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POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:D I R E C T O R<strong>CliC</strong> <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong> <strong>PROJECT</strong> <strong>OFFICE</strong> (<strong>CIPO</strong>)Norwegian Polar Institute Tromsø, NorwayThe World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) invite applications forthe position of Director of the Climate and Cryosphere (<strong>CliC</strong>) International Project Office (<strong>CIPO</strong>). The Directorleads the international coordination and support of <strong>CliC</strong> activities, and ensures that the Project Office operatesefficiently and actively serves the needs of the WCRP, <strong>CliC</strong> and climate science.BackgroundThe WCRP is sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the International Council forScience (ICSU), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The WCRP goals are to determine the extent towhich climate can be predicted and the extent of human influence on climate.The WCRP established its core project <strong>CliC</strong> in 2000. Since 2004, the Scientific Committee on AntarcticResearch (SCAR) of ICSU has been cosponsoring <strong>CliC</strong>. The principal goal of <strong>CliC</strong> is to assess and quantify theimpacts that climatic variability and change have on components of the cryosphere and the consequences ofthese impacts for the climate system, and to determine the stability of the global cryosphere. In order to achievethis goal, <strong>CliC</strong> has supporting objectives to enhance the observation and monitoring of the cryosphere and theclimate of cold regions, and to improve understanding and modelling of the physical processes and feedbacksthrough which the cryosphere interacts within the climate system.More information on the WCRP, SCAR and <strong>CliC</strong> including the project’s Science and Coordination plan isavailable at the websites http://wcrp.wmo.int, http://www.scar.org/ and http://clic.npolar.no.Duties and responsibilitiesThe <strong>CIPO</strong> serves as an extension of the WCRP Joint Planning Staff (JPS). The <strong>CIPO</strong> Director reports to theDirector of the WCRP and works in co-operation with the JPS. The Director's primary function is to provide aneffective executive arm of the <strong>CliC</strong> Scientific Steering Group (SSG) and its panels and working groups. TheDirector will also be required to develop a broader interest in WCRP and its cross-cutting activities, especially asWCRP implements its Strategy for the years 2005-2015. To carry out these duties the incumbent will berequired to undertake a significant amount of travel.The Director leads the <strong>CIPO</strong> and is responsible for the management of the <strong>CIPO</strong> staff, budget and operations.He/she prepares and assists in the conduct of <strong>CliC</strong> related meetings and in the activities of the <strong>CliC</strong> governingbodies (SSG, its Chair and the Executive Committee) and working bodies. The Director facilitates <strong>CliC</strong>’scontribution to fulfillment of the WCRP’s objectives and goals of its Strategy 2005-2015, updates, as necessary,the <strong>CliC</strong> project documentation and plans; prepares reports on meetings and project-related events; ensures theliaison, coordination and the timely flow of pertinent information to WCRP scientists, projects and relevantinternational scientific bodies (including through the project newsletter, other publications and the web);participates in and helps organize meetings relevant to <strong>CliC</strong>, conducts consultations at the working level withagencies and institutions participating in the implementation of <strong>CliC</strong>; promotes <strong>CliC</strong> objectives in the cryospheric,climate, polar and broader science communities; seeks sources of maintaining adequate funding for the <strong>CIPO</strong>;and fulfils other duties as required or requested by WCRP and <strong>CliC</strong>.Conditions of workThe successful applicant will be expected to commence duties on 1 February 2008, or as soon as possible

thereafter. The Project Office is based at the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) located in Tromsø, Norway (seewww.npolar.no for more details on the NPI). The successful applicant will be recruited as a member of NPI staffand be responsible to the research Director, NPI, on administrative matters of direct relevance to NPI. Afour-year commitment to the task is expected, with the possibility of extension. The successful applicant willinteract closely with the cryosphere and climate research groups at NPI for the scientific benefit of both <strong>CliC</strong> andNPI. The remuneration and other conditions of service will be negotiated with the NPI according to qualifications,but are expected to be at the professor level. The town of Tromsø is a lively, growing town with a university (seewww.destinasjontromso.no and uit.no, respectively). It has healthy ecological status and active cultural life.Selection criteria:The successful candidate will be expected to have:• a Ph.D. or equivalent qualification in atmospheric, oceanographic, environmental or otherclimate-related sciences (expertise in climate studies related to the cryosphere would be especiallyappropriate);• a broad knowledge of climate, cryospheric, and other related ‘Earth system’ science;• the ability to communicate effectively with a broad range of project stake holders, including scientistsand students from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, data managers, funding agency staff,policy makers, managers of scientific programmes and institutes, technical and other support staff;• fluency in writing and speaking English (ability to work in other languages, will be an advantage. Thesuccessful candidate is obliged to take Norwegian language lessons);• previous involvement in the organisation of multi-disciplinary scientific projects;• demonstrated ability to manage a team responsible for supporting an international scientific project (thiswill include, but is not limited to, the provision of secretariat support for meetings; producing reports ofmeetings and project plans; ensuring a timely flow of information to stakeholders through publicationsand web-based systems, organising and supporting international conferences, work withbudgets/resources, etc.);• knowledge of national/international sources and the processes of funding for large-scale scientificprogrammes (familiarity with earth system science research organisations/programmes would be anadvantage);• ability to build public relations and promote <strong>CliC</strong> internationally.Applications from suitably qualified female and male candidates are equally welcome.ApplicationsApplications and inquiries should be addressed to:Dr Vladimir Ryabinin Joint Planning Staff for WCRPc/o World Meteorological Organization7bis, Avenue de la Paix Case Postale 2300 CH-1211 Geneva 2 SwitzerlandFax: + 41 (0) 22 730 8036 Tel.: + 41 22 730 8486 e-mail: vryabinin@wmo.intSubmission of applications by e-mail is strongly encouraged.The deadline for submission of applications is 16 November, 2007. Applicants should submit a completecurriculum vitae, the names and contact details of three persons willing to provide letters of recommendation,and a statement (2-4 pages) saying what the applicant would bring to this job and which personal skills andexperience would allow him/her to meet the selection criteria. Receipt of the applications will be acknowledgedby e-mail. Please do not include text or copies of articles or originals of diplomas in the application, but note thatthe latter may eventually be required.A selection board will assess applications. It is expected that the short-listed candidates will be notified byDecember 1 2007 and that interviews will take place in January 2008.

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