MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:57.VEGAYou sure? See, if Willie couldclear up a few questions, he mightbe able to go home tonight. Ifnot... he’s looking at jail time,court dates, possible trial.LAWYERTrying to intimidate a minor? Nice,detective. I think we’re done here.Willie can’t stand it. He starts tearing up again.WILLIENo we’re not! I didn’t do it!INT. POLICE STATION - DAY (CONTINUOUS)CLOSE on a TV MONITOR with the black-and-white video feed ofthe Interview Room, looking over Vega’s shoulder at Willie.WILLIEYou’ve got the wrong --LAWYERWillie, that’s enough.WILLIEWhy can’t I tell ‘em what happened?REVEAL Boyd watching the monitor from his desk. Snow standsover him, along with Los Angeles County Assistant DistrictAttorney DONNA RIVERS, 40s, a smart and fair woman.SNOWI’m not so sure this is our guy.BOYDWhat’re you talking about? We gothis prints and handwriting at thescene. The murder weapon under hisbed. Best friend’s testimony. Allthat’s missing are the rainbowsprinkles on top.SNOWBut look at him, Boyd. He wants totalk to us.BOYDHell yeah. He’s afraid of jail.(CONTINUED)

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