Day at CSSRI Research Farm,Bharuch - Central Soil Salinity ...

Day at CSSRI Research Farm,Bharuch - Central Soil Salinity ... Day at CSSRI Research Farm,Bharuch - Central Soil Salinity ...


CSSRI REGIONAL RESEARCH STATION, BHARUCH (GUJARAT) CELEBRATES IT’S25 TH FOUNDATION DAY ON 14 FEBRUARY, 2014The Regional Research Station of CSSRI based at Bharuch, Gujarat established inFebruary 1989 completed 25 years and the 25 th Foundation Day was celebrated atRRS, Bharuch on 14 th February, 2014. During it’s journey, the Station has come outwith many technological interventions for managing the salinity of soils andirrigation waters in the Vertisols (Black cotton soils) of coastal areas and inlandcommand areas. The significant contributions from the Centre comprise Cultivationof Salvadora on highly saline black soils; Dill, an ideal seed spice crop for salinesoils; Prospects of conjunctive use of saline water in agriculture for crops like dill,mustard, wheat, safflower, fruit species and forages; Salt tolerant herbaceumcottons for rain fed coastal areas; Forage production on saline Vertisols; Groundwater recharging and use of micro irrigation in diverse crop interventions;integrated farming system model for small and marginal farmers; Use of industrialtreated effluent and solid industrial wastes in agriculture etc. Apart from this, theStation has been conducting demonstrations on farmers’ fields, working inassociation with other line departments, NGOs, industrial units and impartstrainings to the farmers. The Station also has taken up guiding students in PostGraduate research in the field of Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Soil Science asbriefed by Dr. G. Gururaja Rao, Head of the Station.The Foundation Day had Dr. D.K. Sharma,Director, CSSRI, Karnal as the President andDr. V. Kumar, Research Scientist, Cotton,Navsari Agricultural University, Surat as theGuest of Honour and Dr. K.G. Patel,Principal, College of Agriculture, Bharuch asthe Special Guest. The dignitaries whoattended the meeting comprised StateGovernment officials, Scientific andteaching faculty of Navsari Agricultural University, NABARD, GSLDC, GNFC, KrishiVigyan Kendra, Chaswad, DMAPR, Anand, NGOs like SAVE, CSPC, farmers andstudents.

<strong>CSSRI</strong> REGIONAL RESEARCH STATION, BHARUCH (GUJARAT) CELEBRATES IT’S25 TH FOUNDATION DAY ON 14 FEBRUARY, 2014The Regional <strong>Research</strong> St<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>CSSRI</strong> based <strong>at</strong> <strong>Bharuch</strong>, Gujar<strong>at</strong> established inFebruary 1989 completed 25 years and the 25 th Found<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>Day</strong> was celebr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong>RRS, <strong>Bharuch</strong> on 14 th February, 2014. During it’s journey, the St<strong>at</strong>ion has come outwith many technological interventions for managing the salinity of soils andirrig<strong>at</strong>ion w<strong>at</strong>ers in the Vertisols (Black cotton soils) of coastal areas and inlandcommand areas. The significant contributions from the Centre comprise Cultiv<strong>at</strong>ionof Salvadora on highly saline black soils; Dill, an ideal seed spice crop for salinesoils; Prospects of conjunctive use of saline w<strong>at</strong>er in agriculture for crops like dill,mustard, whe<strong>at</strong>, safflower, fruit species and forages; Salt tolerant herbaceumcottons for rain fed coastal areas; Forage production on saline Vertisols; Groundw<strong>at</strong>er recharging and use of micro irrig<strong>at</strong>ion in diverse crop interventions;integr<strong>at</strong>ed farming system model for small and marginal farmers; Use of industrialtre<strong>at</strong>ed effluent and solid industrial wastes in agriculture etc. Apart from this, theSt<strong>at</strong>ion has been conducting demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions on farmers’ fields, working inassoci<strong>at</strong>ion with other line departments, NGOs, industrial units and impartstrainings to the farmers. The St<strong>at</strong>ion also has taken up guiding students in PostGradu<strong>at</strong>e research in the field of Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and <strong>Soil</strong> Science asbriefed by Dr. G. Gururaja Rao, Head of the St<strong>at</strong>ion.The Found<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>Day</strong> had Dr. D.K. Sharma,Director, <strong>CSSRI</strong>, Karnal as the President andDr. V. Kumar, <strong>Research</strong> Scientist, Cotton,Navsari Agricultural University, Sur<strong>at</strong> as theGuest of Honour and Dr. K.G. P<strong>at</strong>el,Principal, College of Agriculture, <strong>Bharuch</strong> asthe Special Guest. The dignitaries who<strong>at</strong>tended the meeting comprised St<strong>at</strong>eGovernment officials, Scientific andteaching faculty of Navsari Agricultural University, NABARD, GSLDC, GNFC, KrishiVigyan Kendra, Chaswad, DMAPR, Anand, NGOs like SAVE, CSPC, farmers andstudents.

Dr. G. Gururaja Rao, in his introductory remarks,narr<strong>at</strong>ed the initi<strong>at</strong>ion of the St<strong>at</strong>ion and itsjourney to the present day standard and thehelp it received from organiz<strong>at</strong>ions like GSLDC,NABARD, NAU, GNFC, SSNNL, AAU and manyNGO organiz<strong>at</strong>ions. The contributions of thepresent and the past colleagues in developingthe St<strong>at</strong>ion and its future programme in salinitymanagement were appraised by Dr. Rao.Dr. Sharma, in his address gave a detailedaccount on the Role of <strong>CSSRI</strong> in mitig<strong>at</strong>ingsalinity and sodicity problems in Punjab,Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Coastal areas throughdrainage, evolving salt tolerant crops like Paddy(CSR 10, CSR 23, CSR 30, CSR 36, CSR 43),Whe<strong>at</strong> (KRL 1-4, KRL 238, KRL 19, KRL 210),Mustard (CSR 52, CSR 54, CSR 56) and Gram (Karnal Chana-1). Whilecongr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ing the scientists of the St<strong>at</strong>ion for their research contributions, hestressed the need for higher visibility of the St<strong>at</strong>ion’s activities in the entire westerncoast.Dr. V. Kumar, while appreci<strong>at</strong>ing the efforts made by the St<strong>at</strong>ion in the field ofsalinity research, he had highlighted the need to look for salt tolerant cotton incoastal Gujar<strong>at</strong>. The joint efforts by the St<strong>at</strong>ion and the Main Cotton <strong>Research</strong>St<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> Sur<strong>at</strong> had resulted in identifying salt tolerant desi cotton lines, Dr. Kumarsaid. Dr. K.G. P<strong>at</strong>el, stressed the need for collabor<strong>at</strong>ive research and appreci<strong>at</strong>ed theefforts made by the St<strong>at</strong>ion in this direction.Other speakers include Dr. V.I. P<strong>at</strong>el, Associ<strong>at</strong>e <strong>Research</strong> Scientist, Cotton, <strong>Bharuch</strong>,Shri S.K. Mehta, General Manager, GNFC, Shri Rajesh Dave, AGM, NABARD, Dahod,Shri Mahendra P<strong>at</strong>el, KVK, Chaswad, Shri Vijaya Kumar, Asst. Administrtive Offcerand Dr. Vandana Trip<strong>at</strong>hi of DMAPR, Anand and Shri Jesang Thakor of SAVE,Jambusar, who, while appreci<strong>at</strong>ing the efforts made by <strong>CSSRI</strong> RRS and providingeconomically viable technologies to the farmers.

Though, small in number, the scientists and other staff put a team effort in bringinglaurels to the St<strong>at</strong>ion and pledged for more efforts to come out with flying colours indays ahead.

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