A1(T) Elkesley Junction Improvements - Highways Agency

A1(T) Elkesley Junction Improvements - Highways Agency A1(T) Elkesley Junction Improvements - Highways Agency

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character of the village and currently provide a poor sense of arrival/entry. As suchtheir removal would have a neutral/slight beneficial effect.The core village setting will be negligibly affected by the proposal, this area beinglargely contained in terms of townscape quality despite it’s proximity to the A1(T).Summary:Area A: Open Undulating Arable Farmland (Good Quality Landscape of Medium Value)The proportionate loss of arable farmland to the south of this character area will havean erosive effect on its wider value. The impact is considered to be medium adverse,with the landscape character within the proposed junction area reflecting more that ofArea C than A.Area B: Gamston Aerodrome (Poor Quality Landscape of Low Value)The character of the aerodrome landscape will not be unduly affected by theproposal. The impact is considered to be slight adverse.Area C: Dominant A1(T) Corridor and Associated Land Uses (Poor Quality Landscapeof Low Value)The influence of the A1(T) corridor will expand as a result of the construction of theproposed junction area. The character of the A1(T) road corridor itself will not beheavily influenced and the impact to its character is considered to be negligible.Area D: Reclaimed Tips and Old Workings (Ordinary Quality Landscape of Low Value)There will be no change in terms of impacts on landscape character to this area.Area E: River Corridors and Settlements (Very Attractive Landscape of Medium Value)The character of the river valley landscape will remain unaffected by the proposal.The character of Elkesley Village is already influenced by the overriding character ofthe A1(T) corridor to the north and the construction of the proposed route junction willadd to this influence.The village character will not change significantly as a result of the proposal; themain junction area will be seen in context with the A1(T) corridor although the overbridge will add a further constructed element that will be evident from areas to thewest of the village. Mitigation planting along the earthwork embankments wouldsoften the appearance of the junction over time and would marginally reduce thecharacter impact of the A1(T) corridor itself on the village. The overriding issue thatremains is the A1(T) corridor in proximity to the northern edge of the village in termsof character influence.New road construction to the west of the village would have a perceived but lowimpact on village character. The addition of a new road element and relocatedjunction would add to the built form of the village but is not a significant departurefrom existing.The overall impact on Area E is considered to be slight adverse.52

Area F: Enclosed Arable Farmland (Good Quality Landscape of Medium Value)There will be no change in terms of impacts on landscape character to this area.Impacts on Visual AmenityThe predicted visual impacts on all of the identified receptors are detailed in Table1.6 below. Impacts are based on the Stage 2 design proposal, which include anymitigation measures that were developed and included as a part of the designversion for assessment purposes.Additional mitigation is described in Section 6.4 and outlined as appropriate in thetable. The predicted effects at year of opening (year 0) and in the design year (year15) take these additional mitigation measures into account.The impact tables take into account any additional visual impacts that have beenidentified from analysis of lighting requirements associated with the schemeproposal.An assessment is made of impacts during construction, as an indication of the levelsof visual impact anticipated. However, this assessment is unable to account for theduration of work programme, location of compounds, access roads, etc and thereforecannot provide a definitive measure of the visual impacts encountered by specificproperties during the construction period.53

character of the village and currently provide a poor sense of arrival/entry. As suchtheir removal would have a neutral/slight beneficial effect.The core village setting will be negligibly affected by the proposal, this area beinglargely contained in terms of townscape quality despite it’s proximity to the <strong>A1</strong>(T).Summary:Area A: Open Undulating Arable Farmland (Good Quality Landscape of Medium Value)The proportionate loss of arable farmland to the south of this character area will havean erosive effect on its wider value. The impact is considered to be medium adverse,with the landscape character within the proposed junction area reflecting more that ofArea C than A.Area B: Gamston Aerodrome (Poor Quality Landscape of Low Value)The character of the aerodrome landscape will not be unduly affected by theproposal. The impact is considered to be slight adverse.Area C: Dominant <strong>A1</strong>(T) Corridor and Associated Land Uses (Poor Quality Landscapeof Low Value)The influence of the <strong>A1</strong>(T) corridor will expand as a result of the construction of theproposed junction area. The character of the <strong>A1</strong>(T) road corridor itself will not beheavily influenced and the impact to its character is considered to be negligible.Area D: Reclaimed Tips and Old Workings (Ordinary Quality Landscape of Low Value)There will be no change in terms of impacts on landscape character to this area.Area E: River Corridors and Settlements (Very Attractive Landscape of Medium Value)The character of the river valley landscape will remain unaffected by the proposal.The character of <strong>Elkesley</strong> Village is already influenced by the overriding character ofthe <strong>A1</strong>(T) corridor to the north and the construction of the proposed route junction willadd to this influence.The village character will not change significantly as a result of the proposal; themain junction area will be seen in context with the <strong>A1</strong>(T) corridor although the overbridge will add a further constructed element that will be evident from areas to thewest of the village. Mitigation planting along the earthwork embankments wouldsoften the appearance of the junction over time and would marginally reduce thecharacter impact of the <strong>A1</strong>(T) corridor itself on the village. The overriding issue thatremains is the <strong>A1</strong>(T) corridor in proximity to the northern edge of the village in termsof character influence.New road construction to the west of the village would have a perceived but lowimpact on village character. The addition of a new road element and relocatedjunction would add to the built form of the village but is not a significant departurefrom existing.The overall impact on Area E is considered to be slight adverse.52

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