May 2013 - Kennebec Valley Community College

May 2013 - Kennebec Valley Community College

May 2013 - Kennebec Valley Community College

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<strong>Kennebec</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>U P C O M I N GE V E N T S :▪ Commencementrehearsal and BBQ<strong>May</strong> 9▪ TRiOCelebration Dinner<strong>May</strong> 10▪ Spring semesterends <strong>May</strong> 11▪ Evening ofExcellence <strong>May</strong> 16▪ Commencement<strong>May</strong> 18▪ SummerSemester begins<strong>May</strong> 28Registration forthe summer andfall semesters isnow underway!Don’t wait!Register now!<strong>2013</strong> GolfTournamentJune 17<strong>Kennebec</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong> (KVCC)will host its 18thannual fundraisinggolftournament onMonday, June 17to raise money forthe educationalneeds of studentsat the <strong>College</strong>.The event will beheld at theWaterville CountryClub, located inOakland, Maine. ItwillMore p. 4KVCC NotebookA newsletter published monthly for the friends of KVCCV O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 5Fairfield, ME – <strong>Kennebec</strong><strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>(KVCC) has announced thatLawrence A. Wold will be thekeynote speaker at its 43rdCommencement Exercises <strong>May</strong>18 at the Augusta Civic Center.Commencement will begin at10 a.m. This year, more than520 students are candidates forgraduation.Wold is Maine MarketPresident for TD Bank,America's Most ConvenientBank®. He has almost 30years of commercial lendingexperience in Maine.Prior to his current position,Wold served as TD Bank'sExecutive Vice President ofCommercial Lending,Southern Maine Region. Hejoined the company in 1991 asa Commercial Loan Officerand began his banking careerin the commercial lendingdepartment of Casco Bank, theMaine affiliate of theM A Y 2 0 1 3KVCC Student of the Year - Tammy JonesFairfield, ME – <strong>Kennebec</strong><strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>(KVCC) has named TammyJones of Oakland as the<strong>College</strong>’s <strong>2013</strong> Student of theYear.Jones, who will graduate in<strong>May</strong> with an associate inapplied science degree fromKVCC’s Occupational TherapyAssistant program, wasselected for the honor based onher academic success andcampus and communityinvolvement.“Tammy’s energy iscontagious and her love for this<strong>College</strong> is evident in all thatshe does,” KVCC Dean ofStudents Karen Normandinsaid. “She embraces theexperience of being acommunity college student –using resources well, givingback to her community andworking diligently to achievethe status of Dean’s List eachsemester in a competitiveTammy Jones of Oakland, KVCC's <strong>2013</strong> Student of the Year,speaks at an event at the Senator Inn in Augusta April 24 honoringStudents of the Year from all seven Maine community colleges.health program.”Jones entered theOccupational TherapyAssistant program at KVCC inthe fall of 2011 after taking anumber of general educationelectives in preparation forMore p. 2admittance to the rigorousprogram.A shy student initially, shesoon became an enthusiasticstudent leader at orientationand registration events byserving as theMore p. 2Click here for coursesWe welcome suggestions forcontent. Please direct yoursuggestions to:jhumphrey@kvcc.me.edu

P A G E 2KVCC was honored <strong>May</strong> 2 by the Healthy People of the <strong>Kennebec</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Leadership Board as a <strong>2013</strong> Workplace Well-Being Silver LevelAwardee! The award was presented at a Mid-Maine Chamber ofCommerce Business Breakfast at Thomas <strong>College</strong>. Those above, from leftto right, include: Denise Dumont-Bernier, MaineGeneral Health; MichelleWebb, Director of Resource Development, KVCC; Kimberly Lindlof,Chamber President; and Diane Sauter-Davis, KVCC OccupationalTherapy Assistant Program Instructor.KVCC Jazz Gala SuccessThe 7 th Annual <strong>Kennebec</strong><strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>(KVCC) Foundation’sEvening of Jazz Gala fundraiserMarch 29 was a greatsuccess, raisingmore than$30,000 forstudent programsand resources.This year forthe first time, thesemi-formalevent was held atKVCC’s newHarold AlfondCampus, and doubled as anopportunity to introduce thecampus to the manysupporters who make theevent a success each year.The Jazz Gala is animportant part of the annualcampaign to raise funds forthe educational needs ofstudents, supportingscholarships andmany otherresources thatmake a significantdifference in theirability tosuccessfullycompleteprograms.Special thanks tofaculty and staffwho volunteered, attended,or contributed an auctionitem, and thank you to themany sponsors. For moreinformation click here…Commencement cont. from p. 1Bank of Boston.An active member of thecommunity, Wold currently serves on the Boards of theMaine State Chamber of Commerce, the Greater PortlandRegional Chamber, the Maine RealEstate Development Association,and Maine & Company. He is pastPresident of the Maine Real EstateDevelopment Association and a pastBoard member of Friends of CascoBay. He has been involved in thesouthern Maine fundraisingcommunity for many years.Wold holds a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in economics from PrincipiaLawrence Wold<strong>College</strong> in Illinois and is a graduate of the Stonier GraduateSchool of Banking in Washington, D.C.Other speakers at the event will include Dr. Richard R.Hopper, President of KVCC; Dr. John Fitzsimmons,President of the Maine <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> System; KrisDoody, Chair of the Maine <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> SystemBoard of Trustees; and Tammy Jones, KVCC Student of theYear.Other upcoming events for the Class of <strong>2013</strong> include theEvening of Excellence at 7 p.m. on <strong>May</strong> 16th in the CarterHall Multi-Purpose Room.Jones cont. from p. 1 “face” of the <strong>College</strong> for new students –calming their fears and creating a wonderful first experience.Through her educational journey, Jones has maintained agrade point average of 3.7, achieving the Dean’s List eachsemester and joining the Phi Theta Kappa international honorsociety for two-year colleges.As the president of the KVCC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa,Jones has led the chapter to a new level of membershipenrollment and involvement.In the spring of 2012, she was selected to attend the MaineLeadership Institute for Women held at the University ofMaine. She was one of 28 women in the State selected to attendthe event.In 2012 Jones was named to the All-Maine Academic Team.The team is part of the Phi Theta Kappa program. Students arenominated and selected for the team by their college based onoutstanding academic achievement, leadership, and service.After graduation, Jones plans to complete her certificationexam over the summer and then seek employment as anoccupational therapy assistant in the local area. She plans to bean active member of the KVCC Alumni Council and tocontinue to connect with the KVCC community.Students of the Year from each of the seven colleges in theMaine <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> System (MCCS) were honoredApril 24 at a special awards ceremony at the Senator Inn inAugusta.Each award winner was selected by college faculty and staff.Each student was presented with a John H. Lapoint, Jr.Leadership Award in the amount of $1,000.K V C C N O T E B O O K

P A G E 3PTK InductionThe first-ever KVCC induction ceremony for the National Society of Leadership and Success was heldApril 19 in Carter Hall. Congratulations to all award recipients (pictured above)! Learn more here...K V C C N O T E B O O K

P A G E 4Employee recognitionCongratulations to the following employees for their years of service to KVCC.Employees were recognized <strong>May</strong> 10 on Professional Development Day.President Richard Hopper greetsstaff on his first day, April 22President Richard Hopper officially began his duties on April 22 andwas welcomed by members of the KVCC community at a specialreception held in King Hall. Hopper, who replaces former PresidentBarbara Woodlee, has already met with hundreds of students andstaff and has quickly begun establishing plans and priorities for thefuture of KVCC. Welcome President Hopper!1 YearTheodore Bessey, Kenlyn Clark,Roseann Garbe, Karen Glew,Jeffrey Godin, Jessica Goodwin,Carrie Hall, Kevin Richards,Kathleen Soucier, Martha Vrana-Bossart, Michelle Webb, HeidiWheeler, Monica Wood.5 YearsDana Doran, George Dugheria,Michelle Gayne, David Gordon,Stacia Hall, Michael Marcoux,Verla Ubert, Dianne Whitney.10 YearsCarole Buzzell, Anne Connors,Ann Salisbury, Bobbi-Jo Seamans.20 YearsLila Finlay.25 YearsGail Allen, Dianne Cook.30 YearsJacqueline Green, BarbaraLarsson.35 YearsBruce DavisGolf cont. from p. 1include a luncheonand live auction atnoon, an 18-holescramble, and anawards ceremony. Registration beginsat 11 a.m., and tee-off is at 1 p.m.Organized by the KVCC FoundationBoard of Trustees, the golf tournamentis part of the annual campaign to raisefunds to promote and support alleducational programs; to provide stateof-the-artequipment and facilities; andto ensure access through scholarshipfunds to needy students.“The Foundation Golf Tournament hasbecome a fun and important annualevent to support KVCC students,”Foundation Executive Director, MichelleWebb, said. “Thanks to the generosity ofthe many people who make itsuccessful, we are able to make asignificant difference in the ability ofstudents to access high-quality highereducation.”To learn more click here...Students in the OccupationalTherapy Assistant (OTA) Programsent a letter to Maine Gov. Paul R.LePage this winter asking him toconsider proclaiming AprilOccupational Therapy Month inMaine. The Governor politelydeclined, but he did issue a letterrecognizing the importance of theprofession to Maine which read, inpart, “I would like to recognize theimportance of the occupationaltherapy profession. Thisprofession makes valuablecontributions in helping peoplerecover after an illness or injury…I appreciate the work ofoccupational therapists and wishthem continued success as theyassist the citizens of Maine.”Thank you Gov. LePage forrecognizing the profession andour students and faculty!Please welcome KVCC’s twonewest employees, BrianSwift and Tracy Tydlacka.Brian and Tracy each joinedthe <strong>College</strong> custodial staff inlate February. Welcome toboth!K V C C N O T E B O O K

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