DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...

DISASTER! - Homeland Security and Emergency Management ...


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What are YOU gonna do about…TERRORISM?Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or propertyusually for emotional or political reasons or for ransom. The main goal ofterrorists is to create public fear <strong>and</strong> panic.Obviously there is a lot of anxiety since the September 11, 2001 attacks onthe U.S., however, being afraid or worrying is very unhealthy - especiallyabout something you have little control over. But remember, terroristattacks are a very low risk possibility. Let’s put a few “risks” in perspective... the chances of having high blood pressure is 1 in 4 ... the odds ofdying from cancer is 1 in 500 ... <strong>and</strong> the odds of dying from anthrax is 1 in56 million!People need to remain calm about the threat of terrorist attacks <strong>and</strong> learnabout some of the types, how to prepare for them, <strong>and</strong> what to expect insome cases. Discuss this with everyone - even the kids so they can talkabout their feelings too. Stay current on news but don’t obsess over it ... <strong>and</strong>just be aware of your surroundings as you go about your daily routines.One type of terrorism that we can help prevent is the use of guns <strong>and</strong> bombsby children <strong>and</strong> youth against other groups of children at schools. A keysolution to stopping this type of school violence is through communication,education <strong>and</strong> awareness – <strong>and</strong> it starts within the FAMILY! (see alsoAPPENDIX C - SCHOOL SAFETY RESOURCES)The Federal Bureau of Investigation categorizes terrorism in two ways:Domestic terrorism - terrorist activities are directed at certain groups orparts of the government within the U.S. without foreign direction.Some examples of domestic terrorism include shootings <strong>and</strong>bomb threats at schools, the Oklahoma City bombing of theFederal Building, <strong>and</strong> the letters mailed to various groupswith a white powdery substance (anthrax scares).International terrorism - terrorist activities are foreign-based by countries orgroups outside the U.S.Some examples of international terrorism include bombingslike the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen <strong>and</strong> U.S. Embassies in othercountries, the attacks on the Pentagon <strong>and</strong> World TradeCenter, hostage situations with civilians in various countries,or threats with weapons of mass destruction.www.itsadisaster.net or call 1-888-999-432577

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