce chances of being exposed to radioactive materials (or chemicals).The less time you spend in a potentially contaminated area the better.If radioactive materials were possibly present:Don’t panic -- Listen - Stay calm <strong>and</strong> listen to radio, TV <strong>and</strong> officials to ...• Determine if your area is in danger or contaminated.• Find out where to go for radiation monitoring <strong>and</strong> bloodtests to determine if you were exposed <strong>and</strong> what to do toprotect your health if radioactive materials are found.• Learn if KI (potassium iodide) is being passed out byauthorities <strong>and</strong>, if so, find out where to get it. Or ask ifyou should take KI if in your Disaster Supplies Kit (moreabout KI on page 73). Dirty bombs don’t normally haveradioactive iodide so KI may not be needed.As long as you are NOT told to evacuate:Stay put – Stay inside <strong>and</strong> prepare to “shelter-in-place”!• Close doors, windows, vents <strong>and</strong> fireplace damper.• Turn off air conditioner, ventilation fans, furnace <strong>and</strong>other intakes (they pull in air from outside).• Grab Disaster Supplies Kit <strong>and</strong> go to a basement orunderground area (if possible).112 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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