ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05 - V/Line

ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05 - V/Line

ANNUAL REPORT 2004–05 - V/Line

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COMMITMENT TO CUSTOMERSCUSTOMER CHARTERCUSTOMER FEEDBACK18V/<strong>Line</strong>'s major commitments to its customers are outlined inits Customer Charter. These include its service standards,how they are measured and the process by whichcustomers can seek compensation should the service fallshort of these standards.The Charter enables customers with valid periodical ticketsof four weeks or more to apply for compensation in the formof complimentary travel tickets if fewer than 96 per cent oftrain and coach services run or fewer than 92 per cent oftrains arrive within five minutes of their scheduled time.In 2003–04, compensation paid to customers ascomplimentary tickets was valued at $5,419. In 2004–05,the compensation was valued at $31,298. This significantincrease was due to performance fluctuations associatedwith the infrastructure works on major lines.V/<strong>Line</strong>'s Customer Call Centre operates seven days a week.It comprises two services, with a dedicated telephonenumber for each: 136 196 for information, reservations andsales; and 1800 800 120 for feedback from customers ontheir travelling experience.During 2004–05, there were 739,660 calls to the 136 196number, compared with 765,532 calls in 2003–04, while thefeedback line 1800 800 120 handled 7,126 customer calls,comprising compliments, complaints, suggestions andclaims, compared with 4,600 calls in 2003–04.V/<strong>Line</strong> actively promotes its customer feedback line and actsupon the information received. Customer comments havebeen particularly helpful in the development of timetables, aswell as alternative travel arrangements during the period ofRegional Fast Rail works.PUBLIC TRANSPORT INDUSTRY OMBUDSMANThe Office of the Public Transport Industry Ombudsman wasestablished in April 2004 to give public transportpassengers the opportunity to have their public transportrelatedcomplaints independently examined if they are notsatisfied with the response of the relevant transportoperator. This year, 49 V/<strong>Line</strong> customers elected to havetheir cases reviewed by the Ombudsman. All weresatisfactorily resolved.The Public Transport Industry Ombudsman, Metlink and allpublic transport operators participate in quarterly CustomerFeedback Industry Roundtable forums to review customerfeedback trends and identify any systemic issues. V/<strong>Line</strong>and Metlink's customer feedback handling procedures, which| V/LINE <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> 2004–05V/LINE OFFERED A SPECIAL RETURN TICKET TO THE AVALONAIRSHOW, COMPRISING TRAIN AND SHUTTLE BUS TRAVEL. ON THEPEAK PUBLIC DAYS OF 18–20 MARCH 2005are sanctioned by the Public Transport Industry Ombudsman,have been adopted by all public transport operators.Throughout the year, V/<strong>Line</strong> responded to 90 per cent ofcustomer feedback within the time required by its ServiceLevel Agreement.ENSURING EQUAL ACCESSV/<strong>Line</strong> has continued to review and assess its operations tosupport its commitment to providing equal access to travelfor all Victorians and to enhance its service for people withspecial needs.All stations and trains have been audited to determine thework and funding required to ensure they meet DisabilityStandards for Accessible Public Transport milestones setunder the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).The audit revealed that most V/<strong>Line</strong> infrastructure alreadymeets the milestone set for 2007 (25 per cent compliance)and all trains meet or exceed the 2012 milestone (55 percent compliance).While the audit did not identify any major problems, areaswhere action will be taken include tactile ground surfaceindicators, lighting, access paths, provision of information,ramps and handrails.V/<strong>Line</strong> is a member of the Public Transport AccessCommittee, which aims to identify and resolve DDA issues.

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