4. Ulladulla Harbour - Land - NSW Government

4. Ulladulla Harbour - Land - NSW Government

4. Ulladulla Harbour - Land - NSW Government


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13. Assessment criteriaEOIs will be assessed against agreed assessment criteria.The assessment criteria may not be accorded equal weightand are not listed in any particular order.The assessment criteria are:• the Proponent’s capacity, capability and expertiseto design, fund, construct and efficiently operate theproposal, including the Proponent’s demonstrated trackrecord in delivering similar projects• the compatibility of the proposal with the projectobjectives, the preferred usage for the site, existingplanning controls, approach to the heritage contextand any sensitive environmental and community issues,assessed achievability of the proposal and incorporationof ecologically sustainable development principles• the commercial viability of the proposal asdemonstrated by the Proponent’s business case withan emphasis on the Proponents market assumptions,including a level of assurance that funding of theproposal will be achieved as represented in the proposal• the value of the proposal to the State <strong>Government</strong>.This includes rent and other financial returns payableby the Proponent, the Proponent’s expenditure on itsrequired infrastructure, the Proponent’s contributionto public domain infrastructure, the proposed terms oftenure and the net economic, social and environmentalbenefits that the proposal would bring to the town of<strong>Ulladulla</strong>, the Shoalhaven City and the State.1<strong>4.</strong> EOI proposalsProponents are required to lodge a proposal that addressesthe information requirements set out herein. A proposalmust include:1. An executive summaryA proposal must include an overview of the developmentconcept. It must be no more than two pages in length.2. Proponent detailsA proposal must include:• a business profile which must include:o name of Proponent (if a company, both the businessname and any trading name are to be provided)o type of organisation and legal entityo details of company ownershipo Australian Company Numbero Australian Business Numbero registered business office and postal addresso place of businesso contact name and positiono telephone/fax numbers and email address• an identification of the proposed delivery organisation/structure/entity• an organisational chart showing roles and interestsfor each key participant to the proposal relating to thedevelopment, finance and operational phases• demonstration of the Proponent’s capability to deliverand finance the proposal including the Proponent’strack record in successfully completing and operatingcomparable development projects.3. The proposalA proposal must include:• project details including:o the site location and areao a description of the proposal including how theproposal accords with the project objectiveso a description and concept drawings of the layout ofthe proposal supported by documentation includingthe extent to which the proposal will be a newoperation or a relocation of an existing operationfrom elsewhereo a description of off-site developments required tosupport the proposal including discussion of thelikely traffic and access implications of the proposalo a description of any proposed public domaininfrastructure (such as pathways, cycleways,improved public access) and any other public benefitproposalso a description of the net social, economic andenvironmental benefits of the proposal in terms ofemployment generated, economic and/or efficiencygains to the town of <strong>Ulladulla</strong>, the Shoalhaven Cityand <strong>NSW</strong>o a description of any environmental, heritage orcommunity issues associated with the proposal andany potential benefits, including a statement of how17

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