4. Ulladulla Harbour - Land - NSW Government

4. Ulladulla Harbour - Land - NSW Government 4. Ulladulla Harbour - Land - NSW Government

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Area B:2 The Boat Launching RampThe current situationA two-lane boat launching ramp has been constructed in the north-eastern corner of the harbour. The ramp is relativelysteep and is more exposed to wave action. A timber jetty with low level landing has been constructed opposite the ramp butis poorly aligned to enable easy tying up of boats while trailers are parked.NE winds also make retrieving vessels a problem.The ramp provides access to deep water and is preferred for launching larger vessels.Area B:2 The Boat Launching Ramp Area is approximately 0.5ha.The visionTo reconstruct the existing facility, providing a milder grade on the ramp, realignment to overcome problem winds and theprovision of pontoons to make boarding of vessels easy to all members of the public.ConsiderationsThe positioning of the facility is extremely important and in particular overcoming swell waves entering the harbour andcatering to different wind directions during the day.Construction of a floating wave attenuator or rubble mould groyne should be assessed.Area B:3 MarinaThe currentsituationArea B:3 harbour area is approximately 5.1ha and currently provides swing moorings for 42 vessels. The water depth belowthe swing-moorings is generally adequate, however larger vessels closer into shore sometimes bottom at low tide.NSW Maritime has responsibility for managing the mooring licences for the recreational vessels.The visionWith the growing demand for moorings along the south coast there is an opportunity to provide more efficient mooringswithin Ulladulla Harbour. A marina development with floating jetties extending from the northern breakwater that isanchored by significant land based activities, such restaurant and skeleton marina facilities / amenities could be developed.ConsiderationsThere is a documented demand for additional moorings in the area and the NSW Maritime Authority currently has anextensive waiting list.Sediments washed down from Millards Creek are deposited on the harbour bed.The northern third of Area B:3 is relatively shallow and consists of rock platforms with scattered sand shoals. As such anydevelopment plans would be subject to detailed engineering and environmental assessment of harbour deepening.To improve wave conditions in the harbour, the southern breakwater may need to be extended.13

7. Lease arrangementsSubject to further negotiation, it is proposed that leasearrangements will generally reflect the following.Lease termRentalplus anypremiumpaymentTo reflect the need for the lessee toreasonably amortize its investment. Amaximum term of 25-30 years is envisaged.To be negotiated.Note:1. Lands is not seeking financial bids atthis stage of the public call process as itrecognises that Proponents will requirefurther time (including time to negotiatewith existing tenants) to establish incomeand expense estimates as well as futureincome potential.DredgingBreakwatersLessee will bear the cost of anyproposed capital dredging withinArea B:3. Lessee will not bear the costof any maintenance dredging withinAreas A:1, A:2 or B:3.Lessee in seeking to establish a marinawithin Area B:3 will contribute to thefunding of any extension of the southernbreakwater if viewed as a necessarycomponent of any proposed design. Lesseewill not have responsibility for ongoingmaintenance of either north or southbreakwater.2. Proponents are reminded that Lands willexpect that the commercial opportunitypresented in this Expression of Interestwill allow the private sector to make asignificant financial contribution to publicdomain improvements through directfunding (e.g. upfront premium paymentto be allocated to foreshore works) and/or works ‘in kind’ i.e. public domainimprovements to be carried out by thesuccessful Proponent both within andoutside the proposed lease premises.CleaningExistingtenantsLessee responsible for general cleaning ofthe lease premises (including the removal offlotsam and jetsam) from the boat harbour.Lessee also responsible for pest and vermincontrol within the lease premises (includingbreakwaters).Commercial and/or operational agreementsbetween the preferred Proponent and anyexisting harbour tenants will be subjectto negotiation between the preferredProponent and those tenants.Site incomeRates, taxesand otheroutgoingsInsuranceandindemnitiesRepair andmaintenanceAll ‘sub lease’ and other commercialrevenues generated within the leasepremises will be payable to lessee.Payable by Lessee. Note: Existing harbourtenants are currently responsible for paymentof rates and various outgoings under theirexisting lease or licence agreements.Lessee responsible for usual insurances andis required to indemnify Lands/Ministeragainst insurable claims.Lessee responsible for repair andmaintenance of all improvements Note: Forthe most part, tenants are responsible forthe repair and maintenance of improvementswithin their lease premises.8. Property andplanning informationThe area covered by this EOI at Ulladulla Harbour is Crownland with a total area of approximately 14.5ha. A plan ofproperty boundaries is included as Figure 3. The UlladullaRegional Crown Reserve, which includes the land underthis EOI, was gazetted in June 2006.Legislative instruments and planning policies that apply tothe Project Area are described as follows. Lands makes noundertaking as to the completeness of this information.Proponents must rely on their own enquiries. It is theProponent’s responsibility to ensure that all relevantdocumentation has been reviewed prior to submittingdevelopment proposals.14

Area B:2 The Boat Launching RampThe current situationA two-lane boat launching ramp has been constructed in the north-eastern corner of the harbour. The ramp is relativelysteep and is more exposed to wave action. A timber jetty with low level landing has been constructed opposite the ramp butis poorly aligned to enable easy tying up of boats while trailers are parked.NE winds also make retrieving vessels a problem.The ramp provides access to deep water and is preferred for launching larger vessels.Area B:2 The Boat Launching Ramp Area is approximately 0.5ha.The visionTo reconstruct the existing facility, providing a milder grade on the ramp, realignment to overcome problem winds and theprovision of pontoons to make boarding of vessels easy to all members of the public.ConsiderationsThe positioning of the facility is extremely important and in particular overcoming swell waves entering the harbour andcatering to different wind directions during the day.Construction of a floating wave attenuator or rubble mould groyne should be assessed.Area B:3 MarinaThe currentsituationArea B:3 harbour area is approximately 5.1ha and currently provides swing moorings for 42 vessels. The water depth belowthe swing-moorings is generally adequate, however larger vessels closer into shore sometimes bottom at low tide.<strong>NSW</strong> Maritime has responsibility for managing the mooring licences for the recreational vessels.The visionWith the growing demand for moorings along the south coast there is an opportunity to provide more efficient mooringswithin <strong>Ulladulla</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong>. A marina development with floating jetties extending from the northern breakwater that isanchored by significant land based activities, such restaurant and skeleton marina facilities / amenities could be developed.ConsiderationsThere is a documented demand for additional moorings in the area and the <strong>NSW</strong> Maritime Authority currently has anextensive waiting list.Sediments washed down from Millards Creek are deposited on the harbour bed.The northern third of Area B:3 is relatively shallow and consists of rock platforms with scattered sand shoals. As such anydevelopment plans would be subject to detailed engineering and environmental assessment of harbour deepening.To improve wave conditions in the harbour, the southern breakwater may need to be extended.13

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