DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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show up so continue watching for signs of illness.Don’t panic -- Listen - Stay calm <strong>and</strong> listen to radio, TV <strong>and</strong> officials to ...• Determine if your area is or was in danger.• Learn signs <strong>and</strong> symptoms of specific chemical agent(s).• Find out if antidotes are being distributed by authorities<strong>and</strong>, if so, where you can get them.Don’t go there - Don’t return home until local authorities say it is safe.Air out - Open windows, vents <strong>and</strong> turn on fans to air things out.Clean up - A person, critter or item that has been exposed could spread it...• decontamination - follow instructions from authoritiessince it depends on chemical. May need to shower with orwithout soap or may be told to avoid water - check first• strange symptoms - if unusual symptoms show up, get toa hospital or medical expert right away• store clothes & shoes - put exposed clothing <strong>and</strong> shoes intightly sealed containers or bags <strong>and</strong> ask local authoritieshow to get rid of them• tell people you’ve been exposed - tell everyone whocomes in contact with you that you may have beenexposed to a chemical agent• l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> property - ask local authorities how to clean upStrange vapors or danger - Report these to local authorities immediately.For more information about chemical agents, visit the CDC <strong>Emergency</strong>Preparedness & Response site at www.bt.cdc.gov .. or .. call CDC Hotlineat 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) or 1-888-232-6348 (TTY).ABOUT BIOLOGICAL AGENTSBiological agents are actually tiny life forms or germs that can occurnaturally in plants, animals <strong>and</strong> soils or can be developed for scientific ormilitary purposes. Many biological agents affect humans by being inhaled,absorbed into the skin through a cut, or by swallowing contaminated foodor water. But there are things that make it difficult for some biologicalagents to live like sunlight (ultraviolet light) or dry conditions. Wind couldcarry agents long distances but also spreads it out making it less effective.Many animals <strong>and</strong> insects carry diseases that affect humans but most don’tmake us sick when eaten or inhaled because our immune systems are strong98 www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-4325

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