Technical Bulletin #5, Masimo Charts

Technical Bulletin #5, Masimo Charts

Technical Bulletin #5, Masimo Charts


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<strong>Masimo</strong> <strong>Charts</strong>technical bulletinPulse Oximetry Overview,<strong>Masimo</strong> SET ® vs Tyco-Nellcor ® and Philips ®How do <strong>Masimo</strong> SET pulse oximetry parallel engines work?<strong>Masimo</strong> uses a highlysophisticated adaptive filterwith DST ® and four otherR/IR(ConventionalPulse Oximetry)MEASCONFPostProcessorparallel engines, to leverageeach algorithm’s uniqueAdaptiveFilter withDST TMMEASCONFstrengths to ensure accuratereadings through all patientconditions.R/IRDigitized,Filtered &NormalizedFST TMAdaptiveFilter withSST TMMEASCONFMEASCONFConfidenceBasedArbitratorSaturationProprietaryAlgorithm 4MEASCONFmasimo corporation 40 parker irvine ca 92618 www.masimo.comHow does the <strong>Masimo</strong> SET DST algorithm work?<strong>Masimo</strong> SET’s most powerfulalgorithm is DST. All algorithmsdepend upon assumptions.The more assumptions, theweaker the algorithm. DSTmakes only one assumption –that arterial blood has a higheroxygenation than venous– making it the most powerfulpulse oximetry algorithm.

<strong>Masimo</strong> <strong>Charts</strong>technical bulletincomparison of <strong>Masimo</strong> SET to other pulse oximetry algorithmsR/IR(ConventionalPulse Oximetry)MEASCONFPostProcessor<strong>Masimo</strong> uses a highlysophisticated adaptive filterAdaptiveFilter withDST TMMEASCONFwith DST and four otherparallel engines, to leverageR/IRDigitized,Filtered &NormalizedFST TMMEASCONFConfidenceBasedArbitratorSaturationeach algorithm’s uniquestrengths to ensure accuratereadings through all patientAdaptiveFilter withSST TMMEASCONFconditions.ProprietaryAlgorithm 4MEASCONFNellcor 404/506 (N-395/N-595)Philips/HP Rev. B.O/C.0/C.1masimo corporation 40 parker irvine ca 92618 www.masimo.comR/IRDigitized,Filtered &NormalizedR/IR(ConventionalPulse Oximetry)AdaptiveFilterMEASCONFMEASCONFConfidenceBasedArbitratorPostProcessorSaturationNellcor uses a less sophisticated adaptive filter,not effective under many conditions, includingpersistent motion conditions.R/IRDigitized,Filtered &NormalizedFST TMPostProcessorSaturationPhilips uses only a single frequency domainalgorithm that is vulnerable to random andjerky motions and other patient conditions.Instruments and sensors containing <strong>Masimo</strong> SET technology are identified with the<strong>Masimo</strong> SET logo. Look for the <strong>Masimo</strong> SET designation on both thesensors and monitors to ensure accurate pulse oximetry when needed most.<strong>Masimo</strong> Corporation 40 Parker Irvine, California 92618 Tel 949-297-7000 Fax 949-297-7001 www.masimo.com7270-3213D-1006© 2006 <strong>Masimo</strong> Corporation. All rights reserved. <strong>Masimo</strong>, SET, DST, Discrete Saturation Transformation, FST, and are federally registered trademarks of<strong>Masimo</strong> Corporation. All rights reserved.

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