ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05 - V/Line

ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05 - V/Line ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05 - V/Line


There has been an increased focus on preventativemaintenance of the network, with improvements also madeto the process for responding to faults and maintenancerequests.FLEET PERFORMANCEFleet operating performance is a key factor in V/Line's abilityto deliver services to customers.V/Line manages the maintenance and refurbishment of itsfleet of locomotives, carriages and Sprinters by closelymonitoring measures such as availability, operationalperformance regime and mean distance between in-servicefaultsDuring the first half of 2004–05, fleet operating performance– particularly reliability – fell below expectations. This waslargely a result of V/Line taking responsibility for theWarrnambool line, where the ageing vehicles purchasedfrom West Coast Rail had inherent reliability problems andSPRINTER RELIABILITY35,00030,000TARGET 25,00020,00015,00026 | V/LINE ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05JULY 04AUG 04SEPT 04OCT 04NOV 04DEC 04JAN 05FEB 05MAR 05APR 05MAY 05JUN 05required extensive refurbishment. Significant improvement infleet operating performance was recorded in the second halfof the year, but that does not lessen the importance of thearrival of V/Line's new VLocity trains, which will progressivelytransform the fleet.The average fleet availability during the year for carriagesand Sprinters was 95 per cent, while locomotive averageavailability was 87 per cent. This compared with 94 per centfleet availability for carriages and Sprinters and 86 per centaverage availability for locomotives in 2003–04.FLEET MAINTENANCEV/Line's major fleet maintenance projects over the past yearincluded:• upgrade of rolling stock for the Warrnambool line• installation of new head end power units in threelocomotives• completion of the Sprinter sanding project.CARRIAGE RELIABILITY250,000200,000TARGET 150,000100,000JULY 04AUG 04SEPT 04OCT 04NOV 04DEC 04JAN 05FEB 05MAR 05APR 05MAY 05JUN 05

OUR OPERATIONS (CONTINUED)Since 2000, V/Line has outsourced its maintenance andrefurbishment activities to EDI Rail, which has also providedreactive 'out of course' fault rectification services. Thepreventative maintenance program is designed to ensurethat required standards of safety, reliability and passengercomfort are achieved.During the year, 16,322 routine preventative maintenanceexams took place. The fleet refurbishment programcomprised 35 major overhauls.SAFETY MANAGEMENTV/Line has in place a range of management systems,training programs and work practices to ensure a safeenvironment for all customers and staff.LOCOMOTIVE RELIABILITY IMPROVED OVER THE YEAR.CARRIAGE AND SPRINTER RELIABILITY WERE MAINTAINED ATSTEADY LEVELS.LOCOMOTIVE RELIABILITY30,000TARGET 26,25025,00020,000V/LINE WORKS CLOSELY WITH REGIONAL COMMUNITIES: EASTERNREGIONAL MANAGER TIM PIANTA; NORTH AND NORTH EASTREGIONAL MANAGER CHRIS ROSSI; GEELONG WATERFRONT;REPLACEMENT COACH SERVICES FOR CUSTOMERSFollowing a comprehensive safety climate survey in 2004, anumber of safety initiatives were undertaken during the year.These included:• selection and implementation of SafetyMAP as theorganisation's occupation health and safety audit tool• refinement of V/Line's Incident Response Plan• introduction of a Fatigue Management Program (seeOur Employees section, page 31)• development of a safety audit schedule for the entireorganisation• improved workforce communication on safety issues• ongoing review and refinement of an organisation-widesafety action plan.SAFETYMAP AUDITSThis detailed audit process has ensured that safety remainstop of mind across V/Line.During 2004–05, locations involved in SafetyMAP auditsincluded Spencer Street Station, Spencer Street drivers,Spencer Street yardmasters/shunters, Traralgon, Geelong,Ballarat, Bendigo, Seymour and Melbourne head office.15,000JULY 04AUG 04SEPT 04OCT 04NOV 04DEC 04JAN 05FEB 05MAR 05APR 05MAY 05JUN 05Audits will continue as a key tool in maintaining a focus onsafety at all levels of the organisation and as a preventativetool to identify and address any issues that may arise.V/LINE ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05|27

There has been an increased focus on preventativemaintenance of the network, with improvements also madeto the process for responding to faults and maintenancerequests.FLEET PERFORMANCEFleet operating performance is a key factor in V/<strong>Line</strong>'s abilityto deliver services to customers.V/<strong>Line</strong> manages the maintenance and refurbishment of itsfleet of locomotives, carriages and Sprinters by closelymonitoring measures such as availability, operationalperformance regime and mean distance between in-servicefaultsDuring the first half of 2004–05, fleet operating performance– particularly reliability – fell below expectations. This waslargely a result of V/<strong>Line</strong> taking responsibility for theWarrnambool line, where the ageing vehicles purchasedfrom West Coast Rail had inherent reliability problems andSPRINTER RELIABILITY35,00030,000TARGET 25,00020,00015,00026 | V/LINE <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> 2004–05JULY 04AUG 04SEPT 04OCT 04NOV 04DEC 04JAN 05FEB 05MAR 05APR 05MAY 05JUN 05required extensive refurbishment. Significant improvement infleet operating performance was recorded in the second halfof the year, but that does not lessen the importance of thearrival of V/<strong>Line</strong>'s new VLocity trains, which will progressivelytransform the fleet.The average fleet availability during the year for carriagesand Sprinters was 95 per cent, while locomotive averageavailability was 87 per cent. This compared with 94 per centfleet availability for carriages and Sprinters and 86 per centaverage availability for locomotives in 2003–04.FLEET MAINTENANCEV/<strong>Line</strong>'s major fleet maintenance projects over the past yearincluded:• upgrade of rolling stock for the Warrnambool line• installation of new head end power units in threelocomotives• completion of the Sprinter sanding project.CARRIAGE RELIABILITY250,000200,000TARGET 150,000100,000JULY 04AUG 04SEPT 04OCT 04NOV 04DEC 04JAN 05FEB 05MAR 05APR 05MAY 05JUN 05

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