POWER D.R.I.V.E. - Teamsters Local 25

POWER D.R.I.V.E. - Teamsters Local 25

POWER D.R.I.V.E. - Teamsters Local 25


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FALL 2011<strong>POWER</strong> D.R.I.V.E.

56In This Issue | Fall 2011FEATURES5 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Members AttendWomens Conference inBig Apple6 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Finishes Record-Breaking DRIVE Campaign8 Taking Center Stage,<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Shinesat 28 th InternationalConvention14 Building a Better Future8 14DEPARTMENTS2 Business Agent Reports16 <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care18 Secretary-Treasurer’s Report20 Blood Bank22 Calendar24 Stewards Spotlight26 Pensioners27 In Memoriam28 Retiree Chapter NewsVISIT THELeft LaneThe “Left Lane” is the name ofthe new <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Store,which is housed in the Day Room atthe headquarters at 544 Main Street,Charlestown, Massachusetts.The store features a select number ofdifferent items offered on a seasonalbasis: shirts, hats, jackets and sweatshirts.There will also be specialtyitems available throughout the year.The store will be open from 8 a.m.to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday,and one hour before and onehour after the monthly meetings.The store accepts cash,credit card or debit card.For more information call(617) 241-9687Sean M. O'Brien, President/Principal OfficerMark A. HarringtonSecretary-TreasurerJohn A. MurphyVice President/Business AgentThe SpokesmanMark D. LessardRecording SecretaryJackie AddisonTrusteeJohn Jay ManleyTrusteeAndrew P. WalshTrusteeGeorge SlicisBusiness AgentTom MariBusiness AgentRobert FabrizioBusiness AgentDavid A. PietroforteBusiness AgentSteven J. SouthBusiness AgentSteven R. SullivanOrganizerStatement of Ownership, Management & CirculationDate of Filing:January 7, 2008Title of Publication:The SpokesmanFrequency of Issue:QuarterlyLocation of Office:544 Main StreetBoston, MA 02129Total: 15,000Editor & ManagingEditor: Sean M. O’BrienOwnership:<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>Teamsters</strong> Union544 Main Street Boston,MA 02129Total # Copies: 15,000Paid and/or requestedCirculation: NoneFree Distributionby Mail: 14,348Free DistributionOutside the Mail: 652Total Distribution:15,000Copies not Distributed:652 (office use..etc)

Message from thePresidentDear Brothers and Sisters:As autumn comes into full focus, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> can look back with pride to earlier this summer at the28th International Convention of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Union and our members’ involvement in the fivedayevent. Our members did a great job representing <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> at the Convention, held every fiveyears. For a recap of the highlights, please see the story on pages 8-11. I am proud of our membersfor taking part in such an important event.“...I want toremind all of youto participate inthe upcomingTeamster election.Your vote isimportant in theprocess to select theleadership of thisgreat union.”–SEAN M. O'BRIENPRESIDENT/PRINCIPAL OFFICERI am also proud of all our members who helped make our recent DRIVE campaign such a hugesuccess. In just under two weeks, nearly 1,700 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members either increased their weeklycontribution or joined DRIVE (Democratic, Republican, Independent Voter Education) for thefirst time. With the war on workers intensifying in this country, it is more important than ever totake part in DRIVE. Once again, our members came through. If you are not involved withDRIVE, I urge you to sign up now. This is about protecting your future and protecting the futuresof all <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members.As the summer wound down in late August, the Women’s Conference took place from August 26-28,and what a great event it was. We had a contingent of 11 Teamster women from <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> whoattended. <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>’s Women’s Committee does a great job throughout the year and this event is soimportant to help build momentum in the coming year. For a list of the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> women whoattended and a story about the conference, see Page 5.In early August, I was pleased to see <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members standing side-by-side with striking membersof the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and Communication Workers ofAmerica (CWA) from Verizon. The workers went on strike for two weeks, and <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> memberswalked picket lines and supported Verizon worker rallies with the <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> tractor-trailertruck and inflatable rat. This was a great show of solidarity and it sends an important message tocompanies that labor will stand together to fight for justice.When it comes to everyday heroes, our brave men and women who serve in the military are secondto none. Each day, they put their lives on the line so that we may enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear.That’s why I am so pleased that <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> has been chosen to help military personnel obtain theirCommercial Drivers License upon their return to civilian life. The recession is taking a toll on millionsof Americans, and returning veterans are facing even more obstacles making the transition.That’s why we are happy to help veterans get back on their feet by giving them the necessary skills tofind productive work.Finally, I want to remind all of you to participate in the upcoming Teamster election. Your vote isimportant in the process to select the leadership of this great union. I remind you once again thatthis is your union. It is your responsibility to make sure your voice is heard, so take the few minutesto cast your ballot.Fraternally,Sean M. O'BrienPresident/Principal Officer

Business AgentDedicated to Our <strong>Local</strong> Union MembersVice-President and Business AgentJohn MurphyWe have completed the Massport negotiations.We negotiated a five-year contract,with a signing bonus in the first year and 2-percent wage increase per year for the nextfour years. There is a 5-percent increase inour health care cost, which can be offset bythe Port Authority matching our 401(k)contributions. We fixed the problems with the attendance policy andwe combined the two contracts.UPS/Cartage has moved its Portland, Maine operation to ourBoston location, with four drivers moving to our location and theadditional hiring of four drivers as well as one clerical employee.President O’Brien has given me a new assignment—I will nowhandle another freight company, UPS Freight. I have met with StewardJoe Shaw and all the guys, as well as the newest members, the insideclerical clerks.In the Freight Division, the plan to restructure YRC to save<strong>25</strong>,000 Teamster freight jobs is complete. As a result, we are seeing ourcustomers returning, and that has resulted in the recall of our laid-offmembers, 10 drivers and four clerical. The ABF Freight lawsuit is stillongoing, and could still affect the stability of YRC going forward.At DHL, the company will add somewhere between seven and 15runs, with a new business account they picked up from eBay.In the Airline Division, the <strong>Teamsters</strong> lost the United Airlinesmechanic vote on a new first contract, as well as the organizing campaigninvolving the fleet service workers at CAL/UAL. This hasresulted in <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> losing 200 fleet service members at CAL in ourAirline Division.In the Public Service Division, I was honored to be selected to representthis great local union at our 28th International <strong>Teamsters</strong> Convention,where our next international labor leaders were nominated tolead us for the next five years. This Convention could just as easily havebeen called the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Convention, as it showed the country the trueleadership of our President and Principal Officer Sean O’Brien, andthe influence he has throughout this International Union. I would alsolike to thank my son, Specialist John Patrick Murphy, of the 10thMountain Division Light Infantry Airborne, who returned fromAfghanistan after being injury by an IED explosion, for his service tohis country and for speaking to our delegates. The overwhelmingresponse he received from the members in Las Vegas as well as fromthis local union is something my family and I will never forget. Thankyou all.And as always, don’t forget your <strong>Teamsters</strong> Credit Union.Business AgentGeorge SlicisIn my last report I said that I was in negotiationswith Cambridge Health Alliance. Wehave met several times and it looks like wewill have a new contract in the next fewmeetings. First-time contracts take sometime and patience because you need tomake sure that the language works andprotects the members.I am in negotiations with Angelica Textiles Services and have metwith them a couple of times. This is the third contract for this groupand I hope to make some improvements in these negotiations as we didin the last contract negotiations.Negotiations for Certainteed (Bird) will be starting in October. Wehave had the proposal meeting and the company has scheduled somedates to meet. This will be a challenging contract negotiation as I’m toldthat the last time they were in negotiations the company was lookingfor concessions.I have been assigned a new group, North Reading DPW, a group of20 employees who recently voted to become <strong>Teamsters</strong>. I have met withthe members and have some dates scheduled with the town to startnegotiations. As in most first-time contracts, it will be a challenge butwe will get the contract done.I discussed in my last report a newly organized group called SheilaMarie Imports. We had been negotiating this new contract for about sixmonths and met several times. The company proposed a last and finaloffer to us during the last negotiation session. Sheila Marie offered aone-year deal with no increases but would agree to the language that wehad negotiated and insisted on during the negotiations. I told the companythat we would not recommend this last final offer to our membersand that we already had strike authorization from them. The companythought their employees would never strike and therefore they wouldnot retract their last final offer. The members voted it down and wereangry that the company once again showed them no respect. We commenceda strike in July and it lasted about two weeks. Fourteen out ofthe 17 members walked the picket line every day. In the end, the companydecided to cease the operation in its North Reading facility.This company spent thousands of dollars flying up replacement workersand putting them up in hotels during this two-week strike and theyalso spent thousands on police details. This angered the members andmany stated to me that if they didn’t get a contract, shutting them downwould be the next best thing. In the end, it would have been a lot cheaperfor the company to negotiate a fair contract but corporate greed got thebest of them. We were able to negotiate a severance package for the mem-2 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Reportsbers and some of them have been hired in other Teamster jobs. It’s notwhat we wanted for an outcome but this company from Atlanta, Georgianeeded to understand their tactics will not work here in Massachusetts.Business AgentTom MariI have ongoing negotiations with EverettDPW, Everett 911, Everett clerical and theCity of Woburn department heads. I havealso ratified a one-year agreement for bothof our Tewksbury school groups.In the trash industry we have a big yearcoming up with four out of our five contractsexpiring next June. Our trash industry members have one of thehardest jobs in the local and it is also one of the most dangerous. Thesemembers work in an extremely tough environment and deserve to berespected by these companies for all that they do day in and day out. Iask all the trash members to get prepared and show our solidarity overthe next nine months. We need to show the companies that we will standtogether and fight for what we deserve in these upcoming negotiations.In construction, the I-93 Fast 14 project has been completed and itwas done on time due to the efforts of all the <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members fromJF White, Testa Corp, O.B. Hill, Shaughnessy & Ahern Co., BostonSand and Gravel, French Trucking and numerous Teamster owneroperatorswho sacrificed each and every weekend during this pastsummer. This project getting done on time and done right by Teamstermembers should bring more projects like this in the future.Also, in the construction industry the Fan Pier project—which is aproject labor agreement—has started in August and we have 100-percentTeamster owner-operators doing all the hauling of the fill. Therehas been an average of 30 Teamster trucks hauling in and out each day.Finally, in August there were some assignment changes made hereat the local and I just want to thank all the stewards and the membersat each group where I am no longer assigned to work. Thank you foryour support. It was a pleasure working with you all.Business AgentRobert FabrizioAs of this writing, I am starting negotiationswith Vocell Bus. This is a newlyorganized group in Malden, Massachusettswith 84 members. They have contractswith cities and towns in Massachusettsto transport schoolchildren to andfrom home and school.I am also starting negotiations with the security guards at St.Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Brighton, Massachusetts. This newlyorganized group of 22 members provides the security at the hospital.I look forward to negotiating their first contract with <strong>Teamsters</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> and representing members in both of these newly organizedcompanies.I am also in negotiations with Veterans Taxi of Newton. Theircontract expired at the end of September. The members aremechanics that work on and repair The Ride vehicles that pick upand transport disabled people for Veterans Transportation inWaltham, Massachusetts.I will also be having a proposal meeting in September for ourmembers at Peter Pan Bus Lines in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Theircontract expires in December of this year.I also look forward to my new assignments, which also includethe town of Norwell School Custodians. I look forward to representingthese members.In arbitration, I have several cases involving Stop & Shop. Thefirst case will be heard in September regarding a wrongful termination.The other cases that will be heard in the next several monthsinvolve contract violations.Additionally, I have a case that will be heard in Septemberregarding a wrongful suspension at Joint Venture.Finally, I have a wrongful termination case that will be heard inOctober regarding Veterans Transportation.I know everyone is still enjoying this summer weather, but theholiday season will be here before you know it. Just a reminder thatwe will be gearing up in the next several months to start our Toysfor Tots campaign, and we will be asking all of you to again thinkabout those children that urgently need our help.I hope you all had a great summer, and I look forward to seeingmany of you soon.Business AgentDave PietroforteIt has been a busy summer once again fornegotiations and I am happy toannounce we have agreed to a two-yeardeal with the eight produce companiesthat I represent: Peter Condakes Produce,Mutual Produce, Darrigo Bros, ArthurSilk, S. Strock, Community Suffolk, P.Tavilla Co. and John Cerasuolo Co. Workers at all eight companiesratified their contracts and all maintained their health and welfare,www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 3

Business Agent Reportspension and wages.We were also successful in negotiating a new three-year dealmaintaining health and welfare, pensions and wages at WalthamLumber. Negotiations were also completed at Catalano Bros.,with the company agreeing to a new two-year deal that securedhealth and welfare and pension. We have a new one-year dealwith G.D. Matthews’s Salad House, with all benefits and wagessecured. At Martignetti/Gilman and Sons Liquor Company inNorwood, we have a new five-year deal with health, pension andwages. I would like to thank President O’Brien for his supportduring the negotiations at Gilman and Sons.At Ryerson Steel in Fort Devens, I continue to meet with thecompany and we are slowly beginning to move forward. My lastmeeting with the company took place September 20 and 21. Ihave also secured dates with Xpedx to begin talks. Those meetingstook place in mid-September. Also, I am waiting for datesfrom East Boston Health Center to start talks. At Paul RevereTransportation in Chelsea, I will be sending out a notice tosecure dates to start our negotiations; that contract is up the endof December.I would like to thank all my stewards for their continued supportduring all of these negotiations.Since my last report, I have settled two additional arbitrationcases with Xpedx. There is a final case set for January 26, 2012. Ialso mentioned in my last report of two potential cases to file forarbitration with Air Gas in Hingham and East Boston HealthCenter. I have moved forward and filed for arbitration on both ofthese cases. I also have filed a case for arbitration against SmurfitStone Container in Mansfield.I would like to welcome aboard four new stewards: SergeBertrand, Paul Revere Logan Division; Michael Delia Jr., PaulRevere Trans Winthrop Services; Derek Boisvert, M.S. Walker inNorwood; and Arthur (“Junior”) Pelton, P.Tavilla produce.Since my last report we have come to atentative agreement with the town ofNorwell on a two-year contract for thecustodians and we are also very closeto a new three-year contract with thetown of Watertown for the DPWmembers. We have also settled severalarbitrations with Hertz car rental, DSM Neoresin and SaintMichaels Cemetery.In the air freight industry, it is more important than ever thatwe continue to try to organize the nonunion companies as theypay their workers as little as they want and attempt to undercutthe union companies. We continue to work on organizing LightningExpress and Crystal Motor Express in Conjunction with<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> 42.The new Combined Dispatch Center in Hingham is scheduledto open this fall. This will be the first combined dispatchcenter in the state of Massachusetts and will cover the communitiesof Hingham, Cohasset, Norwell and Hull. Many cities andtowns are contemplating a similar merging of operations andwill be watching this closely. We have completed the closingagreement for the Hingham dispatchers and look forward tonegotiating a new agreement for all of employees at this newstate-of-the-art dispatch center.At UPS Chelmsford, we continue to enforce the contract diligentlyand educate our new members there. I will again encourageevery UPS employee to write down your start and finishtimes every day, add up your hours and compare it to your paycheckon a weekly basis. Even at a worldwide company like UPSwith cutting-edge technology, payroll issues and mistakes continueevery day. It is very important that you get paid for everyminute that you work. This is your contractual right and is alsocovered by state law! Contact me or your steward if you find anydiscrepancies.On August 3, 2011, at an arbitration hearing in New England,a UPS employee’s termination was upheld by a neutral arbitratorfor “working off the clock.” This New Hampshire UPS employeewas knowingly performing work at UPS without being paid.UPS terminated his employment for “dishonesty” and the decisionwas upheld at arbitration. UPS is NOT a nonprofit organization.It is a multibillion-dollar corporation. Do not work offthe clock. This includes before work (setup), after work or duringlunch or breaks. If you aren’t getting paid, do not performany work whatsoever, your job could depend on it!I wish you and your families a great fall!Business AgentSteve South4 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Dr. Elaine Bernard, Harvard Trade Union Programand spouse of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> member Greg Gigg<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Members AttendWOMEN’S CONFERENCE INBIG APPLEThe following women attendedthis year’s Women’s Conference:Patricia DiSilva <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Jacqueline Addison MassportLeslie Russell TeamstercareJoan CoreyCity of WoburnHelen Giglio City of EverettAnn Nastasia MassportMichelle Joshua UPS-Chelms.Janet McLaughlin <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Edna Prieto <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Janet Guazzaloca UPSBarbara Vraibel TeamstercareSean M O'Brien President of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>ATTENDEES HEAR DYNAMIC SPEAKERS, ATTEND WORKSHOPSL to R: Joan Corey and Leslie RussellL to R: Helen Giglio and Jackie AddisonThe International Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong> conducted its 11th annualWomen’s Conference from August 26-28 in New York City, providing <strong>Teamsters</strong>with an opportunity to hear from dynamic speakers, learn from educationalworkshops and take part in an action in support of their Teamster sistersand brothers.Despite threats from Hurricane Irene, Teamster women took the fight againstthe war on workers to the Big Apple.“We had an impressive contingent of 11 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> women venture to New Yorkfor this year’s Women’s Conference despite the looming hurricane,” said JackieAddison, Chair of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Women’s Committee and Trustee of<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. “It was a proud moment for us to be joined by our <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> PresidentSean M. O’Brien. Sean’s forward-thinking approach to the future of the <strong>Teamsters</strong>Union was duly noted by all who attended this year’s event in New York City.”Honorary member of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>, Christopher Duffley, opened the historicevent with his amazing rendition of the National Anthem. The 10-year-oldDuffley is both blind and autistic, and has become a Teamster favorite at manyevents around the country in the last year starting with the 28th InternationalConvention of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Union.“I was pleased and honored to be able to attend this year’s Women’s Conferencewith our local union’s devoted and enthusiastic members of the Women’sCommittee,” O’Brien said. “The <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Women’s Committee does great workand we should be proud of their achievements.”www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 5

Paul Nardi of Boston Sand and GravelLOCAL <strong>25</strong> FINISHES RECORD-In just under two weeks, nearly 1,700 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> memberseither increased their weekly contribution or joinedDRIVE (Democratic, Republican, Independent VoterEducation) for the first time. DRIVE is the InternationalBrotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong>’ registered political action fund,which helps us to elect or defeat candidates for public officeon a national level.“DRIVE funding is very important to our survival goingforward,” said Sean M. O’Brien, President and Principal Officerof <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. “The recent war on workers campaignwe all witnessed started with a newly elected anti-uniongovernor and anti-union legislature in the state of Wisconsin.DRIVE funding will help us defeat these types of adversariesof working people.”The <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> DRIVE effort was spearheaded by BusinessAgent Steven J. South and he was supported by DRIVE RepresentativesTom Curtin and Tim Dunn. More than 30 differentlocations were visited. A special thanks goes out to the<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> business agents and stewards who helped make thecampaign so victorious.“I had no problem increasing my DRIVE contributionthis year. We need to start building our war chest for the presidentialelection next year. If a right-wing president and TeaParty Congress get elected, organized labor as we know itmight be in jeopardy of becoming extinct. We need to bandtogether and fight for our lives,” said Brian DeLuca, steward atUPS in Watertown, Massachusetts.Big business spends big money in Washington to influencemembers of Congress to push their anti-worker plans. Theyoutspend working families on politics by more than 15-1.Through grassroots political action and aggressive lobbyingon Capitol Hill and in statehouses and city halls across thecountry, <strong>Teamsters</strong> have stopped some of the worst attacks onworking people. But big business is pushing their agendaharder than ever. That means we have to fight back strongerthan ever. And we have to move forward with our own programs,like improving job safety, fighting for affordable childcare,and stopping abuses by corporate health providers andinsurance companies.You can take a stand for working families by contributingto DRIVE. Your contribution will support grassroots actionby Teamster families to stand up to big business interests. Andyour membership to DRIVE will help elect political candidateswho care about working people.Contributions to DRIVE support a wide range of Teamsteractivities, such as:• Keeping members and their families informed on the keyissues that affect our future, including voter guides thatshow the records of our Senators and Representatives inCongress;• Rallies, news conferences, advertisements and phonebanks to build support on issues of concern to workingpeople; and• Voter registration and financial support for political candidateswho will stand up for working families. DRIVE isnon-partisan and independent from any political party.“I would like to thank everyone who dug deep into theirpockets to support this recent DRIVE campaign. Your commitmentto <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> is truly appreciated,” O’Brien said.6 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Emmett BurtonRobert DunnBREAKING DRIVE CAMPAIGNBusiness Agent Steven J. South with members.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 7

VISION SOLIDATAKING CENTER STAGE"The Fighter" Micky WardL to R: U.S. army specialist John P. Murphy, son of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Vice-President John A. Murphy.[ ]“The 28th International Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong> Convention was agreat event for our local union. We were proud to be able to showcaseour local union with all of our special guests.”–President, Sean M. O’ brien8 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Shines at 28th International ConventionHonorary Teamster Memeber Christopher Duffley.L to R: 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Gold Medal winners Jack O'Callahan and Dave Silk.RITYACTION<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> had a huge presence at the 28thInternational Convention of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Union.The Convention took place June 27 to July 1, 2011 in LasVegas and anyone who was in attendance witnessed manymemorable moments with <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>’s involvementhighlighted.On June 29, John P. Murphy, a specialist in the U.S.Army’s 10th Mountain Light Infantry Division, stole theshow when he thanked <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> for every opportunityhe ever received growing up as the son of a Teamster.Spc. Murphy is the son of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Vice Presidentand Business Agent John A. Murphy.“As a Teamster and a soldier, I know what it’s like to fightthe fight on both fronts. I also know how much the <strong>Teamsters</strong>support our military and appreciate the efforts that we putforward on a day-to-day basis,” Murphy said. “Soldiers likeme take comfort in knowing that while we defend America’sfreedom overseas, men and women like yourselves are fightingfor us and the rights of every worker in this country.”Two weeks before the Convention, Murphy was injuredwww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 9

L to R: Christopher Duffley and President Sean M. O’Brien

“As a Teamster and a soldier, I know what it’s like tofight the fight on both fronts. I also know how muchthe <strong>Teamsters</strong> support our military and appreciate theefforts that we put forward on a day-to-day basis.”–John P. Murphy, U.S. Armywhen an explosive ignited, killing an Afghan soldier and of “Lean On Me.”wounding an American soldier. Murphy’s reaction to the incidentprompted his commanding officer to recommend him for Juszkiewicz addressed the delegates with some kind words forOn June 30, Chelmsford UPS Chief Steward John “Juice”Army Commendation Medal of Honor.the leadership of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> is very proud of Army Spc. John Murphy. His sacrificeand commitment to our countryeasier knowing that my local union“As chief steward representing 900 <strong>Teamsters</strong>, it makes my jobshould serve as an example to us all,”President, Sean O’Brien, is always theresaid Sean M. O’Brien, President andto back me up,” Juszkiewicz said. “SeanPrincipal Officer of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.chairs the New England panel, and IIn closing on June 29, in the spiritknow UPS would rather deal with menational patriotism, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> had 1980than have Sean O’Brien hold their feetUSA hockey Olympic Gold Medalto the fire. I would also like to thankwinners Jack O’Callahan and DaveKen Hall and the entire National UPSSilk address the audience. Both hailNegotiating Committee for providingfrom Massachusetts and are goodus with such a strong contract, but it isfriends of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. Bothour responsibility to enforce it.”shared their excitement to be asked toOn June 30 at the closing of theaddress the delegates.Convention for the day, “Irish” Micky“They called us heroes afterWard addressed the audience and1980…you guys are the real heroes.boasted that he was a proud memberYou are the people that are the veterans…youdeliver to hospitals, you putrecently portrayed in the movie “Theof <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. Ward wasfood in supermarkets, you are America.Vision, solidarity, action…itthe <strong>Teamsters</strong>.Fighter.” Ward compared boxing toJohn “Juice” Juszkiewiczworked for us in 1980, it has worked for you folks,” Silk said. “When I am boxing, I’m in the ring fighting and I have a<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> guest and honorary member, 10-yearoldChristopher Duffley, who is blind and autistic, pulled at the and that’s what it is all about. There is no giving up,” Ward said.team with me. And you guys come together and fight togetherheartstrings of the burly Teamster audience as he opened the “The 28th International Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong> Conventionwas a great event for our local union. We were proud to beconvention on Thursday, June 30, with his unique performanceof the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Before the lunch break, he able to showcase our local union with all of our special guests,”reduced most in the Convention hall to tears with his rendition O’Brien said.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 11

TEAMSTERS LOCAL <strong>25</strong> SUPPORTS VERIZON WORKERSIn a gesture of solidarity, <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> stood side-bysidewith striking members of the International Brotherhoodof Electrical Workers (IBEW) and CommunicationWorkers of America (CWA) from Verizon. On August 6,45,000 Verizon workers went on strike. <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>members walked picket lines and supported Verizon workerrallies with the <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> tractor-trailer truck andinflatable rat.“It was the least we could do for these brave workers whodecided to strike in the midst of this unmerciful recession,”said Sean M. O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. “It is about time workers stood up forthemselves and their families and clash with the corporatebullies that continuously put profits before people.”The unions agreed to end the strike after two weeks afterthe company agreed to bargain in good faith.12 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

✮ TEAMSTERS/MILITARY ✮CDL LICENSING PROGRAM HELPSVETERANS START NEW LIVESLEFT: Left to right, Sean M. O’Brien and Col. David SutherlandRIGHT: Left to right, Brenda Dionne, Ann Vesey, Col. David Sutherland, Kelly South, Edna Prieto and Jen Todd“The <strong>Teamsters</strong>/Military CDLLicensing Program is by far the mostproductive program we have seen intransitioning military skills into thecivilian sector. It will be utilized as arole model program for many of thetransitioning and certification workforceefforts. We must as a militaryand civilian community partner andwork together to define the bestsolutions necessary so that thosewho have honorably served willendure a career path that will bestsuit the skills they have developedwhile serving their country. It is acollaborated effort and I commendthe <strong>Teamsters</strong> for the partneringsupport to our military and for thecommitment they have made to themen and women who have honorablyserved this great nation.”– Lt. General Jack C. Stultz, Chief,United States Army ReservesUnder the guidance of the International Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong> BuildingMaterial and Construction Trade Division, the <strong>Teamsters</strong> have developed a 200-hour CDL training course for veterans, reserve and guard candidates to assistthem in obtaining their certified Class A Commercial Truck Driving License.“I am very pleased that <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> has been chosen to help military personnelobtain their Commercial Drivers License. We have been training our own memberssince 1974 and we look forward to helping these courageous war veteransassimilate back into society with some marketable credentials,” said Sean M.O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.The <strong>Teamsters</strong> have partnered with the Army and Marine Corps as well as theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and state agencies. There is no cost to thecandidates who take this course. After completion of the course, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> makesthe best possible efforts to connect them with affiliated employers. In addition tothe <strong>Teamsters</strong>/Military CDL Licensing program, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>, in concert with <strong>Teamsters</strong>Joint Council 10 of New England, will have the capability to assist our Teamstermilitary veterans and their families in filing for a claim or disability. Acrossthe country the <strong>Teamsters</strong> have filed more than 2,000 claims with Teamster militaryveterans who were unaware of the presumptive illnesses the VA has identifiedthat should and could be filed on their behalf. Many of the Teamster veterans whohave filed have received not only an additional monthly income but also weregranted a lump sum. In this economy, offering this support to our Teamster militaryveterans and their families has shown to be a great supporting mechanism.Army Colonel David W. Sutherland and his staff visited <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> in July andendorsed <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>’s efforts to be part of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Military CDLLicensing program.“I am excited that <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> has decided to step up and help our militaryveterans. Becoming part of the <strong>Teamsters</strong> family will certainly help these formersoldiers absorb back into civilian life.” Sutherland said.Colonel Sutherland is currently serving as the Special Assistant to the Chairmanof the JointChiefs of Staff with principal focus on Warrior and Family programs.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 13

2011 Scholarship RecipientsBuilding a Better FuLOCAL <strong>25</strong> AWARDS NEARLY$60,000 IN SCHOLARSHIP MONEYOur 2011 Scholarship Ceremony was held on Sunday, May 15,2011, during our General Membership meeting. This is one of<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>’s favorite and proudest days. We awardedclose to $60,000 to 29 children of our members. Each studentreceived a $2,000 scholarship to help defray the rising tuition cost.This is the most we have ever awarded due to the help of our ninesponsored scholarships. We are very proud to be able to supportour members’ children with their higher education. <strong>Teamsters</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>’s goal is to be able to provide many more scholarships to14 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Special Thanksto our SponsoredScholarships below:George Rodrigues MemorialScholarship Award(Brian Cloherty)Kevin F. Harrington, Sr.Scholarship Award(Kevin Harrington)Joseph C. ConlonMemorial Scholarship Award(<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>)Scholarship Recipient Lauren McNellyFeinberg, Campbell &Zack Scholarship Award(Mike Feinberg)tureour membership in the future.Our Charity Golf outing is our main fundraiser for ourScholarship fund. It was held on September 24.<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> President Sean M. O’Brien spoke with the recipientsand their families before the membership meetingstarted. During the meeting each student received a scholarshipplaque in front of the membership and we learned whereeach student would be attending college. At the end of thepresentation, President O’Brien surprised the recipients witha drawing for two Dell laptops, which were generouslydonated by Sea Change Systems, Inc. We thank Sea ChangeSystems, Inc. for adding such an important and special touchto this program.<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Group LegalServices Plan Scholarship Award(Paul Regan)<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> RetireeChapter Scholarship Award(Joe Conti)The Francis CiccarelliMemorial Scholarship Award(Ciccarelli Family)Aetna Labor Division Scholarship(Joe Scibilia)David Smith Memorial Scholarship(Kevin Kelleher)www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 15

Board of Trustees<strong>Teamsters</strong> Union <strong>25</strong>Health Services &Insurance PlanSean M. O’BrienUnion Co-ChairmanMark A. HarringtonUnion TrusteeJohn A. MurphyUnion TrusteeThomas G. MariUnion TrusteeCharles F. ArbingEmployer Co-ChairmanJohn RemillardEmployer TrusteeTom J. VenturaEmployer TrusteeJohn D. O’ReillyEmployer TrusteeUnderstandingYour PharmacyBenefit ~It’s as Easy asOne, Two, Three!1. Your <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care In House Pharmacies:The <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Pharmacies in Charlestown and Stoughton provide you with personalwalk in service and up to a 90-day supply of your prescription medications. Call aheadwhenever possible so we can have your medication available and ready for you when youarrive. Refills may be ordered by phone (consult the phone directory on the next page) oronline @ www.teamsterscare.com (click on the <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Pharmacy Benefit button on theleft; then click Online Refill NetManager).2. Your Mail Order Pharmacy Services:Your mail-order prescription drug benefit is now managed by Medco Pharmacy.They are available to deliver up to a 90-day supply of your prescription medications directlyto you. Medco can be reached by phone @ 1-877-543-7097 or online @ www.medco.com.3. Your Retail Pharmacy Benefit:Retail pharmacies that participate in Medco’s national network are available to provide youwith up to a 30-day supply of your prescription medications. You will need the Medcoprescription drug ID card that was recently mailed to you to utilize this option, and coverageis based on your <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Program.The new program took effect September 1, 2011.Your basic pharmacy benefit has not changed, and<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care is able to hold down costs and keep your prescription drug copays from increasing.<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care In-House Pharmacies<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care’s In-House Pharmacies in Charlestown and Stoughton continue to offer you an easy and costeffective way to fill prescriptions. Because you are a <strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Member you are more than just a customer to us.Please call ahead to ensure that your medication is available and ready for you when you arrive.CharlestownStoughtonMon through Thurs: 8am to 6pm;Fri and Sat: 8am to 4pmMon, Tue, Thurs, Fri, Sat: 8am to 4pm;Weds: 8am to 6pm

www.teamsterscare.comAn Apple a DayThere is something joyful about biting into a crisp, juicy apple. While apples are availableyear-round, fall is truly apple season, when the fruit is the freshest.Apples contain vitamins and fiber that are healthy for you. They can be added tosalads; made into applesauce, juice, and salsas; and baked into a wide variety ofentrees, side dishes, and desserts.Apples are a delicious way to get your recommended two to four servingsof fruit daily. Want to add a fun family activity to your fall schedule?Pack up the kids and go apple picking!Source: American Cancer Society/Healthy LivingIt’s in the Bag!It’s back to school time and you want to send your kids off with a healthy, delicious bag lunch.A healthy lunch should include the following:• Whole grains (such as whole wheat bread)• Lean protein (such as chicken, lean beef, peanut butter, yogurt)• Vegetables (such as sliced fresh vegetables or vegetable soup)• Fruit (fresh is best, but dried or canned will also fit the bill)Think bag lunches are just for kids? Consider all the money (and calories) you can saveby bringing your own lunch to work.Keep it Safe:When you think about packing lunches, don’t stop at the menu. The folks at the U.S. Dept.of Agriculture, Food Safety, and Inspection Service warn that harmful bacteria multiplyrapidly if perishable food is stored at temperatures above 40˚F.What can you do to make sure your lunch stays safe from morning to midday?• Use an insulated lunch bag as opposed to a brown bag or shopping bag• Use a re-freezable ice pack or gel ice pack• Frozen juice boxes are a good source of cold and they tend to thaw by lunchtime• Freeze perishable foods such as yogurt, soft cheese, and sandwiches without mayo• Whole fruit, crackers, hard cheese or vacuum-packed cheese, bread, and that old standby – peanutbutter and jelly do not need to be refrigerated• If you have access to a refrigerator at work ~ use it!Additional Resources:The University of Massachusetts Extension Service has a very useful chart on which foods need to be keptcold and which are safe at room temperature. Consult their website athttp://extension.umass.edu/nutrition/index.php/publications/food-safety/food-safety-home/safe-bag-lunchesThe Cleveland Clinic has some ideas about making healthy and delicious lunches. Consult their website athttp://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/women/teenhealth/10_brown_bag_lunch_ideas.aspx<strong>Teamsters</strong>Care Directory www.teamsterscare.comCharlestown Office16 Sever St.Charlestown, MA 02129Administration • AudiologyDental • Member Services<strong>Local</strong> Tel: 617-241-9220Within MA: 800-442-9939Out of State: 800-2<strong>25</strong>-6135Fax: 617-241-8168Charlestown Pharmacy552 Main St.Charlestown, MA 02129<strong>Local</strong> Tel: 617-241-9024Toll Free: 800-235-0760Fax: 617-241-50<strong>25</strong>Stoughton Pharmacy1214 Park St.Stoughton, MA 02072Tel: 781-297-9764Fax: 781-297-9370Stoughton Dental Office1214 Park St.Stoughton, MA 02072Tel: 781-297-7360Toll Free: 877-326-1999Fax: 781-297-7830Chelmsford Dental Office4 Meeting House Rd.Chelmsford, MA 01824Tel: 978-<strong>25</strong>6-9728Toll Free: 800-<strong>25</strong>8-2111Fax: 978-<strong>25</strong>6-9846Mental Health Office16 Sever St.Charlestown, MA 0212924-hour Toll FreeTel: 800-851-8326Fax: 781-321-6501Additional menu suggestions for “brown bagging it” can be found at The American Dietetic Associationwebsite at http://www.eatright.org/Public/content.aspx?id=6442465009Source: Wendy Rue Williams, BCBS of MAwww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 17

A Message from Mark Harrington<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> Secretary-TreasurerI hope that all of my brother and sister members and families had an enjoyablesummer. We start the fall with many challenges on our horizon. Theconstant assault on workers continues to take place throughout our country.In many cases this assault is used as a divide-and-conquer approach bybusiness. I read with interest the comments made by the keyboard cowardswriting replies into the newspapers such as the Herald about union workersbecause we actually have rights and enjoy good wages, benefits andworking conditions. It really is disturbing to see the ridicule of hard workingmembers and their families simply because we work under a unioncontract. This recession hasn’t been caused by firefighters, teachers, DPWworkers, cops or any union workers. I wish we had that kind of power.The reason I bring this up is because we are now starting to see it spillover into our negotiations. Companies are taking us on over such matters ofhealth and welfare and pension. Since everyone else in the company has topay for health care they want us to pay for health care. Since everyone else atthe company has a 401(k) they want us to have a 401(k) instead of a pension.Recently I settled three contracts at Global Companies, drivers and plantmen(Chelsea and Revere). We successfully increased wages and maintained ourhealth and welfare and pension. However, it wasn't easy and it isn’t becausethe company can’t afford it. It is because no one else has it.At Aggregate Industries in Saugus, we are in a fight of our lives trying tomaintain just what we currently have. Aggregate is taking on Teamsterlocals all over this country, taking advantage of this recession by implementingconcessions knowing that a strike by the workers will only hurtthe workers not the company.How do we turn the tide? We must wake up and realize that we are aminority and as such must fight for everything we have. We must realizewho are friends are. I recently represented a member who was suspended.After we finished up the meeting in which he was returned to work, Inoticed a Charlie Baker for Governor bumper sticker on his pickup truck.Charlie Baker was not our friend. We must realize the reason we enjoy thestandard of living we have is because of our union. We have become toocomfortable with our suburban lifestyle. Just because our kids play soccerand hockey with professional workers and doctors and lawyers doesn’tmean they like you. Be true to your roots. Let’s get ready to rumble becausethere is going to be a fight to take away everything you enjoy.18 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

THE BOARD OFDIRECTORSDo You Have OurPlatinum Visa Card?John A. MurphyChairmanSean O'Brien1st Vice ChairmanMark A. HarringtonTreasurerAlice Riley-KingSecretaryErnest C. Sheehan, Jr.Joseph ContiTom MariDavid PietroforteSteven J. SouthSUPERVISORYCOMMITTEEGeorge SlicisChairmanRobert E. BayusikJoseph J. BairosRichard LaughtonGeorge BelangerWe have aSpecial Rateas low as1.99% APR *All Purchases AND Balance TransfersFrom Nov 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011.This rate will last for6 months until July 1, 2012!Call 1-800-343-7126Option 7 formore details.Apply Now byPhone or Online atwww.netfcu.org!There are no additional fees for this special rate, just use ourPlatinum Visa Card. (Not to be confused with the <strong>Teamsters</strong>Privilege Credit Card)On July 1st, 2012 all promotional rate balances will be convertedto your standard rate as low as 8.99% APRNO Annual Fees.

Name Company Times/Gallons Name Company Times/GallonsBlood BankRaymond W. Alye Retired 3 0.375Irving P. Balkman Retired 174 21.75Michael Bartlett General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Alice Bavaro Retired 39 4.875Warren Boisvert Retired 38 4.75Jerry Bolton Retired 68 8.5Pamela Boyden General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Leo Breen Retired 4 0.5Bob Burns Retired 95 11.875William Campbell Waldo Brothers 12 1.5Cheryl Cerato General Public 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Mark Cerato New Penn 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Karen Chapdelaine General Public 6 0.75Katie Christiansen General Public 6 0.75Kris Crawford YRC 18 2.<strong>25</strong>John Curran YRC 43 5.375Joe Destasio Retired 62 7.75Stephen Drago Manfi Leasing / Stop & Shop 55 6.875Kate Durfee Retired 21 2.6<strong>25</strong>Mike Dwyer General Public 3 0.375Mike Erelli YRC 41 5.1<strong>25</strong>Dick Frank City of Cambridge -DPW 49 6.1<strong>25</strong>John W. Hannon Retired 75 9.375Karen Hartg General Public 5 0.6<strong>25</strong>Don Haska General Public 3 0.375Doug Henry Manfi Leasing / Stop & Shop 61 7.6<strong>25</strong>Eugene Hurley YRC 44 5.5Elizabeth Jepson General Public 4 0.5Greg Johns General Public 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Charles Johnson Retired 34 4.<strong>25</strong>William Kelley United Liquors <strong>Local</strong> 653 37 4.6<strong>25</strong>Greg Kerwood UPS - Somerville 24 3Jennifer Keyes General Public 3 0.375Paul Kirby Retired 34 4.<strong>25</strong>Bill Kutner General Public 18 2.<strong>25</strong>Paul Lacey YRC 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Caitlin Lewis General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Bill MacDougall General Public 4 0.5Bob McAllister Manfi Leasing / Stop & Shop 124 15.5Mike McGrath US Foodservice 54 6.75Richard McMurty UPS - Norwood 28 3.5Jimmy Meronnis General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Ronnie Moran Retired 134 16.75Tom Moskaluk Arlington Coal 14 1.75John J. Murphy Retired 180 22.5Tom Nasson Global-Chelsea 108 13.5Maureen K. O'Brien General Public 2 0.<strong>25</strong>John O'Connor Admiral Metals 21 2.6<strong>25</strong>Michael Pagliaro New Penn 90 11.<strong>25</strong>Peter Pappas Retired 8 1Tom Penney Retired 65 8.1<strong>25</strong>Eddie Petit Jr. <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> 30 3.75David Radochia Retired 46 5.75David Radochia, Jr. Boston Globe 2 0.<strong>25</strong>Karen Salvato NETFCU 29 3.6<strong>25</strong>Philip Savoy, Jr. Coan Oil 43 5.375Paul Sharpe Retired 100 12.5T. Eddie Sheehan Retired 8 1James Sheehan Retired 59 7.375Drew Smith General Public 7 0.875Dan Splaine Retired 138 17.<strong>25</strong>Tom Sullivan Global-Chelsea 57 7.1<strong>25</strong>Ryan D. Sullivan General Public 3 0.375F.D. Sullivan Retired 11 1.375Jorge Tirado General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>Charles Vaughn Retired 47 5.875Peter Walsh General Public 6 0.75Jack Ward Retired 1<strong>25</strong> 15.6<strong>25</strong>Dwight Wood General Public 1 0.1<strong>25</strong>20 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Give Blood, Sweatand Tears Everyday!Keep the TraditionAlive in 2012Jan 28thFeb <strong>25</strong>thMar 24thApril 28thMay 26thJune 23rdSept 22ndOct 27thNov 24th

EventsCalendar ofOctober 2011November 2011December 2011October 8October 10October 16October 22October 31November 6November 11November 20November 24November 26December 7December 21December <strong>25</strong>December 31Yom KippurColumbus Day observedGeneral Membership Meeting 10:00Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129Blood Bank 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129HalloweenDay Light Savings Time Ends (set clocks back one hour)Veteran’s DayGeneral Membership Meeting 10:00Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129Thanksgiving DayBlood Bank 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129Pearl Harbor DayHanukkah BeginsFirst Day of WinterChristmas DayNew Year’s Eve22 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

otePlease cast your vote in the upcomingInternational Brotherhood of <strong>Teamsters</strong>Officer Election.Ballots will be mailed to the membership onor about OCTOBER 6 th and will be countedon or about NOVEMBER 15 th .

StewardsSpotlightBrian DeLucaUPS–WatertownBrian DeLuca is a 19-year veteranwith UPS. He was a package-car driverfor 10 years at the Somervillefacility then moved inside as a preloaderat the Watertown locationnine years ago. DeLuca currently serves as the pre-load stewardfor the third shift in Watertown. He considers himself aworking steward: “I handle about 2,000 packages during myshift each day,” DeLuca said. “The company moves about37,000 pieces during the third shift. We are busy!”DeLuca has served as steward for the past three years. Herepresents about 80 co-workers, and DeLuca said he’s veryhappy with his union representation.“My Business Agent George Slicis has been great towork with and President O’Brien has worked really hard tomake sure that the contract is followed by management,”DeLuca said.DeLuca is always available when called upon to help thelocal union. “I bleed <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. I enjoy offering my time onpicket lines, walking in the Autism Walk each year and supportingDRIVE,” DeLuca said.Stanley AnkiewiczGMS Transportation –East BostonStanley Ankiewicz is in his first fullyear as steward at GMS Transportationin East Boston, Massachusetts.The drivers voted to join <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> in2010. Ankiewicz was skeptical at first about forming a unionin his workplace.“I was not sure that the union could help us at GMS and Ivoted ‘no’ in the union election,” Ankiewicz said. “Since wesigned our new union contract I now realize how a union canhelp workers in a workplace. We all got $3.50 -$5.00 per hourraises and will continue to get yearly raises, our start timesremain consistent, and we now have a Teamster pension plan.”Ankiewicz is thrilled with his union representation.“Steve South is a smart and persistent business agent. Hereally has gained the respect of both the membership and theownership at GMS,” Ankiewicz said. “I am really enjoyingbeing part of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. I attend all of the meetings and helpout when I can.”Ankiewicz is a 12-year employee at GMS and he is thesteward for 15 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members.Arthur GluflingEast Boston NeighborhoodHealth CenterArthur Glufling has been workingat the East Boston NeighborhoodHealth Center for the last 17 years.He and his 21 fellow <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> coworkersare transportation associates at the health center.“Our job is to transport patients back and forth to theirmedical appointments,” Glufling said. “We drive 10-12 passengervans around Boston.”Glufling is in his second stint as steward at the healthcenter. He served as steward from 1999-2001 when he wasreplaced by Richie Dolan who served until 2011.“Richie is a dear and close friend of mine and when herecently retired, I volunteered to serve as steward once again.It will be very hard to fill Richie’s shoes, but I will give it mybest shot,” Glufling said.Glufling was around during the original organizingdrive in 1997 and is very happy his co-workers voted tojoin <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“I am very happy with <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. It was the best decisionwe ever made,” Glufling said.24 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Bill ButlerBradco Building Supply–WoburnBill Butler has been a Teamster since 1992when he started working with his father,42-year Teamster Tom Butler at ThypinSteel in Cambridge, Massachusetts.In 1999 Butler started working atBradco Building Supply where he has served as steward for 11 ofhis 12 years with the company. Bradco is a supplier of roofingmaterials for commercial and residential roofing contractors.Butler is responsible for the well-being of 10 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members.“My biggest challenge as steward is making sure the guys areprotected when it comes to seniority rights and contract languagethat protects our work,” Butler said. “In the past the company hastried to shift our work to their nonunion locations and we took itto arbitration and won.”Butler was very happy when <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> merged with <strong>Local</strong> 379in 2008.“It was like night and day when <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> took over our contract,”he said. “We finally had the respect and power in the workplacethat the <strong>Teamsters</strong> are known for.”Butler is proud of his working-class roots growing up in Somerville.Bil GallagherMinuteman Leasing/Raytheon–AndoverBil Gallagher is in the 40-year club in<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. He has worked forthe same company, Minuteman Leasing,which is a third-party leasing companythat has a transportation contract withthe Raytheon Company.Gallagher has been steward for the last 10 years. He and thenine other <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members working at Raytheon deliver everythingfrom normal freight to high-end radar and missile componentsto inter-office mail.“We serve as the transportation team for the whole companyin this region. We have been asked to move military equipment likeHumvees and Patriot Missile carriers,” Gallagher said. “I have beensent all the way to Greece to train the Greek Army how to move thePatriot Missiles around. It can be a pretty fun job.”Bil Gallagher is all in when it comes to <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. He is a memberof the credit union, participates in DRIVE, supports theAutism Gala and Autism Walk and his son Billy received the <strong>Local</strong><strong>25</strong> scholarship in 1997.“My son Billy went to college with help from <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong><strong>25</strong> and now runs his own graphic design company,” Gallagher said.“He has in fact designed some unique Teamster T-shirts.”Gallagher said he has been lucky as a member of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>.“The local has been great to me and my family for the last 40years. I have had a great run. You could say unequivocally that I amproud to be a Teamster.”Timothy HaggertyCapitol Waste –StoughtonTim Haggerty is a six-year member of<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>, and has served as stewardthe past three years. Haggerty is a residentialdriver for Capitol Waste. He hasseen many things while driving through thegreater Boston suburbs keeping our communities safe and clean.“People leave the craziest things out for the trash. We have comeacross large pieces of furniture that are too heavy to lift, yard wasteand hazardous materials to name only a few,” Haggerty said.Trying to maneuver through the streets can be an unenviabletask, Haggerty said. “We drive up and down residential streetsevery day. We have to be extra careful because kids and pets areconstantly darting in front of us. I have kids so I take extra precautionsas a driver,” Haggerty said.Haggerty enjoys being a member of <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. Hebelieves the local is doing a great job with the contract that itinherited from <strong>Local</strong> 379.“We are in the last year of a five-year contract. This will be the firstcontract the leadership of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> will negotiate for us. We as membersneed to stick together if a labor dispute is warranted. I couldn’tbe more happy knowing President Sean O’Brien and Business AgentTom Mari will have our back during negotiations,” Haggerty said.”Haggerty is proud being a member of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> and is involvedwith everything <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> asks him to do. Haggerty is also a memberof the Teamster Horseman Motorcycle Club.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | <strong>25</strong>

Name Company Type Effective DatePensionersJames K. Barker Catalano Bros. Inc. Disability Pension 02/2011Richard Becker Star Market Statutory Pension 05/2011Edward A. Belyea P.J. Harnett Co. Inc. Statutory Pension 05/2011Fred Campagnoni United Parcel Serv. Inc. Regular Pension 05/2011Gary E. Dawson YRC, Inc. Early Retirement Pension 05/2011Edward J. Gallenski Global Petroleum Corp Regular Pension 05/2011Graddy S. Gartman Stop& Shop Supermarket Co. Early Retirement Pension 04/2011Paul Lisacki Xpedx Regular Pension 04/2011George S. Niak, Jr. Leaseways Deliveries Inc. Statutory Pension 05/2011Richard Noonan Ingalls Cronin Company Statutory Pension 05/2011Stephen P Nordahl Coan Inc. Early Retirement Pension 05/2011William E O’Brien Manfi Leasing Corp. Special Service Plan D 05/2011Jonathan Ponte Waste Management Inc. Statutory Pension 03/2011Charles M Ray Jr. BFI/Allied Waste Ind. Inc. Early Retirement Pension 04/2011Ann M Smith <strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> H & W Statutory Pension 03/2011Thomas M Talbot Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. Special Service Plan D 04/2011William H Walsh Decatur & Hopkins Co. Statutory Pension 04/2011Pauline L Boland DHL Express (USA Inc.) Early Retirement Pension 05/2011Roger L Bousquet Boston Beverage Corp. Statutory Pension 05/2011Bernard Coury Manfi Leasing Corp. Early Retirement Pension 04/2011Raymond F Driscoll United Parcel Serv. Inc. Statutory Pension 06/2011Raymond P Duffina ConsolidatedFreightways Statutory Pension 06/2011Paul W Evans Capitol Waste Services Regular Pension 06/2011John W Ezekiel McLean Trucking Co. Statutory Pension 06/2011Robert Gilreath Dooley Disposal Inc. Statutory Pension 06/2011William P Golden Manfi Leasing Corp. Early Retirement Pension 05/2011James L Hanley Rykoff-Sexton New England Regular Pension 06/2011Anthony W Leonti DHL Express (USA Inc.) Disability Pension 06/2011Charles W Manion Whitney Bros. Inc. Statutory Pension 03/2011Alan K Mann Manfi Leasing Corp Special Service Plan D 06/2011Edward J Monahan Leaseways Deliveries Inc. Statutory Pension 06/2011Norman P Sampson Xpedx Early Retirement Pension 05/2011Joel H Santangelo United Parcel Serv. Inc. Year Special Service Plan C 02/2011Anthony E Sawaya Testa Corp. Disability Pension 06/2011James A Shepardson Mass Dispatch Inc. Statutory Pension 04/2011Paul F Slauter Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Special Service Plan D 04/2011Mark M Stejakoski Manfi Leasing Corp. Thirty Year Full Service 06/2011Stephen A Witkus Yankee Food Distributors Inc. Statutory Pension 06/2011Gerard Barsalou Manfi Leasing Corp. Early Retirement Pension 06/2011Ray C. Capadanno BFI/Allied Waste Ind. Inc. Disability Pension 05/2011Frank C. Diorio United Parcel Serv. Inc. Early Retirement Pension 04/2011Joe G. Dizazzo United Parcel Serv. Inc Statutory Pension 06/2011Warren R. Hoppie Capitol Waste Services Regular Pension 06/2011James Horne Unilever Ice Cream Statutory Pension 07/2011John M. Johnson United Parcel Serv. Inc Early Retirement Pension 06/2011Robert M. Kelly Costa Fruit & Produce Co. Early Retirement Pension 07/2011Norberto Martinez Romanow Inc. Early Retirement Pension 06/2011Kevin J. O’Connell PIE Nationwide Inc. Statutory Pension 07/2011William R. Phipps Unilever Ice Cream Statutory Pension 06/2011Thomas R. Power James Ferrera & Sons Inc. Statutory Pension 07/2011Roy H. Rannikko United Parcel Serv. Inc Statutory Pension 07/2011Raymond F. Ruggiero DHL Express (USA Inc.) Disability Pension 06/2011Michael F. Salerno Boston Sand & Gravel Regular Pension 05/2011Bernard C. Shea Boston Sand & Gravel Regular Pension 05/2011James J. Weidner Driver Services Inc. Statutory Pension 12/2010Robin L. Whitworth United Parcel Serv. Inc Disability Pension 06/2011Richard R. Blaquere Arlington Coal & Lumber Co. Disability Pension 08/2011Steven O. Bush Allied Systems Statutory Pension 08/2011Joseph A. Carroll, Jr. U.S. Foodservice Inc. Early Retirement Pension 08/2011Timothy B. Connell YRC, Inc. Disability Pension 08/2011Dannie H. Dostert U S Foodservice Inc. Special Service Plan D 08/2011Patrick J. Flaherty M & M Transportation Co. Statutory Pension 01/2011Kevin P. Galvin U.S. Foodservice Inc. Special Service Plan D 08/2011Agostino F. Guarino United Parcel Serv. Inc. Statutory Pension 05/2011Jay M. Jillson Terminal Personnel Inc. Statutory Pension 08/2011Roseann M. Marcley Purity Supreme Inc. Statutory Pension 06/2011Thomas D. McAllister Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. Special Service Plan D 07/2011Kenneth A. McColl Clicquot Club Co. Statutory Pension 08/2011William Mosher McCarthy Transport Statutory Pension 07/201126 | The SPOKESMAN | FALL 2011 | www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com

Name Company Type Effective DatePaul L. O’Neil Mckesson Wine & Spirits Co. Statutory Pension 07/2011Robert E. Prindle Purity Supreme Inc. Statutory Pension 08/2011Patrick J. Quigley McCabe Corp. Special Service Plan D 07/2011Dennis P. Regan Aggregate Industries Early Retirement Pension 07/2011Pedro J. Rojas Romanow Inc. Regular Pension 08/2011Theodore J. Salvati, Jr. Manfi Leasing Corp. Early Retirement Pension 07/2011Anthony J. Trimarchi Purity Supreme Inc. Statutory Pension 08/2011Craig B. Wilcox Manfi Leasing Corp Early Retirement Pension 06/2011Robert D. Wittig Coan Inc. Statutory Pension 07/2011InMemoriamName Company Name CompanyBruno J. Balducci Diehl Hardware & Lumber YardHarry Hinchcliffe, Jr. Needham Oil & Air LLC.Antonio G. Barreto Campanella Corp.Russell HirtleO'Donnell & CompanyAnn L. BeliveauJordan MarshRichard E. Huntoon Merchandise Handlers, Inc.Albert J. BennettG.H. Harnum, Inc.Pauline M. Jeffrey Jordan MarshJames A. Bertwell Clean Environment CompanyJack KatzUniversal Coordinators, Inc.Michael BolisRomanow, Inc.John J. KelleyBird, Inc.Richard A. Bourassa YRC, Inc.Robert C. Lamonica Carolina Freight CarriersErnest W. BoydUSF Red StarRobert H. Lawrence Emery WorldwideLeo F. BurnsManfi-Leasing / Stop & ShopDelmer LawsonWarehouse Transport Inc.Juan CabelStop & ShopJohn W. Lessard, Jr. ABF FreightLoretta A. Cacicio First National StoresStephen J. Lockary Pennsylvania Truck LinesWilliam D. Campbell Brockway-SmithGeorge R. LundYRC, Inc.Peter J. CapanoPenn Truck Rental Corp.George P. Madden Mass Dispatch, Inc.Leroy CardAir Reduction Co., Inc.James MalloyFoster MasonryJoseph J. CastelliNew England TheatricalHenry P. McAllister, Jr. New England TheatricalRudolph CelaniStop & ShopRobert McClellan Shaughnessy & Ahern Co.Robert A. Cimetta Colliton & Read Building Materials, Inc. John R. McDonough Bulk Transport Service, Inc.Bernard J. Coffey Maxwhale Corp.Albert C. Morelli Bird & Son Corp.Joseph F. Costello First National StoresCharles MorganAllied Plywood CorporationKelford CouncilPaul Revere TransportationAnthony A. Morlani Yankee Food Distributors, Inc.William P. Coyman New England TheatricalWilliam B. Mullowney Mystic Motor Trans. Co., Inc.Henry A. Daigneault Good Humor-Breyers Ice CreamRichard B. Murray New England TheatricalWilliam H. Delorey St. Johnsbury TruckingJohn NicholasFox & Ginn, Inc.Joseph A. DeMartino Bardon Trimont, Inc.Edward L. Noland Weymouth Art Leather CompanyThomas DeMontier Rohtstein Corp.Richard E. Normandy United Parcel ServiceEdward J. DevlinTown of BrooklineTimothy A. O'Keefe Laidlaw Transit, Inc.David DipianoGMS Transportation, Inc.Nelson F. Pimental, Jr. GAF Materials Corp.Robert J. Dirocco Star MarketJohn J. PiscopoBrowning FerrisStephen Donnelly New Penn Motor Express, Inc.Joseph T. Plunkett McLean TruckingJames D. Donovan Heating Oil PartnersAlbert T. PowellRomanow, Inc.Edward J. Dooley Coastal Oil New England, Inc.Joseph RegoJames Ferrera & SonsBrian R. Doucette Lindenmeyer MunroeAnthony T. Ristaino Yellow Freight SystemJohn M. Duff, Jr.Keith Fulton & SonsPaul RoussellBrighamsPaul E. DugganPlasticrete Corp. BostonWilliam D. Sanville Laidlaw Transit, Inc.Bruce E. Durning Catalano Bros.Frank R. SchleisFriend LumberKathleen R. Fiske N.E. <strong>Teamsters</strong> Federal Credit UnionPhilip J. SpinaleTerminal Personnel, Inc.Robert C. FoleyUnited Parcel ServiceThomas E. Steele Quincy LumberMyer Foster<strong>Local</strong> 380 MergerGlenn M. Summers Strickland Transportation Co.Louis FrongilloCooper Jarrett Inc.John M. Tarquinio Airborne ExpressWilliam Furtado B.F. I.Claude M. Turgeon YRC, Inc.Ronald P. Greenwood Petroleum Heat & PowerFrancis E. Verrochi Browning FerrisFrederick Grover Shaffer PaperMazzino P. Volpe Brewer Petroleum Service, Inc.Willard G. Hammond Independent Tallow Co., Inc.Philip D. Washiek Federal DistillersKenneth F. Hannaford, Sr. Bardon Trimont, Inc.Robert N. WelchAggregate IndustriesFrank E. Harrison General Rental ServicesHarry R. Wheaton A.A. Martin Transportation Co., Inc.Ronald M. HicksSharp Air Freight Services, Inc.Raymond D. Williams E.S. Quirk Co.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 27

RetireeChapter News<strong>25</strong><strong>Teamsters</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>Retiree ChapterRetiree NewsFour Executive Board members attended the 28thInternational <strong>Teamsters</strong> Convention. They were:President Joe Conti and Trustees Kevin Lally,Danny Splaine and Herb Andrews. President Contiattended the Teamster Retiree meeting and luncheonwith the Executive Board and Karin Jones,from the International Union’s Training and DevelopmentDepartment, met with President Contiand Billy Grubbs there. Jones spoke about ourwonderful history and that it was so great to havetwo General Presidents and two International VicePresidents out of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. A total of 15 retirees andtheir wives attended the Convention in Las Vegas.We are proud <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> President Sean O’Briengot an achievement award at the statehouse in thespring for all he does to fight autism.President O’Brien is a great advocate for the<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> retirees. We have been given our ownmeeting room and plenty of closet space. We have alarge copier and computer, a conference table thatJoe ContiPresidentChuck DurfeeSecretary-TreasurerJohn "Johnny B"BuonaugurioVice PresidentL to R: Retiree Chapter Trustee, Herb Andrews,Retiree Chapter Trustee, Kevin Lally, John "Whitey"Chambers,Colonel David Sutherland, Retiree President Joe Conti, Ronnie Simpson, Denny Shea and Charlie Gorchakowski

seats 10, filing cabinets, telephone, A/C and heat. Allthis enables us to get our work done efficiently.At our April 14 meeting, guests from PartnersHealth Care, Pat Egan, Monica Ingham and BonnieLally talked about the advantages of having a healthplan. Partners offer many services including homehealth care, such as having nurses come in to takevital signs. If you have any questions about the planyou can call 1-781-290-4200.On Workers’ Memorial Day, May 28, 2011,<strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> retirees paid tribute to deceased members.At the event, President Conti read a moving letterfrom President O’Brien saying that there wereno fatalities for the last year and he hoped that therecord would continue. Greg Gigg read a letterfrom <strong>Teamsters</strong> General President Jim Hoffa.Next Breakfast Meeting, October 13, 2011Bill BurpeeRecording-SecretaryThose Who Attendedthe Tribute:John A. BuanaugurioKenny BurgessBill BurpeePaul CasaliJohn H. ChambersJoe ContiThomas E. DowningGreg GiggCharles GorchakowskiBilly GrubbsDenis J. KeaneLarry LibbyKevin LallyMickey MurphyRonald SimpsonKevin LallyTrusteeHerb AndrewsTrusteeDan SplaineTrusteewww.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | FALL 2011 | The SPOKESMAN | 29

The Spokesman2011The Spokesman (USPS 613-400)is published by<strong>Teamsters</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>,International Brotherhood of<strong>Teamsters</strong>, 544 Main Street,Boston, MA 02129-1113.Telephone (617) 241-88<strong>25</strong>.Periodicals Class Postage Paidat Boston, MATHE SPOKESMANPeriodicalsPOSTAGE PAIDBoston, MAPOSTMASTERPLEASE SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:TEAMSTERS UNION LOCAL <strong>25</strong>Take a Stand forWorking FamiliesYou can help build Teamster political power by joining thethousands of <strong>Teamsters</strong> who already contribute to DRIVE.By joining DRIVE (Democrat, Republican, Independent Voter Education), the <strong>Teamsters</strong>Union’s political action committee, you are supporting grassroots action by Teamster familiesto fight for legislative action to help working Americans.DRIVE is a political committee that furthers labor-related goals, including making contributionsto support candidates for local, state and federal offices. Individuals may refuse tojoin or contribute without fear of reprisal. DRIVE membership is limited to active membersof the <strong>Teamsters</strong> Union.Find out more about this exciting program by talking to your localunion, or on the web at www.teamster.org/drive

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