B.A.M.S - BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya

B.A.M.S - BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya

B.A.M.S - BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya


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M.S.M. INSTITUTE OF AYURVEDAB.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong> <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong>, Khanpur KalanORDINANCE NO. <strong>BPS</strong>MV/MSM-AYU/UG/BAMS/2009/1Academic Ordinance for Duration, Admission, Fees, TeachingMethodology, Examination, Evaluation, Promotion, Attendance andGeneral.BACHELOR OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINE & SURGERY(B.A.M.S)1. Definition & Duration1.1 The duration of the programme of instruction for the degree ofAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery) shall be 4and a 1 / 2 year, followed by a compulsory rotating internship for one year.1.1 This period of 4 and a 1 / 2 years will be divided as follows:-First Professional18monthSecond professional18monthThird professional18month2. Admission2.1 Eligibility: A candidate who attains the age of 17 years or more on 31 stDecember of the year & has passed:i) +2 examination of 10+2 course form the Board of School Education,Haryana, with atleast 50% marks in aggregate of English, Physics,Chemistry, Biology & stands pass in Sanskrit as an elective/coresubject;ii)ORAn examination of any other University / Board recognized by thisUniversity as equivalent thereto with at least 50% marks inaggregate of English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & stands pass inSanskrit subject of at least 100 marks;OR

iii)iv)Uttar Madhyam of Sampurnanand Sanskrit <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong>,Varanasi with Science (Biology group) & English shall be eligible tojoin 1 st year of the B.A.M.S Course;ORB.Sc. Final examination of B.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong> <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong>, or ofany other University recognized as equivalent by B.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong><strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong> or B.V.Sc. or B.Sc. (Nursing) Final examinationof any University recognized by B.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong> <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong>with atleast 50% marks in aggregate;ORv) M.Sc. examination of the B.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong> <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong> or anyother University recognized as equivalent by B.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong>Vishwavidyala with 50% marks shall be eligible to join 1 st year ofthe B.A.M.S Course. Provided that the students with thequalification in (i), (ii), (iv), (v) above must have passed separatelyin English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology at 10+2 level or equivalent.3. Procedure: Admission shall be made through merit/entrance test conducted byauthorized agency in the state.Note:A candidate who does not offer & pass Sanskrit as an elective/coresubject in any of the examinations mentioned above may be admittedto B.A.M.S. Part-I subject to the condition that she shall have tooffer & pass the subject of Sanskrit in B.A.M.S Part-I examination.4. Examination:4.1 The examination shall be open to a person :-A. Who possesses the qualification laid down in clauses 3 & 10.B. (i) Who has been on the rolls of a college admitted to the privilegesof this University for the period provided in clause 2.1.(ii) Whose name is submitted to the Registrar/Controller ofExamination by the Principal of the College provided that thePrincipal of the College certifies that the candidate has:a) attended not less than 75% of the full course of lecturesdelivered in each subject 75% of the period assigned topractical work in each subject ( the lectures & practical workshall be counted up to 21 days before the commencement ofthe examination);4.2 The examination shall be held according the syllabus prescribed by theAcademic Council . A candidate, who fails in an examination or havingbeen eligible fails to appear in an examination, shall take the examination

according to the syllabus prescribed by the University for regular students.Provided that the syllabus for candidates for the compartment examinationshall be the same as was in force in the last Annual Examination.a) All the students shall appear at the sessional Examinations on suchdates & time as may by fixed by the heads or the respectiveDepartments. At least 2 sessional examinations shall be conducted ineach subject in each Academic year. Normally, there should be noarrangements for holding supplementary examination after the sessionalExaminations are over except in cases where the genuineness ofabsentee in justifies. In addition to the different sessional examination,assessment of day-to-day work will also be carried out.b) The first & third professional examinations shall ordinarily be held atthe end of 18 months in the month of December. The secondprofessional examination shall ordinarily be held at the end 18 months inthe month of May/June. The period of 18 months shall include the timetaken for the examination & the preparatory days if any.For reappearing candidates the supplementary examination forfirst/second/third professional examination shall be held in the followingmonth in December or May as the case may be. Only those candidates,who have passed at least one subject of their main examination, shall beeligible to take the supplementary examination.c) Marks (as per details under Scheme of Examination) in theUniversity Theory Examination will be awarded on the basis of theassessment of sessional theoretical examination. Marks are to beawarded by the teachers of the respective subjects & certified by thehead of the Department.d) Marks (as per details under Scheme of Examination) in theUniversity practical/Clinical Examination will be awarded on the basisof day-to-day work done in practical/wards etc. & Practical/Clinicaltests as assessed by the teachers of the respective subjects & certified bythe head of the Department.e) Marks awarded on the basis of sessional Theoretical Examination &day-to – day work in practical, Clinical etc. will be considered onlywhen the candidate , appears for the first time in the UniversityExamination in that particular subject. If the candidate fails to pass in thefirst appearance, in all subsequent examination & day-to-day work inPractical /Clinical etc. Results in such cases will only be assessed on thebasis of written papers oral & practical /clinical examination.

f) The Head of Department of the primary subject of the examinationwill compile & send the certified total marks awarded on the basis ofsessional, Theoretical Examination & day-to-day work to the Controllerof Examination, B.P.S. <strong>Mahila</strong> <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong> so as to reach himbefore the commencement of the University Examination.5. FEE:The examination fee to be paid by a candidate shall be as per University normsfor each examination, or a part thereof.6. Evaluation:The minimum marks required to pass in each subject shall be 50% (written&practical separately).6.1 The final results shall be declared after taking into account the marksobtained by the candidate in all the examination & candidates who obtainmore than 75% marks have passed in the first attempt all the examinationswithin the normal period of instructions shall be declared to have passedwith distinction.6.2 Every successful candidate shall be granted a Certificate-cum Detail markscard of each examination. Marks obtained in each subject shall besupplied to unsuccessful candidates also. Provided that a candidate whoqualifies all the three professional examinations of Ayurvedacharya will beissued a Degree of Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &Surgery) B.A.M.S after completion of internship as provided in Clause-12.6.3 The first professional period shall start form 1 st day of July & end on 31 stDecember next year. The examinations shall ordinarily be completed bythe end of December. The supplementary examination of first professionalshall be held within 2 months of declaration of result. The subsequent firstprofessional examination will be held every 6 months and failedcandidate(s) shall ordinarily be allowed 3 consecutive chances for passingfirst Professional.However, a student failed in one or more subjects of first professionalexamination may be allowed to keep term in 2 nd professional course. Onlythose students, who passed in all subjects, shall be allowed to take for the3 rd professional examination.ii)iii)The candidates before presenting themselves for thisexamination shall obtain a certificate of completing theprescribed subject of the first professional examination.A candidate failed in one or more subjects in examination shallbe eligible to appear in supplementary examination.

iv)Candidates who fail to pass the 1 st professional examination inthree consecutive opportunities shall not be allowed to continuetheir studies. However, in case of personal illness of a seriousnature of a candidate & in unavoidablecondition/circumstances, the V.C may permit one moreopportunity for passing the 1 st professional course.6.4 A person who has passed 2 nd prof. B.A.M.S examination of the B.P.S.<strong>Mahila</strong> <strong>Vishwavidyalaya</strong> shall be eligible to join the final prof. B.A.M.Scourse. However, a candidate who fails in the 2 nd professional examinationmay be allowed to attend the next higher class i.e the final prof. B.A.M.Scourse, but will not be allowed to appear in the examination of the finalprof. B.A.M.S. final prof. till she passes in all the subjects of 2 nd prof.B.A.M.S. examination.6.5 A candidate who fails in the Annual Examination but has obtained atleast50% marks in any (written & practical) separately at the examination shallbe exempted from reappearing in the subject (s). This is, however, subjectto provisions of Clauses 10.1 & 10.2 above.6.6 All the students shall appear at the Sessional examination . At least twoSessional examination shall be conducted in each subject in each academicyear. Normally there should be no arrangements for holdingsupplementary examination after the Sessional examinations are over,except in cases where the genuineness of absentee is justified.6.7 Every candidate on passing the Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of AyurvedicMedicine & Surgery) course of studies shall be required to undergocompulsory internship training for a period of one year as under before thedegree of Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)is conferred upon her.KayachikitsaPanchkarmaShalyaShalakyaKaumarbhrityaPrasuti Tantra & Stri RogaCommunity Health & Family Planning3 months1 month1 month1 month1 month1 month4 monthNOTE: Internship will start after the declaration of final prof. B.A.M.Sexamination result.7. General:6.1 Notwithstanding the integrated nature of this course which is spread overmore than one academic year, the Ordinance in force at the time a student

joins the course shall hold good only for the examination held during or atthe end of academic year & nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed todebar the University form amended the Ordinance & the amendedOrdinance, if any shall apply to all the students, whether old or new.

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