Strategic Plan - Russell Byers Charter School

Strategic Plan - Russell Byers Charter School

Strategic Plan - Russell Byers Charter School


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ABOUT USRUSSELL BYERS CHARTER SCHOOL2008-2009FAST FACTS:■ A public elementary school with 400 students in 4K through 6th grade.■ Small class size.■ An emphasis on early learning beginning with Kindergarten for4-year-olds.■ An innovative academic program, Expeditionary Learning <strong>School</strong>s is basedon the principles of Outward Bound.■ A curriculum that integrates Spanish, music, art, and physical education.■ A peaceful school community to foster a safe and nurturing learningenvironment.■ Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeastern Pennsylvania’s largest schoolbasedprogram with over 90 active mentors.■ Admission is free and open to all children living in Philadelphia County.■ Located in the heart of Center City at 19th and Arch Streets.DEMOGRAPHICS:■ Admitted by lottery, our students are from 41 neighborhoods acrossPhiladelphia, ranging from 34 students from Kingsessing to 3 inCenter City.■ Median income range by zip code for RBCS families: from $14,780 to$38,502.■ 70% of our students are eligible for the federal free and reduced lunchprogram. <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>■ 13% of our students have special education needs.Roxborough1912819127Manayunk1914419129191411914019145 1914819120191111914919124FrankfordNorth Phila. NorthBridesburg19132 Phila.PortWest ParkRichmond 191371913119133FairmountSpring1912119134OverbrookGardenKensington1915119122Spr Garden/Fairmount Spring 19125UniversityWest Phila.19130 GardenCity Center City 1912319139#19104Society19103Hill19106KingsessingSchuylkill1914319146 Southwark Washington Sq. West19147Paschell19142Student Population Densityby Zip CodeStudent Population Density by Zip CodeCheltenham19150OakMt. Airy East LaneGermantown1912619119 19138GermantownEast FallsPoint Breeze/Grays Ferry19107LoganNicetownSouthPhila.OlneyFox ChaseOxfordCircleBustleton19115Bustleton19152Tacony19135Holmesburg19136PHILADELPHIACOUNTYStudents PerZip Code1-10 Students11-20 Students21-30 StudentsEXPEDITIONARY LEARNINGSCHOOLS DESIGN:• Pennsylvania’s only schoolusing the ExpeditionaryLearning <strong>School</strong>s (ELS) model.Based on the guiding principlesof Outward Bound, ELSemphasizes high achievementthrough hands-on learning,character growth, and communityservice.• Students participate in 6-to-12-week “expeditions” that combineresearch, fieldwork, reading,writing, math, science, andart around a single, compellingtopic.• Students pursue their in-depthstudies outside the classroomat many of Philadelphia’smuseums, libraries, theaters,and parks.• Through community service,an important aspect of everyexpedition, students learnabout compassion for othersand good citizenship.• Spanish, music, art, and physicaleducation – essential for awell-rounded education toprepare students for collegeand life – are integrated intothe curriculum.OUR VISION IS BOLD AND EXCITING… COME BE A PART OF IT!NEW SPACE TO EXPAND MINDS AND BUILD 21ST CENTURY SKILLSTo help our students expand their minds, we have expanded our space by “fitting out” the lower levelof the school with walls, carpet, and lighting. While this space is usable, imagine the day when it will holdour 5,000-square-foot Learning Center, complete with a 10,000-book library; a storytelling area; and banks ofcomputers in the Tech Connections Center.We envision a Learning Center where students can explore online resources in the Research Lab; editvideo in the Multimedia Studio; sing and dance in the Performance Studio; write and broadcast stories inthe Daily Newsroom; and test their board game skills in the Tournament Plaza.At the <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong> we are providing our students with what President Obama envisionsfor all public schools -- a “pathway to opportunity.”Quiet TimeYLResearch LabIRBEFORERAW BASEMENT SPACEBRARStorytellingARBILYLibrarian’sOfficePerformanceStudioTech ConnectionsCenterAFTERFUTURE LIBRARYStaffWellnessCenterTournamentPlazaDailyNewsroomMultimediaStudioSTRATEGIC PLANR U S S E L L B Y E R S C H A R T E R S C H O O Lwww.byerschool.orgS P R I N G 2 0 0 9OUR MISSIONThe <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>provides students roots, a safe,stimulating environment witha rigorous academic educationgrounded in ExpeditionaryLearning. Our students takeresponsibility for their learning tobecome powerful communicators,creative problem solvers andcompassionate, engaged citizens.<strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> students developwings to succeed in selectiveschools and embrace a love forlearning.“DREAM BIG!”That is what we encourage our students to do at the <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Dream of academic excellence. Dream of going to college. Dream of leading a happy,successful life. Not only do we encourage these dreams, we work tirelessly to make sureour students can achieve them.As one of the few public elementary schools in Pennsylvania with an early learningprogram that starts with 4-year-olds, we know that investing in children when they areyoung translates to success later in life. The time we spend with our students today isdesigned to lead to a college degree a decade or more from now and to lifelong learning.At RBCS, our goal has always been to become one of the top elementary schools inPhiladelphia.We are well on our way to succeeding.Our students are excited to come to school. With 900 students on our waiting list,parents are clamoring to enroll their children here. Our leadership team has established astrong foundation of trust and teamwork. Our test scores are rising.We have an enthusiasticand dedicated faculty and staff, a talented Board of Trustees, and a strong partnershipwith Expeditionary Learning <strong>School</strong>s.Our graduates continue to be accepted into prestigious schools such as EpiscopalAcademy,Penn <strong>Charter</strong>,and Masterman where they excel both in and out of the classroom.Currently a student at Agnes Irwin, Yasmeen Watson was admitted for a second yearwith the Physician Scientist Training Program at Temple University—a program that onlyaccepted eight students from Pennsylvania. Darya Nemati is flourishing at GirardAcademic Music Program, a special admission public school, where she received theCitizenship Award last year.In 2006, parents of our graduates founded the RBCS Alumni Association. RecentAlumni activities include socials, bound-for-college seminars, and a tutoring program forcurrent RBCS students.As we look to the future,one of the most important steps we have taken to achieve ourgoals was to create a five-year <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. It’s a “roadmap” for where we are going andwhere we hope to be. The goal of this plan is simple: to see our students graduate fromcollege.On the following pages you will find a summary of the <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. Each sectionhighlights milestones already achieved and future goals. We are confident that we canachieve these ambitious goals because we have the leadership, professionalism, andexpertise required. More importantly, we have the commitment of our students, faculty,staff, parents, and Trustees.We’re proud of all that our students,faculty,staff,and parents have accomplished sincewe opened our doors in 2001. This <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will help us build on that success andpropel us to even greater heights. It will allow us to continue our mission of educating thewhole child and graduating confident, thoughtful, passionate, responsible citizens whowill make their family, their community, and their world a better place.Thank you for your continued support of our school.We couldn’t do it without you!Eastwick19153#31-40 Students<strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong><strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>www.byerschool.org1911 Arch StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19103215-972-1700FOR CAMPAIGN INQUIRIES:BYERSCHOOL FOUNDATIONLAURADA BYERS – 215-772-1777Laurada <strong>Byers</strong>Founder and Board Chairman<strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>Salome Thomas-ELPrincipal and CEO<strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>

STRATEGIC PLAN HIGHLIGHTSThe overall goal for our five-year strategic plan is to give our students the confidence and life skills they needto take responsibility for their own learning and take charge of their future. They will learn to assess their ownacademic, social, and emotional strengths and weaknesses. We will teach them to be resilient when encounteringobstacles and persevere when facing challenges. Our students will discover the joy of learning and becomelifelong learners.1. STUDENTS By using the Expeditionary Learning <strong>School</strong>s (ELS)design, an innovative model based on the principles ofOutward Bound, we will provide our students with a rigorouscurriculum rooted in hands-on learning, guidelines androle models to shape and strengthen their character, and anurturing school culture that offers a safe and peacefullearning environment.Milestones:■ Since 2003, 18% of students have been accepted into competitivebridge programs (Steppingstone Scholars and A Better Chance) thathelp inner city students prepare and apply to top independentsecondary schools.■ In 2006, 2007 and 2008 the school met the Annual Yearly Progress(AYP) goals, as required by the federal No Child Left Behind Act.■ In 2007 and 2008, the leadership team designed a curriculum mapaligning ELS principles with PA state standards in science, social studiesand writing.■ In 2008, the Philadelphia Inquirer’s annual “Report Card on the<strong>School</strong>s” listed the <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>School</strong> as one of the region’s top ten schoolswith the most improved reading and math tests scores for 5th gradeover two years.Goals:■ Increase the percentage of students reaching proficiency level on thestate standardized (PSSA) reading test from 53 percent in 2008 to thestate target of 72 percent in 2011; and on the state standardized (PSSA)math test from 54 percent in 2008 to the state target of 67 percent in2011.■ Develop a curriculum map for math and literacy that aligns ELSprinciples with PA state standards in 2009.■ Reconfigure the school year to increase learning time, using eitherextended day or extended year by 2010.2. FACULTY AND STAFF Great teachers are a major factor in studentlearning. We will recruit, develop, and retain talented teachersand staff who have the drive, competence, devotion to excellence,and committment to carry out the school’s mission.Milestones:■ Since 2001, the school has provided a minimum of 50 hours a year ofprofessional development, 14 hours more than required by the PADept. of Education.■ Since 2006, more than nine <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>School</strong> faculty have been invited topresent workshops at the annual national ELS conference, attended byup to 4,300 ELS teachers and administrators from around the country.■ In 2007, every teacher and administrator received a laptop computer.Goals:■ Complete annual 360° assessments of Leadership Team members in2009.■ Design and implement an innovative performance-based compensationprogram in 2009.■ Provide a full-time technology instructor to teach computer skills andsupport students and teachers in 2010.3. FAMILIES We foster a sense of community by continuing tostrengthen the school’s connection and communication withfamilies.Milestones:■ In 2001 established a rotating board position for a parent to serve as avoting member of the Board of Trustees.■ In 2002 parents founded a Home and <strong>School</strong> Association severalmonths after the school opened in September 2001.■ In 2003 created PREN (Parenting Resource and Education Network)in which a group of parents were trained to support other parentsthrough workshops and informational resources.■ In 2007 formed the RBCS Alumni Association with the motto“Ours for Life.”Goals:■ Initiate a program to encourage involvement of fathers and maleguardians in 2009.■ Increase the number of families by 30% participating in the Homeand <strong>School</strong> Association by 2012.■ Increase the number of families by 25% who are fulfilling theirvolunteer commitment to the school per year.4. FACILITIES The <strong>Byers</strong>chool Foundation raises money tomaintain and upgrade the school building in order toprovide facilities that meet or exceed accepted standardsof safety and technology and thereby enhancing ourstudents’ learning experience.Milestones:■ In 2003, purchased and renovated 55,000 sq ft of space in a threestorybuilding at 1911 Arch St., Philadelphia.■ In 2006, completed Phase One of <strong>School</strong> Library Program when weopened the Professional Resource Center providing our faculty witha collection of instructional resources, a quiet meeting space, andaccess to online databases for research and interlibrary loans fromthousands of libraries across the state.■ In 2007, refinanced the school’s debt, generating $1.6 million forrenovation projects.■ In 2008, transformed 5,000 sq. ft. of bare concrete space in the lowerlevel into an exciting new Learning Center with a dance and musicperformance studio and programs to teach students communicationskills through print, video, and the web.Goals:■ Complete last phase of the Learning Center, which includesbuilding the Library and its three primary areas: research, independentreading, and storytelling by 2011.■ Create energy savings by replacing the school’s roof and HVACsystem by spring 2010.5. FUNDRAISING By engaging the larger community, the<strong>Byers</strong>chool Foundation annually raises funds to supplementthe school’s budget and support programs that enhance thecurriculum and our students’ learning experience.Milestones:■ In 2001, created the <strong>Byers</strong>chool Foundation to identify and attract theresources needed to increase learning opportunities for <strong>Byers</strong> students.■ Since 2001, have developed a donor base of 1,200 contributors andraised $4.5 million.■ Since 2005, the <strong>Byers</strong>chool Foundation has awarded $80,000 inacademic scholarships to alumni.■ Since 2005, independent schools have awarded RBCS alumni over$500,000 in scholarships.Goals:■ Raise $1.5 million to replace the school’s roof and HVAC system byspring 2010.• Apply for federal and state grants that provide funding for greencapital projects.■ Increase the number of major donors by 50% by 2011.■ Double the number of corporate participants in the PA EducationalImprovement Tax Credit Program who support the <strong>Byers</strong>choolFoundation by 2011.■ Complete the $5 million Campaign for Hope – Pathways toOpportunity by 2011.• $2 million to complete the Learning Center with Library andMedia center, including equipment and books.• $2 million for an endowment to enhance teacher compensation toattract and retain the best teachers.• $1 million to provide scholarships for our graduates to attend6. GOVERNANCE Continue to strengthen the school’s Board ofTrustees, which adopts school policies and procedures, setsacademic goals and standards, maintains soundfiscal management, and insures the sustainability of theschool for future generations. The Board of Trustees will continueto be accountable to the wider school community –families, donors, the school district, and taxpayers.Milestones:■ In 2005, the school was awarded its first charter renewal by thePhiladelphia <strong>School</strong> Reform Commission. It was the only one of eightschools that received its renewal unconditionally.■ In 2008, increased the size of the Board of Trustees from eight toseventeen with trustees that add diversity of expertise, leadershipskills, constituency representation, and long-term stability to theBoard.Goals:■ Create two new board committees: fundraising and education.(The board currently has three committees for governance, auditand finance, and technology.)■ Create a succession plan for board chair Laurada <strong>Byers</strong>, founder ofthe <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong> in 2009.■ Oversee the submission of the application to renew the school’scharter in 2010 .■ Oversee the process to achieve Middle States accreditation in 2010.OUR ALUMNI ARE ATTENDINGTHE FOLLOWING SCHOOLS:• Academy of Notre Dame• Agnes Irwin <strong>School</strong>• Chestnut Hill Academy• The Episcopal Academy• St. Francis de Sales• Friends Select• Girard Academic Music Program• Germantown Friends <strong>School</strong>• Gesu <strong>School</strong>• MaST Community <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>• Masterman• Mastery <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>s• <strong>Russell</strong> Conwell Middle <strong>School</strong>• Shipley <strong>School</strong>• West Philadelphia Catholic High <strong>School</strong>• William Penn <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>Secondary <strong>School</strong>s Attended by RBCS Graduates<strong>School</strong> Type<strong>Charter</strong>IndependentMagnetParochialPublic (outside Phila.)Public (Phila.)Percentage Attending0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%12.16%8.11%7.43%7.43%6.08%58.78%independent secondary schools.• <strong>Charter</strong> applicationapproved• <strong>Russell</strong> <strong>Byers</strong><strong>Charter</strong> <strong>School</strong>opens at 2100Spring GardenStreet• Move to newbuilding at 19th andArch streets• Formal partnershipwith Big BrothersBig Sisters ofSoutheastern PA• Created <strong>School</strong>website• <strong>Charter</strong> renewed with noconditions• Students begin participatingin Steppingstone ScholarsProgram and A Better Chance,providing academic preparationfor admission at top localcollege-prep schools• WHYY beginsworking with 6thgrade students onvideo instruction• Hired certifiedschool psychologist• RBCS’s first graduationof 30 6th-grade students• Complete lower-levelfaculty parking garage• Pilot after-schooltutoring and summerschool• Parents createAlumni Network• StartedTeaching FellowsProgram• Full-time sciencecoordinator• 5th graders winthe 1st DancingClassrooms PhillyBallroom DancingCompetition• Students participateand place instate and nationalchess tournaments• Funding beginsfor ABC Leadershipprogram:AdventureBound for CollegeCompetition• Expanded InstrumentalMusic Program begins:2nd Grade – violins3rd Grade – recorders5th Grade – hand chimes6th Grade – bells2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

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