CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...


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ISIGNIFICANTDECISIONS .REPORT Editor:Catherine Greene Burnett IJuan Manuel GUTIERREZ, No. 68,5O&Murder ConvictionAffirmed: Opinion by Judge McCormick; JudgesClinton and Miller Concur in Result; Judge Teague Dissents;February 1,1989.CONFRONTATION-CROSSEXAMINATION-IM-PEACHMENT ON COLLATERAL ISSUES PROPERLYDENIED:Fack: X called aseye witness to murder of brother. He testifiedthat on nieht of murder heaccomoanied his brother to a lounee.c> s, .while they wcrcdrinking with friends, L) enterud and ask~xl rosunvk to c/w.l'hev wcnt outside. X followed to doorw,~v andvhched. He saw D standing two feet from his brother &hen hesuddenly tooktwo steps backward, pulled out a gun, and fired itfour or five times killingc/rv. Hc testified he did not see anyweapon near c/w and that c/w did not carry gun. Whcn Ws attorneyobjected to time frameof question, X said he had not seenbrother carry gunin last year.After State ~sted, D sought to introduce testimony of Y, apparentlygoing to issueof whether she had seen c/w carrying gunwithin last year. On appeal, State argued evidence was collateral;D areued

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