MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:5.FIRST OFFICERIf you’re going, I’ll take a mocha.SNOWHey hey, time out. We got a murderscene growing cold in there, akiller running loose... everysecond’s vital.FIRST OFFICERIt’s a big dog.SNOWI got a way with animals.VEGAI thought you had a way with men.SNOWSame principles apply. It’s allabout taking control. Snow opensthe door and confidently stepsinside.INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHTOn the queen bed, she sees the body of Mr. Martin on hisback, head on a blood-soaked pillow, face beaten andbloodied. And then she sees the powerful PRESA CANARIOattack dog standing by the bed, growling menacingly. Snowspeaks firmly.Sit!SNOW( the growlintensifies)I said... sit!the growl turns (rabid)If you don’t sit, right now --The dog charges. Shit. Snow barely has time to run out --INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS)-- and slam the door. The dog BARKS relentlessly on theother side.Snow looks at Vega.(CONTINUED)

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