Members Book - Peoria Camera Club

Members Book - Peoria Camera Club

Members Book - Peoria Camera Club

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Table of ContentsMission and Purpose ....................................................... 3<strong>Club</strong> Meetings ............................................................... 4-5Past Presidents……………………………………..…… ..... 6Slonneger Service Award …………………………..……... 7Kisner Award………………………………………………. .. 8<strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> History………………………………. ....... 9-11Equipment List and Check Out Process......................... 12Executive Board……………………………………….….…13<strong>Club</strong> Administration/Events…………...……………………14Competition Personnel….………………………….…....…15Meeting & Competition Schedule …………………... 16-172

Mission and PurposeThe <strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (PCC or club) was founded in 1954 forthe purpose of helping its members become better photographers. It isopen to anyone with a desire to improve their photographic skills. <strong>Club</strong>members meet regularly with a mission to exchange information andideas about still photography and to participate in competitions andprograms.<strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is affiliated with the Central Illinois <strong>Camera</strong><strong>Club</strong>s Association (CICCA) and the Photographic Society of America(PSA). These affiliations offer additional opportunities for our membersto learn, compete and develop photographic skills at State, National andInternational levels.In order to remain at the cutting edge of photographic technologythe club hosts speakers from the PSA National Lecture Tour, CICCAmembers, our own highly experienced club members and others in thephotographic business, industry and profession.“The proudest membersare those who give,each day and each meeting...a kind thought, a helping hand.If we give another an idea,they have gained greatlyand we have lost nothing.Working together createsgood fellowship and real friendship,which is greatly needed in club activities.<strong>Club</strong>s that work together and play together,usually stay together.”Fred Geiler, 1972Past President of PCC and CICCA3

<strong>Club</strong> MeetingsThe heart and soul of the club are the member meetings.Several meetings are held during the month and in addition during theyear there are hands-on workshops, photographic salons, field trips, anannual seminar and an opportunity to participate in local and state fairs.We have an annual picnic and two banquets where members can bringguests to enjoy time to socialize.Our regular monthly meetings include guest speakers, recordedlectures, competition showings and member-developed programspresenting a wide variety of photographic subjects.Monthly Meeting ScheduleGeneral ProgramsFirst TuesdayCompetition Programs Third TuesdayDigital Processing Programs Fourth TuesdayThe meeting schedule with specific dates and times is provided in thishandbook. The club web site (www.peoriacameraclub.com) has theschedule of programs and speakers. The club newsletter (PhotoChatter)has the latest information.General MeetingsGeneral meetings cover all aspects of still digital photography.Typical topics include: Techniques for capturing images. Understanding white balance. Understanding ISO. Exposure and depth of field. Close-ups & macros of insects, flowers, etc. Use of light: natural, flash and strobes. Portraits with live models. Black & White photography.4

Competition MeetingsCompetition meetings enable members to participate in clubcompetitions for digital and print images and receive feedback to learnwhat makes a ‘good’ image.Typical activities include: Digital images and/or prints entered in competitions are shownwith commentary from judges. Programs to help members understand judge’s comments onimages. Programs on how to enter competitions. Discussions about the characteristics of several winning imagesin the competition.Digital Processing MeetingsDigital Processing meetings are designed to help members learnand improve on techniques related to processing digital images.Typical topics include: Processing, editing, and cropping images on the computer. Using Photoshop, Lightroom, Elements and other software. Enhancing and being creative with images. Correcting color. Cropping, file storage and printing. Mounting and framing prints..5

Irv and Esther Slonneger Service Award<strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> chartermembers, Irv and EstherSlonneger, received an award,December 1976, to appreciateand commemorate their twentytwoyears of leadership andcontribution to the club.The Slonneger Service Awardhas since become an honoraryaward for outstanding andunselfish service to the <strong>Peoria</strong><strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.This award is not an annualaward and no minimum time ofservice is required, however, therecipient must possessproficiency in the art ofphotography with the key factorfor selection being outstandingservice provided to the club.Any club member may nominatea fellow member by writing aletter to the President, byNovember 1st, stating thereasons for nomination. TheExecutive Board will review allnominations to make a decisionat the November board meeting.When no nomination letters arereceived, the Executive Boardmay select a member for theaward.A plaque will be presented to therecipient at the Annual ChristmasBanquet.Recipients YearIrv & Esther Slonneger 1976Elroy Limmer 1978Jan Gresham 1980Dave West 1981Gary Gresham 1982Russ Planck 1983Darrell Stafford 1984Robert Campbell 1985Margaret Stafford 1986John G. Ewan 1987Donna Neuhaus 1988Jim Henderson 1989Dean Kendall 1990Art Beer 1992Walt McCulla 1993Rita Campbell 1995Rich Seeman 1998Scott Dunham 1999Don Webster 2000Vicki Padesky 2001Carl Close 2003Vicki Padesky 2004Pete Anderton 2005Rich Seeman 2006Tom Ruhland 2007Bill Goad 2008Steve Herrick 2009Tom Romanowski 2011Jack Weidman 2012Sam Black 20137

Kisner AwardThe Kisner Award was created tohonor an excellent photographer,especially in nature photography,whose special quality wassharing. Thurl (Jack) Kisner wasalways willing to share hisknowledge.The Kisner Award is aperformance award presented toa club member who participatesmost and performs best overall inclub competitions.<strong>Members</strong> receive one point foreach competition entry andanother point for eachacceptance. The CompetitionDirector will tally the points. TheKisner Award is presented at theAnnual Banquet.NOTE: A 1985 rules amendmentprevents a person from receivingthe Kisner Award for twoconsecutive years. Thisamendment also allows SpecialCompetitions to be included in thefinal points tally.Recipients YearRita Campbell 1983Robert & Rita Campbell 1984Peg Schaeffer 1985Maureen Miller 1986Peg Schaeffer 1987Walt Schaeffer 1988Helen Shippy 1989Walt McCulla 1990Jan Gresham 1991Marie Williams 1992Jan Gresham 1993Rita Campbell 1994Marie Williams 1995Robert Campbell 1996Veronica Anderton 1997Marie Williams 1998Pete Anderton 1999Veronica Anderton 2000Pete Anderton 2001Vicki Padesky 2002Pete Anderton 2003Steve Herrick 2004Pete Anderton 2005Rich Seeman 2006Pete Anderton 2007Rich Seeman 2008Tom Ruhland 2009Pete Anderton 2010Veronica Anderton 2011Tom Ruhland 2012Tom Romanowski 20138

<strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> History• September 1954 •Fifty-five <strong>Peoria</strong> area photographers meet in the Blackhawk room of theJefferson Hotel and form the <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. Dwight Miller is theirelected President and the first and third Tuesdays of the month are establishedas their meeting dates.• 1955 •The Constitution of the <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is adopted on May 17th.The <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> becomes affiliated with Photographic Society ofAmerica (PSA) and Central Illinois <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s Association (CICCA).• 1959 •Slide competition “clubs” (Regular, Bronze, Silver, and Gold) are created toallow members to compete against similarly proficient photographers and toadvance as their skills develop.• 1964 •Separate Nature and Pictorial slide divisions are created so photographers cancompete in multiple areas. The pictorial slide division is for more generalphotography, while the nature slide division is a specialized subject matter.• 1975 •The Print Division is formed to offer members more opportunities to developphotography techniques and skills, including how to print photographs and/orcompete in the printed format.• 1976 •Charter members, Irv and Esther Slonneger are presented a special award inappreciation for their twenty-two years of contribution, leadership, and serviceto the <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.• 1978 •The Techniques Division is established as a development program to providehands-on training for developing and using a range of photographic skills.• 1980 •The Photojournalism slide division is created as another specialized subjectarea of competition for members to enhance and sharpen their storytellingcapabilities. The Constitution of the <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is amended toinclude many changes, which have occurred within the club over the years.• 1983 •The Kisner Award was created to honor Thule (Jack) Kisner for his strongdesire to share his photographic knowledge and wisdom with club members.9

<strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> History• 1998 •A Contemporary slide competition is established to provide members with moreopportunities to learn and develop new photography skills and techniques. TheContemporary competition is another special photography area that allowsphotographers a forum to be more creative and innovative in their approach toimage making. As a special competition, all club members compete on a singlelevel rather than in “clubs” as established in the other slide divisions.• 2000 •The Contemporary slide competition is increased from one competition to twocompetitions, with a ribbon award for anyone achieving more than 10acceptances.• 2001 •The Techniques division becomes the Digital/Techniques Division and theContemporary slide competition is changed to the Creative division.• 2002 •The <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> purchases a digital camera and digital slideprojector to develop digital photography training programs and opportunities. Inaddition, the <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> amends the constitution, adjusting theavailable term limits of the President and other board members.• 2003 •The <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> purchases a laptop computer and holds its firstElectronic competition (E-comp).• 2006 •<strong>Club</strong> meeting structure and competitions were reorganized to facilitate the fastgrowth of digital image technology. The Creative division incorporates head tohead digital and slide competition. The club moved its meeting location fromLakeview Museum to Proctor Hospital Professional Building• 2007 •The club changed its name from <strong>Peoria</strong> Color <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> to <strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong><strong>Club</strong> to more accurately match its objectives. The name of the Pictorial slidecompetition was changed to Open slide to clarify the type of images acceptablein that competition. The Photojournalism competitions incorporate head to headslide and digital competitions.• 2008 •The club merged the competitions for Slides and Digital Images into ‘Nature’and ‘Open’. <strong>Members</strong> can enter these competitions as slides or digital images.10

<strong>Club</strong> Equipment & Check-Out Process<strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> equipment is available for use by club members.Equipment is available in two categories: personal use or club projectuse only, as displayed in the tables below.<strong>Club</strong> members are responsible for returning club equipment in usablecondition. Equipment that becomes lost or damaged while in yourpossession is your responsibility to replace or return in proper workingcondition.Contact the person responsible for each piece of equipment forquestions or to request additional information, the equipment or checkoutprocedures.Personal UseEquipmentContactNovatron studio lightsVicki PadeskySlide projectorsTom RuhlandProjection screenTom RuhlandComputer monitor calibrator Tom RuhlandPrint mat cutterRich SeemanPocket WizardsVicki PadeskyPanasonic Digital data projector Tom Ruhland<strong>Club</strong> Project Use OnlyEquipmentContactHitachi digital data projector Tom RuhlandDell laptop computerTom RuhlandYamaha Speakers and stands Tom RuhlandDA-LITE projection screen Tom Ruhland12

<strong>Peoria</strong> <strong>Camera</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Officers2013-2014Executive BoardPresidentVice-PresidentPast PresidentTreasurerSecretaryDigital ProcessingDirector<strong>Members</strong>hipDirectorCompetitionDirectorJulie DodgeRay KeithleyScott DunhamJoe VirbickisDave BowersRoger KniefDoug CoulterRich Seeman256-7725thedodgelodge@gmail.com685-1301Rayk25@yahoo.com682-8970sdunham@icc.edu635-3554psychjoev@comcast.net263-7355dbowers@mtco.com605-321-5406rgknief@att.net370-6890Doug@douglascoulter.com266-5890RLS1940@hotmail.com13

<strong>Club</strong> Administration/EventsPhotoChatterEditorWebmaster<strong>Club</strong> RecordsHandler<strong>Members</strong>hip<strong>Book</strong>s EditorSeminarChairpersonPortrait and StillLife WorkshopChairpersonBanquetChairpersonRefreshmentsChairpersonOutingsCoordinatorChris CoulterDon RosserCarl CloseDoug CoulterJeffreySheltonCarl CloseSue MarxSue MarxCarl Close370-5641Chriscoulter@rushpost.com370-7346donrosser@comcast.net274-5103carlwclose@mchsi.com370-6890Doug@douglascoulter.com691-4292Sheltonjeffrey49@gmail.com274-5103carlwclose@mchsi.com691-3571s-marx@sbcglobal.net691-3571s-marx@sbcglobal.net274-5103carlwclose@mchsi.com14

Competition PersonnelCompetitionDirectorCompetitionChairpersonOpen DigitalHandlerNature DigitalHandlerCreative DigitalHandlerPhotojournalismDigital HandlerPrint HandlerCity LandscapeHandlerJudge ProcurerRich SeemanTom RuhlandDave BowersTom RuhlandRoger KniefBill SnyderWilliam GoadTomRomanowskiJeanetteKosier361-8902RLS1940@hotmail.com274-2467tomr@peoriacameraclub.com263-7355dbowers@mtco.com274-2467tomr@peoriacameraclub.com605-321-5406rgknief@att.net376-2070Will_snyder@hotmail.com697-4045goadw@yahoo.com692-0842troman47@ix.netcom.com685-1624jmkosier@comcast.netNon PCC Competition PersonnelEach organization has its own process and rules. PCC membersneed to follow those processes and rules to avoid disqualification.Heart of Illinois FairPhoto CompetitionCICCA Representative& CompetitionsPSA Representative& CompetitionsNational Insect SalonWilliam GoadBill SnyderPete AndertonSteve Herrick697-4045goadw@yahoo.com376-2070Will_snyder@hotmail.com309-685-8288Pete-sr@juno.com309-879-2682Sycodivr@hotmail.com15

Meeting and Competition Schedule2013-2014Check PCC website and PhotoChatter for current informationDIGITALPRINT ‘PRT’Yearly PCC CompetitionsTwo Creative ‘C’, Two Photojournalism ‘PJ’, One Phone,Four Nature ‘N’, Four Open ‘O’, One City Landscape ‘CL’,One President’s Special, and One End of Year ‘EOY’Three Competitions in each of the print categories; SmallColor, Large Color, Small Monochrome, Large Monochrome.Print & Digital categories (except Phone and CL) may be included in EOY.All entries must be turned in on or before the scheduled turn in date.Entries received after that date will not be entered in the competition.Board Meetings*Board Meetings are at 5:30pm preceding each Competition Meeting.Exceptions are the Board Meetings on 7/30/13 and 6/10/142013DATE TIME EVENT7/30/13 7:00-8:30pm *Board8/20/13 6:30-9:00pm Picnic Glen Oak N-1, O-19/03/13 7:00-9:00pm General PJ-19/17/13 7:00-9:00pm *Competition O-2,9/24/13 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing C-110/01/13 7:00-9:00pm General CL10/12/13 Insect Salon Closing Date10/12/13 TBA CICCA Fall Salon16COMPETITIONSTURN IN SHOW10/15/13 7:00-9:00pm *Competition N-2 O-1, N-110/22/13 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing10/19/13 8am - TBA Insect Salon11/05/13 7:00-9:00pm General O-311/09/13 9am – 4pm <strong>Members</strong> Portrait Workshop11/19/13 7:00-9:00pm *Competition PRT-1 O-2, PJ-111/26/13 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing C-112/03/13 7:00-9:00pm General N -3 CL12/17/13 6:00-9:30pm Christmas Banquet

2014DATE TIME EVENTCOMPETITIONSTURN IN1/07/14 7:00-9:00pm General O-41/14/14 6:00-8:00pmKodaRoamersChallenge Judging1/21/14 7:00-9:00pm *Competition PRT-21/28/14 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing C-22/04/14 7:00-9:00pm General PhoneSHOWPRT-1,N-22/18/14 7:00-9:00pm *Competition PJ-2, N-4 O-3, N-32/22/14 TBA <strong>Members</strong> Still Life Workshop2/25/14 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing3/04/14 7:00-9:00pm General3/18/14 7:00-9:00pm *Competition PRT-33/22/14 8:00-5:00pm Annual SeminarPRT-2,O-43/25/14 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing C-24/08/14 7:00-9:00pm General & Business Pres. Spl Phone4/15/14 7:00-9:00pm *Competition N-4, PJ-24/22/14 7:00-9:00pm Digital Processing .5/06/14 7:00-9:00pm GeneralEOYdigital5/13/14 7:00-9:00pm *CompetitionEOYPrints5/17/14 9:am - ??:pm CICCA Spring SalonEOY5/20/14 7:00-9:00pm Digital ProcessingPrints5/31/14 1:30-6:00pm End of Year Live JudgingPRT-3,Pres. Spl5/31/14 6:30-9:30pm End of Year Banquet EOY6/10/14 7:00-8:30pm *Board*Board Meetings are at 5:30pm preceding each Competition Meeting.Exceptions are the Board Meetings on 7/30/13 and 6/10/14For current schedule and topicswww.<strong>Peoria</strong>Camer<strong>Club</strong>.com17

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