CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...


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court would find Ws testimony true or even believable.Encarnacion CAMACHO,No. 327-86On State% PDR-Opinion by Judge Campbell; Judges McCormick, Davisand White Dissent; February 15,1989.EVIDENCE-HANDWRITING COMPARISON-ART.38.27 APPLIES WHEN D DENIES HANDWRITINGUNDER OATH:Fucacts: D convicted of murder. C/W, 77 year old woman, wasfound in her bedroom, dead by strangulation, with an apronknotted around her throat. A handwritten, but unsigned note wasfound on her bcdy; the notc was written in ~panish'jnd questcdforgiveness fur the murder.'l'hure wen: nu signs of forced entryintoc/w's hnnst:. Dlivcd ingarage behind c/w's homeand hadaccess toil to nr: kitchen and bathroom; knot in apron wassimilar to tvueof knot 1) nsrd in his aarden. I landwritinc-comparisone$&t compared handwriticg on note with handkitingsamples given by D-testifying there wasa "high probability" thatnotc was written by D. D testified in own behalf, denying thathandwriting onnote was his. C/A~e~rsedfindingevidcnceinsufficientbecause State offeted no evidence to corroborateexpert's testimony.ISSUE: If D denies his handwriting, but not his signature, doesArt. 38.27 C.C.P. ~DDIv?LEGAL BAC'K'GKOUND: ~ rt. 38.27 provides: "It is competentto giveevidenceof handwriting by comparisonmade by experts or by the jury. Proof by comparison onlyshall not be sufficient to establish the handwriting of a witnesswho denies his signatureunder oath."HELD: Art. 38.27 applies whether D denies signature or handwriting.Stato must present other evidence tending to conned D toauthorship of disputed document. When note is not considered,remaining evidence connecting D to crimeis "scant at best". Convictionreversed.James Lee HILL, Nos. 0605-87-0607-87-011 D's PDR-Opinion by Judge Teague; Judges McCormick and WhiteDissent; February 15,1989.JURY INSTRUCI'ION-MISTAKE OF FACT DEFENSE:Facts: D, a doctor of osteopathic medicine, wasmnvictd inasingle trial of thnrseparate offensosof commacially distributinga controlled subsiance without avalid medical purpose. D tes-tifid at puilt-innocence ., that based on svmvtoms , . reuorted bv undarcoveragent, and bascd on tcsst I) ran on agent, U'beliavtul hewasdispmsinr: thedrur (Ritalin) for a valid mrdicai uurvose. 1)request&d jurycharge OK defenseof mistakeof fact; t jj rehsed.Ifeld: Denial of mistakeof fact charge resuits in reversibleerror. Reasonable belief bv D that he was disoensine drue to*2 "agent for vdlid medical p;rpuse wonld have'negattd culpabilityelemcnt usscntinl to State'scase. Dcatitled to charge if thrrc wassonwcvidcncc: brforc jury that bccanscof mistake Dformmlrc:asoni~blc belief aboui a matter of fact and his bclicf nwatcd theculpability essential to State's case. <strong>The</strong> issue is raised h&e by IYsowntostimony.<strong>NO</strong>TE: -use D repesled a mistake of fact charge, underAlrrtmnzu,~ S.W.2d 157 (Tex.Crim.App. 1984), the test onreview is whether he suffemd some harm. TCA found someharm because issue of D's intent to commit offcnsc was ajury question the issue onappl is not whether reviewingAndrew MILLIGAN, Nos. 802-87 and 803-87-on D's PDR-Opinion by Judge McC6rmiek; Judge Teague Concurs inresult; February 15,1989.C/A affirmed at 733 S.W.2d664.CONSOLIDATION-FAILURE TO OBJECT IMPLIESCONSENT2Fac6s: D was chargedin two separate indictments for un-authorized use of motor vehicleand burrrtarvof habitation ",(during buglary L) took keys to car parked outside n:sidenct: andmade his esww in it). 1) was tricd bcforc iurv on both indictments.At no Gme before or during prow'dihgs did D object toconsolidation.Hdd: By failing to obpct to consolidation, D is deemed to hawgiven his ansent. As a result, he is barred from complaining ofresulting multiple convictions.Larry Wayne WHITE, No. 69,332-Capital Murder ConvictionAffirmed-Opinion by Judge McCormick: JudgeWhite Concurs inresult; Concurring Opinion by JudgeClinton; Judge Teague Dissents; Februq 15,1989.VOIR DIRE-CAPITAL MURDER-JUROR <strong>NO</strong>T DIS-QUALIFIED UNDER FACTS DESPITE FAILURE TODISTINGUISH "DELIBERATE" FROM "INTENTION-4L":Facts: Potential juror repcatcdly statcd he would aulomaticallyInswer spccial issne one "yes" hxause he found D guilty of capialmurder. I lowcver, during vnir din: and withnnt objrction by'>, pruswutor mJ indiclntenl which allcr:tul that while D was in.eke of committing and attempting tocommit robbery, he intenionallycaused c/w'sdeath "by chokin her with his hands and.tabbing her with a screwdriver". D cha 7 Ienged juror for cause>as& on his answers regarding special issue one; t/c summarilywemuled challenge; D exercised peremptory strike.PROCEDURAL GUiDE: Issw was preserved for appeal bccauseD uscd all his vcrm~torv challenaesdurinrr courseof voirdireand req~ested~na&ditional~crempt~y challenrreto strike iuror Ponder who was swornand seated on3 3lleld: Under thesc facts no error wasshow by t/c's refusal tolisqualify X.'l'CAackn~~rvledgcd that asa matter of few, the Ineanngof "dcliberdtely" under special issue one is different from thentmning of "intentional". Iiowcvcr, rnnrt nntcd that it is "clwf'n smnt:rases asa mattt:r of fact that cvidcmc~: which suffici6:ntly,stnblishesa killinx wascummittt:d delibcr.~tt:lv will i~lso establishhe killingwas min~entional".AlthoughTCA recogniized that evidence to beadduced in anyparticular case is not a moper . . subject during ., voir dire, here therevas no objection when indictmrtn was wad to potential junw.'hus TCA found thiscaw to beone where "as a matterof connonsense" someactsof murder of and by themselves reflectdeliberation" undcr special issue one on the faceof the indictnent.lu~ors "are supposed to know" the meaning of deliberate.CA could not mnclude "tkm was anything wrong" when jurorisualized himself as satisfied beyond a resonable doubt that DSignficant Decisions Report

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