Complex numbers and polynomials - University College Cork

Complex numbers and polynomials - University College Cork

Complex numbers and polynomials - University College Cork


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Since the coefficients of x in each factor are real <strong>numbers</strong>, the result follows in thiscase. If exactly two are non-real, they must be each other’s complex conjugate, <strong>and</strong>so, this time, the roots can be denoted by α, ᾱ, γ, δ, where γ, δ are real <strong>numbers</strong>. Asbefore,p(x) = a(x 2 − (α + ᾱ)x + |α| 2 )(x 2 − (γ + δ)x + γδ),<strong>and</strong>, once more, we see that each factor has real coefficients. □5.1 Graphs of quarticsHere, we consider quartics with real coefficients, <strong>and</strong> say a few words about theirgraphical representation in the cartesian plane.The simplest quartic is p(x) = x 4 = (x 2 ) 2 , whose graph is symmetric about x = 0<strong>and</strong> convex; it is a large smile. Whereas the graph of every quadratic is symmetricabout some vertical line, the graph of a quartic need not be symmetric about anysuch line. For example, the graph of the quartic p(x) = x 4 + x is not symmetricabout any vertical line. For, if for some real (or complex) h, p(x + h) = p(h − x)for all x, then (?) every number is a root of the cubic 4hx 3 + (4h 3 + 1)x, which isabsurd.Since x 4 is positive for all non-zero x, the sign of the general quartic p(x) = ax 4 +bx 3 + cx 2 + dx + e, a ≠ 0, is the same as that of a, for all large values of x. Inother words, if a > 0, the graph lies in the upper half-plane for all sufficiently largex; whereas, if a < 0, it lies in the lower half-plane for all sufficiently large x. Thus,to describe its graph completely we must examine the behaviour for all x in somesymmetric interval. Thus, we need to determine its turning points, <strong>and</strong> points ofinflexion, if any. These will provide information about the shape of the graph, <strong>and</strong>determine where it’s convex, concave, increasing <strong>and</strong> decreasing. To do this, wemust use calculus methods. The turning points, are found by finding the first <strong>and</strong>second derivative p ′ , <strong>and</strong> solving the equation p ′ (x) = 0; the points of inflexion arefound by determining the second derivative, p ′′ , <strong>and</strong> solving p ′′ (x) = 0. Since p ′ hasreal coefficients there must be at least one turning point, but there need not be anypoint of inflexion. For instance, this is the case when p(x) = x 4 + 2x 2 + 1, which issymmetric about x = 0, <strong>and</strong> convex. It has no real root, only one turning point atx = 0, where it has a local minimum, <strong>and</strong> no point of inflexion.5.2 Exercises1. Let p be an arbitrary quartic. Prove thatp(x + h) = p(h) + p ′ (h)x + p′′ (h)x 22!+ p′′′ (h)x 33!+ p(iv) (h)x 4,4!where p ′ (h), p ′′ (h), p ′′′ (h), p (iv) (h) st<strong>and</strong> for the first, second, third <strong>and</strong> fourthderivatives of p evaluated at h.12

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