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THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 20113AMILE MARKERSKEY WEST‘Boutique’ lunch a fundraiserKEY WESTFree computer classes offeredTAVERNIERMONROE COUNTYBeach warnings issued, liftedThe Women of <strong>the</strong> Moose, Chapter1414, will host a “Boutique Luncheon”11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday at<strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rnmost Moose Lodge, 700Eisenhower Drive.Tickets are $10 and include lunchand dessert, as well as <strong>the</strong> chance topurchase quality new and “near new”boutique clothing at incredible prices.Tops will be priced at $1; outfits, shoesand handbags, $5. Jewelry and makeupalso will be on sale. Tickets are availableat <strong>the</strong> lodge, and will be on sale at <strong>the</strong>door. For more info, call Sharon at 305-393-6900 or Laurine at 305-304-1142.Proceeds will benefit Moosehaven, aJacksonville complex for <strong>the</strong> elderly, andMooseheart, a school and residence fororphans in Minnesota. The Moose alsogives scholarships to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High andsupports many local causes.The <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> library will offer freecomputer classes in November from10 to 11 a.m. Thursday and Saturdaymornings.The Thursday classes are targeted topeople already familiar <strong>with</strong> using computersand will cover specific topics.The Saturday classes are practice sessionsfor beginners to get comfortable<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> keyboard and mouse.The class on Nov. 3 will cover legalresources on <strong>the</strong> Internet; on Nov. 10,<strong>the</strong> class will explore <strong>the</strong> library’s newdigital collection — ebooks and e-audiobooks that patrons can downloadto devices like iPads, Nooks andKindles. On Nov. 17, job resources willbe <strong>the</strong> focus.To sign up, stop by <strong>the</strong> ReferenceDesk or call <strong>the</strong> library at 305-292-3595starting on Saturday.Photo courtesy of Monroe County Sheriff’s OfficeSheriff’s Office cadets and Explorers learn CPR and how to use AEDs,automated external defibrillators, from Registered Nurse MelanieO’Neill, clinical learning coordinator for Mariners Hospital. All participantsearned certification in <strong>the</strong> American Heart Association’sHeartsaver program.The Monroe County Health Department’swater-quality tests on Wednesday showedhigh levels of fecal bacteria at Founder’sPark Beach in Islamorada.Meanwhile, health advisories for HarryHarris County Park Beach in Tavernier andSouth and Higgs beaches in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> havebeen lifted.The tests measure counts of fecal coliformand enteric bacteria, which arenormally found in <strong>the</strong> intestinal tract ofhumans and o<strong>the</strong>r warm-blooded animals.The Health Department says highlevels may come from runoff or sewagefrom pets, wild animals or humans. It cancause disease, infections or rashes. Don’tswim in <strong>the</strong> water if an advisory is issued.For more information, visit, click on A-Z Topics, <strong>the</strong>nchoose Beach Water Quality, or call 305-293-1653.ElderlyContinued from Page 1AThat’s what we need.”Dover, who has been advisedof Lopez’s plan, said where <strong>the</strong><strong>project</strong> gets built is of little consequenceto him.“It is not my place to tell <strong>the</strong>city of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> where it shouldbuild its assisted living housing,”Dover said.“My concern is just that it notbe somewhere that closes residentsoff from <strong>the</strong> communityas a whole.”Nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> original site nor<strong>the</strong> one Lopez has proposeddoes that. In each case, seniorsliving on <strong>the</strong> property wouldbe part of a vibrant communitythat will include a park, anearby marina and proximityto all that <strong>the</strong> city’s Old TownWardContinued from Page 1AKohl. He could face oppositionfrom Kohl and Don Barrett, achief assistant state attorneyfrom January 2009 through June2010, as both have said <strong>the</strong>y areconsidering a run.Ward made public corruptionone of <strong>the</strong> centerpieces ofa tough campaign against Kohlin 2008. On Tuesday, he toutedhis administration’s achievementson that front over his firstthree years, <strong>the</strong> most prominentof which were <strong>the</strong> convictionsof former schools superintendentRandy Acevedo and wifeMonique on separate chargesrelated to her <strong>the</strong>ft of morethan $400,000 in School Districtmoney.Ward’s office won a 90-dayjail sentence for former Florida<strong>Key</strong>s Mosquito Control Districtneighborhood has to offer.Cates said he supports Lopez’splan because it will allow waterviews from a proposed park forall residents.“I would like to see <strong>the</strong> assistedliving facility moved so thatour park is closer to <strong>the</strong> water,”Cates said. “The residents canstill look over <strong>the</strong> park to see <strong>the</strong>water but everyone else couldnot see over that building toview <strong>the</strong> water.”Yaniz, sworn in as a freshmancommissioner Tuesday, said hehas been studying <strong>the</strong> assistedliving <strong>project</strong> thoroughly, andwhile he sees benefits to Lopez’sproposal, his concerns liebeyond <strong>the</strong> <strong>project</strong>’s location.“For me <strong>the</strong>re are a lot ofunanswered questions,” Yanizsaid, explaining that first onhis list is <strong>the</strong> question of whowill occupy <strong>the</strong> apartments.Superintendent Mike Spoto,whose family ran up $5,000worth of personal expenses ondistrict-issued cellphones.Ward’s office also assistedprosecutors in rural Levy Countyin successfully preparing a caseagainst former mosquito controlboard member Charles “Bill”Langstaff, who was found guiltyof using <strong>the</strong> Social Security numberof a deceased Islamoradaman to obtain a second homesteadexemption for a trailer inMorriston. Langstaff worked at afuneral home at <strong>the</strong> time.“For years <strong>the</strong> county was inturmoil and some of <strong>the</strong> electedofficials were making dealsand <strong>the</strong>re were a lot of publicemployees doing what <strong>the</strong>ywanted to do and <strong>the</strong>re was nooversight, so that’s why I ran in<strong>the</strong> first place,” Ward said.Among o<strong>the</strong>r accomplishmentsduring his tenure, Wardcited a strong posture againstMeeting NoticeMonroe County Land AuthorityThe Monroe County Land Authority Advisory Committee will meet in <strong>the</strong> Monroe RegionalService Center located at 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 104, Marathon, Floridaon October 26, 2011 beginning at 9:00 AM. The agenda is available online or by contacting <strong>the</strong> Land Authority office at 295-5180.ADA ASSISTANCE If you are a person <strong>with</strong> a disability who needs special accommodationsin order to participate in <strong>the</strong>se proceedings, please contact <strong>the</strong> County Administrator’sOffice, by phoning (305) 292-4441, between <strong>the</strong> hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no laterthan five (5) calendar days prior to <strong>the</strong> scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voiceimpaired, call “711”.October 14, 2011 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen 321620NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGCity of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> One-way Streets ProposalPacker Street one-way from Truman Avenue toOlivia Street andJohnson Lane one-way from Packer Street toWindsor LaneThursday, October 20, 2011 at 5:30 P.M.(Rescheduled from October 13, 2001)837 Olivia Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FLMembers of <strong>the</strong> City Commission may be in attendance.His priority is that <strong>the</strong> housing,wherever it is built, be occupiedby <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> elders. Yaniz saidhe understands that Medicarerules and o<strong>the</strong>r complicationsmay result in open slots goingto o<strong>the</strong>rs, but that he is stillresearching that aspect of it.The building is planned tohouse 42 market-priced, eightmoderately priced and 10 lowincomeapartments, as determinedby <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> HousingAuthority standards.Lopez said he was mildly surprisedby <strong>the</strong> positive receptionhis plan has received.“My surprise is overpoweredby my elation,” he said.The Truman Waterfrontboard will hear presentationsfrom Dover and Lopez when itmeets at 6 p.m. Monday at OldCity Hall on Greene Street.jdesantis@keysnews.comlobster poaching, a policyagainst dropping domestic batterycases unless <strong>the</strong> victim goesto counseling, and a reductionin <strong>the</strong> number of chief assistantsfrom two to one.Ward’s critics say he overstepsboundaries. He stronglylobbied <strong>the</strong> Monroe CountyCommission for tighter lobbyinglaws, for example. And hehas filed civil complaints <strong>with</strong><strong>the</strong> Monroe County HealthDepartment against IslamoradaMayor Michael Reckwerdt,whose property he has investigatedfor code violations.Prosecutor turnover hasremained an issue since his tenurebegan in 2009.Critics aside, Ward said he’llcontinue pursuing issues relatedto ethics in government.“I am going to keep doingthose things, and if it upsets <strong>the</strong>politicians, so be it,” he said.rsilk@keysnews.comMilitaryContinued from Page 1ARoberta Mira, P.A.Born2Sell!305-797-5263Realty Executives Florida <strong>Key</strong>s321118DOG ALERT − 4 LEGGED FRIENDSbest decorated pet contestSat., Oct. 15 thPM12-4PMin participation <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> SPCADress <strong>the</strong>m up, parade <strong>the</strong>m aroundFREE GIVEAWAYS! and WIN GREAT PRIZES!The Fish Camp at Geiger <strong>Key</strong> MarinaMile Marker 10.5 • 305-296-3553321499The most visible additionswill be an increase in Armygreen vehicles on <strong>the</strong> roads,large equipment being towedvia U.S. 1 and an uptick inaircraft sorties, Sheriff said.“Naval Air Station <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>’s low-lying geographiclocation right here on <strong>the</strong>Atlantic provides an excellentspace to house and supportboth tactically and logisticallyan exercise of this magnitude,”he said.There will be no live bombs,missiles or o<strong>the</strong>r explosionsused in <strong>the</strong> exercise, he added.“In response to 9/11, <strong>the</strong>Department of Defense createda rapidly deployablepackage to defend a key assetor venue, like a Superbowl,Daytona 500 or o<strong>the</strong>r nationalsecurity event,” Sheriff said.The exercise is intendedto showcase that defenseagainst an enemy ballisticmissile attack or an attackfrom a jetliner, as was <strong>the</strong>case on 9/11, Sheriff said.The exercise in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>will be <strong>the</strong> “first-ever proofof concept” for <strong>the</strong> military’sJoint Deployable IntegratedAir and Missile DefenseSystem, a collection of highendradars and missile systemsas well as aircraft thatwork in tandem in <strong>the</strong> eventof a threat to <strong>the</strong> continentalUnited States.The exercise includes <strong>the</strong>state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art AEGIS missilesystem, according to astatement released by <strong>the</strong>Navy. That system representssome of <strong>the</strong> latest in U.S. missiletechnology.The USS Spruance destroyer,recently commissioned in<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, is equipped <strong>with</strong>such a system.“We’re bringing <strong>the</strong> besttechnology <strong>the</strong> Air Force has,<strong>the</strong> best technology <strong>the</strong> Navyhas and <strong>the</strong> Army, and combining<strong>the</strong>m in a layered packageto respond (to threats).”The exercise includes officialsfrom <strong>the</strong> strategic NorthAmerican Aerospace DefenseCommand (NORAD) and <strong>the</strong>U.S. Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Command.Those organizations aretasked <strong>with</strong> homeland defenseNOW ONTOP WEB STORIESBooker faces school1 chargesBeware of aggressive2 mating deerAre underground rentals3 robbing <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s?Bahama Village: Tug-of-war4 over warriors’ hallRos-Lehtinen: Cast off5 fishing quotasand security against airborneand maritime threats.“Multi-agency exerciseslike this one really showcaseto <strong>the</strong> Department of Defense<strong>the</strong> value of NAS <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>as a training center,” PublicAffairs Spc. Trice Denny said.“It speaks to <strong>the</strong> amountof airspace we have and <strong>the</strong>property we have available,as well as <strong>the</strong> increasingcapabilities we have to hostjoint exercise and joint trainingfor all agencies.”Exercise Vigilant Shield12 is part of ongoing exercisesconducted as part ofOperation Noble Eagle,NORAD’s ongoing trainingregime in response to 9/11.alinhardt@keysnews.comKEYS VOICESRALPH MORROWArmchair Comment:Major LeagueBaseball postseasondies quicklyKEYS VOICESDR. DOUG MADERTo Your Pet’s Health:Daily dangers inparadise, Part III:Bufo toadsPREVIOUS EDITORIALS• Keeping water free of sewage is No. 1 priority• Widening in hopes of ship coming in bad idea• Time to release ghost of misspending• Patients should decide how <strong>the</strong>y want to dieSUBMIT YOUR OWN MASTHEAD PHOTOHave your photograph and photo credit appear at <strong>the</strong> top of! and follow <strong>the</strong> instructions.ARCHIVESVisit for local articles that appeared in back issues of TheCitizen and for articles that have expired from <strong>the</strong> website. Non-subscribers cansearch our database to 2002 to obtain copies starting at $1.25 per article.CITIZEN OF THE DAYADA Assistance: It is <strong>the</strong> policy of <strong>the</strong> City of <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> to comply <strong>with</strong> all requirements of <strong>the</strong> Americans<strong>with</strong> Disabilities Act. The facility is accessible.For sign language interpreters, assistive listeningdevices, or materials in accessible format, please call <strong>the</strong>TTY number at 305-809-1000 or <strong>the</strong> ADA Coordinator at305-809-3951 at least fi ve (5) business days inadvance.October 14, 2011 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen321621341146MIKE HENTZ/The CitizenBarbara Seaman is from New Jersey and has lived in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>for almost five years. Seaman, who works at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Madhatter, said she fell in love <strong>with</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>the</strong> first timeshe vacationed here.

6A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011ROSE IS ROSECOMICSPat BradyMOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMMMike PetersPEANUTSCharles M. SchulzSHOEJeff MacNellyDILBERTScott AdamsKIT & CARLYLE Larry WrightMODERATELY CONFUSED J. StahlerGARFIELDJim DavisHERMANJim UngerMARMADUKE Brad AndersonBEETLE BAILEYMort WalkerBORN LOSERArt & Chip SansonARLO & JANISJimmy JohnsonFRANK & ERNESTBob ThavesSUD<strong>OK</strong>UComplete <strong>the</strong> grid so thatevery row, column and 3x3 boxcontains every digit from 1 to 9inclusively.THE GRIZZWELLSBill SchorrMONTYBIG NATEJim MeddickLincoln PeirceTHE WORLD ALMANACFRIDAY, OCT. 14, 2011Today is <strong>the</strong> 287th dayof 2011 and <strong>the</strong> 22nd day ofautumn.TODAY'S HISTORY: In1912, Theodore Roosevelt wasshot in <strong>the</strong> chest and went onto deliver a campaign speechin Milwaukee.In 1964, Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r KingJr. was awarded <strong>the</strong> NobelPeace Prize for his civil rightsleadership.In 1994, Palestinian leaderYasser Arafat, Israeli PrimeMinister Yitzhak Rabin andIsraeli Foreign Minister ShimonPeres were awarded <strong>the</strong> NobelPeace Prize for <strong>the</strong> Osloaccords.TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS:Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), U.S. president/general;Lillian Gish (1893-1993),actress; E.E. Cummings (1894-1962), poet; C. Everett Koop(1916- ), U.S. surgeon general;Roger Moore (1927- ), actor;Ralph Lauren (1939- ), fashiondesigner; Harry Anderson(1952- ), actor; Joe Girardi(1964- ), baseball player/manager;Natalie Maines (1974- ),singer; Usher (1978- ), singer;Mia Wasikowska (1989- ),actress.TODAY'S SPORTS: In1908, <strong>the</strong> Chicago Cubs won<strong>the</strong> World Series (against <strong>the</strong>Detroit Tigers) for <strong>the</strong> last timein <strong>the</strong> 20th century.TODAY'S FACT: Eightmajor league baseball teamshave never won a World Series:<strong>the</strong> Colorado Rockies, HoustonAstros, Milwaukee Brewers,San Diego Padres, SeattleMariners, Tampa Bay Rays,Texas Rangers and WashingtonNationals.TODAY'S QUOTE: "A peoplethat values its privilegesabove its principles soon losesboth." -- Dwight D. EisenhowerTODAY'S NUMBER: 5 -- number of years MohandasGandhi of India was nominatedfor <strong>the</strong> Nobel Peace Prize,which was never awarded tohim.TODAY'S MOON: Betweenfull moon (Oct. 11) and lastquarter (Oct. 19).Find Today's Horoscope, Crossword Puzzle, Celebrity Cipher, BridgeTips and Dear Abby in <strong>the</strong> Citizen <strong>Key</strong>swide Classified Section.

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 20117ANEW ORLEANSGroup wants to protect turtlesSeveral wildlife protection groups aresuing <strong>the</strong> federal agency that regulatesfishing in U.S. waters. They claim <strong>the</strong>government isn’t doing enough to protectendangered sea turtles from drowningin shrimp nets.The lawsuit filed Thursday inWashington claims <strong>the</strong> National MarineFisheries Service violates <strong>the</strong> EndangeredSpecies Act by letting some shrimpersoperate <strong>with</strong>out required turtle excluderdevices on <strong>the</strong>ir nets. There are also someexemptions to <strong>the</strong> law. The plaintiffswant a court order requiring all shrimpersto have <strong>the</strong> devices. They claim morethan 1,400 dead and injured turtles havewashed ashore this year. The agency saysit has not reviewed <strong>the</strong> suit and it typicallydoesn’t comment on litigation.NATIONNASHVILLE, TENN.Gun-toting lawmaker quits panelA state lawmaker who sponsored alaw allowing people to carry a gun intoTennessee bars has resigned as chairmanof a Republican firearms task force followinghis arrest on drunken driving and guncharges.House Majority Leader Gerald McCormicksaid Thursday that he accepted <strong>the</strong> resignationof Rep. Curry Todd because Todd “haso<strong>the</strong>r things to concentrate on.”McCormick said he will also decide thisweekend whe<strong>the</strong>r to do away <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> firearmspanel in <strong>the</strong> House altoge<strong>the</strong>r.Todd is a retired Memphis police office.He was arrested in Nashville on Tuesdaynight after failing a roadside sobriety test. Aloaded .38-caliber gun was found in a holsterstuffed between <strong>the</strong> driver’s seat and centerconsole.NACOGDOCHES, TEXASANDREW D. BROSIG/The Associated PressKyle Mach, 12, kicks back in <strong>the</strong> pen <strong>with</strong> his hog on Thursday at<strong>the</strong> Piney Woods Fair in Nacogdoches, Texas.PEOPLE IN THE NEWSSEATTLEPregnancy faker makes $$Faking her pregnancy was <strong>the</strong> highschool <strong>project</strong> that keeps paying off forone Washington state teenager.Gaby Rodriguez of Toppenish was17 last April when she told a highschool assembly that she’d faked herbaby bump for <strong>the</strong> past six months tosee how <strong>the</strong> community would react.The <strong>project</strong> earned her internationalheadlines and appearances on morningtelevision shows, and now she also hasmovie and book deals.Her attorney, Anne Bremner, says eachdeal is worth about $100,000. Bremnerand Rodriguez are in Vancouver, BritishColumbia, this week to watch <strong>the</strong> filmingof “The Pregnancy Project,” starring“Spykids” actress Alexa Vega. The movieis to air on <strong>the</strong> Lifetime channel.NEW YORK — Veteran journalistTed Koppel is joiningBrian Williams’ newsmagazineon NBC.NBC announced Thursdaythat <strong>the</strong> longtime “Nightline”anchor joinsHarry Smithand MeredithVieira as correspondentson “RockCenter.” Sinceleaving ABCNews in 2005, KoppelKoppel hasdone work for <strong>the</strong> DiscoveryChannel and NPR.The newsmagazine debutsHalloween night at 10 p.m. ET.“My goal is to make ‘RockCenter’ <strong>the</strong> Cooperstown ofour craft,” Williams said. “Tedis a consensus Hall of Famer,joining <strong>the</strong> best team of menand women on <strong>the</strong> air today.”Kate Snow, Richard Engel,Dr. Nancy Snyderman and <strong>the</strong>“Today” show team of MattLauer and Ann Curry are alsolisted as contributors to <strong>the</strong>newsmagazine.Koppel started “Nightline”and for 25 years was its drivingforce. While he’s associated<strong>with</strong> ABC, he began his careeras an NBC News page.✬ ✬ ✬ ✬ ✬NASHVILLE, Tenn. — ACharlie Daniels Band memberand a co-writer of “The DevilWent Down to Georgia” hasbeen killed in a car crash inTennessee.A news release from<strong>the</strong> band says Joel “Taz”DiGregorio died Wednesdaynight in a crash on Interstate40 west of Nashville.He was on his way tomeet <strong>the</strong> band’s tour bus.DiGregorio’s car was <strong>the</strong> onlyone involved in <strong>the</strong> crash.The 67-year-old DiGregoriowas a longtime keyboardplayer and vocalist for <strong>the</strong>group. Daniels called him “oneof a kind” in <strong>the</strong> band’s newsrelease.DiGregorio was a bandmember for over 40 years. Hewas from Southbridge, Mass.The Charlie Daniels Bandcanceled a concert Thursday inCumming, Ga., and a show inWaterbury, Conn., for Saturday.✬ ✬ ✬ ✬ ✬VIENNA — Jose Felicianohas already sung an ode toone of <strong>the</strong> world’s musicalcapitals <strong>with</strong>“The Sound OfVienna.” Nowhe’s about toget involved<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> city’so<strong>the</strong>r mainclaim to fame— cafes.FelicianoHelmutSchaerf, Feliciano’s Austrianproducer, says <strong>the</strong> PuertoRican star plans to open a cafenext month that will featurebeans from <strong>the</strong> family’s plantation.He said Thursday Felicianoplans to be present for <strong>the</strong> Nov.18 opening.Vienna’s hundreds of cafesrange from traditional establishmentsthat opened morethan a century ago to modernU.S. chains serving coffee ando<strong>the</strong>r beverages.✬ ✬ ✬ ✬ ✬NEW YORK — Alec Baldwinis getting ready for life after “30Rock.”New York public radio stationWNYC said Thursday <strong>the</strong>actor is doing an interviewshow that will be available as apodcast starting Oct. 24.His first interview will be<strong>with</strong> actor Michael Douglas.He talks about watching “Glee”<strong>with</strong> his daughter. Chris Rock,KathleenTurnerand KrisKardashianJenner areamong hisupcominginterview subjects.BaldwinBaldwin says he’s had aterrific time <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> NBCcomedy “30 Rock,” winning anEmmy Award for his portrayalof zany corporate executiveJack Donaghy. But it’s nearing<strong>the</strong> end.If it doesn’t end this year,Baldwin says he’s open to doinga partial season next year.TROPIC CINEMA • 416 Eaton St.WARRIOR (2:15), 6:00, 9:00CONTAGION (1:30), 6:15WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER 8:45THE HELP (2:00), 5:45DRIVE (4:00), 8:30TURTLE: THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY (1:45), 6:30THE HEDGEHOG (4:30), 8:30 321701BUY TIX WWW.TROPICCINEMA.COM • 877-761-3456GOOMBAY FESTIVAL Oct. 21 & 22Petronia Street Noon – MidnightGood Ole Fashioned Family Fun!Featuring Food From Around <strong>the</strong> WorldJunkanoos Rush & Parade,Arts and CraftsBooth Space Still Available 896-5514VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP ON Locals Happy Locals Happy LocalsHappy Locals Happy Locals Happy Locals HappyLOCALS APPRECIATIONO C T O B E R50% OFFREGULAR MENU &SELECTED WINES2 0 1 11st come 1st serveLOCAL ID REQUIREDno reservationse r sNot Available <strong>with</strong> any o<strong>the</strong>r offer1029 Southard at Frances305-294-0230OPEN DAILY 5:30-10PM321283Happy Locals Happy Locals Happy Locals Happy326145NOW OPEN!NEW SUSHI BARNEW LO<strong>OK</strong> - SAME GREAT FOOD321284321591ON THE ATLANTIC3591 S RooseveltVolcano EruptsIn Old Town!RESERVATIONS:(305)294-6400321609Imagine Vesuvius spewing chocolate lava fromdeep inside a mountain of even richer chocolate cake.Michaels’ devilishly decadent Chocolate Volcanoerupts nightly in <strong>the</strong> heart of Old Town2x The Royal Treatment Through October305-295-1300532 Margaret Streetwww.michaelskeywest.comFollow us on Facebook & TwitterReservations suggested321204EAT ME FOR FREE.Buy 1 Get 1 Free in October.*Available at dinner only.20thAnniversary1202 Simonton St. · No O<strong>the</strong>r Discounts Apply · 296-4811*Local ID required321032321214

8A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011FROM PAGE 1ReefContinued from Page 1Adeep reef. What <strong>the</strong>y foundforever changed <strong>the</strong>ir impressionof <strong>the</strong> isolated reef.The iridescent, multicolorcoral, called agaricia, serveas <strong>the</strong> main feature on PulleyRidge. Scientists collectedsamples of <strong>the</strong> red, purple andblue lettucelike coral and itsneighboring green, leafy algae,called anadyomene.“It is truly a special place,”said Billy Causey, NationalMarine Sanctuary regionaldirector. “We have to unlock<strong>the</strong> secrets of why <strong>the</strong>y (<strong>the</strong>reefs) are so healthy.”The University of Miamihopes to unlock those secrets<strong>with</strong> a $1 million grant from<strong>the</strong> National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration’s(NOAA) Centers for CoastalOcean Science. The universitywill investigate how <strong>the</strong>deep coral reef west of <strong>the</strong>Dry Tortugas serves to replenishkey fish species and o<strong>the</strong>rorganisms in <strong>the</strong> downstreamreefs of <strong>the</strong> Florida <strong>Key</strong>sNational Marine Sanctuaryand <strong>the</strong> Tortugas.With <strong>the</strong> well-documenteddecline of Florida’s reefs,areas like Pulley Ridge serve assources of larvae that can helpsustain <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s’ reef ecosystemand <strong>the</strong> tourism economythat depends on it. With moreof this type of information,resource managers will bebetter positioned to developmore effective strategies toprotect <strong>the</strong>se reefs.“We’re trying to understandnot only whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>se ecosystemshave resources incommon, but also <strong>the</strong> mechanismsof connectivity between<strong>the</strong>m,” said Dan Basta, directorof NOAA’s Office of NationalMarine Sanctuaries. “Thiswill give managers information<strong>the</strong>y need to protect reefecosystems, as well as criticalunderwater corridors tha<strong>the</strong>lp replenish Florida’s reefs.”Causey contends that PulleyReef is connected to <strong>Key</strong>sreefs.“It’s almost one continuousreef,” Causey said. “There isdirect connectivity betweenPulley Ridge and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s reeftract.”The grant will cover <strong>the</strong> firstyear of <strong>the</strong> five-year <strong>project</strong>,which will be a collaborationof more than 30 scientists at10 different universities pooling<strong>the</strong>ir expertise <strong>with</strong> stateand federal agency scientiststhrough NOAA’s CooperativeInstitute for Marine andAtmospheric Studies at <strong>the</strong>Bestdealin <strong>the</strong><strong>Key</strong>s.Subscribe toThe Citizen.(305) 292-7777University of Miami and <strong>the</strong>Cooperative Institute forOcean Exploration, Researchand Technology at FloridaAtlantic University.Teams will use technicaldivers, remotely operatedvehicles and advanced modelingand visualization tools toinvestigate <strong>the</strong> role such reefsmay play in <strong>the</strong> replenishmentof downstream and adjacentshallow coral ecosystems, said<strong>the</strong> <strong>project</strong>’s lead researcher,Robert Cowen.“This <strong>project</strong> brings toge<strong>the</strong>rseveral disciplines to conductstudies on <strong>the</strong> physical characteristicsof <strong>the</strong> region, <strong>the</strong>biology and ecology of <strong>the</strong> residentspecies, and <strong>the</strong> valuationof ecosystem services thatPulley Ridge provides,” Cowensaid. “Our intent is to createa comprehensive understandingthat can support a varietyof decision-support tools,including scenario-buildingoptions, to facilitate comprehensiveresource planning in<strong>the</strong> eastern Gulf of Mexico.”Sections of Pulley Ridge,which encompasses 700square miles of sea bottom,have been designateda Habitat Area of ParticularConcern by <strong>the</strong> Gulf of MexicoFishery Management Council.tohara@keynsews.comOccupyContinued from Page 1AThe protest will be unorganizedin much <strong>the</strong> same wayas <strong>the</strong> protest in New York City,<strong>with</strong> no clear leader, no onevoice and few set plans, said<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> resident and longtimeactivist Diana Dodson. Allwho attend will be allowed tospeak for three minutes and<strong>the</strong> group will vote on whereto march, Dodson said, addingshe hopes to raise awarenessover campaign finance reformand fair taxes for all.“We all kind of passed informationalong to each o<strong>the</strong>r,”said Dodson, who was anorganizer <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sea to StillShining Sea group in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>in response to <strong>the</strong> BP oil spillin <strong>the</strong> Gulf of Mexico last summer.“There is no one person incharge.”No one knows how manyor how few demonstratorswill show up for <strong>the</strong> rally.Suggested destinations for <strong>the</strong>subsequent march include <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>’s Wall Street, which is <strong>the</strong>brick road that runs in front ofMallory Square, and <strong>the</strong> Bankof America on Southard Street,which is closed on Saturdays.Dodson said she supports<strong>the</strong> Occupy movement based inNOTICE OF MEETINGSCITY COMMISSION MEETINGTuesday, October 18, 2011, at 6:00 p.m.City Commission Chambers, Old City Hall, 510 Greene StreetCAROLINE STREET CORRIDOR AND BAHAMA VILLAGE COMMUNITYREDEVELOPMENT AGENCYTuesday, October 18, 2011, immediately following <strong>the</strong> City Commission meeting,as soon as <strong>the</strong> matter shall arise on <strong>the</strong> agenda.If agenda items are not completed on <strong>the</strong> same day <strong>the</strong> meeting will berecessed until 6:00 p.m. <strong>the</strong> following day or <strong>the</strong> same day as <strong>the</strong> casemay be.ADA Assistance: It is <strong>the</strong> policy of <strong>the</strong> City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> to comply <strong>with</strong> all requirementsof <strong>the</strong> Americans <strong>with</strong> Disabilities Act. Please call <strong>the</strong> TTY number at 305-809-1000 or<strong>the</strong> ADA Coordinator at 305-809-3951 at least fi ve business days in advance for signlanguage interpreters, assistive listening devices, or materials in accessible format.Pursuant to F.S. 286.0105, notice is given that if a person decides to appealany decision made by <strong>the</strong> Commission <strong>with</strong> respect to any matter consideredat such meeting or hearing, that person will need a record of <strong>the</strong> proceedings,and that, for such purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatimrecord of <strong>the</strong> proceedings is made, which record includes <strong>the</strong> testimony andevidence upon which <strong>the</strong> appeal is to be based.Cheryl Smith, MMC, CPMCity ClerkOctober 14, 2011 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen 321553part on <strong>the</strong> large profits madeby pharmaceutical companies,which she alleges are gougingsick patients.“Everyone deserves to make aprofit, but it’s criminal to chargesick people $20,000 a year fora product that costs $200 tomake,” she said. “Corporationshave all <strong>the</strong> rights.”Dodson speaks from experience.She is HIV positive andtakes drugs that can cost heras much as $15,000 a month,she said.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> police are aware of<strong>the</strong> planned demonstration.“Peaceful demonstrationsin Mallory Square or on <strong>the</strong>city’s sidewalks are completelylegal,” police spokeswomanAlyson Crean said in an email.“However, <strong>the</strong> demonstratorscannot march in <strong>the</strong> streets of<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.”Any protest that obstructs orimpedes traffic, and which hasnot been properly vetted andapproved in advance, is illegal,Crean said, adding that marchingin <strong>the</strong> street and disruptingtraffic can cause major publicsafety issues.“There is no expectation ofviolence and we’re not concernedabout <strong>the</strong> protest,”Crean said. “We’ll deal <strong>with</strong>anything that may happen aswe normally would.”<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> joins a growing listof some 70 U.S. cities that haveheld demonstrations similar to<strong>the</strong> one in New York City. Theprotests have lured a litany ofdemonstrators who have voiceda wide array of complaints, but<strong>the</strong> central <strong>the</strong>me is <strong>the</strong> needfor economic reform on WallStreet and in Washington, D.C.A demand list has appearedon <strong>the</strong> official national OccupyWall Street page,,in which protesterscan suggest changes or add<strong>the</strong>ir own demands.As of Friday, those demandsincluded:• Congress pass a Return toPrudent Banking Act by reinstating<strong>the</strong> provisions of <strong>the</strong>Glass-Steagall Act of 1933,which separated investmentbanks that issued securitiesand commercial banks thataccepted deposits. The deregulationalso removed conflict ofinterest prohibitions betweeninvestment bankers serving asofficers of commercial banks.“Most economists believe thisrepeal directly contributed to<strong>the</strong> severity of <strong>the</strong> financialcrisis of 2007–2011 by allowingWall Street investmentbanking firms to gamble<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir depositors’ moneythat was held in commercialbanks owned or created by <strong>the</strong>investment firms,” <strong>the</strong> websitestates;• Use congressional authorityto ensure federal agenciesfully investigate and prosecutealleged Wall Street criminals;• Use congressional legislationto reverse effects of <strong>the</strong>Citizen’s United Supreme Courtdecision or o<strong>the</strong>rwise eliminate<strong>the</strong> “personhood” statusfor corporations;• Pass <strong>the</strong> so-called “BuffettRule” on fair taxation, closecorporate tax loopholes andprohibit <strong>the</strong> hiding of fundsoffshore;• Revamp <strong>the</strong> Securities andExchange Commission by ridding<strong>the</strong> agency of Wall Streetinsiders;• Congress pass laws thatprohibit <strong>the</strong> practice of lobbyistswriting legislation that endsup before Congress; and• Eliminate <strong>the</strong> ability offormer government regulatorsgoing to work for corporations<strong>the</strong>y once regulated.alinhardt@keysnews.comPICK UP YOUR OFFICIAL FANTASY FEST GUIDE OCT. 21FREET-SHIRT<strong>with</strong> a new or extended subscriptionto <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizenbeginning in October 2011(6 or 12 months home deliveryor 12 months Internet subscription)Call today!292−7777320902For a limited time only.$20 value. 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NathanBarrosoSPORTS1B THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011ON THE RUNYOUTH FOOTBALL, COED SOFTBALL, 4B330918SPORTS SHORTSCONCHS (3-2) VS. PATRIOTS (2-3)When: 7:30 p.m.Where: Tommy Roberts Memorial StadiumRadio: 1600 AM WKWFOnline: Video at, audio at sportsradio1600.comPREP FOOTBALL FRIDAY NIGHTWhen: 7:30 p.m.Where: MarathonLIONS (5-0) VS. DOLPHINS (2-4)Injury to InsultConchs return home, but lose a pair of startersPAUL SANCYA/The Associated PressDetroit relief pitcher Phil Coke reactsafter <strong>the</strong> final out in Thursday’s 7-5 victoryin Game 5 of <strong>the</strong> American League championshipseries.Tigers, Brewers win LCS gamesDETROIT — One moment, Justin Verlanderand <strong>the</strong> Tigers were on <strong>the</strong> verge of watching<strong>the</strong>ir season slip away.After a double play and a lucky bounce, <strong>the</strong>ywere headed back to Texas.Verlander helped save Detroit’s season <strong>with</strong>a gutsy effort and <strong>the</strong> Tigers hit for a suddencycle to break away in a 7-5 victory Thursdaythat cut <strong>the</strong> Rangers’ lead to 3-2 in <strong>the</strong> ALchampionship series.Delmon Young hit two of Detroit’s four homersand Miguel Cabrera had a tiebreakingdouble in <strong>the</strong> sixth inning — thanks to a bizarrebounce off third base.After building a five-run cushion, Detroit heldon despite Nelson Cruz’s record fifth home runof <strong>the</strong> series.In <strong>the</strong> National League ChampionshipSeries, Milwaukee took a 4-2 victory over <strong>the</strong>St. Louis Cardinals, as <strong>the</strong> Brewers evened thatseries at two games apiece.KEYS CALENDARTODAY IN THE KEYSPREP FOOTBALLAmerican High School at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, 7:30 p.m.Chaminade at Marathon, 7:30 p.m.Coral Shores OpenPREP VOLLEYBALL<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> at Florida Christian SchoolTournament, 6 p.m.TODAY ON TVAUTO RACINGESPN2 — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, polequalifying for 300 Miles of Courage, atConcord, N.C., 3 p.m.ESPN2 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, practice forBank of America 500, at Concord,N.C., 4:30 p.m.ESPN2 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup,“Happy Hour Series,” final practice for Bank ofAmerica 500, at Concord, N.C., 6 p.m.ESPN2 — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, 300Miles of Courage, at Concord, N.C., 7:30 p.m.SPEED — Formula One, qualifying for KoreanGrand Prix, at Yeongam, South Korea, 1 a.m.COLLEGE FOOTBALLESPN — Hawaii at San Jose St., 9p.m.GOLFTGC — European PGA Tour, Portugal Masters,second round, at Vilamoura, Portugal, 9 a.m.TGC — PGA Tour, The McGladreyClassic, second round, at Sea Island,Ga., 2 p.m.TGC — Nationwide Tour, MiccosukeeChampionship, second round, at Miami (tape),5 p.m.TGC — Champions Tour, AT&T Championship,first round, at San Antonio (tape), 7:30 p.m.TGC — LPGA Malaysia, second round, at KualaLumpur, Malaysia (same-day tape), 9:30 p.m.MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYOFFSTBS — NL Championship Series,game 5, Milwaukee at St. Louis, 8p.m.SOCCERESPN2 — MLS, Real Salt Lake atColorado, 10:30 p.m.WOMEN’S COLLEGE SOCCERFSN — Stanford at Arizona St., 10 p.m.FLORIDA LOTTERYCash 3: Afternoon drawing: 1-0-9Evening drawing: 3-4-2Play 4: Afternoon drawing: 3-0-4-0Evening drawing: 5-8-1-6Fantasy 5: 12-13-16-33-35See: http://www.flalottery.comBY WILLIS JACOBSONAssistant Sports EditorIn a must-win situationtonight, <strong>the</strong> Marathon Highfootball team’s District8-3A schedule does notget any easier when <strong>the</strong>Dolphins host still-unbeatenChaminade-Madonna— <strong>with</strong> a loss officiallyeliminating <strong>the</strong> ’Fins fromany postseason opportunity.The Lions enter <strong>the</strong> gameas <strong>the</strong> favorite to win, butMarathon coach LanceMartin said his team willjust have to fight, despitebeing overmatched. Kickoffis scheduled for 7:30 p.m.“There’s nothing we cando about it,” said Martin.“When over half your teamis freshmen and sophomores,like ours, playing agame like this is only goingto help <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> future.They’ve been through a lotof games that have beenquite difficult for <strong>the</strong>m, butall <strong>the</strong>y’ve done is improveWith <strong>the</strong> college footballseason nearing its midwaypoint, <strong>the</strong> annualcoaching roulette wheel has begunto spin and one of <strong>the</strong> most popularnames being thrown around, for<strong>the</strong> second straight year,is <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> resident andformer Texas Tech coachMike Leach.Despite <strong>the</strong> rumorsand rampant speculation— whe<strong>the</strong>r atFlorida Atlantic, Arizonaor anywhere else — <strong>the</strong><strong>Key</strong>s’ resident coach-inwaitingsaid he hasn’t yettalked to any school about makinghis return to <strong>the</strong> sideline, but, asalways, his ears are open.“It’s awfully early still — it’snot even November,” Leach saidWILLIS JACOBSON/The Citizen<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> tailback NaQuan McNeil (5) looks for runningroom while lineman Jerry Regis (50) blocks lastweek in <strong>the</strong> Conchs’ 35-7 loss at Miami Jackson.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> will return home tonight to take onAmerican High at 7:30.Thursday evening regarding hiscoaching options. “Teams thatdon’t have coaches are tryingto focus on ways to finish out<strong>the</strong>ir season <strong>the</strong> best <strong>the</strong>y can.If anybody calls, I’d certainlyanswer, but nothing’s happened.That doesn’t surprise me ei<strong>the</strong>r,though.”Although Leach hasbeen away from coachingsince his litigiousfiring from Texas Tech inDecember 2009, he hasmanaged to stay active.He spent a lot of timethis summer travelingto promote his book,“Swing Your Sword:Leading <strong>the</strong> Charge inFootball and Life,” which reached<strong>the</strong> top 5 on <strong>the</strong> New York Timesbest-seller list. He has also doneseveral speaking engagementsaround <strong>the</strong> country — including aKEY WEST — The <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High football teamwill return home tonight looking to reboundfrom a loss in its District 16-5A opener last weekin its first and only road game of <strong>the</strong> season.Unfortunately for <strong>the</strong> Conchs, <strong>the</strong>y will have todo so <strong>with</strong>out a pair of starters in <strong>the</strong> trenches.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, which will host American Hightonight at 7:30, lost defensive end Roberto Valto a torn ACL suffered in last week’s 35-7 loss atMiami Jackson, and <strong>the</strong> news got worse Thursdaywhen <strong>the</strong> team learned that it would also be<strong>with</strong>out starting left tackle Garrett Osteen, whosuffered a non-football related season-endinginjury away from <strong>the</strong> field.Noting his already thin depth chart, Conchscoach Jerry Hughes said his team will have toquickly find a way to move on.“We’re already inexperienced on <strong>the</strong> offensiveline, and he’s probably one of <strong>the</strong> most confidentguys we have on <strong>the</strong> line,” Hughes said ofOsteen, a sophomore.With a bit of sarcasm, he added: “But I guessthat’s what we get paid <strong>the</strong>se millions of dollarsfor, to come up <strong>with</strong> an offense now to get usready for Friday night.”One of <strong>the</strong> top priorities on offense tonight for<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> (3-2, 0-1) will be to limit its mistakes— both mental and physical — after several miscuesproved too costly to overcome in last week’sloss at Jackson, which put a severe dent in <strong>the</strong>Conchs’ playoff hopes. <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, which trailedby just seven points going into <strong>the</strong> fourth quarterlast week, turned <strong>the</strong> ball over three times anddrew several crucial penalties, which allowed <strong>the</strong>Generals to pull away for <strong>the</strong> blowout win.After going over those areas that needed helpthis week in practice, Hughes said his players putthat setback behind <strong>the</strong>m.“We can’t dwell on <strong>the</strong> past,” he said. “We justall season and it’s going tohelp <strong>the</strong>m and our team in<strong>the</strong> future.”The Dolphins (2-4, 2-3)enter <strong>the</strong> game on a twogamelosing skid — <strong>with</strong> ableak hope of making oneof <strong>the</strong> top two spots out of<strong>the</strong> district, as <strong>the</strong>y are twoand-a-halfgames out <strong>with</strong>three district games to play— which has <strong>the</strong> Marathoncoaching staff ready to makea few changes in <strong>the</strong> playcalls tonight in <strong>the</strong> interestof building toward <strong>the</strong>future.“We’re going to just try andmove <strong>the</strong> ball as effectivelyas we can,” said Martin. “Wemight throw a couple of differentthings in <strong>the</strong>re, seeingif we can expand <strong>the</strong>playbook a little bit now. ButChaminade is loaded, <strong>the</strong>yhave Division-I kids runningall over <strong>the</strong> place.”Martin added that hebelieves his younger playersare beginning to grasp<strong>the</strong> Dolphins’ offense andrecent gig <strong>with</strong><strong>the</strong> Fiesta BowlCommittee inArizona — andhas continued toprovide analysison college footballon his SiriusLeachradio program,which airs sixdays a week. In addition to all ofthat, he is a coeditor of ano<strong>the</strong>rrecent book release, “Sports ForDorks,” in which several professionalsfrom various fields relate<strong>the</strong>ir skills to <strong>the</strong> game of football,and is in <strong>the</strong> process of puttingtoge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> second of an annualcollege all-star game he helpedstart up last year.“I plan to coach again, but thatdoesn’t mean that I’m not havingfun now and enjoying what I’mdoing,” he said, noting that he hasbeen on <strong>the</strong> road more this yearSee CONCHS, page 3B’Fins face Lions <strong>with</strong> postseason on <strong>the</strong> lineBY J.W. CO<strong>OK</strong>ECitizen Staff Writera game against a team like<strong>the</strong> Lions (5-0, 4-0) will onlyhelp his players see how abetter squad defends <strong>the</strong>irattacks.“Sometimes we showglimpses that we really getit,” Martin said about hisplayers. “O<strong>the</strong>r times weresort to some bad habits.Pretty much everyone hasgot to be working in sync, at<strong>the</strong> same time, in <strong>the</strong> Wing-T. There’s not a lot of roomfor error because <strong>the</strong>re’s nota lot of passing involved andwe are trying to correct thatmistake that hurts us everyonce in a while.”The Dolphins will beplaying <strong>with</strong>out sophomoresDominic Cavitt andShemar Fantroy, who havebeen contributing for <strong>the</strong>Dolphins this season, and<strong>the</strong> Marathon coach said hisdefense will have to be onfull alert tonight. The Lionsenter <strong>the</strong> game averag-Leach remains patient regarding coaching futureBY WILLIS JACOBSONAssistant Sports EditorKATHY LANCASTER/The CitizenMarathon’s Trevell Beckford looks to fight off a tackle as teammateConnor Boyd follows <strong>the</strong> play during a home contestearlier this season. The Dolphins are kicking off at home againtonight at 7:30 against District 8-3A foe Chaminade-Madonna.GETTIN’ THE ‘W’See MARATHON, page 3Bthan his last few years as a collegehead coach. “We’ll wait and seewhat happens. You can’t ever tellwhat folks are looking for and what<strong>the</strong>ir goals and objectives are. I’lljust play it by ear, but in <strong>the</strong> meantimeI’m busy and have plenty todo.”Although many have suggestedthat Leach would like to remain inFlorida, <strong>the</strong> coach said he doesn’thave any restrictions regarding afuture job. There are some thingsthat he would like, however.“The most important thing forme is I want to go someplace thatwants to win at football, not justsign up for football,” he said. “Iwant a place that values graduationrates, because we had <strong>the</strong> highestgraduation rate in <strong>the</strong> countrywhen I was at Tech. When you havekids competing in <strong>the</strong> classroom, ISee JACOBSON, page 3BKEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ◆ FOR CLASSIFIEDS ◆ 305-292-7777, Option 4

2B THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011SPORTS: ScoreboardSPREADSMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLON THE WATERMarine News:KEY LARGO — A formidablecontender in <strong>the</strong> RedboneTrilogy series, Jim Bokor Jr.,of Buffalo, N.Y., was namedgrand champion anglerat <strong>the</strong> Baybone CelebrityTournament that ended Oct.9 in <strong>Key</strong> Largo.Fishing <strong>with</strong> Capt. RichardBlack of Islamorada, Bokorreleased four bonefish andthree permit during <strong>the</strong> twodaychallenge.Despite a first day of soakingrain, Bokor said Blackand he managed to sight fishfor an hour, but even in lowvisibility were able to soaksome shrimp and crab baitsto catch three of his overallbonefish.“The second day, all I wasafter was permit,” Bokor said,crediting his skilled guide’sborn-and-raised local experience<strong>with</strong> his own competitivestreak and family bloodfor a successful edge. “It’smy dad in me — he’s a greatangler, and I try to be <strong>the</strong> bestat what I do.”The Bokor name is synonymous<strong>with</strong> winning fishing tournamentsin <strong>the</strong> Florida <strong>Key</strong>s.Fa<strong>the</strong>r Jim Bokor Sr., knownfor his flats-fishing prowess,is a five-time series grandchampion of <strong>the</strong> RedboneTrilogy tournaments, and isreputed to have landed more10-pound-plus bonefish thanany o<strong>the</strong>r angler in <strong>the</strong> sport.Securing <strong>the</strong> Baybone’steam grand championshipwere Dan Sargent of Orlandoand Greg Perkins of Raleigh,N.C. The duo was guidedby Capt. Jared Raskob ofIslamorada.Top female angler wasBonnie Christ of Alexandria,Va., led by Andy Thompson ofMiami. Christ recently swept<strong>the</strong> ladies’ grand championshipat <strong>the</strong> trilogy’s RobertJames Sales S.L.A.M. event inSeptember.Major League BaseballHall-of-Famer Wade Boggswas named <strong>the</strong> Baybone’scelebrity grand champion<strong>with</strong> one of each species.The veteran tournamentparticipant was guidedby Islamorada’s Capt. JimDalrymple.Twelve boats and 24 anglerscompeted in <strong>the</strong> tournament,racking up 30 bonefish andnine permit releases.The Baybone was <strong>the</strong> second2011 tournament in <strong>the</strong>prestigious annual RedboneCelebrity Tournament trilogy.The trilogy culminates<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> Redbone CelebrityTournament scheduled Nov.4-6.Fish Bites:Weekly Tides:See <strong>the</strong> map, Page 2AAll Aboard:If you have an outstanding catch or fishing newsto report:• Fax: 305-295-8016• Write: Daily Fishing Report, P.O. Box 1800, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,FL 33041• Drop it off at The <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen building• Email: wjacobson@keysnews.comMahi mahi are biting big time. Mahi continue tobe found way offshore, and now <strong>the</strong>re are schoolsin 300 feet, as well as 700 feet. The reef bite continues<strong>with</strong> yellowtails and mutton snappers on <strong>the</strong>ocean side and mangrove snappers making <strong>the</strong>irway through <strong>the</strong> bridges and into <strong>the</strong> bay.— C.J. GeotisJim Bokor Jr. secures Baybone winCONTRIBUTED PHOTODr. Eliot Goldner, of Orlando, fished<strong>with</strong> Dr. Bill Goldner on a recentbreezy day <strong>with</strong> Capt. Ron Ward out ofSugarloaf Marina. Along <strong>with</strong> a finedinner of snapper and lobster, <strong>the</strong>ywere surprised to catch this 14-inchflounder in <strong>the</strong> backcountry.LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES(Best-of-7; x-if necessary)American LeagueAll games televised by FoxTexas 3, Detroit 2Saturday, Oct. 8: Texas 3, Detroit 2Sunday, Oct. 9: Detroit at Texas, ppd. rainMonday, Oct. 10: Texas 7, Detroit 3, 11 inningsTuesday, Oct. 11: Detroit 5, Texas 2Wednesday, Oct. 12: Texas 7, Detroit 3, 11inningsThursday’s Game: Detroit 7, Texas 5Saturday’s Game: Detroit (Scherzer 15-9) atTexas (Holland 16-5), 8:05 p.m.x-Sunday, Oct. 16: Detroit (Fister 11-13) at Texas(Lewis 14-10), 8:05 p.m.National LeagueAll games televised by TBSSt. Louis 2, Milwaukee 1Sunday, Oct. 9: Milwaukee 9, St. Louis 6Monday, Oct. 10: St. Louis 12, Milwaukee 3Wednesday, Oct. 12: St. Louis 4, Milwaukee 3Thursday’s Game: Milwaukee at St. Louis, lateTonight’s Game: Milwaukee (Greinke 16-6) atSt. Louis (Garcia 13-7), 8:05 p.m.x-Sunday, Oct. 16: St. Louis at Milwaukee, 4:05or 8:05 p.m.x-Monday, Oct. 17: St. Louis at Milwaukee, 8:05p.m.WORLD SERIES(Best-of-7; x-if necessary)All games televised by FoxWednesday, Oct. 19 at National LeagueThursday, Oct. 20 at National LeagueSaturday, Oct. 22 at American LeagueSunday, Oct. 23 at American Leaguex-Monday, Oct. 24 at American Leaguex-Wednesday, Oct. 26 at National Leaguex-Thursday, Oct. 27 at National LeagueEASTERN CONFERENCEW L T Pts GF GAPhiladelphia 11 7 14 47 43 34Sporting Kansas City 11 9 12 45 47 40Columbus 12 12 8 44 38 41New York 9 7 16 43 49 42Houston 10 9 13 43 40 40D.C. 9 11 11 38 47 48Chicago 7 9 16 37 41 42Toronto FC 6 13 13 31 33 56New England 5 15 12 27 36 53WESTERN CONFERENCEW L T Pts GF GAy-Los Angeles 18 4 10 64 46 25x-Seattle 16 7 9 57 51 35x-Real Salt Lake 15 11 6 51 43 35FC Dallas 14 11 7 49 38 35Colorado 11 9 12 45 42 40Portland 11 13 7 40 38 44Chivas USA 8 12 12 36 40 39San Jose 7 11 14 35 35 41Vancouver 6 16 10 28 34 51NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.x- clinched playoff berthy- clinched conferenceWednesday’s GamesFC Dallas 2, Chicago 1Vancouver 2, D.C. United 1Tonight’s GamesHouston at Portland, 10:30 p.m.Real Salt Lake at Colorado, 10:30 p.m.Saturday’s GamesNew York at Sporting Kansas City, 4 p.m.Toronto FC at Philadelphia, 4 p.m.Chicago at D.C. United, 7:30 p.m.Columbus at New England, 7:30 p.m.Vancouver at FC Dallas, 8:30 p.m.San Jose at Seattle FC, 10:30 p.m.Sunday’s GamesChivas USA at Los Angeles, 9 p.m.GLANTZ-CULVERMajor League Baseball PlayoffsNational LeagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat St. Louis -130 Milwaukee +120NCAA FootballTonightFAVORITEOPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOGHawaii 6 6 (55 1 ⁄2)at S. Jose St.Saturdayat N. Carolina 3 1 ⁄2 3 (51 1 ⁄2) Miamiat Penn St. 13 1 ⁄2 11 1 ⁄2 (41) Purdueat Wisconsin 39 40 (60 1 ⁄2) Indianaat Rutgers 3 1 ⁄2 4 (54) NavyFlorida St. 9 1 ⁄2 13 1 ⁄2 (54 1 ⁄2) at DukeToledo 8 1 ⁄2 7 1 ⁄2 (60 1 ⁄2)at Bowl’g GrnClemson 7 1 ⁄2 8 1 ⁄2 (54) at MarylandVirginia Tech 7 6 1 ⁄2 (49) at Wake ForestGeorgia Tech 8 7 (55 1 ⁄2) at VirginiaSouth Carolina 5 1 ⁄2 3 (47) at Temple 19 20 1 ⁄2 (47 1 ⁄2) Buffaloat Wyoming 11 1 ⁄2 11 (56) UNLVat Missouri 13 1 ⁄2 15 1 ⁄2 (55) Iowa C. Michigan 13 1 ⁄2 13 (53) E. MichiganMiami (Ohio) 5 3 1 ⁄2 (39 1 ⁄2) at Kent St.W. Michigan 3 1 1 ⁄2 (69) at N. Illinoisat Pittsburgh 6 1 ⁄2 6 1 ⁄2 (46 1 ⁄2) Utahat Oregon St. +1 1 ⁄2 3 (49 1 ⁄2) BYUat Oregon 14 1 ⁄2 14 1 ⁄2 (66 1 ⁄2) Arizona Texas A&M 8 1 ⁄2 9 1 ⁄2 (76 1 ⁄2) BaylorLSU 13 17 (44) at Tennesseeat Washington 14 15 1 ⁄2 (59 1 ⁄2) Coloradoat Michigan St. 3 2 1 ⁄2 (49) Michiganat Illinois 2 4 (44) Ohio St.Florida +2 2 (49 1 ⁄2) at Auburnat Cincinnati-x 12 1 ⁄2 16 1 ⁄2 (48 1 ⁄2) Louisvilleat Ohio 14 14 (57 1 ⁄2) Ball Tulane +1 1 (56 1 ⁄2) UTEPAlabama 24 1 ⁄2 26 (44 1 ⁄2)at MississippiOklahoma 35 36 (72 1 ⁄2) at Kansasat Nevada 29 30 (62) N. Mexicoat SMU 1 3 1 ⁄2 (44 1 ⁄2) UCFBoise St. 30 1 ⁄2 32 (55) at Colorado St.Stanford 21 21 (63 1 ⁄2) at Wash. St.Georgia 10 11 (41) at VanderbiltOklahoma St. 7 1 ⁄2 7 1 ⁄2 (64 1 ⁄2) at Texasat Texas Tech 3 1 ⁄2 3 1 ⁄2 (59 1 ⁄2) Kansas St.South Florida 6 7 1 ⁄2 (47) at UConnEast Carolina 17 14 (56) at Memphisat Marshall 6 5 (51 1 ⁄2) Riceat Iowa 5 1 ⁄2 6 (54) Northwesternat N.M. St. 3 1 ⁄2 Pk (49 1 ⁄2) Idahoat Tulsa 19 1 ⁄2 21 (58 1 ⁄2) UABUtah St. 3 1 ⁄2 3 (64) at Fresno La.-Laf’e 8 9 (53 1 ⁄2) N. Texasat Troy 9 9 (56) La.-Monroeat FAU 3 2 1 ⁄2 (44) W. Kentuckyx-at Paul Brown StadiumNFLSundayFAVORITEOPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOGat Green Bay 14 1 ⁄2 15 (48) St. Louisat Pittsburgh 13 12 (40) JacksonvillePhiladelphia 1 1 ⁄2 1 1 ⁄2 (47) at Washingtonat Detroit 5 4 1 ⁄2 (46 1 ⁄2) San Atlanta 6 4 (51) Carolinaat Cincinnati 7 7 (40 1 ⁄2) Indianapolisat N.Y. Giants 3 3 1 ⁄2 (50 1 ⁄2) Buffaloat Baltimore 5 1 ⁄2 7 1 ⁄2 (44 1 ⁄2) Houstonat Oakland 7 6 1 ⁄2 (44 1 ⁄2) Clevelandat New England 7 7 (55 1 ⁄2) DallasNew Orleans 5 4 1 ⁄2 (49 1 ⁄2)at Tampa Bayat Chicago 3 3 (42) MinnesotaMondayat N.Y. Jets 8 7 (42 1 ⁄2) MiamiNHLFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat Buffalo -175 Carolina +155at Anaheim -110 San Jose -110NFLAMERICAN CONFERENCEEastW L T Pct PF PABuffalo 4 1 0 .800 164 120New England 4 1 0 .800 165 119N.Y. Jets 2 3 0 .400 121 125Miami 0 4 0 .000 69 104SouthW L T Pct PF PAHouston 3 2 0 .600 127 95Tennessee 3 2 0 .600 105 94Jacksonville 1 4 0 .200 59 115Indianapolis 0 5 0 .000 87 136NorthW L T Pct PF PABaltimore 3 1 0 .750 119 57Cincinnati 3 2 0 .600 110 94Pittsburgh 3 2 0 .600 102 89Cleveland 2 2 0 .500 74 93<strong>West</strong>W L T Pct PF PASan Diego 4 1 0 .800 120 109Oakland 3 2 0 .600 136 133Kansas City 2 3 0 .400 77 150Denver 1 4 0 .200 105 140NATIONAL CONFERENCEEastW L T Pct PF PAWashington 3 1 0 .750 83 63N.Y. Giants 3 2 0 .600 127 123Dallas 2 2 0 .500 99 101Philadelphia 1 4 0 .200 125 132SouthW L T Pct PF PANew Orleans 4 1 0 .800 157 125Tampa Bay 3 2 0 .600 87 125Atlanta 2 3 0 .400 104 130Carolina 1 4 0 .200 116 132NorthW L T Pct PF PAGreen Bay 5 0 0 1.000 173 111Detroit 5 0 0 1.000 159 89Chicago 2 3 0 .400 107 122Minnesota 1 4 0 .200 111 106<strong>West</strong>W L T Pct PF PASan Francisco 4 1 0 .800 142 78Seattle 2 3 0 .400 94 122Arizona 1 4 0 .200 96 121St. Louis 0 4 0 .000 46 113Last Sunday’s GamesMinnesota 34, Arizona 10Oakland 25, Houston 20Kansas City 28, Indianapolis 24Buffalo 31, Philadelphia 24New Orleans 30, Carolina 27Cincinnati 30, Jacksonville 20Pittsburgh 38, Tennessee 17Seattle 36, N.Y. Giants 25San Francisco 48, Tampa Bay 3San Diego 29, Denver 24New England 30, N.Y. Jets 21Green Bay 25, Atlanta 14Open: Baltimore, Cleveland, Dallas, Miami, St.Louis, WashingtonMonday’s GameDetroit 24, Chicago 13Sunday’s GamesSt. Louis at Green Bay, 1 p.m.Jacksonville at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m.Philadelphia at Washington, 1 p.m.San Francisco at Detroit, 1 p.m.Carolina at Atlanta, 1 p.m.Indianapolis at Cincinnati, 1 p.m.Buffalo at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m.Cleveland at Oakland, 4:05 p.m.Houston at Baltimore, 4:05 p.m.Dallas at New England, 4:15 p.m.New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 4:15 p.m.Minnesota at Chicago, 8:20 p.m.Open: Arizona, Denver, Kansas City, San Diego,Seattle, TennesseeMonday’s GameMiami at N.Y. Jets, 8:30 p.m.Sunday, Oct. 23Houston at Tennessee, 1 p.m.Washington at Carolina, 1 p.m.San Diego at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m.Seattle at Cleveland, 1 p.m.Denver at Miami, 1 p.m.Atlanta at Detroit, 1 p.m.Chicago vs. Tampa Bay at London, 1 p.m.Kansas City at Oakland, 4:05 p.m.Pittsburgh at Arizona, 4:05 p.m.St. Louis at Dallas, 4:15 p.m.Green Bay at Minnesota, 4:15 p.m.Indianapolis at New Orleans, 8:20 p.m.Open: Buffalo, Cincinnati, N.Y. Giants, NewEngland, Philadelphia, San FranciscoMonday, Oct. 24Baltimore at Jacksonville, 8:30 p.m.COLLEGE FOOTBALLSCHEDULEThursday’s GamesSOUTHAlabama A&M 24, Texas Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 21FAR WESTSan Diego St. 41, Air Force 27Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Cal (4-1) at California (3-2), lateTonight’s GameHawaii (3-2) at San Jose St. (2-4), 9 p.m.Saturday’s GamesEASTCCSU (2-4) at Duquesne (4-2), NoonCampbell (2-3) at Marist (2-4), NoonPurdue (3-2) at Penn St. (5-1), NoonUtah (2-3) at Pittsburgh (3-3), NoonSt. Francis (Pa.) (1-5) at Sacred Heart (3-2), NoonPrinceton (1-3) at Brown (3-1), 12:30 p.m.Robert Morris (2-3) at Albany (NY) (3-2), 1 p.m.Monmouth (NJ) (2-3) at Bryant (4-2), 1 p.m.Cornell (2-2) at Colgate (3-3), 1 p.m.Lehigh (5-1) at Fordham (1-4), 1 p.m.Bucknell (4-2) at Harvard (3-1), 1 p.m.Dartmouth (1-3) at Holy Cross (2-3), 1 p.m.Rhode Island (1-4) at Maine (4-1), 1 p.m.Buffalo (2-4) at Temple (4-2), 1 p.m.Navy (2-3) at Rutgers (4-1), 2 p.m.Penn (2-2) at Columbia (0-4), 3:30 p.m.UMass (3-2) at Delaware (4-2), 3:30 p.m.South Florida (4-1) at UConn (2-4), 3:30 p.m.Yale (3-1) at Lafayette (1-4), 6 p.m.St. Anselm (0-5) at Stony Brook (2-3), 6 p.m.SOUTHNew Hampshire (4-1) at William & Mary (3-3), NoonSouth Carolina (5-1) at Miss. St. (3-3), 12:20 p.m.Miami (2-3) at North Carolina (5-1), 12:30 p.m.Georgetown (4-2) at Howard (3-3), 1 p.m.Morehead St. (2-4) at Jacksonville (4-2), 1 p.m.Villanova (1-5) at James Madison (4-2), 1:30 p.m.Delaware St. (2-4) at NC A&T (3-2), 1:30 p.m.Georgia St. (1-4) at SC State (3-3), 1:30 p.m.Charleston Sou<strong>the</strong>rn (0-4) at VMI (0-5), 1:30 p.m.Virginia-Wise (4-2) at Wofford (4-1), 1:30 p.m.Prairie View (4-2) at Alabama St. (5-1), 2 p.m.Gardner-Webb (1-4) at Presbyterian (1-4), 2 p.m.Appalachian St. (3-2) at The Citadel (2-3), 2 p.m.Florida St. (2-3) at Duke (3-2), 3 p.m.SE Missouri (1-4) at E. Kentucky (2-3), 3 p.m.Furman (3-2) at Georgia Sou<strong>the</strong>rn (5-0), 3 p.m.Jackson St. (5-1) at MVSU (0-6), 3 p.m.Rice (2-3) at Marshall (2-4), 3 p.m.Elon (4-2) at Samford (3-2), 3 p.m.Coastal Carolina (4-1) at Liberty (3-3), 3:30 p.m.Towson (4-1) at Old Dominion (5-1), 3:30 p.m.UT-Martin (3-2) at South Alabama (3-2), 3:30 p.m.LSU (6-0) at Tennessee (3-2), 3:30 p.m.UTEP (2-3) at Tulane (2-4), 3:30 p.m.Georgia Tech (6-0) at Virginia (3-2), 3:30 p.m.Fort Valley St. (1-5) at Bethune-Cookman (2-3), 4 p.m.W. Kentucky (1-4) at FAU (0-5), 4 p.m.E. Illinois (1-5) at Murray St. (3-3), 4 p.m.Morgan St. (3-3) at NC Central (1-4), 4 p.m.Hampton (3-2) at Norfolk St. (5-1), 4 p.m.Concordia-Selma (4-2) at Grambling St. (1-4), 5 p.m.N. Texas (2-4) at Louisiana-Lafayette (5-1), 5 p.m.W. Carolina (1-4) at Chattanooga (2-4), 6 p.m.Alabama (6-0) at Mississippi (2-3), 6 p.m.Virginia Tech (5-1) at Wake Forest (4-1), 6:30 p.m.Florida (4-2) at Auburn (4-2), 7 p.m.Jacksonville St. (4-1) at Austin Peay (2-3), 7 p.m.Clemson (6-0) at Maryland (2-3), 7 p.m.East Carolina (1-4) at Memphis (1-5), 7 p.m.SE Louisiana (1-4) at Northwestern St. (3-3), 7 p.m.Florida A&M (3-3) at Savannah St. (1-5), 7 p.m.Louisiana-Monroe (1-4) at Troy (2-3), 7 p.m.Georgia (4-2) at Vanderbilt (3-2), 7 p.m.Tennessee St. (2-4) at Tennessee Tech (4-1), 8 p.m.MIDWESTToledo (3-3) at Bowling Green (3-3), NoonLouisville (2-3) at Cincinnati (4-1), NoonMichigan (6-0) at Michigan St. (4-1), NoonIndiana (1-5) at Wisconsin (5-0), NoonValparaiso (0-5) at Butler (3-3), 1 p.m.Davidson (2-3) at Dayton (3-3), 1 p.m.Iowa St. (3-2) at Missouri (2-3), 2 p.m.E. Michigan (3-3) at Cent. Michigan (2-4), 3 p.m.Youngstown St. (2-3) at S. Illinois (2-3), 3 p.m.W. Illinois (2-3) at Indiana St. (4-2), 3:05 p.m.Ohio St. (3-3) at Illinois (6-0), 3:30 p.m.Miami (Ohio) (1-4) at Kent St. (1-5), 3:30 p.m.W. Michigan (4-2) at N. Illinois (3-3), 3:30 p.m.Ball St. (3-3) at Ohio (4-2), 3:30 p.m.South Dakota (4-2) at Illinois St. (3-3), 4 p.m.Northwestern (2-3) at Iowa (3-2), 7 p.m.N. Iowa (4-1) at S. Dakota St. (2-4), 7 p.m.Missouri St. (0-6) at N. Dakota St. (5-0), 7:07 p.m.Oklahoma (5-0) at Kansas (2-3), 9:15 p.m.SOUTHWESTBaylor (4-1) at Texas A&M (3-2), NoonNicholls St. (1-5) at Sam Houston St. (5-0), 3 p.m.UCF (3-2) at SMU (4-1), 3:30 p.m.Oklahoma St. (5-0) at Texas (4-1), 3:30 p.m.McNeese St. (3-2) at Cent. Arkansas (3-3), 4 p.m.Sou<strong>the</strong>rn U. (2-4) at Ark.-Pine Bluff (3-3), 7 p.m.Lamar (3-2) at Texas St. (4-2), 7 p.m.Kansas St. (5-0) at Texas Tech (4-1), 7 p.m.UAB (0-5) at Tulsa (2-3), 8 p.m.FAR WESTUNLV (1-4) at Wyoming (3-2), 2 p.m.Portland St. (3-2) at Montana (4-2), 3:05 p.m.N. Arizona (2-3) at Montana St. (5-1), 3:05 p.m.Colorado (1-5) at Washington (4-1), 3:30 p.m.BYU (4-2) at Oregon St. (1-4), 4 p.m.Drake (5-1) at San Diego (5-1), 4 p.m.New Mexico (0-5) at Nevada (2-3), 4:05 p.m.UTSA (2-4) at UC Davis (1-4), 5 p.m.Boise St. (5-0) at Colorado St. (3-2), 6 p.m.Idaho St. (2-4) at Weber St. (2-3), 6 p.m.N. Colorado (0-6) at E. Washington (2-4), 7:05 p.m.Stanford (5-0) at Washington St. (3-2), 7:30 p.m.Idaho (1-5) at New Mexico St. (2-3), 8 p.m.S. Utah (3-3) at Cal Poly (2-3), 9:05 p.m.Utah St. (2-3) at Fresno St. (2-4), 10 p.m.Arizona St. (5-1) at Oregon (4-1), 10:15 p.m.MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCERPREP SWIMMINGMONROE COUNTYCHAMPIONSHIPSWednesdayGirls 200 Yard Medley Relay1, Coral Shores High School ‘A’ 2:02.86. 2, <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘A’ (Tallmadge, Alice JR,DeMaria, Dora SR, Konik, Michelle JR, Olsen,Jadene SO), 2:17.30. 3, Coral Shores High School‘B’ 2:24.80. 4, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘B’(Brown, Shannon SR, Griffiths, Alli SO, Schlegel-Boraas, Lauren JR, Norquoy, Rachael JR), 2:42.51.5, Marathon High School-FG ‘A’ (Gracy, Hannah,McCarthy, Claire, Matthis, Audrey, Gracy, Abby),2:59.96.Boys 200 Yard Medley Relay1, Coral Shores High School ‘A’ (Hamer, A JSR, Santiesteban, Luis J JR, Zekthi, Evin FR,Munshower, Garrett JR), 1:45.74. 2, Coral ShoresHigh School ‘B’ (Miller, Luke JR, Hunter, Rion FR,Zekthi, Davis SR, ), 1:57.13. 3, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> HighSchool-FG ‘A’ (Wassylenko, Vincent SR, Bujak,Chris C, Montone-Rodriguez, Claudio SR, Helms,Trevor SO), 2:04.18. 4, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG‘B’ (Edge, Meric SO, Fairbank, Henry SO, Walker,Benjamin SO, Osborn, Zane SR), 2:15.49. 5,Marathon High School-FG ‘A’ (Vorick, Jeffery, Marrs,Collin, McCarthy, Duncan , Daniels, Clay ), 2:35.62.Girls 200 Yard Freestyle1, Volland, Kelsea, COSH, 2:03.94. 2, Simcic-Swanton, Kyra, MRTH-FG, 2:26.38. 3, Postrion,Shannon, COSH, 2:37.79. 4, Miller, Melina, COSH,2:39.48. 5, Olsen, Jadene, KWST-FG, 2:47.95.6, Guzman, Nena, KWST-FG, 2:49.84. 7, Arnett,Victori, MRTH-FG, 3:00.91. 8, Litchl, Alex, KWST-FG, 3:00.99. 9, Schuhmacher, Sydney, MRTH-FG,3:05.54. 10, Gracy, Hannah, MRTH-FG, x3:30.85.Boys 200 Yard Freestyle1, Zekthi, Evin, COSH, 1:49.39. 2, Cisneros, Raul,ISLC, 2:00.94. 3, Grube, Aaron, MRTH-FG, 2:25.70.4, Hunter, Rion, COSH, 2:25.74. 5, Graziano, Jake,KWST-FG, 2:25.81. 6, Walker, Benjamin, KWST-FG,2:27.84. 7, Fairbank, Henry, KWST-FG, 2:31.05.8, Barrett, Colby, COSH, 2:36.19. 9, Marrs, Collin,MRTH-FG, 2:38.69.Girls 200 Yard IM1, Cuppett, Makayla R, COSH, 2:31.68. 2, Hamer,Katharine, COSH, 2:38.12. 3, Sandusky, Markie,MRTH-FG, 2:47.32. 4, Konik, Michelle, KWST-FG,2:55.24. 5, Schlegel-Boraas, Lauren, KWST-FG,3:25.34. 6, Schlegel-Boraas, Mikayla, KWST-FG,3:39.38.Boys 200 Yard IM1, Santiesteban, Luis J, COSH, 2:02.05. 2, Zekthi,Davis, COSH, 2:29.03. 3, Bujak, Chris C, KWST-FG,2:30.91. 4, Montone-Rodriguez, Claudio, KWST-FG, 2:34.51. 5, Wolfe, Will, MRTH-FG, 2:46.95. 6,Tetour, David, COSH, 3:02.85. 7, Buchman, ShaunS, KWST-FG, 3:15.50.Girls 50 Yard Freestyle1, Santiesteban, Raisa, COSH, 27.89. 2,Woodbury, Malorie, MRTH-FG, 27.97. 3, Blackwell,Sarah, COSH, 28.20. 4, Osterhoudt, Devin, KWST-FG, 28.85. 5, Valek, Hanna, KWST-FG, 30.42.6, Conell, Abi, MRTH-FG, 30.81. 7, Preins, Jill,COSH, 31.55. 8, Gracy, Abby, MRTH-FG, 33.61.9, Norquoy, Rachael, KWST-FG, 33.79. Arnett,Jaqueline, MRTH-FG, X37.15.Boys 50 Yard Freestyle1, Hamer, A J, COSH, 22.69. 2, Allen, Derrick,KWST-FG, 23.50. 3, Michael, Daniel, COSH, 24.63.4, Miller, Luke, COSH, 25.02. 5, Helms, Trevor,KWST-FG, 25.82. 6, Osborn, Zane, KWST-FG,27.69. 7, McCarthy, Duncan, MRTH-FG, 28.93. 8,Stearns, Brendon, MRTH-FG, 30.16. 9, Daniels,Clay, MRTH-FG, 36.33. Hernadez, Gabby, MRTH-FG,X44.63.Girls 100 Yard Butterfly1, Volland, Kelsea, COSH, 1:03.18. 2, Cuppett,Makayla R, COSH, 1:14.09. 3, Schlegel-Boraas,Lauren, KWST-FG, 1:36.16. 4, Olsen, Jadene,KWST-FG, 1:43.57. 5, Schuhmacher, Sydney,MRTH-FG, 1:51.46.Boys 100 Yard Butterfly1, Hamer, A J, COSH, 57.88. 2, Zekthi, Davis,COSH, 1:04.84. 3, Bujak, Chris C, KWST-FG,1:05.40. 4, Montone-Rodriguez, Claudio, KWST-FG, 1:06.88. 5, Buchman, Shaun S, KWST-FG,1:19.97.Girls 100 Yard Freestyle1, Santiesteban, Raisa, COSH, 1:01.21. 2,Woodbury, Malorie, MRTH-FG, 1:01.64. 3,Osterhoudt, Devin, KWST-FG, 1:04.05. 4, Valek,Hanna, KWST-FG, 1:08.98. 5, Conell, Abi, MRTH-FG, 1:10.21. 6, Preins, Jill, COSH, 1:13.54. 7,Champagne, Morgan, COSH, 1:16.10. 8, Brown,Shannon, KWST-FG, 1:19.88. 9, Gracy, Abby,MRTH-FG, 1:20.43. McCarthy, Claire, MRTH-FG,X1:25.06.Boys 100 Yard Freestyle1, Santiesteban, Luis J, COSH, 49.49. 2,Munshower, Garrett, COSH, 52.80. 3, Hally, A.J. J,KWST-FG, 53.58. 4, Cisneros, Raul, ISLC, 54.90.5, Allen, Derrick, KWST-FG, 55.31. 6, Michael,Daniel, COSH, 57.37. 7, Osborn, Zane, KWST-FG,1:01.61. 8, Marrs, Collin, MRTH-FG, 1:09.24. 9,Daniels, Clay, MRTH-FG, 1:22.51. 10, Vorick, Jeffery,MRTH-FG, 1:25.12. Hernadez, Gabby, MRTH-FG,X2:31.70.Girls 500 Yard Freestyle1, Fry, Katie, COSH, 6:02.99. 2, DeMaria, Dora,KWST-FG, 6:29.23. 3, Simcic-Swanton, Kyra,MRTH-FG, 6:53.98. 4, Postrion, Shannon, COSH,7:03.76. 5, Guzman, Nena, KWST-FG, 7:56.31. 6,Schlegel-Boraas, Mikayla, KWST-FG, 8:29.41. 7,Gracy, Hannah, MRTH-FG, 8:58.50.Boys 500 Yard Freestyle1, Zekthi, Evin, COSH, 4:58.96. 2, Wassylenko,Vincent, KWST-FG, 6:12.26. 3, Grube, Aaron,MRTH-FG, 6:35.96. 4, Barrett, Noah, KWST-FG,6:44.08. 5, Fairbank, Henry, KWST-FG, 6:59.80. 6,Barrett, Colby, COSH, 7:40.71. 7, Sol, Kyle, COSH,8:24.57.Girls 200 Yard Freestyle Relay1, Coral Shores High School ‘A’ (Volland, KelseaFR, Blackwell, Sarah SR, Hamer, Katharine SO,Cuppett, Taelor SR), 1:48.64. 2, Marathon HighSchool-FG ‘A’ (Sandusky, Markie , Conell, Abi, Simcic-Swanton, Kyra , Woodbury, Malorie),1:56.17. 3, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘A’ (Valek,Hanna SR, DeMaria, Dora SR, Tallmadge, Alice JR,Osterhoudt, Devin JR), 1:58.33. 4, Coral ShoresHigh School ‘B’ (Miller, Melina JR, Preins, Jill SO,Champagne, Morgan SO, Swango, Becca JR),2:11.75. 5, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘B’ (Konik,Michelle JR, Litchl, Alex FR, Norquoy, Rachael JR,Guzman, Nena FR), 2:13.62. 6, Marathon HighSchool-FG ‘B’ (Gracy, Abby, McCarthy, Claire ,Arnett, Jaqueline, Tipsword, Autumn), 2:26.16.7, Marathon High School-FG ‘C’ (Arnett, Victori,Schuhmacher, Sydney , Gracy, Hannah, Matthis,Audrey), x2:39.43.Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay1, Coral Shores High School ‘A’ (Santiesteban, LuisJ JR, Munshower, Garrett JR, Miller, Luke JR, Hamer,A J SR), 1:34.24. 2, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘A’(Hally, A.J. J SR, Bujak, Chris C , Helms, Trevor SO,Allen, Derrick SO), 1:38.82. 3, Coral Shores HighSchool ‘B’ (Gasser, Nicholas SR, Gasser, NathanSO, Frohne, Dustin JR, Mackenzie, Connor JR),1:48.63. 4, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘B’ (Walker,Benjamin SO, Montone-Rodriguez, Claudio SR,Brisson, Marcus FR, Osborn, Zane SR), 1:50.19.5, Marathon High School-FG ‘A’ (Wolfe, Will, Grube,Aaron, Stearns, Brendon, McCarthy, Duncan),2:00.62.Girls 100 Yard Backstroke1, Cuppett, Taelor, COSH, 1:10.60. 2, Sandusky,Markie, MRTH-FG, 1:19.78. 3, Tallmadge, Alice,KWST-FG, 1:22.53. 4, Copper, Kaya, KWST-FG,1:31.92. 5, Champagne, Morgan, COSH, 1:33.34.6, Kohl, Chloe, COSH, 1:33.53. 7, Brown, Shannon,KWST-FG, 1:36.47. 8, Matthis, Audrey, MRTH-FG,1:50.36.Boys 100 Yard Backstroke1, Miller, Luke, COSH, 1:11.10. 2, Wassylenko,Vincent, KWST-FG, 1:13.18. 3, Wolfe, Will, MRTH-FG, 1:18.76. 4, Graziano, Jake, KWST-FG, 1:19.42.5, Edge, Meric, KWST-FG, 1:21.00. 6, Vorick,Jeffery, MRTH-FG, 1:45.32. 7, Mat<strong>the</strong>ws, Conrad,COSH, 2:04.54.Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke1, DeMaria, Dora, KWST-FG, 1:13.20. 2, Fry,Katie, COSH, 1:16.21. 3, Konik, Michelle, KWST-FG, 1:18.40. 4, Griffiths, Alli, KWST-FG, 1:31.80.5, McCarthy, Claire, MRTH-FG, 1:38.48. 6, Koval,Savannah, COSH, 1:41.87. 7, Arnett, Victori,MRTH-FG, 1:43.08. 8, Arnett, Jaqueline, MRTH-FG,1:53.98. Tipsword, Autumn, MRTH-FG, X1:48.99.Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke1, Hally, A.J. J, KWST-FG, 1:14.59. 2, Frohne,Dustin, COSH, 1:20.30. 3, Hunter, Rion, COSH,1:21.10. 4, Tetour, David, COSH, 1:21.54. 5,Barrett, Noah, KWST-FG, 1:24.43. 6, McCarthy,Duncan, MRTH-FG, 1:24.77. 7, Brisson, Marcus,KWST-FG, 1:27.29. 8, Stearns, Brendon, MRTH-FG,1:30.63.Girls 400 Yard Freestyle Relay1, Coral Shores High School ‘A’ (Volland, KelseaFR, Hamer, Katharine SO, Blackwell, Sarah SR,Cuppett, Taelor SR), 4:04.55. 2, Coral ShoresHigh School ‘B’ (Fry, Katie SR, Cuppett, MakaylaR SO, Santiesteban, Raisa SR, Miller, MelinaJR), 4:19.07. 3, Marathon High School-FG ‘A’(Sandusky, Markie, Conell, Abi , Simcic-Swanton,Kyra , Woodbury, Malorie ), 4:31.96. 4, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>High School-FG ‘A’ (Tallmadge, Alice JR, Valek,Hanna SR, Olsen, Jadene SO, Osterhoudt, DevinJR), 4:37.88. 5, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘B’(Brown, Shannon SR, Schlegel-Boraas, Lauren JR,Norquoy, Rachael JR, Guzman, Nena FR), 5:25.88.6, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘C’ (Schlegel-Boraas,Mikayla FR, McCall, Allyson SO, Litchl, Alex FR,Griffiths, Alli SO), x5:56.53. 7, Marathon HighSchool-FG ‘B’ (Schuhmacher, Sydney , Matthis,Audrey , Arnett, Jaqueline, Arnett, Victori), 5:56.60.Boys 400 Yard Freestyle Relay1, Coral Shores High School ‘A’ (Munshower,Garrett JR, Michael, Daniel SR, Zekthi, DavisSR, Zekthi, Evin FR), 3:41.78. 2, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> HighSchool-FG ‘A’ (Allen, Derrick SO, Helms, Trevor SO,Wassylenko, Vincent SR, Hally, A.J. SR), 3:50.41.3, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School-FG ‘B’ (Brisson, MarcusFR, Fairbank, Henry SO, Edge, Meric SO, Walker,Benjamin SO), 4:29.10. 4, Marathon High School-FG ‘A’ (Wolfe, Will, Marrs, Collin, Grube, Aaron ,Stearns, Brendon), 4:48.48. 5, Coral Shores HighSchool ‘B’ (Mackenzie, Connor JR, Akullian, MitchellFR, Michaels, Rand, Barrett, Colby FR), 4:53.39.Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 241, Coral Shores High School, 245. 2, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>High School, 196. 3, Marathon High School, 130.Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 241, Coral Shores High School, 254. 2, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>High School, 218. 3, Marathon High School, 78. 4,Island Christian School, 14.GOLFLPGASime Darby MalaysiaThursday’s First RoundAt Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club (EastCourse), MalaysiaPurse: $1.9 millionYardage: 6,260; Par: 71 (35-36)a-amateurNa Yeon Choi 33-33 — 66Maria Hjorth 31-35 — 66Brittany Lang 32-34 — 66Dewi Claire Schreefel 33-33 — 66Paige Mackenzie 32-35 — 67Azahara Munoz 34-33 — 67Christel Boeljon 33-35 — 68Shanshan Feng 34-34 — 68I.K. Kim 34-34 — 68Stacy Lewis 34-34 — 68Suzann Pettersen 33-35 — 68Michelle Wie 34-34 — 68NATIONWIDEMiccosukee ChampionshipThursday’s First RoundAt Miccosukee Golf & Country Club, MiamiPurse: $600,000Yardage: 7,200; Par: 71Jason Kokrak 31-32 — 63Daniel Chopra 30-33 — 63Brett Wetterich 33-32 — 65Tyrone Van Aswegen 33-32 — 65Mark Anderson 32-33 — 65Scott Sterling 33-32 — 65Diego Velasquez 34-31 — 65Scott Gardiner 33-33 — 66Justin Bolli 31-35 — 66Camilo Benedetti 32-34 — 66Jason Gore 33-33 — 66Jake Younan-Wise 33-33 — 66Bubba Dickerson 32-34 — 66Aaron Watkins 32-34 — 66Cameron Percy 32-34 — 66Luke List 34-32 — 66PGAThe McGladrey ClassicThursday’s First RoundAt Sea Island Resort (Seaside Course), St.Simons Island, Ga.Purse: $4 millionYardage: 7,005; Par: 70 (35-35)Webb Simpson 31-32 — 63Zack Miller 33-30 — 63Scott McCarron 33-31 — 64Billy Horschel 32-32 — 64Martin Piller 33-31 — 64Richard S. Johnson 31-34 — 65Ben Crane 32-33 — 65Angel Cabrera 33-32 — 65Nick O’Hern 33-32 — 65D.J. Trahan 33-32 — 65Michael Thompson 32-33 — 65Cameron Tringale 32-33 — 65Louis Oosthuizen 32-33 — 65Matt Jones 33-32 — 65David Hearn 33-32 — 65Paul Stankowski 32-34 — 66Henrik Stenson 33-33 — 66Jeff Overton 33-33 — 66Kevin Streelman 35-31 — 66Colt Knost 33-33 — 66Andres Gonzales 32-34 — 66Ben Curtis 34-32 — 66John Rollins 32-34 — 66Stephen Ames 33-33 — 66Trevor Immelman 32-34 — 66NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic DivisionGP WL OT Pts GF GAPittsburgh 5 3 0 2 8 16 13Philadelphia 3 3 0 0 6 10 5N.Y. Islanders 3 2 1 0 4 7 4New Jersey 3 2 1 0 4 6 6N.Y. Rangers 2 0 0 2 2 3 5Nor<strong>the</strong>ast DivisionGP WL OT Pts GF GABuffalo 2 2 0 0 4 8 3Toronto 2 2 0 0 4 8 5Montreal 3 1 2 0 2 6 7Boston 4 1 3 0 2 7 7Ottawa 4 1 3 0 2 13 21Sou<strong>the</strong>ast DivisionGP WL OT Pts GF GAWashington 3 3 0 0 6 13 10Carolina 4 1 2 1 3 9 15Tampa Bay 4 1 2 1 3 12 16Florida 2 1 1 0 2 4 4Winnipeg 1 0 1 0 0 1 5WESTERN CONFERENCECentral DivisionGP WL OT Pts GF GADetroit 3 3 0 0 6 10 3Nashville 3 2 1 0 4 9 9Chicago 2 1 1 0 2 6 4St. Louis 2 1 1 0 2 7 6Columbus 4 0 3 1 1 8 13Northwest DivisionGP WL OT Pts GF GAColorado 4 3 1 0 6 11 6Minnesota 4 2 1 1 5 10 9Edmonton 2 1 0 1 3 3 3Vancouver 4 1 2 1 3 10 13Calgary 3 1 2 0 2 9 11Pacific DivisionGP WL OT Pts GF GADallas 3 2 1 0 4 6 7Los Angeles 3 1 1 1 3 6 8Phoenix 3 1 1 1 3 9 10San Jose 1 1 0 0 2 6 3Anaheim 2 1 1 0 2 3 5NOTE: Two points for a win, one point forovertime loss.Wednesday’s GamesColorado 3, Columbus 2, SOPhiladelphia 5, Vancouver 4Carolina 3, Boston 2Thursday’s GamesNew Jersey 2, Los Angeles 1, SOMinnesota 2, Edmonton 1, SON.Y. Islanders 5, Tampa Bay 1Washington 3, Pittsburgh 2, OTCalgary 4, Montreal 1Colorado 7, Ottawa 1Detroit 2, Vancouver 0Phoenix 5, Nashville 2Winnipeg at Chicago, lateSt. Louis at Dallas, lateTonight’s GamesCarolina at Buffalo, 7:30 p.m.San Jose at Anaheim, 10 p.m.Saturday’s GamesCalgary at Toronto, 7 p.m.Colorado at Montreal, 7 p.m.N.Y. Rangers at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m.Los Angeles at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.Buffalo at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m.Ottawa at Washington, 7 p.m.Winnipeg at Phoenix, 7 p.m.Tampa Bay at Florida, 7:30 p.m.New Jersey at Nashville, 8 p.m.Detroit at Minnesota, 8 p.m.Columbus at Dallas, 8 p.m.Boston at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.Vancouver at Edmonton, 10 p.m.St. Louis at San Jose, 10 p.m.

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011SPORTS3BAUTO RACINGStewart takesCharlotte poleCOLLEGE FOOTBALLMississippi suspends 4for Alabama gameNHLTaveres goals, assistssink Lightning, 5-1IN COURTFab 5er King facestrial in support caseCONCORD, N.C. — TonyStewart took <strong>the</strong> pole atCharlotte Motor Speedway,outracing Matt Kenseth andpoints leader Carl Edwards onThursday night.Stewart covered <strong>the</strong> 1 1 ⁄2-milelayout <strong>with</strong> a speed of 191.959to start up front for <strong>the</strong> Bank ofAmerica 500 on Saturday night.Kenseth was a tick slower at191.918 mph while Edwardswas next at 191.870 mph.It was Stewart’s first pole inmore than year since Pocono inAugust of 2010.OXFORD, Miss. —Mississippi will face No. 2Alabama <strong>with</strong>out four offensiveplayers, including startingrunning back BrandonBolden and center A.J.Hawkins.Following Thursday’s practice,Ole Miss coach HoustonNutt said Bolden, Hawkins,wide receiver/return specialistPhilander Mooreand offensive guard AlexWashington were suspendedone game for “breakingteam rules.”KATHY KMONICEK/The Associated PressTampa Bay’s Marc-Andre Bergeron, right, celebrates <strong>with</strong> teammatesMartin St. Louis, rear left, Steven Stamkos (91) and BrunoGervais, second from right, after Stamkos scored during <strong>the</strong> firstperiod Thursday against <strong>the</strong> New York Islanders in Uniondale, N.Y.UNIONDALE, N.Y. — JohnTavares had two goals and twoassists in <strong>the</strong> first period and NewYork ruined former Islandersgoalie Dwayne Roloson’s return toLong Island, routing Tampa Bay,5-1.Matt Moulson and P.A.Parenteau also had first-periodgoals. Michael Grabner scoredin <strong>the</strong> second period for NewYork, ending Roloson’s nightin goal. Al Montoya made 34saves for <strong>the</strong> Islanders, allowingonly Steven Stamkos’s firstperiodgoal.PONTIAC, Mich. —University of Michigan“Fab Five” member andex-Toronto Raptors playerJimmy King is heading totrial in a child support case.King waived his preliminaryhearing Thursday.King has said he’s working<strong>with</strong> authorities to resolve<strong>the</strong> child support claim afterbeing arrested in August.The state says he failed topay $17,000. King’s attorneyssay he has paid $60,000 insupport.It was a clean sweep for <strong>the</strong> CoralShores swim teams this year in <strong>the</strong>Monroe County Championship atFounder’s Park in Tavernier.The Canes took first place in everyevent, except for <strong>the</strong> boys’ and girls’100-yard breaststroke events, bothwon by <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> swimmers for <strong>the</strong>ironly firsts in <strong>the</strong> Wednesday afternoonmeet.The Coral Shores girls’ squad led<strong>the</strong> way <strong>with</strong> 245 points; <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> wassecond scoring 196 and Marathonthird at 130.The Hurricanes’ boys’ squad wasupended by <strong>the</strong> Conchs boys’ squadat a <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> meet last month, butnot this time. Coral Shores cruised toa score of 254, <strong>the</strong> Conchs were secondat 218, Marathon was third <strong>with</strong>78 points and new to <strong>the</strong> swimmingvenue, Island Christian’s boys’ teamscored 14 points.Coral Shores’ freshman KelseaVolland swam to firsts in <strong>the</strong> 200-yard freestyle and 100-yard butterflyand was a member of <strong>the</strong> firstplace 200-yard freestyle relay team.Sophomore Mikayla Cuppett tookDespite <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Highgolf team’s regular-seasonfinale being scrubbed in <strong>the</strong>final two holes due to inclementwea<strong>the</strong>r, coach GeorgeTwyman said he saw enoughout of his players to think that<strong>the</strong>y are ready to make a runinto <strong>the</strong> postseason.“It was a good match forus,” said Twyman in a phoneinterview. “It was a good wayto start <strong>the</strong> week and hopefullywe can keep it going into nextweek and our districts.”<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> was taking onGulliver Prep at <strong>the</strong> DeeringBay Golf Club in <strong>the</strong> finale,and Twyman said he believes<strong>the</strong> match was tied when <strong>the</strong>action came to a halt due torain, which he said was a goodsign against one <strong>the</strong> district’sbetter teams.“We hung <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, whichagainst <strong>the</strong> team that’s supposedto win districts showswe are doing well,” saidTwyman. “The kids are allstarting to come around andplaying well in <strong>the</strong>ir own ways.Everybody has been improvinglittle by little, which shouldfirst in <strong>the</strong> 200-yard IndividualMedley and second in <strong>the</strong> 100 flybehind Volland, senior and oldersister Taelor Cuppett grabbed firstplace in <strong>the</strong> 100-yard backstrokeand was a member of <strong>the</strong> first place200 and 400-yard freestyle relayalong <strong>with</strong> Volland, Sarah Blackwelland Ka<strong>the</strong>rine Hamer. Senior RaisaSantiesteban outswam her competitorsin <strong>the</strong> sprints taking firsts in <strong>the</strong>50 and 100-yard freestyle events andsenior captain Katie Fry was first in<strong>the</strong> 500 free and second in <strong>the</strong> 100-yard breaststroke.The Coral Shores boys’ squad wasled by junior Luis Santiesteban whoout-stroked his competition in <strong>the</strong>200 IM topping teammate DavisZekthi by 29 seconds, <strong>the</strong> 100 freeand Santiesteban was a memberof <strong>the</strong> 200-yard medley relay along<strong>with</strong> teammates A.J. Hamer, GarrettMunshower and Zekthi. Hamernailed first place finishes in <strong>the</strong> 50free and 100-yard butterfly, Zekthinailed first in <strong>the</strong> 500 freestyle beatinghis nearest opponent by over aminute and he topped <strong>the</strong> crowd in<strong>the</strong> 200 free and Luke Miller added afirst to Coral Shores in <strong>the</strong> good enough to finish firstor second in districts so we canmove onto regionals.”The Conchs, along <strong>with</strong>Marathon High, will competein Monday’s District 25-1AChampionship at <strong>the</strong> BiltmoreGolf Course. <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> willtravel <strong>with</strong> sophomore EvanDeRoche, senior Joseph Arazi,senior A.J. Davila, senior NickPatrocky and freshman TrevorPike making <strong>the</strong> top five. Thetop two teams and <strong>the</strong> threebest individual qualifiersnot on a top-two team willadvance to regionals. In additionto Gulliver, Twyman saidhe expects Ransom Evergladesand Palmer Trinity to fight forone of <strong>the</strong> top-two spots, bu<strong>the</strong> said he believes his playersshould be able to advance.“I don’t want to count ourchickens before <strong>the</strong>y hatch, butwe should make it to regionaland anything can happenfrom <strong>the</strong>re,” said Twyman. “Itcould go ei<strong>the</strong>r way, but I want<strong>the</strong> whole team to go on so<strong>the</strong>y can experience <strong>the</strong> tournamentpressure. But we justhave to play one tournamentPREP SWIMMING: MONROE COUNTY MEETCoral Shores dominates<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Marathon, ICSBY RON CO<strong>OK</strong>ECitizen Staff WriterPREP GOLFConchs end season,focus on districtsPREP VOLLEYVALLFor <strong>the</strong> Conchs, senior captainDora DeMaria broke an 11-yearold school record in <strong>the</strong> 100-yardbreaststroke held by Liza Davia whograduated in 2002. DeMaria hadan amazing race, swimming to firstin 1:13.20, topping Davia’s recordof 1:13.82. DeMaria, juniors AliceTallmadge and Michelle Konik andsophomore Jaden Olsen took secondin <strong>the</strong> 200 medley relay.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> rising sophomore DerrickAllen continued to improve in <strong>the</strong>50 freestyle, taking second, <strong>the</strong> relayteam of A.J. Hally, Trevor Helms, ChrisBujak and Allen were four secondsbehind Coral Shores in <strong>the</strong> 200 freestylerelay, Vincent Wassylenko swamto second place in <strong>the</strong> 100 back andAllen and Wassylenko, Helms andHally took second in <strong>the</strong> 400 yardfreestyle relay.“A.J. and Dora had great winsin <strong>the</strong> 100 breast,” said <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>coach Lori Bosco. “It was a greatmeet and brought <strong>the</strong> best in ourswimmers who had many personalbests.”The Conchs were <strong>with</strong>out severalmembers of <strong>the</strong> team who had ano<strong>the</strong>rschool-related activity. Bosco saidsome of <strong>the</strong> younger swimmers gotJ.W. CO<strong>OK</strong>E/The Citizen<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>’s Evan DeRoche, left,and Trevor Pike, right, walk <strong>the</strong>ninth hole at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> GolfClub last Friday. On Thursday,DeRoche was 1-over when <strong>the</strong>match against Gulliver Prep wascalled due to a time and turn it on whenwe need to.”Despite a slow start to <strong>the</strong> season,Twyman has continued tostress that <strong>the</strong> regular season isonly preparation for <strong>the</strong> postseasonand he added that he thinkshis players might be starting topeak at <strong>the</strong> right moment.“We had a good season thisyear,” said Twyman. “There werelittle ups and downs, we wona bunch of our tournaments. Ijust hope <strong>the</strong> boys have somefun <strong>the</strong> next few weeks and getsome good experiences.”jwcooke@keysnews.comMarathon sweeps past <strong>West</strong>woodCITIZEN STAFFMARATHON — Just a dayafter falling at home to GreaterMiami Academy, <strong>the</strong> MarathonHigh volleyball team bouncedback quickly <strong>with</strong> a sweepThursday night over visiting<strong>West</strong>wood Christian.The Dolphins won, 25-19,25-23 and 25-18, to run <strong>the</strong>irrecord to 10-14 heading into<strong>the</strong> final week of <strong>the</strong> regularseason.Sydney Konrath had 19 servicepoints and eight kills tolead <strong>the</strong> way for Marathon,while Samantha Rodamer finished<strong>with</strong> 13 service pointsand Taylor Konrath <strong>with</strong> sevenservice points and seven kills.ConchsContinued from page 1Bhave to keep focusing on <strong>the</strong>future. Right now, American isin our way of accomplishingour goal that we always have towin more than we lose. Jacksonis behind us.”Donald Roberts, who passedfor 74 yards and rushed for 67against Jackson, will be backunder center tonight for <strong>the</strong>Conchs, who had trouble <strong>moving</strong><strong>the</strong> ball against a stoutGenerals defense. From wha<strong>the</strong>’s seen on film, Hughes saidthat American (2-3) will providejust as strong of a test forhis offensive unit.“They’re just as good asMarathonContinued from page 1BJacobsonContinued from page 1Bthink that helps on <strong>the</strong> field. And<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r thing is I want<strong>the</strong>m to be excited about footballand to be where <strong>the</strong> team is oncampus and everyone is pullingin <strong>the</strong> same direction.”That extends beyond just<strong>the</strong> football facilities, he noted.“When somebody inventsRON CO<strong>OK</strong>E/The Citizen<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>’s Dora DeMaria swims to a first-place finish in 100-yard breaststroke in<strong>the</strong> season opener against Marathon at <strong>the</strong> end of August. The senior broke <strong>the</strong>school record in <strong>the</strong> event Wednesday afternoon at <strong>the</strong> County Meet.a chance to compete in some bigevents.“The ones that went stepped upand tried new events,” Bosco proudlysaid. “They came toge<strong>the</strong>r as a teamto race.”Marathon’s Malorie Woodburytook second place in <strong>the</strong> 50 and 100yard freestyle and was a memberof <strong>the</strong> 200-yard freestyle relay along<strong>with</strong> Markie Sandusky, Kyra Simicic-Swanton and Abi Conell. Simicic-Swanton took second in <strong>the</strong> 200 yardfree and Sandusky was second in <strong>the</strong>100 44.6 points per contest, while allowingonly 12.6. Chaminade has already blankedRansom Everglades, 34-0, and bested<strong>West</strong>minster Christian, 41-25, this season,<strong>the</strong> two teams that beat Marathon over <strong>the</strong>past two weeks.“They can power <strong>the</strong> football at you on <strong>the</strong>ground or <strong>the</strong>y can put it up in <strong>the</strong> air,” Martinsaid about Chaminade. “They do both verywell.”Jackson on defense,” he said of<strong>the</strong> Patriots, who are coming offa 13-6 win over Miami Beach.“They’ve got three big studs in<strong>the</strong> middle that can put a lot ofpressure on <strong>the</strong> quarterback. Ihope we can stop <strong>the</strong>m.”Defensively, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> willmove linebacker St. PierreAnilus to Val’s former positionat defensive end. It won’t becompletely new territory forAnilus, who filled in for an ill Valin <strong>the</strong> Conchs’ 40-28 win overNorth Miami Beach on Sept. 9and finished <strong>with</strong> a team-high11 tackles and three sacks.“Val’s a great defensiveplayer,” Hughes said. “We beatNorth Miami Beach <strong>with</strong>outhim, though, so that provesit’s not an individual sport, it’sa team sport. When we’re allsomething or a faculty memberwrites something compellingand it’s celebrated byeverybody, <strong>the</strong>n you’re part ofsomething that’s bigger thanjust football,” he said.No matter what <strong>the</strong> futureholds, Leach said he willalways remain a member of<strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s community. He madeseveral trips to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> duringhis 10-year tenure <strong>with</strong><strong>the</strong> Red Raiders before <strong>moving</strong>here <strong>with</strong> his family in“I think we’re doing better thanexpected, said Marathon coach SarahMaschal. “Malorie broke <strong>the</strong> schoolrecord in <strong>the</strong> 100-yard freestyle andAaron Grube broke his own schoolrecord in <strong>the</strong> 200-free. Plus, we hadhad kids qualify for <strong>the</strong> Orlando meetlast weekend which is a first in <strong>the</strong> pastfive years. They continually improve<strong>with</strong> every meet.”Island Christian’s Raul Cisnerosswam to a second place finish in <strong>the</strong>200-yard freestyle. The freshmanclocked a 2:00.94.rcooke@keysnews.comworking toge<strong>the</strong>r, our chancesare much greater to win.We’re going to miss him, butSt. Pierre has done a great jobat defensive end. We’ll see whathappens.”Tonight’s game againstAmerican and next week’s gameagainst Hialeah-Miami Lakeswill provide <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>with</strong> twochances to prepare for its allimportantdistrict finale onNov. 4 against Miami Norland.The Conchs will need to winthat game over <strong>the</strong> Vikings, <strong>the</strong>No. 2-ranked 5A team in <strong>the</strong>state, to have any shot at <strong>the</strong>postseason.“We need a win to get back ontrack,” Hughes said. “We want tojust take it one game at a time,but right now we need a win.”wjacobson@keysnews.comWith ano<strong>the</strong>r district powerhouse on <strong>the</strong>schedule tonight in a must-win game, Marathon’spostseason hopes ride on what would be anupset victory, but one <strong>the</strong> Marathon coach saidhe thinks will be a good building block for <strong>the</strong>future.“They are very well-coached and it’s going tobe difficult,” said Martin. “We just hope we canmake <strong>the</strong>m work for it, because <strong>the</strong>y are goingto be one of <strong>the</strong> teams coming out of <strong>the</strong> southfighting for a state championship. Hopefullywe can just come out of it healthy and move on<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> season.”jwcooke@keysnews.comearly 2010. He said that won’tchange if and when he returnsto coaching.“It’s a blast,” he said of livingin <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s. “I’ll always be herein some form or fashion. I’llnever leave here full-time.”Assistant Sports Editor WillisJacobson’s Gettin’ <strong>the</strong> ‘W’ columnappears exclusively each Fridayin The Citizen. He can be reachedat 305-292-7777, Ext. 223, or

4BTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011SPORTSYOUTH FOOTBALLPortal crowns new Queen Faith BleilRON CO<strong>OK</strong>E/The CitizenFaith Bleil and escort Peter Ortiz, center, are surrounded by <strong>the</strong> Junior Football League Homecoming Court Saturday evening. From left: Eli Williams and Jennifer Darce; Hunter Sellers and Sara Semran; Ortiz andBleil; Yandy Rocamora and Rachyl Williams; Patrick Edwards and Tori Perez.COMPILED BY RON CO<strong>OK</strong>ECitizen Staff WriterKEY WEST — Inclement wea<strong>the</strong>rhalted Junior Football League gamesmidday Saturday, but it could notdampen <strong>the</strong> Homecoming festivitiesSaturday evening.Thunderstorms that swept <strong>the</strong>Lower <strong>Key</strong>s on Saturday forced <strong>the</strong>league to get <strong>the</strong> kids and fans off <strong>the</strong>field for <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> day, but <strong>the</strong>clouds parted around 5:30 and <strong>the</strong>soiree was on for sure.The Jammers Dance Team got <strong>the</strong>crowd rocking as <strong>the</strong> teams of cheerleaderssurrounded <strong>the</strong> queen andher court.By vote of her peers, Faith Bleil wascrowned Homecoming Queen by formerout-going queen Maria Portal atGeorge Mira Field.The Homecoming Court was madeup of Bleil and escort Peter Ortiz,Jennifer Darce <strong>with</strong> Eli Williams; SaraSemran <strong>with</strong> Hunter Sellers as herescort; Rachyl Williams and YandyRocamora as her escort and Tori Perez<strong>with</strong> Patrick Edwards at her side.Meanwhile, <strong>the</strong>re was some greatfootball action last week in three of<strong>the</strong> four divisions.B DIVISIONBRONCOS 38, ROTARY STEELERS 26Alvin Howard rambled for six touchdowns,three when <strong>the</strong> Broncos needed <strong>the</strong>m most,to power <strong>the</strong> ponies to a 38-26 win over <strong>the</strong>Rotary Steelers last week in B Division actionK E YW E S T— Down arun goinginto <strong>the</strong>bottom of <strong>the</strong>fifth, La Concharallied for nineto tower overFury’s tallmasts — andsoftball team— 15-9 lastweek in <strong>the</strong>Tuesday nightedition of <strong>the</strong><strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> CoedSoftball League.Clinton Storrelevated LaConcha, going4-for-4 <strong>with</strong> apair of triples,Keia Hughesripped a twobasehit andtwo base hits,Scott Greenlawbashed a pairof doubles,DannyRose,DeidraRogersa n dCindyTomiaAlvin Howard rolls to 6 touchdowns as Broncos edge SteelersRON CO<strong>OK</strong>E/The CitizenThree-year-old James Osborne carries<strong>the</strong> queen’s flowers Saturday eveningfor <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Junior Football LeagueHomecoming ceremony.of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Junior Football League.Howard returned <strong>the</strong> opening kickoff for atouchdown and was good on <strong>the</strong> extra point.Before <strong>the</strong> first quarter was over, he scoredsix more points for <strong>the</strong> Broncos to go up13-0.The Steelers responded back <strong>with</strong> 14unanswered points and a one-digit advantage.Kolby Keleher ran for six and he foundJesse Garcia open for a scoring pass. Keleheradded <strong>the</strong> two-pointer.Before <strong>the</strong> break, Howard roared back to<strong>the</strong> end zone on his second kickoff return TD,much to <strong>the</strong> Steelers’ chagrin.In <strong>the</strong> second half, Patrick Spencer put <strong>the</strong>Steelers back on top <strong>with</strong> six on his sticksand he started off <strong>the</strong> fourth quarter <strong>with</strong> hissecond of <strong>the</strong> game and a 26-19 lead.Down six points early in <strong>the</strong> fourth quarter,Howard got <strong>the</strong> Ponies <strong>with</strong>in one point at26-25 on a 45-yard touchdown run and hefollowed that up <strong>with</strong> a TD pass to OdeltonPage for <strong>the</strong> lead. Howard ran in <strong>the</strong> extrapoint for a 32-26 advantage. The Broncosput an exclamation point on <strong>the</strong> win <strong>with</strong>Howard’s final scoring run to end <strong>the</strong> fourth.COED SOFTBALL9-run rally carries La ConchaBY RON CO<strong>OK</strong>ECitizen Staff WriterBobcatMa<strong>the</strong>wsdeliversa high, hardonesliced two hits apiece as Will Worthingtonwalloped a double and BrandonDruckenmiller singled.Once again, Jenna Moeller led Fury<strong>with</strong> a double to highlight her 4-for-4 performance, Brenna Millard, KyleHeller and Laura Garcia each slugged atwo-bagger and singled, Rick Carbaughdoubled and Jamie Barbee and BrookeHeller each gapped a base hit.KEY WEST HAMMOCK 7,SHANNA KEY VAGABONDS 3Bridget Woods drove in four runs on a pair of twobasehits and a base hit and Nick Hogen thumpeda three-bagger and singled twice, pacingHammock. Angie Robb and Tyler Shull eachdoubled and whacked a base hit, BrandiOrtiz stitched up two singles as VeronicaBrown, Jose Santiago and Thomas Haascontributed one single each.Vincent Kukal was 3-for-3, leadingShanna <strong>Key</strong>. Holly Shea and Laura Garcia eachslammed a double and singled and Michelle Citon, KeiaHughes, Julia Gonzalez, Judy Tomita and Eddie Griffithsall hit safely.DONS’ PLACE 21, STICK & STEIN 13Amber Davis was 6-for-6 and Clinton Storr5-for-5 <strong>with</strong> two doubles for Dons’ Place. LauraGarcia slugged a shot into Virginia Street, doubledtwice and roped a base hit, all <strong>the</strong> while platingfour runs, Jon Honza smacked four singles,Dave Campos legged out an inside-<strong>the</strong>-parkhome run — in his saddle oxford cleats — andchipped a pair of base hits, Bob Prosser tripledand singled, Chelsea Storr and Sandra Gun<strong>the</strong>rdrilled two hits apiece and Art Singley and GeorgeMensah both racked up a two-base hit.For Stick & Stein, Brian Barrios hit for <strong>the</strong> cycle,going 4-for-4, Ginny Matea (double) and Robert Randaleach cracked three hits, Marlon Manresa tripled andhammered a base hit, Maritza Lamberson and MelissaPietruszka each singled twice and Stick Harper andEddie Herrera both landed a base hit.rcooke@keysnews.comRON CO<strong>OK</strong>E/The CitizenEmily Lynn Cassis, a third grader atSugarloaf Elementary, carries <strong>the</strong> crownSaturday night at George Mira Field.FLAG DIVISIONMURRAY’S MARKET GOLDEN KNIGHTS 27,RYAN BAIL BONDS HURRICANES 26The Knights’ Andrew Fernandez scrambledfor three touchdowns, a two-point conversionand extra point, igniting <strong>the</strong> Golden Knightsoffense.Fernandez put his team on top <strong>with</strong> six on<strong>the</strong> ground and <strong>the</strong> Canes countered on a TDrun by Alex Rodriguez. Before <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>first quarter, Jack Haggard took <strong>the</strong> ball into<strong>the</strong> end zone and Fernandez was good on<strong>the</strong> two-pointer and 14-6 advantage.Rodriguez started <strong>the</strong> second quarter <strong>with</strong>six more in <strong>the</strong> books and Cameron Watsonwas good for <strong>the</strong> extra point to pull <strong>with</strong>in apoint. Once again, <strong>the</strong> Knights came back,this time on <strong>the</strong> legs of Bronson Croushore<strong>with</strong> Fernandez tacking on <strong>the</strong> extra pointand a 21-13 advantage.In <strong>the</strong> third quarter, Watson got <strong>the</strong> Canes<strong>with</strong>in a pair of points so Dominic Stiglitzhelped put <strong>the</strong>m over <strong>the</strong> top on a touch-RON CO<strong>OK</strong>E/The CitizenElecia Barnett holds <strong>the</strong> queen’s robeSaturday evening.down run and extra point, grabbing a 26-21lead over <strong>the</strong> Knights — who were not to bedenied. Fernandez scored his final TD to ice<strong>the</strong> game.M&C ELECTRIC SEMINOLES 34,SUMMERLAND DENTAL RATTLERS 6Aiden Vernetti rambled for a trio of touchdownsand Nathan Barroso ran in a pair andconverted a two-point conversion attempt onhis second TD to lead <strong>the</strong> very talented Nolesin <strong>the</strong> rout.Barroso picked up both of his touchdownsin <strong>the</strong> first quarter and Vernetti scored in <strong>the</strong>second, third and fourth quarters. PrestonHerce added <strong>the</strong> extra point on Vernetti’s firstTD and Chris Saunders ran it in for Vernetti’sfinal.The Rattlers finally got on board in <strong>the</strong>fourth quarter on an Eagan Cunningham TDrun to avoid being blanked.RYAN BAIL BONDS HURRICANES 19,KEY WEST KIA GATORS 12Cameron Watson controlled <strong>the</strong> ballgamefor <strong>the</strong> Canes, scoring touchdowns in <strong>the</strong> firstthree quarters, and he tacked on <strong>the</strong> extrapoint after his second TD.Down by six, <strong>the</strong> Gators’ Jeremiah Osborneknotted <strong>the</strong> contest to start <strong>the</strong> secondquarter, but <strong>the</strong> Hurricanes quickly breezedto a 19-6 lead before <strong>the</strong> Gators could scoreagain. Osborne found Demetrius Maynardopen for six in <strong>the</strong> fourth to pull <strong>with</strong>inseven, but that was all <strong>the</strong>ir offense couldassemble.C DIVISIONKEY WEST FIRE FIGHTERS RAIDERS 13,PAL REDSKINS 0After a scoreless first half, <strong>the</strong> Raidersgave notice <strong>the</strong>y were going to take over <strong>the</strong>game. Brandon Campos cracked <strong>the</strong> goal line<strong>with</strong> six followed up by Shiloh Addo-Nobles’scoring run for a 12-0 advantage. Campostacked on <strong>the</strong> final point.From <strong>the</strong>re, <strong>the</strong> defenses took over againfor <strong>the</strong> duration of <strong>the</strong> fourth quarter.CAPTAIN HO<strong>OK</strong>S DIVE SHOP EAGLES 18,PAL REDSKINS 0The Eagles’ Brandon Roney rushed for afirst quarter touchdown and teammate L.J.Wiley made it 12-0 at <strong>the</strong> half.In <strong>the</strong> third quarter, Roney connected <strong>with</strong>Quinn Richardson on a TD pass.PEPSI COWBOYS 30,TOTAL TEMP. CONTROL DOLPHINS 0Miguel Menendez rallied <strong>the</strong> Cowboys,scoring on touchdown runs of 8, 18 and 50yards and <strong>the</strong> defense held <strong>the</strong> Fins off <strong>the</strong>scoreboard.Menendez scored first on <strong>the</strong> 8-yard runfor <strong>the</strong> cowpokes and Trevon Brown took it26 yards for six more to end <strong>the</strong> first quarter.Garrett Hughes took off for a 32-yardscramble into <strong>the</strong> end zone to end <strong>the</strong> half at18-0. Menendez took it to 24-0 on his 18-yard gallop, but saved <strong>the</strong> best for last, outrunning<strong>the</strong> Dolphins’ D on <strong>the</strong> 50-yard run.rcooke@keysnews.comDeadline isTuesday,October 25at 3pmSupport <strong>the</strong> Citizen sHalloween Safety Tips page<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> name of yourbusiness as a sponsor.The tips will be safety ideas for Trick or Treating,followed by your business name (& logo if you choose).Tips are $40 each plus $10 to include your logo.The tips will be published in <strong>the</strong> classified section of <strong>the</strong>Citizen from October 27 to October 31.Call 292-7777 ext. 3 oremail: classifieds@keysnews.comto place your Halloween Safety Tips today!321530HA

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED1CHOROSCOPES for todayFRIDAY, OCT. 14, 2011Both a little bit of chance and alot of Lady Luck are likely to playprominent roles in your personalaffairs during coming months.Although both factors will makeyour life easier, one particulareventwillbeespeciallyoutstanding.LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Don’t waste your time dealing<strong>with</strong> a subordinate instead of <strong>the</strong>head honcho, because you mustknow you’re not going to get anywhere.Go directly to <strong>the</strong> head of<strong>the</strong> class.SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)-- Once you have thought animportant decision through, actin accordance <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> way youhave reasoned things out. Don’tyield to an impulsive reaction.SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.21) -- An imaginative productof your ingenuity may actuallyhave profitable possibilities. Ifyou follow your plans, you havea chance for good results.CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) -- Two separate situations inwhichyou’reinvolvedmighthavea chance of fusing toge<strong>the</strong>r verynicely. It’ll be to your advantageto tie <strong>the</strong>m toge<strong>the</strong>r to see whatyou can do.AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)-- Both your instincts and logicwill be operating at full force, sosee if you can link <strong>the</strong>m toge<strong>the</strong>rin order to more greatly enhanceyour possibilities for success.PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- There is a strong possibility thata chance remark made by someonewhoworksinaplacewherebig things are happening will putyou onto something substantial.Keep your ears open.ARIES (March 21-April 19)-- If you’re doing reasonably well<strong>with</strong> your work and seem to beon a roll, don’t be too eager tocall it a day. Get things donewhile everything is going yourway.TAURUS (April 20-May 20)-- Don’t count your social involvementsas wasted hours.You needsome interaction <strong>with</strong> fun peopleas a break from <strong>the</strong> harshnessof <strong>the</strong> working world. Make timefor <strong>the</strong>m, because <strong>the</strong>y’ll lift yourspirits.GEMINI (May 21-June 20) --Play it cool for best results. Don’tdisclose <strong>the</strong> hand you’re holdinguntil your counterpart reveals hisor hers. Chances are you’ll be<strong>the</strong>onewhoisholdingatrump.CANCER (June 21-July 22)-- It might fall to you to mediatea sticky situation betweentwo close friends. Don’t back offfrom this unwanted responsibilityif you know you can resolvethings.LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Don’tdelay going after an importantobjective if you believe <strong>the</strong> favorableconditions you’re now experiencingmay only be temporary.Strike while <strong>the</strong> iron is smoking.VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Ifyou think you have a solution thatwould resolve a misunderstandingbetween two close friends,speak up. It’s important you do sowhile both parties are in a forgivingmood.BRIDGE TIPSOne side is luckierthan <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rBy Phillip AlderArmand Hammer said,“When I work 14 hours aday, seven days a week, I getlucky.”At <strong>the</strong> bridge table, <strong>the</strong>better you play, <strong>the</strong> luckieryou will be. In this deal,though, both sides can playperfectly, but only one willbe lucky.How should <strong>the</strong> play proceedin four hearts after <strong>West</strong>leads <strong>the</strong> spade king?When one spade waspassed around to South, hewould have bid three heartsif his suit had been stronger.Remember, if <strong>the</strong> dealeropens <strong>the</strong> bidding and twopasses follow, a jump overcallby fourth hand is intermediate,not weak. It showsa good six-card suit and 14to 16 high-card points.<strong>West</strong> leads <strong>the</strong> spade king,East overtaking <strong>with</strong> his aceand returning <strong>the</strong> eight. Let’sassume that <strong>West</strong> wins <strong>the</strong>trick, cashes his club ace andplays ano<strong>the</strong>r club.After winning this trick,declarer has to play <strong>the</strong> heartsuit <strong>with</strong>out loss. The keyis East’s pass over his partner’sopening bid. East hasalready shown up <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>spade ace. If he had <strong>the</strong> heartking as well, he would havehad seven points and madea response. <strong>West</strong> must have<strong>the</strong> heart king. South casheshis heart ace, realizing tha<strong>the</strong> has played well and waslucky when <strong>the</strong> king drops.Declarer draws East’s lasttrump and claims.How should <strong>West</strong> defend?Since a competent Southwill know that <strong>West</strong> has <strong>the</strong>heart king, he should lead<strong>the</strong> spade four at trick three,hoping East can ruff <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>heart eight. If <strong>West</strong> is thatlucky, South would have tooverruff <strong>with</strong> his ace andgain <strong>West</strong> a trump trick.Restaurant Managerof Hot Tin RoofCome join <strong>the</strong> bestManagement Team in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>!Apply in person at Zero Duval. 321709Fine Dining BartenderMassage TherapistNail TechnicianGeneral MaintenancePT/PM WeekendsGreat pay and benefits.KW’s friendliest staff and working environment.Apply in person at Zero Duval. 321711220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS** ATTENTION **OLD TOWN TROLLEYTOURS OF KEY WESTIs hiring Conductors. Doyou like to entertain people<strong>with</strong> historic storieswhile driving through picturesque<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>? Wewill pay you while trainingand pay $13.00 per hourplus tips when certified.Full-time work. Fullbenefit package available.For more informationcall 296-6688 or faxyour resume to 305-292-8939 or email us at:keyott@historictours.comEOE & Drug FreeWorkplaceBoy’s and Girl’s ClubPart-time after school<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Activity Coordinatorswork directly<strong>with</strong> club members.Previous applicantsneed not apply.Call 305-296-2258for more information.CLERK/CASHIERSunday-Tuesday2:45pm-midnight. Possibleadditional hours Recentcash handling experiencerequired. Must beable to pass extensivebackground check. Applyin person Capt Jim’sCitgo 3700 N. Rooseveltnext to McDonalds.CROWNE PLAZA<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> - La ConchaCURRENTOPPORTUNITIES*Food & BeverageDirectorMust be able to work aflexible schedule. Musthave current, strong, stable,verifiable 3+ years offood and beveragemanagement experienceand be able to handlehigh volume.*Restaurant ManagerRequired Experience -2 Years as aRestaurant/AssistantManager in a wellestablished restaurant*Line CookMust have a minimum ofone year experience,must be available for allshifts.**Applicants must haveverifiable referencesand hotel experience inorder to apply**Apply in person at:430 Duval St.M-F, 10am-3pmEOE/M/F/V/DDrug Free WorkplaceCONCH FLYERRESTAURANTNeeds kitchen help. Experiencepreferred. Mustbe able to pass backgroundcheck. Apply inperson KW Airport.220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYSA/C Installer / Duct ManPrevious applicants needNOT Apply. Apply at SubZero, 6003 PeninsularAve. Stock Is. 294-9243Engineering TechnicianThe Florida <strong>Key</strong>s AqueductAuthority is acceptingapplications for anEngineering Technician.The purpose of this positionis to prepare plansand specification drawingsfor construction <strong>project</strong>s,using mechanicaland CADD drafting functionsand utilize and/orupdate GIS and GPSdata. Must be able to assembleand correlatedata, review developers'plans, and advise customersregarding requirementsfor water, wastewater,and reclaimed watermains and extensions.Minimum quals:VoTech degree in DesignEngineering w/min. 3 yrsof design experiencepreferably w/a waterand/or wastewater utility.Must receive <strong>the</strong> CSUS(Red Book) certification<strong>with</strong>in 12 months of hiredate. Valid FL driver's licenserequired.Salary Range:$54,251. - $65,101.Applications due by10/24/11.Applications found ande-mailed orfaxed to: 305-295-2222.EEO/VPE/ADAFlorida <strong>Key</strong>sCommunity CollegeThe Students SuccessCenter Lab Assistant-Math Tutor in <strong>the</strong> College’sStudents SuccessCenter (SSC) is a 30hour per week positionresponsible for tutoringstudents and assisting instructorsin developmentalmath course. An AssociateDegree in Mathrequired or higher, computerskills, a positive,collaborative and cooperativeattitude and attentionto detail are requiredfor this position. Eveningand weekend hours arealso required. CloseDate: Open until filledApplications and informationavailable or call305-809-3118 EOEM/F/D/VFRONT DESKRESERVATION CLERKF/T Incl. Eves andWknds. Computer/Officeexp. req. Monroe CountyRes. w/own transportation.Attractive hourlywage. Health/Vacation.Apply in person. 9am til2pm. Big Pine <strong>Key</strong> FishingLodgeFULL-TIME POSITIONAll shifts at fun excitingRetail store. Offers benefits,paid vacation, hourlyplus commission. ALSOhiring temporary dressingroom help. Pleaseapply in person. 520Front St. Please nophone calls220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYSGALLERY / BOUTIQUE“HANDS ON”Is looking for asophisticated self-starter.Experience andreferences req. PT or FT,flexible hours. Please callEllen at (305)296-7399INSURANCELocal Insurance Agencylooking for a CustomerService Rep. to assist clients.Experienced <strong>with</strong>insurance needed. Licensepreferred. emailresume tochernandez@apins.comKEYS ENERGYSERVICESAccounting andFinancial AnalystThis position is responsiblefor maintaining timelyand accurate accountingrecords and analyses for<strong>the</strong> electric utility and retirementsystem. Qualifiedcandidates mustpossess: a bachelor's degreein finance or accounting;a minimum offour (4) years experiencein ei<strong>the</strong>r an accountingfirm or an accounting department(electric utilityindustry preferred), includingexperience <strong>with</strong>monthly closing cycle,preparation of financialstatements, generalledger reconciliation,fixed assets; knowledgeof GAAP, FERC, GASB,and FASB; computer literate<strong>with</strong> working knowledgeof Microsoft Officeand o<strong>the</strong>r financial software;and have strongorganization and communicationskills. Startingsalary: $58,401 - 73,001.Interested applicants canpick up an applicationand detailed job descriptionat <strong>Key</strong>s Energy Services'Human Resourcesoffice located at 1001James Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,Florida, on our website, orcall 295-1069. Applicationswill be accepted untilposition is filled. KEYSis an Equal OpportunityEmployer. KEYS promotesa Drug-Free Workplace.LOCALFAMILY-OWNEDRESTAURANTWe are looking for acheerful, friendly, Breakfastand Lunch Chef.Must be able to prepareeggs to order. Must haveexperienced in high volume.Must be able tospeak and understandEnglish. Must be creative<strong>with</strong> salad and sandwichdo to our changingmenu. Please apply inperson only:Camille’s Restaurant1202 Simonton StreetLOT ATTENDANTFL Drivers License.Clean cars, bikes &scooters; general maintenance;customer interaction.$350/wknon-smoker.Tropical Rentals,1300 Duval.LOVE RETAIL?Looking for FT & PTSales Associates and aF/T Assistant Manager in<strong>the</strong> Lower <strong>Key</strong>s that arefriendly & responsible.Fax resume to305-453-9604MAINTENANCEENGINEERThe Banyan Resort hasan opening for a wellrounded mechanically inclinedperson. Prior Resortexperience preferred.Paid vacation, &Medical Insurance.Please bring resume andapply at 323 WhiteheadSt.MAINTENANCEPERSONFulltime must have validdrivers license. Excellentbenefits. Apply in personBest <strong>West</strong>ern <strong>Key</strong> Ambassador,3755 S. Roosevelt.EOE.220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYSFT ADMIN ASSISTANTNEEDEDMust have knowledge ofMicrosoft Operating System.Please fax resumeto 305-293-8041.Maintenance EngineerThe Pier House Resort isseeking a FT ExperiencedMaintenance Engineer.Hotel/ Resort,electric and A/C exp. preferred.Driver's lic. & current,strong, stable, verifiableexp. required. EnglishFluency a must. Excellentbenefits package,meal & parking available.EOE, M/F/D/VDrug Free WorkplaceApply: H/R Dept.One Duval St.M - F, 10am-4pmMARKETINGDEVELOPMENTMANAGERThis position will be responsiblefor buildingpositive relationships <strong>with</strong><strong>the</strong> market customers,while also providing qualitycustomer service. Willalso assist <strong>with</strong> vendingand fountain decisionsthat maximize our returninvestment.Responsibilities willinclude, but will not belimited to:1) Call on and build relationships<strong>with</strong> currentcustomers2) Secure new businessfor equipment placementsto generaterevenue3) Develop, managerand execute marketingprograms4) Achieve profit, revenueand volume plansper company goalsMinimum JobQualifications:Prefer individual <strong>with</strong>sales and/or beverage industrybackgroundMust possess sales skillsto effectively negotiateand close salesMust be self-motivatedand able to work <strong>with</strong> or<strong>with</strong>out supervisionMust be extremely organizedand have strongtime management skillsMust be computer literateMust possess a validdrivers license <strong>with</strong> nomore than 2 <strong>moving</strong> violationsMust be able to pass acriminal backgroundcheck and drug screenInterested candidatesmay apply as follows:Send resume to:marlene.claytor@rspepsi.comORApply in person tocomplete an applicationat:Refreshment ServicesPepsi5510 McDonald Ave.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida 33040NO PHONE CALLSPLEASE!!MECHANIC WANTEDLooking for a qualifiedmechanic <strong>with</strong> toolsASE CERTIFIED APLUS! PAY B/O/ECall 305-293-8802MechanicsTired of working flat-rate?Looking for secure income<strong>with</strong> benefits? OldTown Trolley Tours islooking for full-time ASEcertified technicians.Shift will include weekends.Pay commensurate<strong>with</strong> certificationsand experience. Cleandriving record is a must.Full benefit packageavailable for all FT positions,including 401(k),Med, Den, Life, and 2wks vacation. Apply inperson at 122 SimontonSt. or fax resume to292-8939 or email us at:keyott@historictours.comEOE & Drug FreeWorkplace220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYSMedical BillingTrainees Needed!Hospitals, Doctors &Insurance Co. hiring now!No Experience?Local Training & JobPlacement Assistance.HS Diploma or GEDto qualify for Program.1-888-778-0456MONROE COUNTYCLERK OF THECIRCUIT COURTThe Clerk of <strong>the</strong> CircuitFinance Department has<strong>the</strong> following two full-timepositions available. AC-COUNTING SPECIAL-IST III - PROPERTYMANAGER. An AA degreein Fin Accounting,Pub or Bus Admin. or relatedfield is required.ACCOUNTING SPE-CIALIST I - ADMINIS-TRATIVE ASSISTANT.A High School diploma orequivalent is required.For both positions, acomp amt of training,education or exp maysubstitute for a degreeand a working knowledgeof computer word processingand spreadsheetsis required. Apply at <strong>the</strong>Monroe County Courthouse,Clerk of <strong>the</strong> CircuitCourt Payroll Department,500 WhiteheadStreet, DRUG FREEWORKPLACEE.O.E.ANDNAIL TECH WANTEDFor upscale Day Spa/hair/and Tanning Salon.Call Kathy @305-587-1550NAVY EXCHANGEKEY WESTNow Hiring:* HUMAN RESOURCESASSOCIATE* STORE WORKER* BARBER / STYLISTApplicants must passbackground check toqualify. An EEO Employer.To obtain application& review positions -Visit our on “work for us” at<strong>the</strong> bottom of <strong>the</strong> page)Fax CompletedApplication/Resumeto: 305-292-7229NEED RECEPTIONISTFor Medical Office. Temporaryposition. Fax resumeto 305-407-9991.P/T SECURITY GUARDGated community hiringon call Staff for all shiftsimmediately. Mature andresponsible individualsneeded. EOE. Pleasefax resume to305-294-9020.PARADISE PIZZAis looking for a FT PizzaPerson/Manager &Counter Person. CallJames at 518-637-3199PART-TIME NANNYFlexible, fluent English,Big Pine. Amanda395-8541.POSITIONSAVAILABLEatWESTIN KEY WEST,SUNSET KEY,WEATHER STATIONAND BANANA BAY<strong>West</strong>in*Night Audit*Front Desk*Maintenance Engineer*Line Cook+ Previous applicantsneed not apply again.+ Application hours arefrom 9am to 3:30pm.+Can also apply on-lineto:hr@westinkeywestresort.comDrug Free Work Place -An Equal OpportunityEmployerApply in Person245 Front Street,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040Tel: 305-294-4000Fax: 305-292-4348220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYSPT POSITION OPENFor Security Guard in BigCoppitt. 16-24 hours perweek. Please fax resumeto 294-9020.Reservations AgentGalleon Resort is lookingfor a full-time ReservationsAgent to work atthis Gold Crown TimeshareResort. Must becomputer literate, havebasic typing skills andenjoy dealing <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>public via telephone.Weekend/Evening hoursare required. Medical,Dental and Vision insuranceavailable. Apply inperson at 617 FrontStreet. Previous applicantsneed not applyRetail Sales PositionExperienced retail salesperson needed, hourlywage plus commission,apply in person. <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> Hammocks, 719Duval Street.TO VIEW AND APPLYFor open positions <strong>with</strong>Spottswood Companies,Inc. and its affiliates,please visit our website, GALLERIES102 DUVALLooking for2 Experienced SalesPeople willing to workand earn what <strong>the</strong>y areworth. We offer:* health benefits* 401 K* Paid vacation* $500 sign on bonus*Commissions up to 15%* Cash Spiff* AdvancementOpportunitiesCome in and applymornings. Ask for Andy305-294-5240230 HELP WANTEDMIDDLE KEYSNEWSPAPER RACKDELIVERYApplicant MUST be ableto work seven days perweek and early morninghours to apply:*Have valid driver’slicense**Clean driving record**Ability to lift 50lbs**Responsible**Self motivated**Consistent**Problem Solver**Organized**Dependable*Applications available at<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen, 3420Northside Dr.Email resume to:dalfred@keysnews.com305 PetsIMPERIAL SHIH TZUCKC Registered, shots,potty trained. Female$1,000, male $950.305-748-7588BOSTON TERRIERSAKC registered, tiny,shots, and vet exam,micro chip 352-572-7720.CHIHUAHUASStunning colors, vetexam, shots, $250-$500,(305)517-6016315 BicyclesUsed Bike $45. Call393-4850.321 FURNITURELEATHER SECTIONALCOUCH<strong>with</strong> foot rest. Like new,$500. 292-4913,747-2897.321 FURNITUREDining Room Cabinetslight oak, 72" <strong>with</strong> glasstop, 60" <strong>with</strong> marble top,$500 each.305-295-9531325 MiscellaneousRestaurant EquipmentSS tables & sinks, coolers,pots, pans & trays.Also Marine parts.(305)797-2327INVACARE HOSPITALBEDMotorize excellent condition<strong>with</strong> or <strong>with</strong>out mattress.$500 OBO.(305)294-9279.345 AppliancesMaytag Blk Side/Side25cu Refrig. broken icemkr. Google Mod#:MSD2542VEB01specs, 2.5yrs old, $665o/b/o. 923-6559351 ElectronicsDELL D-620 14”LAP TOPDuo Core 2GHZ, 2gigRAM DVD RW, XP ProMS Office 2010. Veryfast Perfect $350.896-2180.15.5” DELL LAPTOPWi-Fi / DVD / CD-RW, 80GBHD, new battery, WinXPP. Open office. $250Call (305)896-2180402 RoommatesGAY MALELarge furnished bedroom,private bath, allutilities, cable/intenet inc.W/D, pool. $1,200/mo.$600 sec. No drugs orpets. 305-304-2421 or305-304-0098lNEW TOWNLg. elegant home, beautifulBR, private bath, extraclosets, pool and A/C.$825/mo. 292-2157***SUPER LUX***Share Large Old Townbrand new 4BR superluxhouse. Suit one person:own queen size bed. Pvtswimming pool. $299/wk.minimum 6-12 mo. lease.305-896-4004404 ROOMSLOWER KEYSROOM FOR RENTFurn. $600 incl utilities.TV, W/D, parking, WIFI,clean, spacious, beautiful305-587-0592,716 DUVAL ST.HEARTBREAK HOTELStay in <strong>the</strong> heart of OldTown. Beautifully furnished,immaculatelyclean, full kitchens, tilebaths, cable TV &cold A/C. Starting at$349/week + taxor 2 nite min@ $99/nite305-296-5558www.heartbreakhotel.orgOld Town studio by wk$210-$260. 1 wk dep. 4wk min. Own entrance,own bath, a/c, cable TV,W/D, WIFI. Sec. cam, Nodrugs, alcohol. Sorry nopets. 305-395-8731416 FURN CONDOSLOWER KEYSOCEAN VIEWLA BRISALarge furnished 1BR,short or long term. Pricebased on time and when.Call 239-821-0236.417 UNFURN.CONDOSLOWER KEYSFurnished/Unfurnished* LA BRISA 2/2 *Tiled, W/D, new kitchen,covered balcony & parking,pool, beach, Jacuzzi,tennis, bbq, much more.305-296-7706keywestrentalco.comSalt Ponds 2/2. Move innow. Sorry no pets.$1,550/mo. F/SLas Salinas 3/2, furn,avail 11/1, Sorry no pets.$1,800/mo. F/L/SThe Taporowski TeamRealty ExecutivesFlorida <strong>Key</strong>s305-292-1922422 FURNISHED APTS.LOWER KEYSSMALL 1 BEDROOMCOTTAGEOld Town, great location.Partially furnished.$1,300 month, F/L/S. CallFrank at 305-304-5253or Preferred Properties305-294-3040.428 UNFURNISHEDAPTS. LOWER KEYSDUPLEX4 A. Cactus Dr. Big Coppitt.2/1 just renovated,central A/C, tile floors,hurricane windows.,large fenced yard, laundryroom <strong>with</strong> W/Dhook-ups, pet friendly, 1year lease $1,400/mo +util. F/L/S 294-1917 or797-2099Apartment For Rent1BR/1BA apt. centralfor A/C, OSP. Very clean.5730 2nd Ave. Stock Island.$1,000 monthly. F/Lmonth and $500 securitydeposit. Call Raymond305-797-1794.434 FURNISHED HOUSESLOWER KEYSCustom 2/2 onCanal mm23 OceansideX large screened porch,60’ dock, custom kitchen,W/D, CAC. $1,950/mo.F/L/S. Could be unfurn.(203)671-7576440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSCUDJOE KEY 23MM5 Bedrooms / 3 bathsOnly $2,400 F/L/SNewly remodeled singlefamily home: 4 bedrooms,2 baths, separate1bedroom/1 bath guestquarters, CBS house,metal roof, tiled mainarea, carpeted bedrooms,ca<strong>the</strong>dral ceilings,ceiling fans, large porch,central air, very largenew chef's kitchen <strong>with</strong>granite counters and newappliances. Frenchdoors, large patio, tropicallandscaping, coveredinside parking <strong>with</strong> garagedoor, enclosed workshop. Distinctive home<strong>with</strong> white stucco cementwall around all of property.Fantastic Boating<strong>with</strong> room to store alarge boat <strong>with</strong> 50 ft concretedock, large heavydavits and a boat ramp,ocean side. Bright, openand airy floor plan but private.If you appreciategreat fishing <strong>with</strong> a greatlocation to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> thishome is for you.CALL: 305-744-3350AT HOME KEY WEST305-296-7975Pictures and moreproperties atwww.athomekeywest.comOLD TOWN2 bedroom, 2 bath apt.One OSP space, CAC,washer/dryer. Petsconsidered. AvailableDecember.$2,000/mo. plus utilities.Spacious 2/1 apt in <strong>the</strong>heart of Old Town. Terrificlocation!Washer/dryer, sharedpool. Pets considered.Available December.$1800/mo plus utilitiesNewly renovatedefficiency w/ separatekitchen; FantasticOld Town location; PetsConsidered; AvailableNovember$1,450/mo plus utilitiesSpacious 2 nd floor 1/1apt. in Historic buildingclose to restaurants& shopping; hardwoodfloors, shared laundry.No pets allowed.Available December.$1,450/mo plus utilitiesAdorable 2/2 Conchhome Pool, French doors,CAC, Washer/dryer,OSP. Pets considered.Available long-term For$2600/mo. plus utilities.Also short-term for$2,900/mo plus utilities

2CANSWER GRID FOR 10/13/2011 CROSSWORDACROSS1 Mobster’spiece4 Gatewayproducts7 Corn Belt st.10 Mineraldeposit11 Granite orquartz13 Burrowinganimal14 Artist’s paint15 Harrow rival16 MythicalKEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDarcher17 High voice19 Not right20 Santa --winds21 Glutensource23 Name inelevators26 Wishgranter28 Pale29 Rover’s doc30 Type ofquestion34 Floodbarrier36 Bounder38 Dazzle39 Deepbreaths41 Batteryword42 Generously44 Militaryaddr.46 Duffel filler47 France-Spain range52 -- spumante53 Aleppomarket54 Puppyplaint55 Balladwriter56 Festive log57 Geologicdivision58 JamesBond’soccupation59 Home tel.60 Cozy roomDOWN1 Blow it2 Diva’smelody3 Break <strong>the</strong>news4 Flufffea<strong>the</strong>rs5 Modesthome6 Laird7 Yellow Sealand8 Up in <strong>the</strong>air9 Treetoprefuge12 Recognized13 Free-for-alls18 Stockholmcarrier22 Went inhaste23 A<strong>the</strong>na’ssymbol24 -- kwon do25 Mdse. bill27 Work <strong>with</strong>acid29 Facial cover31 -- Paulo32 Lea<strong>the</strong>rpunch33 To date35 -- de corps37 Generally (3wds.)40 Kind of cab41 Max --Sydow42 Fableauthor43 Ahoy, --!45 Lap dogs46 Comesunzipped48 “Annie Get-- Gun”49 Scrutinized50 Ireland51 BridgesectionTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011TRASH TALKING CREATES A STINK AFTERWARRING COUPLE RECONCILESDEAR ABBY: When my son “Lyle”told my husband and me that his wife,“Becky,” was leaving him and taking<strong>the</strong>ir kids where he would not be ableto see <strong>the</strong>m, we were shocked. Lyleconsulted an attorney, filed for divorcethat day, and got a restrainingorder to keep Becky fromrunning off <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> kids.We begged <strong>the</strong>m to go tocounseling.Asthingsprogressed,Lyle learned about several ofBecky’s affairs, her drug use andher chronic lying, and told usevery awful, shocking detail. Healso made sure our entire familyknew about his lying, cheating,conniving wife. As talk beganto circulate around our family, myhusbandtoldLyleheknewfrom<strong>the</strong>beginning that all <strong>the</strong> things he hadbeen told about Becky were true.Well, today my son announced tous that he and Becky are back toge<strong>the</strong>r!We are stunned. Abby, please warnpeople who are considering divorceto keep <strong>the</strong>ir mouths shut, becausespreading dirt helps no one and cancause real problems later. Any adviceonhowtodeal<strong>with</strong>thismessnow?--WISH WE WERE NEVER TOLDDEAR WISH: While I’m not adoctor, I am prescribing a healthy doseof collective amnesia for your family.It’s <strong>the</strong> only way you’ll be able to lookBecky in <strong>the</strong> eye. Your son was liningup allies when he trashed her. Whe<strong>the</strong>ror not what he said about her was trueor exaggerated, no one will regard her -- or him -- quite <strong>the</strong> way <strong>the</strong>y did. Whata shame.DEAR ABBY: My mo<strong>the</strong>r-in-law,“Bernice,” hasn’t spoken to me since herson and I were married four years ago.We got along well prior to <strong>the</strong> wedding,but because I didn’t let her make majordecisions in <strong>the</strong> wedding she stoppedspeaking to me. I have done everythingI can to mend our relationship -- sen<strong>the</strong>r letters of apology, birthday gifts,etc. -- still no response.My husband is in <strong>the</strong> middle. Ihave really had it <strong>with</strong> Bernice anddon’t want to try to mend fences <strong>with</strong>her any longer, but my husband is veryclose to his mom and wants meto keep trying. What can I do?Please help. -- DAUGHTER-IN-LAW DILEMMADEAR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW:Your husband isn’t in <strong>the</strong>middle. His mo<strong>the</strong>r has beentrying to push you out in leftfield for four years, and he isunwilling to put his foot downand stop her.If you’re smart, you will take <strong>the</strong>high road and continue <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> giftson special occasions. With luck, she’llcontinue to ignore <strong>the</strong>m and you won’thave to tolerate her. A mo<strong>the</strong>r-in-lawwho carries a grudge and thinks her“suggestions” are ironclad is a bonafide burden. Be glad you don’t haveto suffer her presence, and keep yourfingers crossed.DEAR ABBY: MywifeandIare<strong>the</strong>parents of three young boys -- ages 11,8 and 3. My wife often walks aroundour bedroom and bathroom naked, ortopless<strong>with</strong>lacyunderpants.Ifeelitisinappropriate for her to walk around inthis manner and that she should takecare to cover up, especially in front of<strong>the</strong> older boys. What do you think? --BLUSHING IN SAN JOSE, CALIF.DEAR BLUSHING: Althoughfamilies have different standardsregarding nudity, I think a touch ofmodesty is <strong>the</strong> best policy. If yourwife enjoys being nude or topless in<strong>the</strong> confines of your bedroom andbathroom, she should keep <strong>the</strong> doorshut, and ask that <strong>the</strong> boys knock andask permission before entering.440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSLovely 1/1 <strong>with</strong> loft apartmentIn historic buildingnear White Street. Highceilings, washer/dryer,CAC, shared pool. Cats<strong>OK</strong>. Available November.$1700/mo plus utilities.MID TOWNLovely furnished4/2.5 home. Waterview,Private pool. Coveredparking. Pets consideredAvailable November forLong-term rental @$3500/mo. plus utilities orshort term @ $4000/moplus utilitiesNEW TOWNLarge 1/1 cottage includeswasher/dryer,screened porch. Petsconsidered. $1850/mo.All utilities included.Available November.KEY WEST GOLF CLUB2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bathtownhome. Large decks,hot tub, washer/dryer,CAC. Pets consideredAvailable Now.$1,800/mo plus utilities- - - -OCTOBER 12 − 18, 2011AUTOS WANTED~ All Years ~WE BUYJunk or Used Cars,Vans & TrucksRunning or NotOr Donate for a Tax Write-Off305-332-0483BO<strong>OK</strong>KEEPINGSERVICESCOMPUTERSERVICES• Web Site Design• Hosting & Maintenance• Web Promotion• Web Advertising305-292-1880Go To Guide309245ProfessionalBookkeeping ServicesBring me your paper bag full of receiptsAffordable Alternative to a Full TimeBookkeeperFree Consultation, Pick Up &Delivery (<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> area)325933Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Cross Services, Inc.305-712-0024Sou<strong>the</strong>rncross24@gmail.com3259322 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . .$1401 MONTH . . . . . . . . . .$2002 MONTHS . . . . . . . . .$350440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSSTOCK ISLANDSpacious 3/2 mobilehome. AC units, freshpaint. Washer/dryerhook-up. Pets consideredAvailable October.$1,600/mo. plus utilities.See pictures & moreproperties @www.athomekeywest.comAT HOME INKEY WEST296-7975KW GOLF COURSE2/1.5 townhouse. A/C,W/D, DW, fridge, cableTV, 2 pools, gated community.$1,700 mo. F/S.516-543-2100.LITTLE TORCHWaterfront Pine Channel.Stunning 3,000 + sq.ft.3BR/2.5BA, pool, boatslip, huge patios, garage,no pets, no smoking.$2,700 plus util.305-522-5841.MARINEMARINE DIESELof <strong>the</strong> FLORIDA KEYS INC.Authorized DieselSales & Service, Installation305-292-2300PAINTING &DECORATING272855Kenneth WellsSP 1259& Co.340351~ Four Generations ~Painting • Faux FinishesCrown & Trim(305) 296-6985www.kennethwellspainting.comPRINTINGCommercial Printingon Quality Newsprint☞ Tabloids☞ Booklets☞ Newletters☞ Info Guides☞ Menus☞ Instructional Guides☞ Full PublicationsRandy EricksonCooke Communicationsrerickson@keysnews.com305-292-7777 Ext. 203CALL 292-7777 X3325931Tony’sRoofing & Sheet MetalRC0064676DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS IN THE GO TO GUIDE TODAY!ONE INCH ADTWO INCH AD3 MONTHS . . . . . . . . .$4506 MONTHS . . . . . . . . .$8001 YEAR . . . . . . . . . . .$1500440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSSPACIOUS HOMEOn The Water. 3 bedroom2 bath Home on <strong>the</strong>water $3,000 Utilities included.Private boat liftand dock, on Boca ChicaBay. Background andcredit check apply call305-296-50133BR/2BA<strong>Key</strong> Haven home on canal<strong>with</strong> boat davits.Large carport underhouse, accommodate 4cars, open floors plan,vaulted ceilings, balconyoverlooking <strong>the</strong> water.W/D, central A/C, 1 yearlease. $2,900 mo, F/L/S.294-1917,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> 2/1.5 + den,w/fenced yard, sm petpossible. $1,700/mo.F/L/SBig Coppitt 3/2 + denon boating canal, sm petpossible, $1,600/mo. F/SThe Taporowski TeamRealty ExecutivesFlorida <strong>Key</strong>s305-292-1922440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYS*****AMAZING*****OCEAN VIEWSOnly $1400 every2 weeks K.W. 2br/ 3ba,2,000sq.ft. large luxuriousnew home overlooking<strong>the</strong> ocean. Probably 1of <strong>the</strong> best addresses inKW. Concrete construction3 story house, 2 cargarage, all new S.S.appl,granite counters, pvt. elevator,pool. Min. 6-12mo lease. 305-896-4004.WHY RENT?FREE MONEYUp to $7500 to purchaseBRAND NEW HomeFind out how to get:-Up to $7500.00 in DownPayment Assistance-All Closing Costs Paid-Move in a Home fromNO Money Down to$3500 total cost-Low Payments startingat $1500 per month(+ taxes and insurance)Call Joe Cleghorn at(305) 304-6627PAWN SHOPSSou<strong>the</strong>rnmostPawn ShopWe Pay <strong>the</strong> Most forGold & Silver in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>1508 Bertha St.305-896-67472 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . .$2521 MONTH . . . . . . . . . .$3602 MONTHS . . . . . . . . .$630$10 EXTRA FOR LOGOS ~ MORE CATEGORIES AVAILABLE!325928440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSCOMPASS REALTY305-292-1480Unfurnished HomesGolf Club-PrivateHome-private pool2b/2.5b $2200+utils avail.Oct 17-long termFurnished Homes:Golf Club-Bungalowtownhome 2b/2.5b$2000+utils. AvailableNOW. Short-termGolf Club-Cottage townhome3b/2b $2600+utilsAvailable Nov 1 -Short-termGolf Club-Sanctuary privatehome 3b/2.5b$3200+utils availableNov 1-short term.Call Compass Realtyfor an appt. 292-1480or - - -ROOFINGRS0016738Established 1953Monroe County’s OldestResidential & Commercial296-5932328576DAN ACEROOFING, INC.30 years experienceRESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIALLicensed (RC0034111) & Insured294-2380Daniel Acevedo, Owner3259303 MONTHS . . . . . . . . .$8106 MONTHS . . . . . . . $1,4401 YEAR . . . . . . . . . . $2,700440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSNow Available for Rent4 Bedroom 5 BathroomUnfurnished w/ Dock,Boat Ramp & Pool147 <strong>Key</strong> Haven Rd.$4,000 per month4 Bedroom 3 BathroomUnfurnished Oceanview4 <strong>Key</strong> Cove Landings$3,200 per month2 Bedroom 1 BathroomNewly RenovatedUnfurnished on Canal16 Aquamarine Up$1,500 per month16 Aquamarine Down$1,600 per monthFor More Information orAn Appointment Call<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> VacationProperties & RealtyBecky Cobo305-797-4130All real estate advertisingin thisnewspaper issubject to <strong>the</strong> FederalFair Housing Act of 1968which makes it illegal to advertise“any preference, limitationor discrimination basedon race, color, religion, sex ornational origin, or an intentionto make any such preferencelimitation or discrimination.”This newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertisingfor real estate which is in violationor <strong>the</strong> law. Our readersare hereby informed that alldwellings advertised in thisnewspaper are available on anequal opportunity basis.3280292226 PATTERSON AVE.Upstairs 3BR/2BA, centralA/C, W/D, 1400s.f.Rent $2,200 + $2,000sec dep (1 month rent).Avail now. 305-296-7323.CUDJOE KEY - MM 21Three bedroom, two bathhome <strong>with</strong> screenedporch/storage and coveredparking. The mastersuite encompasses <strong>the</strong>entire second floor.Fenced pool <strong>with</strong> waterfall.Boat dock and storageon site. $2300 permonth. $25 credit reportfee and $250 pet deposit<strong>with</strong> approved pet (1).Available November 1.Email:dsingleton@keysnews.comfor more information orshowing.452 VACATION RENTALSLOWER KEYSPLANNING YOURTRIP TO KEY WEST?Historic Hideaways hasbeen providing customers<strong>with</strong> Vacation Rentalsfor over 20 years. Rent aprivate home or condow/ pool for <strong>the</strong> sameprice as a hotel. Weekly,Monthly or longer.Visit us in person at:1109 Duval Street orwww.HistoricHideaways.comor call at 800-654-5131.Full service propertymanagement.460 COMMERCIALRENTALS925 SQ.FT.COMMERCIAL SPACETorres Plaza Bldg, 56053rd Ave. S.I.$1,182.50mo. ALSO925sq.ft Torres PlazaBldg, 5611 3rd Ave. S.I.$1,182.50/mo. Call305-296-3164305-923-4605.462 Office SpaceKEY WESTBUSINESS CENTER$500-$700/mo.includes all utilities305-296-4087keywestbc@aol.comBusiness IdentityVirtual Office $170/moPROFESSIONALOFFICE SPACEAvail. 1,300 sq. ft.; MUSTSEE; lobby, conf. room,private offices & muchmore; $800/mo. + FLsales tax & utilities.6631 Maloney Ave.,Stock Island; call305-294-5505 X23for more info. Avail. nowOFFICE SPACEVeloso Building MM10.5$900 month.745-1365,305-433-0397464 StorageSTORAGEIndustrial WarehousesSizes vary.Storage ContainersOn our site or yours.Call (305)294-0277502 MOBILE HOMESLOWER KEYSOPPORTUNITY!1976, 2/1 Bay Point,MM15. Nice lot, goodneighborhood. ROGOready. $119,500 <strong>with</strong>owner financing on contractfor deed, 10%down, 5% interest. Get itbefore remodel raises <strong>the</strong>price. 479-981-1764520 HOMESLOWER KEYSFREE MONEYUp to $7500 to purchaseBRAND NEW HomeFind out how to get:-Up to $7500.00 in DownPayment Assistance-All Closing Costs Paid-Move in a Home fromNO Money Down to$3500 total cost-Low Payments startingat $1500 per month(+ taxes and insurance)Call Joe Cleghorn at(305) 304-6627V.A. SPECIALBrand New 3/2Ready to move into!NO Money DownNO Closing CostsPayment of $1675.00per month(Including Taxes andInsurance)Call Joe Cleghorn(305) 304-6627526 BUSINESSOPPORTUNITYBUSINESS FOR SALEFamily owned businesssince 1978 on DuvalStreet. Shades of <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> Specialty SunglassShop located at 335 DuvalStreet <strong>with</strong> major exclusivebrands Oakley,Costa Del Mar, Smith,Bolle, Serengeti andmore. Favorable longterm lease <strong>with</strong> employeeand customer parking.Great location and reputation.Contact Barry305.294.0519526 BUSINESSOPPORTUNITYKEY WEST 79 SEATRESTAURANT/BARHigh traffic location, w/beer & wine license. Forsale @ $615k or rent for$2,800 mo. Owner is a licensedreal estate agent.1500BerthaStreet.comVic Musmanno, P.A.Coldwell Banker Schmitt305-294-0123534 COMMERCIALPROPERTYFlorida<strong>Key</strong>sCommercial.comJUST LEASEDCongratulations toLandlords & newTenants! Both locationsopening soon!Croc's Shoe & RetailStore at 211 Duval St.National Credit Tenant<strong>with</strong> long term lease.Showcase store,over 3,300sf.Tattoos & ScarsSaloon at 512 GreeneSt. Locally owned andoperated <strong>with</strong> long termlease.Lease negotiationsbrokered by:Curtis Skomp, CCIMSr. Commercial AgentColdwell BankerCommercial292.7441- ofc.304.0084- cell15,000 SQ. FT.WAREHOUSE99 Calle Uno. Lease, sellor consider joint venture.Call Ken @ 393-9263.610 Trucks1998 GMC 1 Ton Utilitytruck. Everything workswell. Good A/C. $2,600OBO. 305-684-0886.620 Autos For SaleKEY WEST KIA3424 N. Roosevelt Blvd.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040305-295-8646*Manager Specials*2003 Ford Explorer5 speed, a/c, 76K miles$4,995 $6,9952003 Ford ExplorerAuto, a/c, 76K miles$5,995 $7,9952010 Toyota CorollaAuto, a/c, sunroof,31K miles. REPOTake over payments2009 Kia Optima LXAuto, a/c, 33K miles.3 to choose from$13,995 $15,9952008 Kia SpectraAuto, a/c.$9,995 $11,9952006 Mazda 6Auto, a/c, 55K miles.$9,995 $11,9952010 Kia SoulAuto, a/c,. 33K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2007 Chevy Cobalt LSAuto, a/c.Call for details2011 Kia Sorrento LXAuto, a/c.Call for details

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED3CLEGAL NOTICESCALL FOR BIDSNOTICE OF REQUEST FORQUALIFICATIONSNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TOINTERESTED PERSONS that onNovember 15, 2011 at 3:00 <strong>the</strong> Monroe County PurchasingOffice, <strong>the</strong> Board of CountyCommissioners of Monroe County,Florida, will open sealedresponses for <strong>the</strong> following:DEMOLITION, REMOVAL ANDDISPOSAL OFUNINHABITABLE/UNSAFESTRUCTURES AND DEBRISMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDARFQ-GMD-319-46-2011-PUR/CVRequirements for submission and<strong>the</strong> selection criteria may berequested from DemandStar byOnvia by calling 1-800-711-1712toll-free or by going to <strong>the</strong> Public Record is available at<strong>the</strong> Purchasing Office located atThe Gato Building, 1100 SimontonStreet, Room 1-213, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL33040. All inquiries or requestsshould be directed, in writing, toRonda Norman, Senior Director,Monroe County Code Compliance,2798 Overseas Highway,Marathon, FL 33050 or viafacsimile to (305) 289-2858. Allanswers will be by Addenda.Interested firms or individuals arerequested to indicate <strong>the</strong>ir interestby submitting a total of six (6),two (2) signed originals andfour (4) complete copies, of <strong>the</strong>irStatement of Qualifications in asealed envelope clearly markedon <strong>the</strong> outside, <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>Respondent's name and"Statement of Qualifications forDemolition, Removal andDisposalofUninhabitable/UnsafeStructures and Debris inMonroe County, Florida"addressed to:Monroe CountyPurchasing Office1100 Simonton Street,Room 1-213<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040Phone: (305) 292-4466Fax: (305) 292-4465All Responses must be receivedby <strong>the</strong> County PurchasingOffice before 3:00 P.M. onNovember 15, 2011.AnyResponses received after this dateand time will be automaticallyrejected. Materials may bedelivered by Certified Mail, ReturnReceipt Requested,hand-delivered or couriered.Faxed or e-mailed Responses willbe automatically rejected. Handdelivered Responses may requesta receipt. If sent by mail or bycourier, <strong>the</strong> above-mentionedenvelope shall be enclosed inano<strong>the</strong>r envelope addressed to<strong>the</strong> entity and address statedabove. Responders should beaware that certain "express mail"services will not guaranteespecifictime delivery to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida.It is <strong>the</strong> sole responsibility of eachResponder to ensure its proposalis received in a timely fashion.All submissions must remain validfor a period of one hundred andtwenty (120) days from <strong>the</strong> date of<strong>the</strong> deadline for submission statedabove. The Board willautomatically reject <strong>the</strong> Responseof any person or affiliate whoappears on <strong>the</strong> convicted vendorlist prepared by <strong>the</strong> Department ofManagement Services, State ofFlorida, under Sec. 287.133(3)(d),Florida Statutes. Monroe Countydeclares that all or portions of <strong>the</strong>documents and work papers ando<strong>the</strong>r forms of deliverablespursuant to this request shall besubject to reuse by <strong>the</strong> County.Only those firms or individualssubmitting statements ofqualifications that meet <strong>the</strong>specified requirements will beconsidered regardless of pastcontracts <strong>with</strong> Monroe County oro<strong>the</strong>r agencies.Interested firms or individuals willbe evaluated and selected at apublicly noticed meeting by acommittee composed of <strong>the</strong>Director of Monroe County CodeCompliance, <strong>the</strong> Monroe CountyBuilding Official or designee, one(1) representative of MonroeCounty Solid Waste and one (1)representative of Monroe CountyEngineering. The selection andrecommendation will be presentedto <strong>the</strong> Board of CountyCommissioners for final approval.If no contract can be negotiated<strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> first ranked Responder,<strong>the</strong> Board reserves <strong>the</strong> right tonegotiate <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> next selectedResponder. No binding contract iscreated between any person/firmand <strong>the</strong> County until such time asa contract is approved by <strong>the</strong>County Commission.Monroe County's performance andobligation to pay under thiscontract is contingent upon anannual appropriation by <strong>the</strong> Boardof County Commissioners.The Board reserves <strong>the</strong> right toreject any or all Responses, waiveirregularities, re-issue all or part of<strong>the</strong> Request for Qualifications(RFQ) and not award any contract;separately accept or reject anyitem or items and to award and/ornegotiate a contract in <strong>the</strong> bestinterest of <strong>the</strong> County, all at itsdiscretion and <strong>with</strong>out penalty.Dated at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> this 6th day ofOctober, 2011.Monroe CountyPurchasing DepartmentOctober 14, 2011NOTICE OF FORECLOSUREIN THE CIRCUIT CIVIL COURT,OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIALCIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN ANDFOR MONROE COUNTYCIVIL DIVISIONIN THE COUNTY COURTIN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDANOTICE OF FORECLOSURESALE BY CLERK OF THECIRCUIT COURTNotice is hereby given that <strong>the</strong>undersigned, DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk of <strong>the</strong> CircuitCourt of Monroe County, Florida,will, on <strong>the</strong> 31st day of October,2011, at 11:00 o'clock a.m., at 500Whitehead Street, Monroe County,in <strong>the</strong> City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida,offer for sale and sell at publicoutcry to <strong>the</strong> highest and bestbidder for CASH <strong>the</strong> followingdescribed property situated inMonroe County, Florida, to wit:Unit No. 106 A of BAYSIDECONDOMINIUM AT MILEMARKER 10, a Condominium,according to <strong>the</strong> Declaration ofCondominium <strong>the</strong>reof, recordedin Official Records Book 585 atPage 777 of <strong>the</strong> Public Recordsof Monroe County, Florida; <strong>the</strong>street address of which is: 201Coppitt Road, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida33041.Pursuant to FINAL JUDGMENTOF FORECLOSURE entered in acase pending in said Court, <strong>the</strong>style of which is:BAYSIDE CONDOMINIUMS ATMILE MARKER 10, INC., a Floridanot-for-profit corporation,Plaintiff,vs.Case No.: 2008-CA-000462-MDivision: MCOUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANSSERVICING, L.P.,Plaintiff,vs.STEVEN M. FRAHLICH andHOLLY C. FRAHLICH,MORTGAGE ELECTRONICREGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.,AND UNKNOWNTENANTS/OWNERS,Defendants.NOTICE OF SALENotice is hereby given, pursuant toFinal Judgment of Foreclosure forPlaintiff entered in this cause onSeptember 14. 2011, in <strong>the</strong> CircuitCourt, of Monroe County, Florida, Iwill sell <strong>the</strong> property situated inMonroe County, Florida, describedas:LOT 6, BLOCK G, AMENDEDPLAT MARAMEADESUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT THEREOF, ASRECORDED IN PLAT BO<strong>OK</strong> 3,PAGE 185 OF THE PUBLICRECORDS OF MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA.and commonly known as: 251AND 253 51ST ST. OCEAN,MARATHON, FL 33050; including<strong>the</strong> building, appurtenances, andfixtures located <strong>the</strong>rein, at publicsale, to <strong>the</strong> highest and bestbidder, for cash, Sales are held on<strong>the</strong> front steps of <strong>the</strong> MonroeCounty Courthouse, on November1, 2011 at 11am, at 500Whitehead St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL33040.Any persons claiming an interestin <strong>the</strong> surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any,o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> property owner asof <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> lis pendens mustfile a claim <strong>with</strong>in 60 days after <strong>the</strong>sale.Dated this 15th day of September,2011.Clerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtBy: Tammy MarcielDeputy ClerkEdward B. Pritchard(813) 229-0900 x 1309Kass, Shuler, Solomon,Spector, Foyle & Singer, P.A.P.O. Box 800Tampa, FL 33601-0800286750.084065A/edrOctober 14 & 21, 2011JACK R. BUTE, et.alDefendants.And <strong>the</strong> Docket Number of whichis Number 44-2010-CC-000134-KWITNESS my hand and <strong>the</strong>Official Seal of Said Court, this 7thday of September, 2011.DANNY L. KOLHAGEClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtMonroe County, FloridaBy: Shonta McLeodDeputy ClerkFlorida Statute 45.031: Anyperson claiming an interest in <strong>the</strong>surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any, o<strong>the</strong>rthan <strong>the</strong> property owner as of <strong>the</strong>date of <strong>the</strong> Lis Pendens must file aclaim <strong>with</strong>in 60 days after <strong>the</strong> sale.October 14 & 21, 2011NOTICE OF FORECLOSURESALE BY CLERK OF THECIRCUIT COURTNotice is hereby given that that <strong>the</strong>undersigned, DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk of <strong>the</strong> CircuitCourt of Monroe County, Florida,will on <strong>the</strong> 31st day of October,2011, at 11:00 AM on THEFRONT STEPS OF THEMONROE COUNTYCOURTHOUSE, 500 WhiteheadStreet, in <strong>the</strong> City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Florida, offer for sale and sell atpublic outcry to <strong>the</strong> highest andNOTICE OF FORECLOSUREbest bidder for CASH <strong>the</strong> followingdescribed property situated inMonroe County, Florida, to wit:LOT 24, BLOCK 10. SEXTONCOVE ESTATES, ACCORDINGTO THE PLAT THEREOF, ASRECORDED IN PLAT BO<strong>OK</strong> 6,AT PAGE 30, OF THE PUBLICRECORDS OF MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA.Pursuant to FINAL SUMMARYJUDGMENT entered in a case insaid Court, <strong>the</strong> style of which is:BANK OF NEW YORKVS.NOTICE OF SALEIN THE CIRCUIT CIVIL COURTOF THE 16th JUDICIAL CIRCUITIN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDACIRCUIT CIVIL DIVISIONCase No. 2009-CA-000971-KCentral Mortgage Company,vs.Plaintiff,ANGELA M FRAGINALS;MORTGAGE ELECTRONICREGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.;NATIONAL CITY MORTGAGECO.; UNKNOWN TENANTS ANDOR OWNERSDefendant(s),And <strong>the</strong> Docket Number of whichis Number 08-CA-953-PWITNESS my hand and <strong>the</strong>Official seal of Said Court, this19th day of September, 2011.Danny L. KolhageClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtMonroe County, FloridaBy: Jennifer SettoonDeputy ClerkFlorida Statute 45.031: Anyperson claiming an interest in <strong>the</strong>surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any, o<strong>the</strong>rthan <strong>the</strong> property owner as of <strong>the</strong>date of <strong>the</strong> Lis Pendens must file aclaim <strong>with</strong>in 60 days after <strong>the</strong> sale.Edward E. Pritchard(813) 229-0900 x 1309Kass, Shuler, Solomon,Spector, Foyle & Singer, P.A.P.O. Box 800Tampa, FL 33601-0800Attorney for PlaintiffOctober 7 & 14, 2011Plaintiff,Dianne Harrison,,Defendant.NOTICE OF FORECLOSURESALENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENpursuant to a Summary FinalJudgment of Foreclosure IncludingAward of Attorneys' Fees andCosts dated June 28, 2011entered in Case No.2009-CA-000971 of <strong>the</strong> CircuitCourt of <strong>the</strong> sixteenth JudicialCircuit in and for Monroe County,Florida, wherein Central MortgageCompany is <strong>the</strong> Plaintiff andDianne Harrison are <strong>the</strong>Defendants, that I will sell to <strong>the</strong>highest and best bidder for cash,at 500 Whitehead Street, <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>, Florida 33040, 11:00 A.M.,on October 19, 2011, <strong>the</strong>following described property, asset forth in said Summary FinalJudgment of Foreclosure includingAward of Attorneys' Fees andCosts, to-wit:TOWNHOME UNIT 318, OF THEKEY WEST GOLF CLUBDEVELOPMENT, ACCORDINGTO THE DECLARATION OFPROTECTIVE COVENANTS,RESTRICTIONS ANDEASEMENTS TO THE KEYWEST GOLF CLUB, ATOWNHOME PLANNED UNITDEVELOPMENT, ASRECORDED IN OFFICIALRECORDS BO<strong>OK</strong> 1377, PAGE750, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDSOF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA AND ANYAMENDMENTS THERETO,MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBED BY METES ANDBOUNDS AS FOLLOWS:BEING A PART OF LANDLOCATED ON STOCK ISLAND,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDAAND BEING MOREPARTICULARLY DESCRIBEDBY METES AND BOUNDS ASFOLLOWS: COMMENCING ATCOORDINATES OF WHICH AREN 87, 107, 701 AND E 251, 328,207 BASED ON THE UNITEDSTATES COAST ANDGEODETIC SURVEY'SMERCATOR GRIDCOORDINATE SYSTEM WHICHHAS FOR ITS ZEROCOORDINATES A POINT ATLATITUDE 24º20'00” NORTHAND 500,000 WEST OFLONGITUDE 81º00'00”WEST,SAID POINT BEING THEINTERSECTION OF THEEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAYLINE OF JUNIOR COLLEGEROAD AND THE NORTHERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S.HIGHWAY NO. 1 (STATE ROADNO. 5) AT THE WESTERLY ENDOF JUNIOR COLLEGE ROAD;THENCE N 70º58'03” ALONGTHE SAID NORTHERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S.HIGHWAY NO. 1 FOR 21.39FEET; THENCE N 32º21'44” EFOR 704.35 FEET; THENCE N03º40'33” EAST FOR 549.85FEET; THENCE N 33º20'00” EFOR 573.00 FEET; THENCE N38º50'00” E FOR 251.36 FEET;THENCE N 34º41' 34” E ANOTICE OF SALEDISTANCE OF 405.85 FEET;THENCE S 75º15'00” E ADISTANCE OF 151.38 FEET;THENCE S 25º45'09”W ADISTANCE OF 24.45 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE S 25º45'09”W ADISTANCE OF 63.35 FEET TOTHE NORTHEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF GOLFCLUB DRIVE; THENCE N64º14'51' W AND ALONG THESAID NORTHEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF GOLFCLUB DRIVE A DISTANCE OF6.48 FEET TO THE POINT OFCURVATURE OF A CURVE TOTHE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUSOF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRALANGLE OF 09º16'45', A CHORDBEARING OF N 65º53'13”WAND A CHORD LENGTH OF10.10 FEET; THENCE ALONGTHE ARC OF SAID CURVE, ANARC LENGTH OF 10.10 FEETTO THE END OF SAID CURVE;THENCE N 22º28'24” E ANDLEAVING THE SAIDNORTHEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FORGOLF CLUB DRIVE ADISTANCE OF 64.26 FEET;THENCE S 63º21'24” E ADISTANCE OF 20.26 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING.PARCEL 2RESIDENTIAL LOT 318RY OFTHE KEY WEST GOLF CLUBDEVELOPMENT, PURSUANT TOTHAT CERTAIN THEDECLARATION OFCOVENANTS, RESTRICTIONSAND EASEMENTS OF THE KEYWEST GOLF CLUB, ASRECORDED IN OFFICIALRECORDS BO<strong>OK</strong> 1377, ATPAGE 750 OF THE PUBLICRECORDS OF MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA, ASAMENDED, AS SAID REAR LOTIS MORE PARTICULARLYDEPICTED IN THAT CERTAINSURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEFOR REAR YARDS AT KEYWEST GOLF CLUBDEVELOPMENT AS RECORDEDIN OFFICIAL RECORDS BO<strong>OK</strong>1996, AT PAGE 114, PUBLICRECORDS OF MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA ANDEXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO.Dated this 13 day of September2011.Monroe County Clerk CourtClerk, Circuit CourtBy: Shonta McLeodDeputy ClerkIf you are a person <strong>with</strong> a disabilitywho needs any accommodation inorder to participate in thisproceeding, you are entitled, at nocost to you, to <strong>the</strong> provision ofcertain assistance. Please contact305-292-3458 <strong>with</strong>in 7 workingdays of your receipt of this notice.If you are hearing impaired orvoice impaired, call(305) 292-3423ANY PERSON CLAIMING ANINTEREST IN THE SURPLUS OFTHIS SALE, IF ANY, OTHERTHAN THE PROPERTY OWNERAS OF THE DATE OF THE LISPENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIMWITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THESALE.October 7 & 14, 2011IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THESIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,IN AND FOR MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDACIRCUIT CIVIL DIVISIONCase No.: 44-2008-CA-000732-PWELLS FARGO BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ASTRUSTEE FOR HARBORVIEW2006-12 TRUST FUNDPlaintiffVS.ANGEL LAGE, et al.,Defendants.RE- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURESALENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENpursuant to an Order or FinalJudgment entered in Case No.44-2008-CA-000732-P of <strong>the</strong>Circuit Court of <strong>the</strong> SIXTEENTHJudicial Circuit in and forMONROE County, Florida,wherein, WELLS FARGO BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ASTRUSTEE FOR HARBORVIEW2006-12 TRUST FUND, Plaintiff,and, ANGEL LAGE, et. al., areDefendants. The Clerk shall sell<strong>the</strong> property at public sale to <strong>the</strong>highest and best bidder for cash,except as set forth hereinafter, onNovember 1, 2011 at 11:00 a.m.on <strong>the</strong> front steps of <strong>the</strong> MonroeCounty Courthouse, 500Whitehead St. in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL, inaccordance <strong>with</strong> Chapter 45Florida Statutes for <strong>the</strong> followingdescribe property:PARCEL 34: A PORTION OFTRACT A, ACCORDING TO THEPLAT OF TWIN LAKES FIRSTADDITION, AS RECORDED INPLAT BO<strong>OK</strong> 5, AT PAGE 68, OFTHE PUBLIC RECORDS OFMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,BEING MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:COMMENCE AT THESOUTHWEST CORNER OFGOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION15, TOWNSHIP 61 SOUTH,RANGE 39 EAST, MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCENORTH 00º 13' 54" WESTALONG THE WEST LINE OFSAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF1095.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH89º 46' 06" EAST, FOR ADISTANCE OF 158.00 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE NORTH 00º 06' 57"WEST, FOR A DISTANCE OFNOTICE OF SALE100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH89º 46' 06" EAST, FOR ADISTANCE OF 158.21 FEET;THENCE SOUTH FOR ADISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89º 46' 06"WEST, FOR A DISTANCE OF158.01 FEET TO THE POINT OFBEGINNING. TOGETHER WITHAND SUBJECT TO ANEASEMENT FOR INGRESS ANDEGRESS OVER THEFOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY:A PARCEL OF LAND INGOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION15, TOWNSHIP 61 SOUTH,RANGE 39 EAST, KEY LARGO,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,BEING MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:COMMENCE AT THE SWCORNER OF GOVERNMENTLOT 1, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP61 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA;THENCE NORTH 00º 13' 54" WALONG THE WEST LINE OFSAID LOT 1 FOR A DISTANCEOF 25.00 FEET TO THE POINTOF BEGINNING; THENCENORTH 00º 13' 54" W ALONGSAID WEST LINE FOR ADISTANCE OF 1670.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89º 46' 06" EFOR A DISTANCE OF 205.00FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00º 13'54" E FOR A DISTANCE OF10.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH89º 46' 06" W FOR A DISTANCEOF 35.82 FEET; THENCESOUTH 00º 06' 57" E FOR ADISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89º 46' 06" EFOR A DISTANCE OF 149.02FEET; THENCE SOUTH FOR ADISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89º 46' 06" W,FOR A DISTANCE OF 168.98FEET; THENCE NORTH 00º 06'57" W, FOR A DISTANCE OF95.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH89º 46' 06" W, FOR A DISTANCEOF 124.16 FEET; THENCESOUTH 00º 13' 54" E FOR ADISTANCE OF 270.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89º 46' 06" E,FOR A DISTANCE OF 292.26FEET; THENCE SOUTH FOR ADISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89º 46' 06" WFOR A DISTANCE OF 292.18FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00º 13'54" E FOR A DISTANCE OF180.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH89º 46' 06" E FOR A DISTANCEOF 291.45 FEET; THENCESOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH89º 46' 06" W FOR A DISTANCEOF 291.40 FEET; THENCESOUTH 00º 13' 54" E FOR ADISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89º 46' 06" E,FOR A DISTANCE OF 290.65FEET; THENCE SOUTH FOR ADISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89º 46' 06" WFOR A DISTANCE OF 290.60FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00º 13'54" E FOR A DISTANCE OF180.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH89º 46' 06" E FOR A DISTANCEOF 289.83 FEET; THENCESOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH89º 46' 06" W FOR A DISTANCEOF 289.75 FEET; THENCESOUTH 00º 13' 54" E FOR ADISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89º 46' 06"EFOR A DISTANCE OF 314.07FEET; THENCE SOUTH FOR ADISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89º 46' 06" WFOR A DISTANCE OF 313.90FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00º 13'54" E FOR A DISTANCE OF170.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH89º 46' 06" E FOR A DISTANCEOF 313.26 FEET TO A POINT OFINTERSECTION OF A CURVE,CONCAVE TO THE NW;THENCE ALONG SAID CURVETO THE RIGHT HAVING FOR ITSELEMENTS A RADIUS OF154.06 FEET AND A CENTRALANGLE OF 7º 27' 24" AND ACORD BEARING SOUTH 5º 07'27" W AND AN ARC DISTANCEOF 20.10 FEET; THENCESOUTH 89º 46' 06" E FOR ADISTANCE OF 311.19 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 00º 13' 54" EFOR A DISTANCE OF 380.10FEET; THENCE WEST FOR ADISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING.Any person claiming an interest in<strong>the</strong> surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any,o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> property owner asof <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> lis pendens,must file a claim <strong>with</strong>in 60 daysafter <strong>the</strong> sale.Dated this 19 day of September,2011.DANNY L KOLHAGEClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtBy: Jennifer SettoonDeputy ClerkIMPORTANTIn accordance <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong>Americans <strong>with</strong> Disabilities Act,if you are a person <strong>with</strong> adisability who needs anyaccommodation in order toparticipate in court proceedingsyou are entitled, at no cost toyou, to <strong>the</strong> provision of certainassistance. Not later than fiveworking days prior to <strong>the</strong>proceeding, please contact <strong>the</strong>Court Administrator's office, at<strong>the</strong> Freeman Justice Center, 302Fleming St. 2nd Floor, <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>, FL 33040. Telephone:305-292-3423 or via <strong>the</strong> FloridaRelay Center. To make callsthrough <strong>the</strong> Florida RelayCenter, you may dial 7-1-1 oruse <strong>the</strong> following toll freenumbers: 1-800-955-8771 (TTY);1-877-955-8280 (VCO);1-800-955-8770 (Voice);1-800-955-1339 (ASCII);1-877-955-5334 (STS);1-877-955-8707 (FrenchCreole- available from 8 a.m. - 2a.m. daily).October 7 & 14, 2011PUBLIC MEETINGSCITY OF KEY WESTSpecial Tree CommissionMeetingADA Assistance: If you are aperson <strong>with</strong> a disability who needsany accommodation in order toparticipate in this proceeding, youare entitled, at no cost to you, to<strong>the</strong> provision of certain assistance.Please contact Diane Nicklaus,ADA Coordinator, at 305-809-3951at least five (5) working daysbefore your proceeding, orimmediately upon receiving thisnotification if <strong>the</strong> time before <strong>the</strong>scheduled proceeding is less thanfive (5) days. If you are hearing orvoice impaired, please call809-1000.Call Meeting to OrderRoll CallApproval of <strong>the</strong> AgendaAdditions/ChangesApproval of Minutes:(1) Higgs Beach MajorDevelopment Plan/MonroeCounty Board of CountyCommissioners:Represented by Ladd Robertsof Landwise Design andBarbara Mitchell of MitchellPlanning and Design.Requesting ConceptualApproval of Existing MasterPlan for <strong>the</strong> Development ofHiggs Beach.(2) Nelson English/Willie WardPark EnhancementProject/City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>ROW: Represented byRodrigo Delostrinos, DeputyDirector of CommunityServices and Craig Reynolds,RLA. This application is for <strong>the</strong>removal of (2) Trees and <strong>the</strong>Relocation of (1) tree, and <strong>the</strong>overall review by <strong>the</strong> TreeCommission.Urban Forestry ProgramManager ReportCity Attorney ReportDiscussion ItemsAdjournmentOctober 14, 2011PUBLIC NOTICEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THESIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITOF THE SATE OF FLORIDA, INAND FOR MONROE COUNTYPROBATE DIVISIONFile No. 44-11-CP-152-KIN RE: ESTATE OFIRMA ELIZABETH NEELY,DECEASEDNOTICE TO CREDITORSThe administration of <strong>the</strong> Estate ofIrma Elizabeth Neely, deceased,whose date of death was May 12,2011, and whose case file numberis 44-22-CP-152-K, is pending in<strong>the</strong> Circuit Court for MonroeCounty, Florida, Probate Division,<strong>the</strong> address of which 500Whitehead Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL33040. The names and addressesof <strong>the</strong> personal representative and<strong>the</strong> personal representative'sattorney are set forth below.All creditors of <strong>the</strong> decedent ando<strong>the</strong>r persons having claims ordemands against decedent'sestate on whom a copy of thisnotice is served must file <strong>the</strong>irclaims <strong>with</strong> this Court WITHINTHE LATER OF THREE MONTHSAFTER THE DATE OF THEFIRST PUBLICATION OF THISNOTICE OR THIRTY DAYSAFTER THE DATE OF SERVICEOF A COPY OF THIS NOTICEON THEM.All o<strong>the</strong>r creditors of <strong>the</strong> decedentand o<strong>the</strong>r persons having claimsor demands against <strong>the</strong>decedent's estate must file <strong>the</strong>irclaims <strong>with</strong> this Court WITHINTHREE MONTHS AFTER THEDATE OF THE FIRSTPUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHINTHE TIME PERIODS SET FORTHIN SECTION 733.702 OF THEFLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILLBE FOREVER BARRED.NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIMEPERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE,ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2)YEARS OR MORE AFTER THEDECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATHIS BARRED.The date of first publication of thisnotice is October 7, 2011Personal Representative:Samuel Browne426 Cypress DriveLake Park, Florida 33403Attorney for PersonalRepresentative:Calvin J. Allen, Esq.422 Fleming Street<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040Florida Bar No. 407364Telephone: (305) 296-4087October 7 & 14, 2011NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPursuant to <strong>the</strong> Self-StorageFacility Act, Florida Statute83.801-83.809, personal propertyin <strong>the</strong> form of household, generalbusiness goods and o<strong>the</strong>rpersonal items shall be soldat public auction at:Suncrest Mini-Self Storage5100 Suncrest Road,Stock Island<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida, 33040On November 1, 2011at 9:00 a.m.Seller reserves <strong>the</strong> right to rejectbids. Said property is presentlystored at <strong>the</strong> above address by <strong>the</strong>following tenant(s):Aaron Clason-#31-BKa<strong>the</strong>rine Murphy-#42Tedra Sanders-#43Suncrest Mini-Storage,LLCOctober 14 & 21, 2011

4CKEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011620 Autos For Sale2006 Dodge Stratus$6,995 $8,995Auto, a/c.2010 Nissan SentraAuto, a/c, 5K miles.Call for details.2004 Nissan 350ZConvertible, fully loaded.Call for details.2008 Chrysler SebringAuto, a/c, 38K miles.$9,995 $11,9952005 Toyota Scion XB$9,995 $11,995Auto, a/c, 49K miles.2009 Chevy Cobalt$12,995 $14,9952 dr, auto, a/c, 33K miles2006 Toyota Tundra$12,995 $14,995Auto, a/c, 32K miles.2008 Kia SedonaAuto, a/c, 53K miles$13,995 $15,995620 Autos For Sale2007 Honda Accord EX$13,995 $16,995Auto, a/c, lea<strong>the</strong>r,sunroof, 69K miles.Tax, tag and DOC feenot included in sale price(305)295-8646Call us andSAVE, SAVE, SAVETHINKING OFA USED CAR?THINK OF........DUNCANAuto Mall <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>1618 N. Roosevelt Blvd.294-51262005 Ford FocusNow $5,9952003 Ford 12 Pass VanNow $8,9952005 Ford ExplorerNow $9,4952008 Ford FocusNow $11,988620 Autos For Sale2007 Ford Ranger$11,9952007 Ford EscapeNow $13,4882006 Ford F150 STXNow $13,9952008 Ford ExplorerNow $14,8842010 Ford EscapeNow $16,9882008 Ford Elge SIENow $16,9952010 Ford MustangConvNow $17, 9952010 Ford FusionNow $17.9952011 Ford FusionNow $21,8862010 Ford Flex LimitedNow $27,997620 Autos For Sale2006 Jeep WranglerNow $16,9882007 Jeep Wrangler XNow $17,9952009 Jeep GrandCherokeeNow $20,9942009 Jeep WranglerSaharaNow $25,9972003 Dodge CaravanNow $3,9952006 Dodge CaravanNow $8,8922010 Dodge JourneyNow $15,8882006 Dodge Ram CrewSLINow $16,8872008 Jeep LibertyNow $16,9942010 Dodge ChargerNow $17,974620 Autos For Sale2010 Nissan VersaNow $13,4332009 Nissan SentraNow $13,9882008 Nissan RogueNow $15,8872010 Nissan AltimaNow $15,9982008 Toyota YarisNow $11,4882002 Toyota Tacoma4DRNow $12,9782010 Toyota Yaris H/BNow $13,9882010 Toyota Corolla LENow $14,9492010 Toyota Camry SENow $17,8872010 Toyota PriusNow $19,885620 Autos For SalePlus, Tax, Tag &Dealer Feeno o<strong>the</strong>r sale prices,discounts or TradeAllowances ApplyDUNCAN BIG STOREOver 130 cars andtrucks to select from294-5126.2001 Mitsubishi MonteroSport. Excellentcond. $4,900 879-0149660 Heavy Equipment2007 ANDERSON 18’Wood deck trailer(EQ7185T)!!!!! Has 4’Drive-on ramps!!!!! Willsell for $2,500!!!!! CallThomas 305-393-2851.660 Marine Parts4-185 ENGINEVelvet drive transmissions,water pumps,props & shafts, controls,exhaust manifolds, diveplatforms, Tech support.(305)797-2327662 Power Boats1994 19FT. REACTIONCenter console, <strong>with</strong> 225Yamaha. Hydraulic jackplate, hydraulic steering,850 watt stereo system,2011 trailer <strong>with</strong> warranty.$7,000 OBO.305-834-2045.2002 16’ HEWESREDFISHFlats Boat 2002 Fourstroke 100 Yamaha. Kepton boat lift. Comes <strong>with</strong>new cushions and customboat cover. Boatlooks and runs great.Asking $10,000. Call305-797-1794.662 Power Boats17’ AQUASPORTcenter console <strong>with</strong>100hp Evinrude andtrailer. Runs great$3,000. Call Mike305-772-5109669 DOCKAGE/STORAGESUNSET MARINA40’ Slip $750/moplus utilities.305-304-6631Oceanside 60’ Slipliveaboards welcome.$1,000/mo. includes utilities.Call Jim 305-587-5411Boat Slip for Liveboardor Vessel Storage$750 per month rental.6631 Maloney Avenue,Stock Island. Call305-294-5505 ext.23sally@saundersandkolpin.comBOAT SLIP FOR SALEAt Sunset Marina. CallKaren Carter Realtor305-797-4553. ColdwellBanker Schmitt Real EstateCompany.CitizenYard Sale Kit$36 for 2 Daysof ads (1-5 lines)on <strong>the</strong> Map + KitKit Includes6 fluorescentsigns, 6 directionalarrows, pricestickers & more!YARD SALE MAP1381114129101245736Stock Island<strong>Key</strong> HavenBay Point17151618Sugarloaf <strong>Key</strong>Cudjoe <strong>Key</strong>Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>192120#1. 704 Eaton StreetSat & Sun 9am-?Miscellaneous and more miscellaneous#2. 727 Eaton St.Sat. 7am-9:30amWedding dresses, collectibles, jewelry, clothing, frames, and much more.#3. 614 Whitehead St.Sun. 9-1Furniture, electronics, women’s clothing, pictures, scuba, linens, luggage,tools & more.#4. 1314 Virigina St.Sat 7am-11am.Furniture, outside bar set, antiques, art, appliances,clothing, Wii games.#5. 1513 Duncan St.Sat. 7:30am-11:30am.KW sponges, shells, Lignumvite tree, Torch Ginger, bamboo, palms,plants, driftwood, clothing, roller blades, sm furniture, file cabinet.#6. 1501 White St.Sat only 8am-1pm.Moving out of state sale. Paddleboard, BBQ w/acc., bikes, cookware,computer acc., clo<strong>the</strong>s, books, much more. Priced to go.#7. 2100 Flagler Ave.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> High School parking lot,. Sat. 8am-12noon. Clo<strong>the</strong>s, books,odds and ends. Benefiting KWHS Conchettes. Space rental $20. ContactLisa Cherry at 393-2683.#8. 10C. Hilton Haven Dr.Sat 8:30am-noon.Fest/Float stuff, All kinds of stuff.#9. 2434 Linda Ave.Sat. 8-1.Everything Baby: clothing, swing, bassinette, crib & tons of clo<strong>the</strong>s (0-2yrs).#10. 2714 Staples Ave.Sat. 8am-12noon.Multi Family Sale. Toys, knickknacks, kitchen and misc. items.#11. 2820 Fogarty Ave.Sat & Sun , 8am to ?Moving Sale. Xmas decor, furniture, crystal jewelry, clothing, handmadepottery.#12. 2906 Flagler Ave.Sat. 8am-12noon.Lots of goodies - File cabinets, furniture, Halloween costumes and decorations.Bake sale also.#13. 3202 N. Roosevelt Ave.Sears Summer Clearance Sale Fri & SatAll Green ticket apparel for <strong>the</strong> family, $2.99.#14. 3228 Flagler Ave.Rear. Behind Dion’s Mobile. Sat & Sun. 7am-?Household goods, clothing, aquariums, coolers, dive, boating equipment.#15. 17A 7th Ave.Sat. 7am-11am.Furniture, appliances, lamps, clo<strong>the</strong>s.#16. 10 Allamada Ter.Fri & Sat. 8am-12noon.Christmas in October. Huge selections of Christmas and Halloween ornaments,furniture, household items, queen size bedroom set, great prices.#17. 153 <strong>Key</strong> Haven Rd.Sat. 8-12.$1 each: household goods, tools, collector’s knives, cookbooks, oldbottles and much more. Moving Sale!#18. 47 Bay Dr.MM15. Behind Baby’s Coffee.Sat 8am-2pm.Huge Sale. Don’t miss this one! Patio & home furniture, shed, bikes,holiday and home decor, lots of great stuff.#19. 17170 Amberjack Ln.. Sugarloaf ShoresSat. 7am-noon.Moving. Furniture, appliances, misc.#20. 1162 Coates Ln., MM23Sat. 8am-2pm.Moving Sale. Furniture, tools, household goods, grill, etc. All must go.#21. 30250 Overseas Hwy., OceansideMM 30.5, Sat & Sun 8am - 2pmBIG PINE KEY FLEA MARKET. Millions of itemsto chose from, more bang for your bucks,new vendors welcome. 872-4103MAP DEADLINE is NOON on THURSDAY.For More Yard Sales, Please CheckClassified Line Section 330.272515

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