CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...


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Table of ContentsXXIV. Jury Charges and Instructions(confinued)9) Failure to Vidw Tape<strong>10</strong>) Failure to Allow Defense Time toReview Charge1 I) Necessity12) "Or Contributed to Cause"13) PossibleInjury to Defendant'sHead14) Penal Code15) Scientific Evidence UnderpinningIntoxilyaerI6)Refusal of Chemical Test17) Se~arate Verdict <strong>For</strong>mXXV; ~ uisc i conduct ~1) Pressure from Other Jurors2) Trading Guilty Votes for Leniencyvotes3) Jurors' Tolerance of AlcohoI vs. <strong>The</strong>Defendants: Matters Not in Evidence4) Lack of a Chemical Test WithoutRefusal: Matter Not in Evidence5) False Answers During Voir Die6) Juty ShuffleXXVI. Lesser Included OffensesXXVII. Miranda Warniuw1) AttachmentXXVIII. Motions to Quash1) Failure to Specify "Per Se" or "Impairment"2) Intoxicationby .I0 orlossofNomalFaculties in one Paragraph3) Failure to Specify F'hblic Place4) Failure to Specify Intoxication ofBreath, Blood or Urine5) Failure to Specify "Intoxication" inMotion to revoke Probation6) Failure to Specify SubstanceCausingIntoxication7) Failureto Specify Manner and Meansof How Vehicle Was Operated8) Failure to Specify Automobile BeingDriven9) Waiver of Motion to Quash by PleadingGuilty<strong>10</strong>) "Under the Influence" vs. '%toxi-DWI Litigationby J. Gary TdchterPart IV1 Gary Trichter is a partner in theHoastoffialveston firm of Tricker &Hirschhorn. He is co-author of thetextbook Texas Drunk Driving Law andnurlwrs the nwnthly article, "DWI PracriceGems" for Texas Crirnbml DefenseLawyers Association's <strong>Voice</strong> for theDefense. Gn~y is Co-chairman of the NationalAssociation of Criminal Defensehyers' DrunkDriving Committee ardomember of the Harris County CriminalLmvyers Association 's BmrdqfDirectors.He is a nationaNy rccognizedsentinar kcturerand journal author. He is especiallynotedfor his defeisiive techniques in dfugcourierprofile highwy cases.cat&11) Open Container: Failure to define"'immediate pssession" and open container12) Amending the Infomation13) Motion to Quash Where DefendantCharged With Criminally NegligentHomicide by being under Influence ofAlcohol and Controlled SubstanceXXIX Normal Mental and PhysialFaculties: H MerMM. Presumptions1) Shifting Burden of Proof2) Pmof of Sobriety=XI. Other Intoxicated PersonsXXXII. RadarXXXIII. Reopening Testimony AfterClosingxXXIV. RFI- Additional Predicate&din Frequency Interference1) Texas Cases (None)2) Other JurisdictionsXXXV. Subpoenas and Wrlts ofAttachment1) Subject to Witness Being PresentXXXM. SufEciency1) General Constitutional Standard2) Delayed Teat3) Police Officer Testimony4) Breath Test Evidence Only (Intoxilyzer)5) 2<strong>10</strong> Liters of Breath6) Defendant's Own Admissions7) Wheeling the Driver8) Circumstantial Proof of Driving9) Test Refusaland Art. 6701 1-5 @and3 (DWI Oml and Written Admonitions)under Article 38.23, Tex.Cr.Cr.F'ro.XXXVII. Test Refusal and thePrivilege Against CompulsorySelf-IncriminationXXXWII. Test Refusal and the Rightto CounselMMrx.Privilege Against CompuJsorySelf-Incrimination and AlcoholEvaluationsXL. Unanimous Jury VerdictsXXIV. Jury Charges andInstrucfions(confinrced)9) Failure to Video Tape ((DestructionofEvidence)Note: CJ, 35Tex.Jur.3d26&278.5141-142 (implied: Jury may be told they mayinfer that had tapebeenmadeit would havebeen favorable to the accused). See also,June 1989 i VOlCEfor the Defense 27

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