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New FilmsHerFri 14 February – Thu 27 FebruarySpike Jonze (Being John Malkovich) returns to our screenswith a story of love, life and our complicated contemporaryconnection with technology. In an age when people engagemore with phones, tablets and laptops than they do withfamily members, Her is a remarkable achievement, makingyou stop and think about your relationships, both onand offline.Dallas Buyers ClubFri 7 February – Thu 20 FebruaryAfter collapsing from piercing headaches, Ron(Matthew McConaughey) is informed that he hasHIV and only thirty days to live. A hard livingmacho Texan, he works as an electrician, drinks,smokes, gambles, consumes copious amountsof drugs and has unprotected sex with groupiesin rodeo pens. When he discovers his prescribedmedication has toxic side effects, Ron travelsto Mexico where he is introduced to newpharmaceuticals not approved in the US.Partnering up with the transgendered Rayon(an unrecognisable Jared Leto), he sets up thebuyers club where people pay $400 a month fortheir medication.Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) is a mostly cheerful andwell-meaning lonely man who works at a website specialisingin writing "handwritten" letters for lovers unable to expresstheir emotions. Hesitant about finally signing his divorcepapers, Theodore tries out a new operating system. Afterinitializing, it takes the name Samantha (voiced by ScarlettJohansson) working its way into his life through an earpieceand handheld device. Soon, Theodore connects with theworld in a whole new way, sharing his life with Samantha,as you would any new love, and feeling alive for the firsttime in years.Bearing the unique stamp of Spike Jonze’s weird andwonderful imagination all over it, Her is a superb exampleof collaborative filmmaking at its absolute best. From theamazing subtle score by Arcade Fire, to the gorgeoussoft-edged cinematography of Hoyte Van Hoytema, the setand costume design, to Phoenix’s incredibly expressive faceand Johansson’s velvety voice; all are brought together tomake one of the most exciting films of the year.Dir: Spike JonzeUSA 2013 / 2h6m / Digital / 15Senior Citizen Kane Club screening Thu 20 February, 10:30Bring a Baby screening Thu 20 February, 10:30By director Jean-Marc Vallée (C.R.A.Z.Y.), the filmrevisits the usually sombre narrative associatedwith the 1980s AIDS epidemic through humour,swagger and plenty of verve, but all the whileretaining the seriousness of the subject matter.McConaughey is outstanding; his physicaltransformation is certainly shocking but histhousand-yard stare of sheer desperation lendsauthenticity to the emaciated character. Ronis not to everyone’s taste, but his journey ofenlightenment is the very heart and soul ofthe Dallas Buyers Club.Dir: Jean-Marc ValléeUSA 2013 / 1h57m / Digital / 154 www.dca.org.uk

The Monuments MenFri 21 February – Thu 6 MarchBased on the book The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, NaziThieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History by RobertM. Edsel, this new film by George Clooney celebrates thesoldiers who were given the important task of saving piecesof art before their destruction by Hitler during World War II.The Armstrong LieFri 14 February – Thu 20 FebruaryDocumentary master Alex Gibney (Mea MaximaCulpa) returns with an in depth exploration ofLance Armstrong’s story. In 2009, Gibney wascommissioned to make a film about Armstrong'striumphant return to the Tour de France; fouryears after the racing champion had declared hisretirement. Having fiercely denied accusationsthat he took performance-enhancing drugs, heused his power to aggressively litigate journalistsand publicly humiliate former friends who claimedotherwise. When devastating evidence wasexposed in the case against Armstrong, Gibneywas unable to reconcile the discrepancy betweenthe allegations and Armstrong's emphaticdenials. When the facade did finally crack, duringa now famous interview on the Oprah Winfreyshow, his critics insisted that only the surface ofdeceit had been scratched.The Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program, instigatedby FDR, was a group of men instructed to travel to Germanyand rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves, returningthem to their rightful owners. It was a dangerous mission – theart was trapped behind enemy lines, and the German Armywas under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell – sohow could these men (seven museum directors, curators, andart historians, all more familiar with Michelangelo than combat)possibly hope to succeed? The story of the Monuments Men,as they became known, is an incredible one. These unlikelyheroes found themselves in a race against time to avoid thedestruction of 1000 years of culture, risking their lives toprotect and defend mankind's greatest achievements.Clooney, who has long proved himself as more than justa handsome face, is an accomplished director who hassurrounded himself with talented collaborators for this project.From producer Grant Heslov (who co-wrote the script withClooney) to composer Alexandre Desplat to Director ofPhotography Phedon Papamichael, The Monuments Men isa class act all the way. And with an ensemble cast to die forincluding Matt Damon, Jean Dujardin (The Artist), Coen Brosregular John Goodman, Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey)and Cate Blanchett, award recognition for The MonumentsMen is sure to follow.Dir: George ClooneyUSA / Germany 2014 / 1h58m / Digital / 12ASenior Citizen Kane Club screening Thu 6 March, 10:30Bring a Baby screening Thu 6 March, 10:30Making use of his unique access to the keyplayers involved, including rare interviews withformer teammates, alleged doping mastermindDr. Michele Ferrari, and the cyclist himself,The Armstrong Lie is a fascinating portrait ofa disgraced champion.Dir: Alex GibneyUSA 2013 / 2h4m / Digital / 15Tickets 01382 909 900 5

The Monuments MenFri 21 February – Thu 6 MarchBased on the book The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, NaziThieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History by RobertM. Edsel, this new film by George Clooney celebrates thesoldiers who were given the important task of saving piecesof art before their destruction by Hitler during World War II.The Armstrong LieFri 14 February – Thu 20 FebruaryDocumentary master Alex Gibney (Mea MaximaCulpa) returns with an in depth exploration ofLance Armstrong’s story. In 2009, Gibney wascommissioned to make a film about Armstrong'striumphant return to the Tour de France; fouryears after the racing champion had declared hisretirement. Having fiercely denied accusationsthat he took performance-enhancing drugs, heused his power to aggressively litigate journalistsand publicly humiliate former friends who claimedotherwise. When devastating evidence wasexposed in the case against Armstrong, Gibneywas unable to reconcile the discrepancy betweenthe allegations and Armstrong's emphaticdenials. When the facade did finally crack, duringa now famous interview on the Oprah Winfreyshow, his critics insisted that only the surface ofdeceit had been scratched.The Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program, instigatedby FDR, was a group of men instructed to travel to Germanyand rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves, returningthem to their rightful owners. It was a dangerous mission – theart was trapped behind enemy lines, and the German Armywas under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell – sohow could these men (seven museum directors, curators, andart historians, all more familiar with Michelangelo than combat)possibly hope to succeed? The story of the Monuments Men,as they became known, is an incredible one. These unlikelyheroes found themselves in a race against time to avoid thedestruction of 1000 years of culture, risking their lives toprotect and defend mankind's greatest achievements.Clooney, who has long proved himself as more than justa handsome face, is an accomplished director who hassurrounded himself with talented collaborators for this project.From producer Grant Heslov (who co-wrote the script withClooney) to composer Alexandre Desplat to Director ofPhotography Phedon Papamichael, The Monuments Men isa class act all the way. And with an ensemble cast to die forincluding Matt Damon, Jean Dujardin (The Artist), Coen Brosregular John Goodman, Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey)and Cate Blanchett, award recognition for The MonumentsMen is sure to follow.Dir: George ClooneyUSA / Germany 2014 / 1h58m / Digital / 12ASenior Citizen Kane Club screening Thu 6 March, 10:30Bring a Baby screening Thu 6 March, 10:30Making use of his unique access to the keyplayers involved, including rare interviews withformer teammates, alleged doping mastermindDr. Michele Ferrari, and the cyclist himself,The Armstrong Lie is a fascinating portrait ofa disgraced champion.Dir: Alex GibneyUSA 2013 / 2h4m / Digital / 15Tickets 01382 909 900 5

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