Sunbelt XXXI International Network for Social Network ... - INSNA

Sunbelt XXXI International Network for Social Network ... - INSNA

Sunbelt XXXI International Network for Social Network ... - INSNA


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<strong>Network</strong> Structure And A Proposed “Analytical Framework” Of An Emerging Capital MarketBalstad, Jack ; Szablowski, Evan ; Evans, Daniel<strong>Network</strong>s and EconomicsEconomic <strong>Network</strong>s, Financial <strong>Network</strong>sTHURS.AM2The <strong>Network</strong> Science Center at West Point seeks to advance basic research in human network structure of social, communication, and cognitive branches of<strong>Network</strong> Analysis in the context of Frontier Capital Markets. Frontier Capital Markets are defined by Standard and Poor’s as the capital markets of developingnations typically in Southern and Southwest Asia, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe with the minimal requirements <strong>for</strong> global investment. An on‐goingresearch project at the <strong>Network</strong> Science Center is developing an analytical framework to quantitatively compare these Frontier Capital Markets. A follow‐onef<strong>for</strong>t to this study involves a quantitative comparison between three Frontier Capital Markets and an identified Emerging Capital Market‐a market that ismore advanced than a Frontier Market but not yet considered a Developed Market. We will present the development process of our proposed “analyticalframework”, as well as our initial results. The team will present their progress and findings addressing the following items: 1) The compilation of open sourcesocial and organizational data <strong>for</strong> the Emerging Capital Markets. 2) A proposed <strong>Social</strong> and Functional <strong>Network</strong> of the identified Emerging Capital Market. 3)Our proposed plan <strong>for</strong> in‐country interviews and the quantitative analysis supporting this plan. 4) Initial quantitative comparative findings and an initialanalytical framework <strong>for</strong> this network.

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