DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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enough to fight them. But, if a person’s immune system is weak (like inbabies or the elderly), it’s possible that person could become sick or die.What biological agents could be used in an attack?There are 3 basic groups of biological agents that could be weaponized <strong>and</strong>used in an attack (but realize there are some that occur naturally too):• Bacteria - tiny life forms that reproduce by simple division<strong>and</strong> are easy to grow -- diseases they spread are killedby strong or boosted immune system or antibiotics• Viruses - organisms that need living cells to reproduce<strong>and</strong> are dependent on the body they infect -- most diseasescaused by viruses don’t respond to antibiotics but sometimesantiviral drugs work (<strong>and</strong> a boosted immune systemmay fight invading organisms - depends on type of virus)• Toxins - poisonous substances found in <strong>and</strong> extractedfrom living plants, animals or microorganisms; sometoxins can be produced or altered -- some toxins can betreated with specific antitoxins <strong>and</strong> selected drugsRemember, biological weapons - or germ warfare - have been around forcenturies so it’s not anything new ... it’s unfortunate we have to discuss itat length, but try not to let this topic frighten you. Educate yourself aboutthe types <strong>and</strong> where to find more information so you are prepared to react.How could biological agents be used in an attack?As mentioned earlier, most biological agents break down when exposed tosunlight or other conditions, <strong>and</strong> they are very hard to grow <strong>and</strong> maintain.There are 3 ways biological agents could be spread:• Aerosols - dispersed or spread into air by a number ofmethods forming a fine mist that could drift for miles• Animals <strong>and</strong> insects - some diseases can be carried <strong>and</strong>spread by critters like birds, mice or rodents, mosquitoes,fleas, or livestock -- called bioterrorism or agroterrorism• Food <strong>and</strong> water contamination - most organisms <strong>and</strong>toxins are killed or deactivated when we cook food <strong>and</strong>boil or treat water but some may continue livingSome biological agents could remain in the environment <strong>and</strong> causeproblems long after they are released. Again, keep in mind both the CDC<strong>and</strong> EPA work closely with the Departments of Defense <strong>and</strong> Energy <strong>and</strong>many other agencies to monitor systems <strong>and</strong> security <strong>and</strong> develop plans.The same goes for Health Canada <strong>and</strong> many Canadian governmentagencies.www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-432599

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