Sunbelt XXXI International Network for Social Network ... - INSNA

Sunbelt XXXI International Network for Social Network ... - INSNA

Sunbelt XXXI International Network for Social Network ... - INSNA


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The Evolution Of Knowledge Creation In A Large‐scale Online Community: Collaboration As A <strong>Social</strong>ly Embedded ProcessLee, Seungyoon; Kisselburgh, Lorraine; Matei, Sorin A.Knowledge <strong>Network</strong>sCollaboration, Email <strong>Network</strong>s, Equivalence, Knowledge exchange, Wellness PartnersTHURS.AM2There has been an increasing emphasis on the study of collaborative communities and networks in the production of knowledge. Current research on thestructures of co‐authorship and knowledge communities focuses on the end products of knowledge (e.g., final documents, citations, etc.), and how theseproducts indicate relationships between knowledge community members. The dynamic processes of knowledge production as a large‐scale collaborativeef<strong>for</strong>t, embedded within a social community, are not yet well understood. Using a set of longitudinal records of Wikipedia editorial activities from 2001 to2008, this project examines the patterns in which knowledge collaboration ties among co‐editors are embedded in their social and communicative interaction.Specifically, we aim to uncover how embedding in the network structures leads to specific contribution patterns and behaviors. Co‐editing collaboration iscaptured through the revision history of articles. Communication ties are established through talk pages within the articles, representing the communitybehind knowledge creation. The evolution of these multiplex networks as well as the role of contributor attributes in the process is modeled throughExponential Random Graph Models (ERGM). The results of the project provide insights into the dynamics of knowledge collaboration in a large‐scale onlinecommunity and the ways in which social relationships influence the process of knowledge production. The project has implications <strong>for</strong> the capabilities as wellas limitations of emerging <strong>for</strong>ms of online collaboration within established social structures.The Evolution Of The German Board‐director‐network From 2006 To 2009: A Longitudinal AnalysisBrennecke, Julia; Rank, Olaf N.; Tuschke, AnjaPoster SessionInterlocking Directorates, Siena, Affiliation <strong>Network</strong>s, GermanySAT.PM3For a long time, the German business landscape has been characterized by a network of large enterprises being connected through numerous interlockingdirectorate ties. In recent years though, due to different institutional alterations, changes within the network took place. Yet, fine grained analyses of thechange process are rare. In the present study, we investigate the evolution of the German interlocking directorates network between 2006 and 2009. We applya stochastic, actor‐oriented approach (SIENA) to draw conclusions on the mechanisms driving change within the network. Analyzing the board‐directoraffiliation network, we take into account organizational‐level attributes of the companies (e.g., industry or size) as well as individual‐level attributes of thedirectors (e.g., education or experience) as determinants of structural change. We find that ties are not created nor dissolved arbitrarily. The observed changesfollow certain structural patterns that are determined by network‐endogenous as well as attribute‐based properties. All in all, it can be shown that cost benefitconsiderations of the involved companies influence the change process. In addition to that, social motives of the directors seem to play a role <strong>for</strong> the creationof ties. We contribute to research on interlocking directorates by shedding light on patterns of structural change within the German board‐director networkand by emphasizing the influence of company and director attributes on network evolution.

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