DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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• If swallowed - if someone drinks or eats somethingexposed to chlorine, do NOT make them puke or drinkfluids - call 9-1-1Cyanide (Blood) - is a very fast acting <strong>and</strong> potentially deadly chemical thatexists in several forms. The CDC categorizes cyanide as “blood” agents butsometimes called “cyanide or cyanogen” agents. Cyanide can be a colorlessgas (cyanogen chloride or hydrogen cyanide) or a crystal solid form (likepotassium or sodium cyanide). It may smell like “bitter almonds” but mostoften is odorless. Cyanide is naturally present in some foods or plants - it’salso in cigarette smoke or given off when some plastics burn. It is also usedto make paper or textiles <strong>and</strong> in chemicals used to develop photos.How it spreads: Cyanide could enter water, soil or air as a result of naturalor industrial processes or be spread indoors or outdoors as a weapon.People can be exposed by breathing gas or vapors or cigarette smoke, bydrinking or eating something contaminated (either accidentally or on purpose)or by touching soil or clothing that was exposed to cyanide. The gasdisappears quickly <strong>and</strong> rises (less dense than air) so pretty useless outdoors.Signs & Symptoms: Basically cyanide prevents the cells from absorbingoxygen so cells die. No matter how exposed (breathing, absorbed throughskin, or eating / drinking) some or all signs show up within minutes:• Exposed to small amount - rapid breathing, gasping forair, dizziness, weakness, headache, sick to stomach,puking, restlessness, rapid heart rate, bluish skin or lips(due to lack of oxygen in blood)• Large amount - above signs plus convulsions, low bloodpressure, slow heart rate, passes out, stops breathing leadingto death. Survivors of serious poisoning may developheart <strong>and</strong> brain damage due to lack of oxygen.Treatment: Cyanide poisoning is treated with antidotes <strong>and</strong> supportivemedical care (mainly to help symptoms). The main things are to avoid areawhere it was released <strong>and</strong> seek medical attention as soon as possible.• First - leave area as quickly as possible... if outdoors - move upwind <strong>and</strong> stay low to ground... if in building - get outside <strong>and</strong> get upwind• If inhaled - get fresh air as quickly <strong>and</strong> calmly as possible• If on clothing or skin - remove contaminated shoes <strong>and</strong>clothes but don’t pull anything over head - cut it off. Sealall in a bag then put that bag in a bag - ask how to disposeof. Immediately wash body <strong>and</strong> hair with soap & water.• If in eyes - remove contacts if necessary. If eyes burningor vision blurred, rinse eyes with water for 10-15 minutes.www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-432591

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