MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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56.INT. TOWNHOUSE - WILLIE’S BEDROOM - NIGHTCLOSE on Willie fast asleep in bed. RACK FOCUS to Tom, adark shadow creeping into the room, bowling trophy in hand.Tom stops at the bed, staring down at his friend. DIP TOBLACK.EXT. TOWNHOUSE - FRONT PORCH - MORNINGThe front door opens. Willie’s MOTHER answers. REVEAL Snowand Vega, with Lucas and two UNIFORM OFFICERS behind them.Snow presents the woman with a search warrant. DIP TO BLACK.INT. TOWNHOUSE - WILLIE’S BEDROOM - MORNINGThe detectives search Willie’s room. Vega finds a piece ofdrawing paper in his desk and shows it to Snow -- it’s acrude comic book image of The Creeper. DIP TO BLACK. Lucaspulls something from under the bed. As he holds up thebowling trophy, caked in blood --FLARE TO WHITE.EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD - MORNINGFADE FROM WHITE to Tom marching on field in formation. Theband is practicing the Waverly High School VICTORY SONG. Upin the stands, Willie sits on a bleacher playing Gameboy.From the field, Tom watches Snow and Vega approach Willieand say something. Tom can’t hear what, but from his vantagepoint he sees two uniform officers closing in from the otherside, forming a net around his increasingly agitated friend.Suddenly, Willie makes a break for it. Tom watches the copsroughly take down Willie and handcuff him. As Willie is ledaway, Tom returns his eyes front, playing his victory songwith the same impassive expression he had in the teaser.INT. POLICE STATION - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAYWillie, face red from crying, sits on one side of the desknext to a LAWYER. Vega sits on the other.LAWYERMy client has nothing to say.(CONTINUED)

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