CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...


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specific allegation then under consideration.At the conclusion of the hearing, thehearing officer prepares a full report of thehearing for subtnission to the appropriateauthority (Board of Pardons and Paroles orTexas Youth Commission). <strong>The</strong> report includesthedate, time, and placeofthehearing,the identity of those present and whatthey contributed, a statement regardingwhat, if any, mle violation the parolee admits,and a statement from the hearingofficer indicating whether or not in hisopinion the alleged parole violations actuallyoccurred and specifying the evidencewhich he considers to havesustainedthe findings.Where a Texas Youth Council hearingofficer finds that there is probablecauseorreasonablegrounds to believe thatthe wardof TYC violated the conditions of placement,the TYC Aea Supervisor will bepromptly notified. If the Area Supervisorso directs, the ward is returned to the TexasYouth Council Reception and ClassificationCenter for a hearing before the FieldPlacement Revocation Committee todetermine whether or not field placementshall be revoked. <strong>The</strong> juvenile ward ofTYC will be represented at that hearing bystaffcounselemployed by theTexas YouthCouncil.<strong>The</strong> initiation of this project to providelegal representation at revocation hearingsis an important step forward, but the successof the program depends upon yourparticipation!If you are interested in joining in thisimportant project or if you would like moreinformation, please contact W.C. Latowe,Center for Correctional Services, State Barof Texas, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, Texas7871 1. Toll free: 1-800-252-9230.In July, 111 and Aroirnd Te.ms and theLegislntive Repoit will continue to bring anupdateoftheresults ofthe7lstLegislature.MemorandumTo: All Attorneys Arguing Before the Court of Criminal AppealsWe recently received the folloivirtgMeinorandroi~o~i~ Jtrdge Mic11ael J. Mc-Cormick, Presiding Judge of the TernsCotrn of Crintinol Appenls. Judge Mc-Connick indicated t11nt the Court is displnpirtgthis Me~norart~lu?it in thecorrrtroontfor the co~tvertie~tce ofattorneys~vho ivill be nrguing before the Cotrrt ofCriminal Appenls. <strong>The</strong> Mernornndrrnt colttairlssonte protocol ntensures which theCo~rrtbelievesnreiteededtogrmrn~ttee theproper decor~rnt dnring the sribntission ofcases.A growing nunlber of attorneys nowpracticing before the Court are new to itspractice and therefore unaware of its procedures.We have, from time to time,reminded the bar about the particulars ofarguing before this Court. <strong>The</strong> followingare a few suggestions:1) Obtain a copy of the suhnlission listfrom the Clerk's office. This will give yousome idea as to when to expect to argue.2) Ifyou wish todivide the timeallottedfor argument, make these arrangementsbefore the Court takes the bench. Sucharrangements may be made with thetimekeeper located at the bailiffs desklocatedat the front of the courtroom. Informthe Court of such arrangements at the out-set of your argument.Allocation of time is especially importantfor those cases which have been consolidatedfor argument as the sum total oftime allotted to such arguments remains attwenty (20) minutes.3) When your case is called by thePresiding Judge, move to the appropriatecounsel table, appellant on the left and theState on the right, as you face the bench.Move to the podium when presentation ofyour portion of the case is called by thePresiding Judge. Please remind the Courtof your name and the county from whichthe case arose.4) Limit the presentationof your casetothe legal issues involved and do not embarkon a jury argument. REMAIN BEHINDTHEPOD1UMATAL.LTIME.S DURINGTHE PRESENTATION OF YOURCASE. DO <strong>NO</strong>T MOVE ABOUT THECOURTROOM, LEAN OR POUND ONTHE PODIUM. Speak in a conversationaltone.5) <strong>The</strong>re are two lights on the podium:a yellow light and a red light. In all situations,unless you give the timekeeper instructionsto the contmy regarding thedivision of time, when there is one (1)minute remaining in the time allotted forpresentation of your case, the yellow lightwill come on and in most instances remainon throughout the minute. When time forpresentation of your case has expired, theyellow light will be extinguished and thered light will come on. Please concludeyour argument before the red light comeson. Do not continue arguing once the redlight is on. You may remain to answerquestions propounded by the Court. Onceyou have finished presenting your caseand/or answering questions, vacate thepodium area as quickly as possible.6) Please note that your presentation ofthe case is not the fast exposure the Judgeshave had to the case. <strong>The</strong> Staff Attorneysprovide an in-depth preview of your arguments,i.e., the Bench Brief, which isreviewed by the Judges before oral argumentsbegin. Please, in the course ofpresenting yourcase, includediscussion ofany new cases not cited in your briefwhichmight have an affect on your case. In addition,please submit a supplemental list ofauthorities containing any citations notpresented in yourbrief to the Clerkpriortoargument.Copies of this memorandum are availableupon request from the Clerk's office.June 1989 1 VOICE for the Defense 43

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