CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...

CONTENTS v01. 18, NO. 10 FEATURE ARTICLES - Voice For The ...


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tendencies, and, on cross, he gratuitouslyvolunteered his friendship with officers.<strong>The</strong>refore, the State had the right to rebutthe "false insinuations" about his goodrelationships with law enforcement officers.Pyles is a close case. It seems clearthat theprosecutorknewofthe wall writingbefore he began to cross-examine thedefendant. It is also certain that regardlessof what the defendant said on direct, theD.A. was going to ask the defendant abouthis feeling toward police officers, culminatingwith an accusation of hatred ofpolice ;hat was likely to be denied. Thiswas a "set up" on cross. Nevertheless, theCourt was on firmer ground with its alternativeholding. It reasoned that Pyles'shatred of police officers was not collateral,but was relevant to prove his motive inshooting the deputy. Certainly this is correct,hut it directly contradicts the earlierholding, which was that Pyles had openedthe door to inlpeacl~iiterrt on a collateralmatter. 755 S.W.2d at 115.No Constitutional Limits<strong>The</strong> United States Supreme Court hasheld that whenadefendant has gratuitouslymade sweeping claims of righteous livingondirect examination, the prosecutionmayrebut the testimony with evidence that wasseized unconstitutionally. In Walder v.United Smtes, 347 US. 62 (1954). the accusedwas charged with four drug sales. Ondirect, he volunteered that he had neverpossessed, sold, or transferred narcotics.Oncross, hedenied that a capsule of heroinwas seized from his home two years earlier.In rebuttal, the prosecution called witnesseswho testified to the heroin seizure.<strong>The</strong> earlier drug case was dismissed afterthe heroin was suppressed for having beenillegally seized. <strong>The</strong> U.S. Supren~e Courtheld that Walder had abused his FourthAmendment protections by trying to usethem as a shield for perjury. See also, Harrisv. New York, 401 U.S.222 (1971)(statementof defendant which was suppressedfor having been taken in violation of Miraitdacould be admitted to impeach hercontrary direct examination testimony);and United Stares v. Havens, 446 US. 620(1980)(cut-up T-shirt illegally seized fromdefendant's luggage held admissible to rebutdefendant's denial on direct and crossthat he bad anything to do with the narcoticsfound sewn into the clothing of acompanion). <strong>The</strong> lesson of these cases isthat illegally seized evidence and statementsare available to the prosecutor tocorrect a defendant's "mis-painted picture."Requirement of Good FaithBut a prosecutor may not take randompot shotsat an accused who makes sweepingclaims of prior clean living. Questionsabout adefendant's orior"trouble"mustbefounded on a good kth belief in the truthCheck DesiredPurcharePublications <strong>For</strong> Saleof the facts inquired about. Thus, for example,after a defendant asselts that he hasnever been in trouble before, the prosecutorcannot ask, "I see you grew up inHouston. Do yon want this jury to believethat you were never arrested in all youryears there?" Unless the D.A. has a "rapsheet" listing an arrest in Houston in herpossession, the question alone is highlyimproper. In Garcia v. Stare, 319 S.W.2d727 rex.Cr.App. 1959), the prosecutorcross-examined the defendant concerningan arrest for carrying a pistol. On a hill ofSales PriceCrinlinal Practice Materials (2 vol.)1988-89 Editiona Federal Criminal Practice Manual (3 vol.)1986-1987Editio11a IncompetencyAnsanity Defense Manual (1 vol.) $50.00I986 Editio~ta Capital Murder: Defense Against the Death Penalty Manual $50.001986 Editiona Drug Offenses and the Fourth AmendmentApril 19870 DWI Defense Manual - May 1987 $50.00n TCDLA Homicide Course Book- Septeniber 1987 $75.00a Representing Sex Offenders and the "Chemical Castration $<strong>10</strong>.00Defense" - Author: Ray TaylorSales Tax is not included. (7 3/4% as of April 1, 1989)..................................................Please check desired purchare(s) and send this order form to theCriminal Defense lawyers Project, 600 West 13th Street, Austin, Texas 78701.CIMBTATYLIPWChW<strong>NO</strong>0 cash sale check enclosed 0 please bill*All bmks will be nuiled bmk rate (4 weeks delivery) unless athewise specified.June 1989 1 VOICE for the Defense 17

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